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  • Tags: aerial photograph

Top - oblique aerial photograph of a town with damaged multi-story buildings. Submitted with description 'Oblique "Cook's tour" aerial photo of unknown town showing bomb damage. Ministry No. CL 2173'.
Bottom - a man sitting in front of a wireless…

Top - target photograph showing smoke from bomb explosions, small area of buildings visible bottom left corner. Submitted with description 'Aerial photo of Osnabruck after a bombing attack, showing smoke. Ministry No. C5130'.
Bottom - target…

Bottom - oblique aerial photograph of town with railway running left to right through middle. Captioned 'Unknown town'. Submitted with description 'Oblique "Cook's tour" aerial photo of unknown town.'.

This is West Essen, the photo is taken…

Bottom left - oblique aerial photograph of a town with destroyed and damaged buildings. Captioned 'Unknown town'. Submitted with description 'Oblique "Cook's tour" aerial photo of unknown town showing bomb damage'.

Top - reconnaissance photograph of a almost totally destroyed industrial facility. A few buildings towards the top of the photograph appear intact. Captioned 'Zeitz oil refinery. Submitted with description 'Aerial photo of Zeltz [sic] oil refinery…

Top - oblique aerial photograph of an airfield with many bomb craters. Two wide grass runways forming a “V” at bottom left, with taxi-track running left to right across centre of photograph. Hardstanding leads off at top right with two or more…

Top - a note referring to a missing photograph.
Bottom - oblique aerial photograph of Emmerich with the Rhine running top left to middle right. St. Martini church on near bank and a pontoon bridge across the Rhine. Captioned 'a town on the river…

Top - oblique aerial photograph of Bremen port with river Weser to the left running bottom to top with dock to the right. Pier in between has extensive railway sidings to the left, warehouses in the middle are mainly without roofs but cleared of…

Top - oblique aerial photograph of a city showing damaged multi-storey buildings. Captioned 'Hamburg'.
Bottom - oblique aerial photograph of a city showing damaged multi-storey buildings at the bottom. Both submitted with description 'Oblique…

Top - oblique aerial photograph of a city with many damaged buildings. Captioned 'Hamburg'.
Bottom - oblique aerial photograph of a city showing park in centre and main roads running bottom right to left. Damaged buildings in foreground. Both…

Top - reconnaissance photograph of a city with many damaged buildings. Captioned 'Essen'. Submitted with description 'Aerial "Cook's tour" view of Essen May 45. May 1945'.
Bottom - oblique aerial photograph of industrial site with many damaged…

Top - oblique aerial photograph of a city with roads running left to right, the nearest one being tree lined and many damaged buildings
Bottom - oblique aerial photograph with the river Rhine running left to right and buildings including chimneys…

Top - view inside a cathedral with rubble on floor and head and shoulders of three men at the bottom. Captioned 'Cologne Cathedral, commencing repairs, 4 America soldiers look on'. Submitted with description 'Interior of Cologne Cathedral, showing…

A reconnaissance photograph of an airfield with three runways and dispersals all round. Camp buildings bottom right. Submitted with description 'Aerial photo of RAF Metheringham. Annotated "3253. CPE/UK 2009. 16 April 47. F/20" // 16/400 Multi (4)…

Aerial photograph is a mass of light streaks, nothing else visible. Photograph captioned '1632 FCX 21/22.6.43/NT 8" 19500' 0205 135M KREFELD RDB 2X1000GP 630X4 48X30 P11 S/L DEBENHAM X 10.

An extremely detailed account of the No 51 Squadron briefing for the operation to Essen on 28/29 November 1944 by Henry. It includes all the specialist officers as well as the Station Commander's brief. It also includes Henry's crew, Station and…

Target photograph showing railways running top to bottom with marshalling yard centre right. Bomb explosions over yard. A Lancaster is visible bottom left flying to the left. Titled 'Vaires marshalling yard (14 miles east of Paris) 18 July 1944,…

Top - titled 'Milfield X Squadron'. Copy of a painting of side view of an airborne Martinet in brown and green camouflage flying to left with fields below. Captioned 'A Martinet flying over Milfield. Copied from a painting by Noel Wooding'.

Two versions of the same strip with enlargements of all slides. Slide 1 - captioned 'Returning load of ex-POWs (American) to Chilbolton Hants UK from Brussels'. A large group of men in various dress standing behind a Stirling with trees and building…

Four photographs of damage to German cities taken on two of the 'Cooks Tours' flown by no 153 Squadron.

The first has the caption 'T3 SCM 30.5.45//7" HAMM 2,000'. F/LT LANGFORD C.153 and shows Hamm railway marshalling yard with tracks running from…

From information provided by the donor. Taken on a post war 'Cooks Tour'. Shows severe damage to buildings. Information on photograph, 'T3 SCM. 30/5/45//7" OSNABROOK 2,000' F/LT LANGFORD C. 153.

Oblique aerial photograph of the cathedral taken from north looking south.
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