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  • Tags: sport

He has only had one letter that week. He watched a musical comedy last night. He has been playing cricket. Weather has been good.

Three letters received this week. They have been playing cricket.

Les' record of his time as a prisoner of war. Lots of sport and camp plays and musicals. He escaped in September when Italy made peace with the Allies. He describes his journey to British lines then back home.

He asks for a cigarette machine and a diary. His health is good. They are having a sports meeting plus board games, lectures and concerts.

He has had no mail from her. Its been raining again. He is rehearsing for a concert party. No sport this week because of the weather.

Written to his brother who was pilot training in Canada. Asks after Joan and mentions recent activities in Scunthorpe. Mentions he is now in the RAF and describes initial activities and train journey and meeting someone who had missed their…

Letter and explanatory note. Catches up with news of friends. Writes of visit by his parents to Scarborough and describes activities including dinner at the Victoria hotel. Mentions receiving inoculation and being confined to barracks. Writes of…

Letter and explanatory note. Comments on Alex's new course and news. Mentions exams he had taken and provided results. Mentions his sister visiting with friend previous Sunday and possible future visits. Mentions recent invasion exercises and…

Letter and explanatory note. Writes of plan to go to cinema later that evening and then go night flying. Mentions exploring the local glorious countryside including visit to Coniston. Describes a football match he took part in and low level flying in…

Letter and explanatory note. Writes while playing housey-housey (bingo) in the mess. Describes some events over Christmas including cycling 40 miles to meet Mary, going for walk and going to see a film. Describes life at his station, mentioning…

Letter and explanatory note. Reports arrival of family mail. mentions operations to Augsburg and Schweinfurt getting good photographs of the latter. Mentions an electrics failure on return from Augsburg and had to divert to airfield on the south…

Day by day description of activities for 1940. Mentions sport, air battles and air raids, war news, weather, social life, RAF and navy operations. going to cadets, films seen, Morse and navigation lessons, battle of France, playing football and…

Day by day description of events and activities for 1941 and 1942. Records films seen, war news including RAF operations, football matches played, weather, going to cadets, air raids, dates with Mary, social events, meeting friends, fire watching…

Margaret Cuthill's account of her time in the WAAF. At the age of 17 she volunteered for the WAAF and was enrolled as a teleprinter operator. She was sent to Wilmslow for training. After four weeks of drill and physical exercise she was posted to…

A brief biography of Raymond by his sister, Marie Laydon.

Laurie Davis trained as a wireless operator and first went to RAF Silverstone where crews were formed. Because of his bright red hair, he was then known as ‘Red’. The crew worked on Wellingtons for a few weeks and then Stirlings at RAF Syerston.…

Iain was a National Service air gunner in the 1950s and served with 214 Squadron at RAF Upwood in Huntingdonshire, after being called up at the age of 18. Upon completion of training, he flew on Wellingtons and fighter affiliation with Spitfires. He…

Photo 1 is a group of Polish airmen marching along the promenade at Blackpool. In the background is Tussauds.
Photo 2 is a half length portrait of a civilian woman in a coat. She has an RAF badge and is wearing a head scarf.
Photo 3 is a person in…

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Roy was born in Lincoln in 1933 and was six years old when war broke out.
He left school at the age of 15 and went to work for Lincoln City Council in the Pension department and was called up for National Service in 1951, doing basic training at RAF…

Narborough Road Senior Boys' School No 1 July 1937 school magazine. Articles about school visits, a short story, school sports and activities.

Glad to get latest letter dated 10 July. Comments on some content particularly cooking. Mentions other letter from same location also describing conditions including mention that Douglas had taken part in a boxing contest and that chaplain visited.…

Wrote that she had note from censor that she could not send a parcel direct but only via Red Cross and could only contain soap. Mentions some parcels got through but according to post office it was just good luck. Philosophises about hope. Continues…

Addressing this letter to home as it would suffice as his letter home as well. Apologises as he is being distracted by other crew members in the hut. Comments on her exams and asks what he next appointment will be. Continues with gossip about friends…


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