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  • Tags: Churchill, Winston (1874-1965)

Roddy MacKenzie’s father, Roland, joined the Canadian Royal Air Force in 1942. He trained as a pilot and worked as an instructor in Canada before being posted to RAF Kirmington, where he joined 166 Squadron and received the Distinguished Flying…

Ronald Davis grew up in the East End and worked in London as a solicitor’s office boy. He joined the RAF and trained as a fitter airframe. He was saddened when the pilot of the aircraft he services did not return from operation because they had got…

Ron volunteered for the Royal Air Force at eighteen. Because of his eyesight, he was unsuitable for aircrew and became an airframe fitter. After assessment at RAF Cardington, he went to Bournemouth for drilling and firearms training. He was posted…

Stan Jeffrey was a flight mechanic at RAF Pocklington. He discusses the camaraderie between the ground and air crews. He would stick chewing gum to the undercarriage as a good luck charm. Shortly after the end of the war, the ground crew were taken…

Thomas Charles Arthur Long was born in Quorn, England. He was in the Home Guard and worked at Brush as a draughtsman, also gaining a Higher National Certificate from Loughborough College. He decided to join the RAF being that the only way to get out…

Tom Coles was born in Watford and signed up for the Royal Air Force at the age of 18. He went to Canada for training, a period saddened by the loss of his sister who was in the Women’s Auxilliary Air Force. Tom flew Manchesters, then went to 158…

Wanda Szuwalska was born on a farm in Poland and was deported to Russia by train at the start of the Second World War. She talks of the journey to Russia, the time she and her family spent there, then coming to England and becoming a WAAF. Wanda…

A wartime log kept by Jim Tyrie. He lists his crew on the night they were shot down over Berlin, the construction of tin trays, addresses of co-prisoners, cartoons, London restaurants, newspaper cuttings in German and English and finally more…

Key importance of Battle of the Atlantic outlined by Churchill, Rear Admiral Gadow and Lieutenant Commander Ambrosius in 1941.

Germany’s defence strategy and Britain’s counter-offensive delineated with plans, methods and progress. Despite…

Winston Churchill being cheered in Sheffield; naval warfare in the Atlantic; German invasion of Russia; actions of the Free French Forces plus photographs of various military leaders.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

This edition focuses on a series of statements made by allied leaders and key French figures, reacting to the D-Day landings on 6th June.
General Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force urges people to be ready to play…

Icreased RAF operations, including 400 Spitfires in one day. Despite losses, new Lancaster bombers inflict damage in broad daylight on Augsburg factories, producing submarine diesel engines and other war equipment. Message of thanks to the aircrews…

Bill catches up with domestics, family and friends news. Describes station parade of 2000 men. Now devoting one afternoon a week to station defence. Mentions Winston Churchill and A Sinclair passing through Stanraer. Mentions American in local area…

Bill hopes harvest is going well and complains about food in the camp.

He gives a vivid description of dinghy drill, which was very funny to watch, but got on well with his own swimming and went on to Girvan where he describes what they did on…

Congratulatory letter concerning daylight operation by Bomber Command Lancasters on U-boat factory at Augsburg. 'Undeterred by heavy losses at the outset 44 and 97 Squadrons pierced in broad daylight into the heart of Germany and struck a vital point…

Discusses plans for future to join him. Thanks him for telegram. Says she has booked taxi to station and mentions failure to contact gardener. Comments of recent Churchill speech.

Writes of receiving his letter describing his lone walk amid moors and glens. Reports on what she is reading and her gardening activities. Mentions Attlee's speech and Churchill going to see Roosevelt. Concludes with domestic issues.

Writes that she has just seen film Target for Tonight which she found real and vivid. Mentions seeing a colleague of his in sergeants uniform and pilots wings. Talks of books and Christmas presents. Reports seeing newsreel of Churchill's meeting with…

Writes of gardening and family issues. Notes that Mrs Stenzel has had a job offer with Quakers which might speed her journey to the United States and means she will leave next week. She would now be alone for winter and will take up her Russian…

Thanks him for recent letter and glad he liked photograph. Continues with news of daughter Frances standing and other activities. Mentions, unlike him, she has little time to read and comments on his pilot being high handed and asking if progress…

Thanks him for ringing as it makes her happy and cheerful knowing he is safe. Asked his views on Churchill's speech but did not like his view on using gas on Germany. Writes of how much baby Frances dislike her gas mask and that she will try and get…

The special edition covers Winston Churchill’s statement of 21st September 1943 to parliament on the war.

Churchill describes the war’s progress in North-West Africa, a springboard to further offensive action, following conferences with…

The author was shot down over Linz, Austria whilst bombing a Panzer works. The other six in his crew perished. He was taken to Dulag Luft at Frankfurt then Stalag Luft VII. In January his camp was evacuated and he joined the Long March to the west,…

Article: Mr Churchill on his eastern journey. Account of review of war situation given in parliament by Churchill of events mentioned covering visit to Moscow, talks with M Stalin, growing strength of British forces in Egypt. Malta convoy success,…
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