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  • Tags: military service conditions

Covers policy, organisation, chain of control, administration, discipline, disciplinary powers and status of W.A.A.F. officers and N.C.O.s, saluting, promotion/officers, promotion/remustering and reclassification - airwomen and pay.

Covers introduction to air force law, arrest general, arrest - who can order, arrest of officer, open arrest - no escort, arrest of W.O. or N.C.O., arrest of aircraftsman, arrest of W.A.A.F. personnel, airman's possible loss of pay when in close…

Covers officers who may hear charges, officers punishable summarily, charges against officers, charges against W.O.s, charges against N.C.O.s and aircraftsmen, use of forms for hearing charges, orderly room procedures, civil offences committed by…

Covers duties of M.T. officer, establishments, servicing and maintenance, supply, repairs, lights on service transport, markings on vehicle, licensing of vehicle, types of run, authority of runs: driving licenses, co-ordination of M.T., records to be…

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is three airmen in white uniforms, captioned "The Crew" and 'Van-Den-Ernie'.
Photo 2 is Dennis at his work station, captioned 'The great Moore at work in the air'.
Photo 3 is an airman, captioned 'Butch in…

Written when at the Initial Training Wing in Newquay.

Writes that he joined newly formed Air Training Corps at end of 1941 as this would give an accelerated position on the waiting list for aircrew. Describes training and sports. Called up into army 3 July 1942 and describes training in basic infantry…

Diary starts in early 1944 and describes in some detail his journey to England and his travels around Britain when on leave. Eric was called up into the Australian Army in November 1941 and transferred to the RAAF in June 1943. Went to No 2 AOS at Mt…

Photo 1 is a squad of men being inspected by an officer, Crawford 1940.
Photo 2 is Churchill tanks at Duns, 1942.
Photo 3 is an inspection by General Wladyslaw Anders in 1942.
Photo 4 is a Valentine Mk III tank with Lt. Ludwik Makiello in the…

In full flying clothing surrounded by his equipment.

Two photographs of the inside of the control tower at North Luffenham.
Photo 1 has three airmen working with Henry holding a phone. On the reverse is 'N Luff'.
Photo 2 has Henry on a telephone with a second behind. On the reverse '1950s N.…

Brass button cleaning protector.

The letter refers to an erroneous posting then transfer to Waddington. He will be flying Manchesters. He is billeted with an old couple who don't tolerate drinking. He enjoyed seven days of leave in Coventry and surrounding towns.

Alan writes from Torquay during his training. He had just arrived in pitch black then the next day turned up at the receiving unit. There are lectures and physical training. He will then move to an Initial Training Wing in about a week. Then he…

Three men standing on a wooden walkway outside their hut.

Several airmen at work cleaning windows.

A story about false signals from Monica radar.

A description of an operation over Berlin when the crew had to travel with all their personal kit because they were transferring to a new airfield.

A newspaper cutting referring to an attack on Berlin. Peter Twinn and Alec Gilbert have been quoted with comments on the cold and the fires in Berlin.

A number of individuals eating at trestle tables, sitting on folding chairs in Nissan type building, stove in foreground. Notes refer to photograph, Richard Dimbleby photographs, subject leaning back at L.H. table.
Second is a photograph of a group…

Two men standing on left with several others bending down over parachutes in front of a van with open serving hatch on the right. In the background part of a bomber aircraft. On the reverse 'Issued on behalf of National Y.M.C.A/S'. Two versions.

Five aircrew standing in front of a van with serving hatch open. In the background part of a bomber aircraft. On the reverse 'W/C Gomm 2nd from left, F/Sgt Lee 4th from left'.

Seven aircrew standing in line in front of a van with open serving hatch and rear door. In the background part of a bomber aircraft,

Seven men, six standing and one kneeling down, in front of a van with open serving hatch.
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