Interpretation report - Boulogne - provisional statement of damage



Interpretation report - Boulogne - provisional statement of damage


Reports severe damage to shipping over the whole dock area. Describes hits on E-boat pens, with some craters visible on roof with no apparent damage. Three oil storage tanks destroyed, Describes other damage to port area and facilities. Mentions large number of wrecked and submerged craft and other damage to railway facilities, the arsenal, barracks and the town of Boulogne.

Temporal Coverage

Spatial Coverage



Two page typewritten document


This content is property of the Leonard Cheshire Archive which has kindly granted the International Bomber Command Centre Digital Archive a royalty-free permission to publish it. Please note that it was digitised by a third-party which used technical specifications that may differ from those used by International Bomber Command Centre Digital Archive. It has been published here ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre.


MCheshireGL72021-181210-030009, MCheshireGL72021-181210-030010


[underlined] INTERPRETATION REPORT. [/underlined]

[underlined] BOULOGNE. [/underlined]

[underlined] PROVISIONAL STATEMENT OF DAMAGE. [/underlined]

The attack was well concentrated over the whole of the docks area and on and around the E-boat pens. Damage to shipping and port facilities is very severe.

The pens have clearly been hit several times, a section of the lower docking, measuring 100 feet x 40 feet, along the south side of the Bassin Loubet has been blown away, and several craters are visible on the main roof although there is no apparent structural damage. A large building of similar construction to the West of the pens has received at least one direct hit. All three oil storage tanks, and some nearby buildings, to the north west of the pens have been completely destroyed. In the same vicinity, coal handling facilities have been seriously affected by the buckling of a grantry. [sic]

Damage and destruction of port facilities includes very severe damage to the Maritime Station, the destruction of the Customs Offices, damage to the lock gates between Port de Maree and Arriere Port and numerous craters on almost every quay.

It is evident from the number of wrecked or partly submerged craft still visible in the port that shipping suffered seriously in the attack. No fewer than 8 wrecked or damaged vessels measuring from 100 to 150 feet in length and 5 measuring from 150 to 200 feet can be seen, and in addition the floating dock in the Bassin a Flotto is severely damaged and almost completely submerged.

Railway facilities situated to the south west of the Bassin Loubet have been heavily hit and almost all the buildings are partially or completely wrecked. The central station is severely damaged and seen to be still on fire at the time of photography.

The Arsenal to the South of the Bassin Loubet, damaged in previous attacks, is now almost razed, the major portion of the destruction probably having been caused by a large explosion which is revealed by the presence of an unusually big crater.


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The adjacent barracks have again been hit.

Further damage has been caused by this attack in the town Marshalling Yard and the railway bridge crossing the river Lione has received at least 2 hits.

In the main part of the town of Boulogne to the East of the Port de Maree, damage to business and residential property is severe, and in this area identified buildings which have suffered heavily include the main post office and a fish market.



“Interpretation report - Boulogne - provisional statement of damage,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 16, 2024,

Item Relations

This Item dcterms:relation Item: Royal Air Force file cover - Boulogne, dusk 15/16 June 1944