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  • Tags: military living conditions

Two airmen, one wearing long trousers and the other shorts standing play-fighting. Behind another airman wearing shorts looks on. In the background grass roofed huts and trees.

Ben Openshaw wearing shorts and short sleeved shirt and tie, stands with hands in pockets in front of grass roofed huts. On the reverse of the second (b/w) photograph 'The first time I put grease on my hair'.

Four airmen wearing shorts and shirts sitting at a table inside a hut playing cards. On the right the legs of another man lying on a bed. On the reverse 'I bet you can't guess what we are playing'.

Two lines of grass roofed huts with telegraph wires between them. A man stands on the right front and two others in the distance on left..

A row of camp beds from front to rear outside the veranda of buildings on two sides of square. An airman wearing tunic is standing front right and others are sitting on and standing by beds in the distance. In the background trees,

A man in swimming trunks and sunglasses sits reading a book outside a hut. Above left a man looks out of an open window. On the right, the door of the hut is propped open.

Group of eight men sitting round a dining table in a large mess dining room. The four in front are Royal Air Force sergeants. Two men on the far side of table are wearing naval uniform. In the background other tables with diners. Ben Openshaw is…

Group of airmen sitting both sides of a long dining table on a veranda. Front left man has his arm round a locally employed steward. Several other stewards stand behind diners.

Ten photographs, one of Anson in flight captioned 'Avro Anson Mk1'.
one looking forward towards the cockpit captioned 'Inside the Anson'.
Three of countryside taken from the air captioned ' Views from outside'.
One of a woman seated in a rowing…

Printed menu, some signatures on the front, from No 31 RAF Personnel Depot, Moncton, Canada.

Bill Ballantyne was in his first year at Cambridge University and a member of the Air Squadron when war was declared out in 1939. Upon joining the air force, he was posted to South Africa, where he trained as a pilot on Tiger Moths. He joined 267…

One colour photograph of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight's Lancaster when painted as 101 Squadron aircraft SR - D, captioned ' No 101 (ABC) Squadron, Ludford Magna, Nov. '43 - June '44.'
Small b/w copy of 101 Squadron badge.
Lancaster on…

Top left - three airmen in khaki uniform with side caps standing in line with trees in the background.
Top right - air-to-ground view of landscape with many bomb craters.
Middle left - an airman on bed in barrack room.
Bottom left - air to…

Seven men standing around a table eating and drinking in a tent. There are bottles on table and one on the floor underneath. Probably taken at Tinian. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

Article by Carl Olssen from 'Illustrated' magazine 19 February 1944. Comments on the operations to Berlin, on the poor living conditions on all the newly built airfields, outlines the preparations for an operation throughout the station. Numerous…

The last issue of Kandy Calling. A magazine with news, quizzes, stories, sports reports, personalities, photographs, cartoons, letters to the editor and adverts.

11 items on a page of a scrapbook.
Item 1 - programme for a revue 'Let's Have Another One' taking place on RMS Scythia on 5-8 November 1945.
Item 2 - photograph of A C Coller in tropical uniform standing beside two local boys who are sitting on…

Christmas at RAF Felixstowe. Artwork show standing airman with bottle and one slumped sleeping with full stomach. Printed menu.

Margaret Cuthill's account of her time in the WAAF. At the age of 17 she volunteered for the WAAF and was enrolled as a teleprinter operator. She was sent to Wilmslow for training. After four weeks of drill and physical exercise she was posted to…

Four seated on a rug and three kneeling behind. Margaret is front row, far left. Behind are nissen huts.

Writes of his last operation in a Halifax when his aircraft was shot down and exploded killing all the other members of the crew. Describes journey to camp and being in Frankfurt while it is under bombing attack. Continues with description of life as…

From Bill Akrill who is undergoing training at No.1 Elementary Air Observer School, Eastbourne, congratulating him on the birth of his son and saying how good the food is.

Describes life at RAF Upper Heyford including visiting servicemen living locally and bemoaning the posting of a colleague to another Operational Training Unit. Remarks that neither Harry nor the 'censor gentleman' will find the letter particularly…
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