The Narborian



The Narborian


Narborough Road Senior Boys' School No 1 July 1937 school magazine. Articles about school visits, a short story, school sports and activities.



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One 28 page printed magazine


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The Magazine of the Narborough Road Senior Boys' School. Leicester.

[school crest]

Number 1. - July 1937

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THE [underlined] " N A R B O R I A N " [/underlined]

[underlined] Number 1. - July, 1937. [/underlined]

[underlined] by the Headmaster. [/underlined]

It affords me the greatest pleasure to introduce the first number of our School Magazine.

I feel that it will supply a long-felt want in the school life of all the scholars, and will also afford a pleasing souvenir of their time spent in our midst.

Another object in view is the help it will give towards fostering a keener sense of 'school spirit'.

Our thanks are due to the boys who have contributed towards this, our first number, and I hope their efforts will spur on more boys to emulate them for our next issue.

I am sure that it is the earnest wish of all that our School Magazine shall become a permanent institution.

H.J.H. Vann.

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[underlined] FROM THE EDITOR'S DEN. [/underlined]

BOYS, this is [underlined] your [/underlined] Magazine. You have contributed the articles, stories, poems, you have performed the athletic feats, carried out the tours and visits, made the sketches reproduced herein...... If you are not satisfied with it, therefore, the remedy is in your own hands.Set about putting matters right by writing still better articles, drawing still better sketches, making still more interesting visits, getting fewer 'ducks', scoring more goals!......

We are sorry that we have not been able to find room for an excellent article on 'Nature Talkies' by H.Copeland, some useful 'Gardening Hints' by G.Abson, and several good sketches by various boys......
Despite all that is said on other pages, with regard to the School Orchestra, the boys who compose it, under the leadership of Mr.Edington, are to be congratulated on the real progress they have made......
Many boys, also, will wish to congratulate Arthur Fowkes of IIb on the work he has done for them in connection with the Junior Division of the R.S.P.C.A. He has enrolled more than 30 boys and disposes of more than two dozen copies of the Magazine 'Animal Ways' monthly, besides obtaining for his members the Pledge Card binding them to kindness to animals. Bravo, Arthur!......

The following boys are on the Magazine Committee: Herbert Copeland(3a), Clifford Osborne(3b), Jack Harris(2a), George Newman(2b), Ernest Pole(Ia), Arthur Smith(Ib), Peter Hart(Remove).We thank them for all the help they have given......

We are looking forward to a good time on Prize Day, when Councillor Hallam will be with us to distribute the Prizes......

Finally, Mr.Vann and the Staff have had faith enough to believe that a Magazine would be worth while. Will you prove it?

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[lino-cut depiction of medieval man with bow & arrow, and in background an animal being roasted on a spit attended by another medieval man, entitled "A PAGEANT MEMORY. From a Lino-cut by D.Machin, and drawings by D.Machin and H.Riddington."]

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(by D.Nicholson Ia.)

On Saturday, June 12th., twenty of us went to Stratford by 'Bus. Mr.Greenwood and Mr.Foss went with us, in the 'bus, and Mr.Vann, Mr.Edington, and Mr.Johnson and Mr.Lambert made the journey by car, with their wives. Mr. Vann led the way.

The first stop was at Guy's Cliff Mill, an old Saxon Mill near Warwick. Here, Mr.Johnson took a photograph of the party. Going through Warwick, we noticed a house no wider than three school-desks put together. Arriving at Stratford, we stopped at the Theatre, and, crossing a stretch of grass, we went down to the water-side.There we fed the swans.

I took my bag out and looked at my sandwiches. I found that I had also a hard-boiled egg which had not been shelled. Putting it back in my bag, and the bag into my pocket, I warned all the boys to be careful not to break it for me, when suddenly the bag broke, my egg dropped to the ground and smashed.The boys wrote a note about this in their note-books which MR.Edington (who had organised the party) had provided.Mrs.Johnson finally took care of my egg, only the shell of which was really broken, in her handbag!

The party next set out to visit Ann Hathaway's Cottage at Shottery. I walked about fifty yards ahead of the party, and once, when they turned a corner, they found me sitting down against a wall enjoying an apple. On the other side of the road from the Cottage was a little stall with ices, sweets and 'pop'. Here Mr.Vann treated us all to Lemonade or Grapefruit! In an orchard behind the stall we had lunch, and after this walked over the fields to Stratford Church where Shakespeare was baptised. Most oof [sic] us signed our names in the

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Visitors' Book and put some coppers in the box. Going back to the River-side we entered the Theatre to see the play "A Midsummer-Night's Dream".

The Play opened by showing Duke Theseus saying pretty words to his bride-to-be. Just then an old man came in with his daughter Hermia."My daughter Hermia," he stormed,"will not marry Demetrius. Therefore I claim the old Athenian penalty that she be put to death or remain a spinster all her life." Lysander and Hermia plan to run away and meet in the Fairy Wood. The next scene had trees in the background and one large oak in the front with a great hollow in it. Nick Bottom the Weaver and all his troupe came in. An old man carries a stool and a lantern. Snug, a deaf old fellow, sits down on the floor, puts his head nearly on his lap and begins to read his part aloud. Pyramus (or Nick Bottom cries out,"Thisby, the flowers of odious savours sweet!" Peter Quince, a fat old man jumps up and and says,"No! No! Odours! odours!" After several funny attempts, all useless, he says,"Thy breath is like....savours sweet!" Then he goes out to SEE A NOISE he has heard, and, when he comes back, by one of Puck's pranks, he is wearing an ass's head, and all are frightened and run away! Pyramus (Bottom) wanders about the woods, not knowing which way to go. Hermia and Lysander then come through the trees, and after talking for a while lie down to sleep. At the top of a bank is the hollow trunk, and in this lies Titania, the Queen of the Fairies. Puck, up to his usual pranks stains Lysander's eyes with the juice of a flower When Lysander awakes he forgets his love for Hermia and falls in love with Helena. Meanwhile Puck also stains the eyes of Demetrius and both men are attracted by Helena. This causes the ladies to quarrel and the men to chase one another to fight a duel. Puck, however, creates a mist and they cannot find one another. Presently they both sit down for a rest and fall asleep. Then the two ladies

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come along and also lie down to rest, Hermia not far from Lysander and Helena near Demetrius. Puck touches the eyes of Lysander once again and scampers off. Awaking in the morning, the couples find the Duke, his men and Hermia's father. In the end, three couples are married at the same time. Finally Nick Bottom's ass's head is removed and he rushes back to Peter Quince's room in time to perform the play before the duke.

Leaving the Theatre we all went along to a cafe to have our tea. I drank six cups! Then we visited Shakespear's House, bought all the sweets we wanted and boarded the 'bus for home at 7.40.

[sketch of Nick Bottom with an Ass's head, drawn by Burdett, Ia.]

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[underlined] OUR TRIP TO WINDSOR CASTLE AND THE THAMES. [/underlined]

On the last day of the Whitsuntide Holidays, a party of forty boys made an Excursion to Windsor Castle (where they spent two hours), and enjoyed a delightful (trip up the River Thames to Marlow) which lasted about three hours. The weather was perfect after an early morning which had threatened rain. We will let John Boulter(3A) describe shortly the Tour of the Castle:-

From Windsor Station to the Castle was a short journey. This suited everybody as all were tired of travelling.

At the Gates in the Castle Wall, a sentry was spotted, making a colourful splash against the grim old Castle. His uniform consisted of busby, red tunic and white belt, a white strap running from right hip over left shoulder down to right hip again, this representing the bandolier of war-time. Blue trousers with a red stripe completed the perfect object for a snapshot. Many boys realised this, and the unfortunate sentry was the target of a terrifying battery of cameras. Moving on, we were shown the way to St.George's Chapel, the finest piece of Perpendicular work in the country.

The Nave, a fine piece of workmanship, was the first entered. St.George's Chapel, the resting-place of no fewer than ten sovereigns, has a long History. There, the Order of the Garter was instituted. Only people of noble blood (or people especially knighted by the Sovereign) can belong to this Order. The necessary robes cost £300, and they are only worn once a year. Although coveted, it is turned down at times because of the expense attached to it. The banners of the present-day Knights, and also their helmets, adorn the walls.

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The Albert Memorial Chapel was next visited. The Guide, a somewhat crusty old war-horse, gave forth a burning, fiery speech, and also gave curt orders to move along. This policeman-general helped to liven-up the proceedings, no-one taking any notice of him, except to smile on leaving the Chapel. This Chapel, he said, is older than the St.George's Chapel. Queen Victoria re-decorated it in memory of the Prince Consort, her husband. The windows are of stained-glass, and stories from the Bible, selected by the Queen's children, are represented in wonderful etchings along the walls.

The Horseshoe Cloisters contained some fine old Tudor Architecture. In the buildings around these, the choir of St.George's live.

Inside the State Apartments we saw the Grand Staircase, made of white marble. The colours of famous regiments rest there, and fearsome armour litters the walls. We saw three magnificent painted ceilings, done by a great Italian painter, Verrio and we were told that the Death-Watch Beetle had destroyed several of the original roofs.

The walls of the State Bedroom were covered with green damask silk. In all the rooms we saw splendid paintings by Rubens, Van Dyck etc. The Guard Chamber interested me also. Here the King's Bodyguard slept. All around the walls are implements of war - daggers, swords, muskets, pistols, armour. Finally, there was, at the back of St. George's Chapel, a group of about ten buildings, all belonging to a different age, and of a different style of Architecture... Nowhere else in the world, said our Guide, will you find such a group.

In an Exam. Paper: "One of the chief causes of the French Revolution was that, while the King and his court were living in luxury, the pheasants [sic] were starving."

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[underlined] Mystery at Greytowers. [/underlined]

An Original Story by John Boulter.

Greytowers School was situated on the top of a high cliff on the South Coast. Massive towers frowned upon dominutive [sic] humans who lived inside its walls......

Sneaky Fox was padding silently along the 5th. Form Corridor, hoping for a chance to listen to something important; and he was not to be disappointed. Suddenly a door burst open and out rushed Ted Morgan, bumping into Sneaky and sending him flying. As they both sat up groaning, Sneaky espied a letter which Ted had dropped. Reaching out, he grabbed it, but Ted, seeing his move, held on to part as well. The result was that the letter tore into two pieces. The Sneak immediately ran away, with part of the letter in his hand......

Bob Redwing was searching for his raincoat, but could not find it. Feeling very wrathful, Bob was striding down the 4th.Form corridor when he espied Fatty Rogers hurrying down. A bellow escaped him, making the Juniors jump out of their skins. More surprised still was Fatty who yelped when he saw Redwing bearing down upon him, giving the Juniors another shock. They opened their doors, and were just in time to see Fatty disappearing down the corridor, with Redwing in hot pursuit. The cause of the commotion was that Fatty had the missing raincoat over his massive body, a body that would turn the scales at 15 stone. The seams of the coat were burst, due to Fatty's swollen figure. Hence the unfortunate Redwing's rage.As Fatty raced down the steps to the cellar for refuge, panting with the effort, he suddenly pulled up, staring ahead. The object of the stare was a boy examining the fragment of a letter, in the corner of the cellar. Being intent on his task, he did not

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hear Fatty stealing up behind him. Steering clear of boxes, chairs etc., he got close enough to read the fragment, by the light of the lamp on the table. Sneaky had a feeling of danger, and thought he felt hot breath upon the back of his neck. He whirled round – but saw no-one. As he did so, Fatty reached out his hand and drew it back again, the small piece of paper clutched tightly. Sneaky made a hurried search, failed to find his letter, and, hearing the faint clanging of a bell, hurried out of the cellar......

Billy Moxon and Dennis Rawlins were scrambling down the cliff-side, when they heard men's voices. They stopped and looked at each other. This part of the beach was reserved for the School, and the voices were those of strangers. Billy and Dennis were puzzled. Moving cautiously, they approached. They crouched behind a boulder, listening. "All right, Seth, we'll look after Grafton", said a voice, with a menacing note, "You had better settle things with your kid brother, or the 'cops' will get to know about the Brayford job." Billy and Dennis moved away. Thay [sic] had heard enough......

A week after this encounter, Dr. Grafton was pacing his study. A robbery had taken place at the School. Billy and Dennis were facing him, relating the story of the cliff encounter. "Fetch Morgan, Rawlins.", said Dr.Grafton. Morgan was talking to Mr. Pinchbeck and Smith, a Junior who had witnessed the incident in the corridor. Mr. Pinchbeck, as usual, was being 'nosy'. He was very annoyed when Rawlins came along and asked Morgan to go to the Headmaster's study. In the study the whole miserable tale came out. Seth Morgan, Ted Morgan's brother had lost money through betting, and had borrowed it out of the firm's safe. Being a trusted employee, he had been given free access to the safe. Under the evil influence of Rat-Face, a well-known crook, he had helped in a robbery at Brayford, and, later, planned another at Greytowers School, with the help of his brother. He had been

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He had been [sic] found out on the safe robbery, and had been sent to prison for it. On his release,he had written a letter to his brother, Ted. That part of the letter which Sneaky had, stated: "I have ... gaol ... robbery ... school ...

The unfortunate Ted had been blackmailed by Sneaky into giving him late passes and other privileges, owing to his dangerous knowledge. The eavesdropping of Billy and Dennis led to the mystery being cleared up. Rat-Face and his gang were convicted, Seth was cautioned, and Ted regained his lost favour at School.

The cloud over Greytowers floated away, and the Sun took its place.
J.B. 3A

[underlined] CAN YOU FIND any flaw in the above story? [/underlined]

[underlined] CRICKET. [/underlined]

The Shield Matches in Brief, by Maurice Geary Ia.

The first Shield Match we played was against King Richard's Rd, when we lost, the scores being K.R.R. 24 runs, Narborough Rd. 18. Maclean took 7 wickets.

Our next match was against Mantle Rd. We batted first, and they fetched us out for NINE, Stevens and Edwards making TWO each!They (Mantle Rd.), went in and batted well, beating us easily. Maclean took 4 wickets, Edwards 2 and Goddard 1.

In the next match against St.Martins, we scored 30, Caple getting 9 and Osborne 6. Our fielding let us down, and St.Martin's made 33 runs. Maclean took 6 wickets and Edwards 3.

The last Shield Match was against Ellesmere Rd.
(see Page 24.)

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[underlined] NOTES ON YARD GAMES etc., 1936-7. [/underlined]

The following Notes have been contributed by Mr. Atkins, who has been mainly responsible for the organisation of the various yard games and events mentioned:-

[underlined] Pillar Ball, [/underlined] Oct. to Dec. 1936. Play was not up to standard as a rule, cantreing, [sic] as it did, on one or two boys instead of depending on Team-work. The best game I saw was that between Lutterworth and Rothley in the Shield Semi-Final. This was won by Rothley by 9 to 7. In the Final, Rothley beat Bosworth by 7 to 2.

[underlined] Shinty. [/underlined] The standard of play was very poor all through. Boys seemed afraid of holding the ball and getting along with it. There was too much 'hit and rush'. Perhaps the best game was seen in the Final, when Rothley beat Lutterworth by 1-0.
[underlined] Net Ball. [/underlined] For the second year Thurcaston won this Shield. Quite interesting games were seen, but more boys should study the game and make themselves proficient enough to take their places in their House Teams.
[underlined] Boxing. [/underlined] 76 boys entered for the Tournament, and a fair number were evidently novices. I should say that many of the rounds were poor, but good form was shown in the bouts between
Sykes and Lynch
Rogers and Taylor
Buswell and Austin
Marston and Hutchins.
Dalby was in a class by himself in the "Heavies".
Feather Wt - Marston T.
Light Wt - McLean L.
Middle Wt - Rogers Bo.
Lt.Hvy - Lynch T.
Heavy Wt - Dalby T.
CUP WINNERS - Thurcaston.

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[underlined] CROSS-COUNTRY RUN. [/underlined] March 18th., 1937

A pleasant afternoon saw 133 boys start off on a four-mile run, which was done in quite good time. The first three boys home were:-
Watts (L), Smith K. (T), and Marston (T)., while great credit must be given to a Junior, Taylor (R), who finished Fourth.
[underlined] Senior. [/underlined]
[underlined] Junior. [/underlined]
[underlined] HOUSE FOOTBALL [/underlined] - Owing to bad weather and the unfavourable state of the ground, this competition had to be abandoned for the first time in the history of the School.

[underlined] A further Note [/underlined] on the Boxing Finals, by P.Elton:

One of the most exciting bouts was that between Eric Lynch and Eric Sykes. The fight started well, Lynch getting two good blows to the jaw, and making Sykes miss badly. They boxed quietly for a time in the centre of the ring. Then Sykes upset this spell of peace by dashing in and landing a blow on Lynch's chin. This made Lynch angry, but the bell sounded the end of the First Round.

Sykes began the Second Round by chasing his opponent round the ring a few times. Then they started hammering away at each other, Lynch getting the better of it all the time. Sykes' nose began dripping towards the end of this Round, and he appeared to be longing to go home!

The Third Round began by Lynch's falling over. He got up, only to be knocked down again. Lynch soon had Sykes on the ropes, and was hitting hard.

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[underlined] OUR PART IN THE PAGEANT. [/underlined]
by Kenneth Grain Ia

All the boys and girls who were to be in the Pageant were very disappointed when it had to be postponed on account of rain. We had about 15 practices and two dress-rehearsals. Our boys (100) were divided into archers, quarter-staff men, acrobats, banqueteers and sheriff's-men. The first practice we had was to teach us to fight with our staves. Then we practised coming on the field and taking up our positions. Later the boys from the Gateway School joined us, and we took our Episode right through, with all the cheerings and shoutings. After that the Supervisor came to see it.

In our Episode we have to go on to the field and fight with our quarter-staves and bows and arrows. Then Robin Hood comes on and we all shout a welcome. A pedlar approaches and Robin Sends Friar Tuck to greet him. He is taken to the table to eat venison (some of Mr.Lambert's breed, especially produced in the Woodwork Room for this Pageant! ED.)The Sheriff and his men arrive on the scene. The foresters are hiding behind the bushes. The others, Robin, Friar and company, are disguised as beggars. Robin throws off his disguise, blows his horn and the foresters rush out to chase off the Sheriff's men, taking the Sheriff prisoner......

We are sure the 'men in Lincoln-green' are grateful to Mr. Greenwood, Mr.Atkins and others, who put in so much work in connection with the above..


The little sketch of ST.George (at the Microphone!) is from memory by A(?) Burdett.Ia.

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The referee hereabouts had a word with Lynch, but the fight went on until the bell rang, Lynch being the victor.
And a few words about the Cross-Country Run by R.Wright:-

The Run was started at The Robert Hall corner. At the outset Carr was leading, and the going was hard as it was up-hill. By the time the top of Upperton Road was reached, Dalby led. The road sloped down for about 150 yds., and then there was a level stretch. All the boys tailed out into a long line, Watts leading.

At the entrance to the Park there were about a dozen boggy patches. A great laugh went up when someone stuck in one of these. In the park we found ourselves mainly running in groups again. Dalby again led at the exit from the Park. This part of the Course was good, except for a few puddles. Half a mile along the road - all muddy, and we entered the Park again. A gravel path, and then the roadway and we were home, to find that Watts had reached there first, at 4 o'clock!

The Course Stewards were:-
Copeland, Rice, Boulter, Adnitt, Crooks, Bond, Caple and Mitchell.

[underlined] THE SEASON'S FOOTBALL. [/underlined]
by Douglas Caple, 3b.

This Season has been a particularly bad one for the Football Club since we did not collect a single point, finished at the bottom of the Chart and were relegated.

Before Christmas, Mr. Greenwood felt that he did not get the best of sportsmanship from us. We had afew [sic] heavy defeats, the heaviest coming

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from our near neighbours, King Richard's Road, and the score being 9-0.

We had two boys - Purnell and Dalby - playing for Leicester Boys, and they served the School well.

Every School we played performed the double at our expense.

Better sportsmanship and School-spirit will, we hope, bring its reward next Season. Play up, play up, Narborough!

[underlined] THE AREA SPORTS. [/underlined]
[underlined] JUNE 9TH. [/underlined]

These were held on the Aylestone Playing Fields and the Narborough Road Boys who took part were:- 100 Yds.: Harris and Jones, 220:Goddard, Martin(3b), and Jones. High Jump:Bacon, Finlinson and Martin (2a), Hurdles:Wooding, Rogers, Bennett. The Relay Team consisted of Martin(2A), Warren, Hanley, Martin (3b)

In the 100 yds. there were two heats, Harris & Jones being in the second heat, and coming in third and first respectively. In the 220 yds., Jones was number one and Goddard number 3. Then came the Relay, in which all our boys ran well. Martin, as last man, brought us up to 3rd. place. Next came the Hurdles, which was not so good. Bennett had no running kit, and had to run in long trousers and ordinary shoes, but he ran a very good race and was coming in third, when he fell at the last hurdle. Rogers and Wooding failed to get a place and our boys also failed in the Cricket Ball event. Three of us, however, did well in the High Jump, and Goddard, Jones, and the Relay Team go on to the Town Sports.
G.JONES (School Capt.)

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seems to have inspired two of our Poets. Here are the results of their inspiration:

THE CORONATION's a magnificent scene
For our beloved King and Queen,
And, as the carriage moves along,
Cheers come from the might throng.

IN THE ABBEY the Priest stands
And prays to God, whose Mighty Hands
Have made George king, King George the Sixth,
O'er nations now his rule is fixed.

FLAGS ARE FLYING at full mast,
Horses trotting, not too fast,
Trimmings hanging in the street,
Guns are booming in the Fleet

THE PRINCESSES are there too,
In the Abbey all day through,
Margaret Rose and Elizabeth
Will be Royal until death!
Norman Buswell Ia.

THE CORONATION was held in May,
Schools all over had a holiday.
At Westminster Abbey, the King was crowned,
And everywhere joy did abound.

BELLS were ringing,
Shaking the towers,
Striped flags fluttering
From windows and bowers.
PEOPLE then did dance and sing,
While the bands play
David Nicholson Ia.

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[comical sketch of the orchestra]

STRIKES up! (by Arthur Smith, Ib)

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[underlined] THE SCHOOL ORCHESTRA, [/underlined]
as it appears to one of our wags!

The School Orchestra (?) consists of several screechy violins played by big, little and small boys. The boys stand in crooked, deformed attitudes and send forth a number of squeaks, groans, howls and other weird noises hard to distinguish.

The Assembly march is quite amusing when it is played by this Orchestra. The boys play notes that are quite invisible to the unmusical, and probably to themselves as well. When one violin strikes a wrong note, the other boys are sure to follow their leader (with a capital L). To describe this orchestra briefly, we might call it a Cats' Chorus learning a new Jazz Number!

As the Assembly march draws to a close, the boys pull up and stop with a noise like a myriad of car brakes in sad need of a spot of oil. But no no [sic] doubt the boys imagine that some fine day they'll become great Mendelssohns or Mozarts. They - I mean these youthful violinists - play a wonderful mixture of Jazz, Highbrow and Symphony, all at the same time. I have no doubt they think themselves really versatile.

There is, however, one great advantage to the possession of such an Orchestra - that is that since its foundation, we have not been troubled with rats or mice!

On the first note from our Orchestra,
The rain comes down on the City of Leicester.
They rub a powder on their strings,
(You see, I get to know these things),

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My senses go - I know no more,
Until I come round - on the floor.
The pupils flee - especially me,
And all is quiet, as quiet can be!

THE BOYS assemble in the Hall,
It sounds like traffic in the streets of Gaul,
The violins are already there,
They all show signs of wear and tear.
The squeaks and groans make me quite white,
They are enough to put lions to flight,
And all amidst the awful fray,
The dust blows to and fro all day.
The violins bend beneath the strain,
And all of a sudden down pours the rain!
The gutters and drains begin the flood
And yet they think they're awfully good!

Another correspondent suggests that the music (?) produced by the Orchestra is like the mixture of noises coming from a fight between a dog, a cat and a hen! ... And that, speaking of scraping the catgut, he is of the opinion that the poor cats must have come back to life and are trotting around with a number of tins cans tied to their tails!

"Waiter, this steak is like leather, and the knife is blunt" "I suggest, Sir, that you strop the knife on the steak, Sir."

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[sketch of trombonist]

Our Friday Concerts are very popular. In a recent one, the most important part of the Cottage Homes Band, rendered some of the latest hits, to great applause -

[sketch of man weeping]

and our warm-hearted Woodwork Instructor related the pathetic story of "Poor Polly". We wish we had room to include the 'Lost Policeman'.

Sketches by A.Smith Ib.

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[underlined] SPORTS DAY. [/underlined]

Our 14th.Annual Athletic Sports were held on Thursday, June 17th., on the Ald.Newton's Playing Fields. A grey morning greeted us on rising, and all were doubtful concerning the weather which the afternoon might bring. Rain held off, however, and, although rather cool, conditions were ideal for running.Few parents came to view the Sports, but, under the circumstances, this was not surprising. It was, however, almost worth paying to see Holland 'jockeying' himself into first place in the 220, and Burdett, struggling to crawl under that cricket-net in the Obstacle Race, but emerging instead through a large hole in the centre of the net, and looking surprisedly round, somewhat in the manner of an ostrich; to say nothing of the number of boys - and girls - who were trapped amidships on entering the same net!

We have to thank Mr.Atkins for the organisation of the sports throughout and Mr.Wells, our Recorder for supplying the following list of results:-

[underlined] HIGH JUMP 'A' BOYS: [/underlined]
[underlined] HIGH JUMP 'B' BOYS: [/underlined]
[underlined] TUG-OF-WAR: [/underlined]
[underlined] HUNDRED YDS. 'B' BOYS: [/underlined]
[underlined] HUNDRED YDS. 'A' BOYS: [/underlined]
[underlined] RELAY: [/underlined]
[underlined] THROWING-THE-CRICKET-BALL: 'A' BOYS: [/underlined]

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[underlined] THROWING-THE-CRICKET-BALL, 'B' BOYS: [/underlined]
[underlined] 120 YDS. HURDLES 'B' BOYS: [/underlined]
[underlined] 120 YDS. HURDLES 'A' BOYS. [/underlined]
[underlined] BOAT RACE. [/underlined]
[underlined] POTATO RACE. [/underlined]
[underlined] OBSTACLE RACE. 'A' BOYS. [/underlined]
[underlined] OBSTACLE RACE. 'B' BOYS [/underlined]
[underlined] 220 YDS. 'A' BOYS: [/underlined]
[underlined] 220 YDS. 'B' BOYS: [/underlined]


[underlined] A POEM, [/underlined] the sentiment of which, we hope you will criticise!
(by W.Jackson IB)

1. Roll along, Tuesday Evening, roll along!
I am thinking of the "Wizard" all day long!
Oh! the stories in that book, of the cowboy and the crook,
Roll along, Tuesday Evening, roll along!
2. Roll along, Thursday Evening, roll along,
I am thinking of the "Rover" all day long!
Oh! I read it by the fire,
As I smoke my good old briar,
Roll along, Thursday Evening, roll along!
3. Roll along, Friday Evening, roll along! I am thinking of the 'Rover' all day long! Oh! I'll read it through and through, and then I'll give it you! Roll along, ......!!!!!!

[inserted] 24. [/inserted]

The match took place on the Western Park. We batted first and scored 50 runs. Caple had 20, and Goddard 15 not out. Burrows on their side, bowled very well, taking six wickets. Ellesmere Road went in and were soon out for 19. Maclean and Edwards took 5 wickets each, Edwards 5 for 9, and Mac 5 for 8. Our field was very keen, Goddard taking 3 catches.

[underlined] SWIMMING. [/underlined]

In spite of being unable to go to the Baths as often as usual (owing to structural alterations) the Swimming has been quite satisfactory. In the Schools Tests, two Ist. Class Certificates, (Leader and Machin), six 2nd. Class, and 14 3rd. C1. were won, which is a good effort, especially by those 1st.Year boys who succeeded.

In the Schools Competitions, the Relay Team, Simons, Webster, Thorold, Buswell) successfully survived tests and semi-final and will swim in the Final. In this connection, it may be noted that Mr.J.Dickin, who has swum for Great Britain in the Olypic Games, has promised MR.Greenwood he will coach the Team in the near future, so we may look forward to the Gala with great hopes. We hope the Life-Saving Team also will do well. It is a pity there are no individual chances of success in spite of the fact that several boys possess fair ability.

The PUBLIC SPIRIT PRIZE has been awarded to Gordon Jones, the Music Prizes to Roland Smith & Clifford Leader, the Handwork Prizes to Dennis Machin and Howard Barradell (who also has the Science Prize), the Greatest Progress Prize to Kenneth Smith and the Perseverance Prize to Ken. Orrill.



Narborough Road Senior Boys' School, “The Narborian,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 25, 2024,

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