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  • Tags: bomb aimer

Crew posed in two rows in front of plain background. Crew are listed, Back row, Ken Casey (Australian Wireless Operator), Fred McCarten (Air Gunner), Geoff Towers (Air Gunner), George Fairless (Flight Engineer), Front row Mick Miller (Australian Bomb…

Recollections and thoughts by Geoff Towers about his service with 158 Squadron, he was a rear gunner and flew in the Halifax, he flew 40 operations. He lists his crew, Bill Sharp Pilot, Mick Miller Bomb Aimer, John Sessions Navigator, Georg Fairless…

Three items the first is a letter from Officer Commanding 9 Squadron, the second and third are from the King one a typewritten note and the other coloured scroll.

Lists the previous nine operations of Lancaster W4182 and recording that on an operation to Duisburg on the 20 December 1942 just after take off the aircraft collided with Lancaster W4259 from 44 Squadron. There were no survivors. The crews are…

Seven crew, in flying kit, standing in front of a Lancaster. Each man is named on the reverse.

The crew are posed in two rows, the second item is a crew list with Next of kin.
The crew list is, Sgt Hazell, L.C, Pilot, Sgt Gardiner, E , Flight Engineer, Sgt Miller, W.T, Navigator, Sgt Tatley, H.T, Bomb Aimer, Sgt Sharples, E.F. Gunner, Sgt…

Group portrait of five aircrew, two standing and three seated, against a neutral backdrop. Hubert Tatley is fourth from right.

John Taplin and fellow crew members. They are standing in front of a Nissen hut. On the reverse they have signed their names. An additional note states 'LR (Rear Gunner) Waite Dad [circled, John Taplin], Gordon (Nav) Black'.

Henry Sturrock's crew in two rows with bushes behind.
Henry Sturrock's crew and six ground crew in front of a Halifax. The pilot is holding a small dog.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Norman and Violet leaving the church on their wedding day. On the reverse 'Kingsey Park Methodist Church Northampton 5/8/44 Violet Williamson'.

A group of seven airmen seated or leaning on the front of a car.
On the reverse each man is identified.

RAF Form 2520A issued to Norman. It contains a brief record of his service history.

Norman Long's log book as bomb aimer from 26 September 1943 until 21 June 1945. Trained at 48 and 42 Air Schools, 3 AFU, 30 OTU, 1662 HCU, 1 LFS before operational posting to 460 Squadron (RAAF). Served at RAF Hixon, RAF Blyton, RAF Hemswell, RAF…

G. Dennett’s RAF Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from 14/5/42 to 17/3/46, detailing training, operations and instructional duties as a Wireless Operator, Air Bomber, Air Gunner and Radar Operator. Based at: RAF Yatesbury (No. 2…

Four airmen with cigarettes sitting on a low wall. On the reverse 'My 'Escape' photo (with sea water marking)'.

Five aircrew posed in a line in front of a wooden building. By the door 'MT Workshop Keep Out' is painted. On the reverse, 101 Squadron P/O Brodie Navigator, Sgt Davies W/Op, Sgt Waterhouse, Captain, Self A/G, Sgt Clark Bomb Aimer' and Roberts 54…

A handwritten account of the Lancaster ditching and subsequent rescue.

Four airmen walking along a street. One is wearing a greatcoat and three have slung packs over their shoulders.
On the reverse 'Bill Reade, Bob Gunn, Josh Surey & Nick Carter B/A, R/G, Nav, W/Op
Wellington Crew or X R 838 May 1944 Stirling III…

A list of aircraft and crew for an operation to Wurzburg.
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