Mervyn Adder diary 1941 and 1942



Mervyn Adder diary 1941 and 1942


Day by day description of events and activities for 1941 and 1942. Records films seen, war news including RAF operations, football matches played, weather, going to cadets, air raids, dates with Mary, social events, meeting friends, fire watching duties, playing tennis and cricket, lectures at cadets, presents for Mary, invention of radar, German operations in Russia, medical issues. On 2 October went to Cardington for medical and photographs then returned home. Mentions his work, meting friends and mail from family members and Mary. Covers Japanese operations and war news,. Goes to London for aircrew reception centre 28 March 1942, describes activities and training. Posted to Scarborough 25 April 1942 and goes on to describe activities and training. Continues with daily activities, leaves, medical issues, Carries on to Manchester for more training September 1942. describes daily activities and training. Continued to Bridgnorth for training. Describes activities and training.




Temporal Coverage



One hundred and twenty-seven handwritten diary entries

Conforms To


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M. Adder.
153, Albert Ave.
Anlaby Rd

Those mighty periods of years
Which seem to us so vast,
Appear no more before Thy sight,
Than yesterday that’s past
90 [deleted] Psalmm [/deleted] [inserted] Psalm [/inserted]

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Friends are the end & reward of life. They keep us worthy of ourselves & when we are alone we are only nearer to the absent

I count myself in nothing else so happy.
As in a soul remembering my good friends.

Like threads of silver seen through crystal beads.
Let love through good deeds show.

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Mr J. Heath
38, Oxford St.
East Kirkby

Mr. J. Crowe.
12, Empress Ave.

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A.N.T. C191
Nav. Inst. Manual C4/10
Almanac 24
Met. D9/4
Comp. D9/2
Protractor D9/49
Rule D9/32.

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[underlined] JANUARY [/underlined]

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
[underlined] 1st:- [/underlined] Stayed in at night as it was snowing – gunfire heard here early in night – 500 people discovered on Pacific island – abandoned by German raider who had sunk their ships – R.A.F raid invasion ports

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
[underlined] 2nd:- [/underlined] Went to see ‘My Two Husbands’ at the Tower by myself – very little action in the film – was not impressed very cold at night – freezing – Bremen attacked & about 20,000 incendiaries dropped – fires seen over 100 mls away

[underlined] FRI. [/underlined]
[underlined] 3rd [/underlined] Bremen again raided – H.M.Sub.

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Thunderbolt (late ill-fated Thelis) sinks Italian submarine – Aussies launch attack on Bardia & secure positions – went to Rolands at night & listened to his new records – later went for a walk – still freezing.

[underlined] Sat [/underlined]
[underlined] 4th [/underlined] Played R.E’s lost 7-5 good game 5” of snow on top – soft underneath very hard going – went to Newington at night – had a very good time – met Mary Boatyman (very nice – dark & slim very pretty) saw her home – she was staying the night with Mary Glansford – more prisoners taken at Bardia received a Christmas Card from Marian in America

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[underlined] 5th [/underlined] Very nice morning – freezing but fresh – went to Cadets with Don & Gee – paraded on Corp. Field – went a walk in the afternoon with Roland Ken Gee & Wriggy – went to Wriggy’s at night – Gee’s gramophone broke – mended it – took nearly all night –

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
6th Bardia taken – also over 30,000 prisoners – our casualties about 400 Italians show little fight – have a cold stayed in at night

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
7th Went to see ‘The Boys from

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Syracuse’ with Mary – a very funny picture & very American – Amy Johnson missing over Thames Estuary – acting as ferry pilot

8TH Stayed in at night & cleaned part of my bicycle – our western forces pushing on to Tobruk Roland receives his papers – is going to Helmsall [sic] – (between Brigg & Scunthorpe) – N.W Germany bombed

[underlined] 9TH [/underlined] Went to Cadets at night intruction [sic] in Navigation & Theory of Flight –

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[underlined] 10TH [/underlined] Daylight raid on invasion ports by our bombers escorted by fighters – a very successful raid – 3 enemy fighters shot down – we suffer no losses – Milan & Naples attacked & a 35,000 ton battleship damaged – our forces are pushing on to the West of Tobruk – stayed in at night

[underlined] 11TH [/underlined] Played the R.E’s again lost 2-1 played a wrotten [sic] game – went to Newington at night had a good time saw Mary to the bus station

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
[underlined] 12TH [/underlined] Went to Cadets in the morning

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with Gee & a walk in the afternoon to the Golf Course with Don & Gee & a walk at night with Wriggy & Gee later we went in Wriggy’s house

[underlined] 13TH [/underlined] Channel ports raided by RAF & fighters machine gun German troop emplacements – stayed in at night & cleaned my bicycle – met Mary in the town after work.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
14TH. German & Italian aircraft attack convoy in Med. area 12 shot down. HMS Illustrious damaged & HMS Gallant (Des.) HMS Southampton (Cruiser) was also damaged & later had to be sunk

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- went to see ‘Andy Hardy Meets Debutante’ with Mary at the Cecil – a very good film & we both enjoyed it.

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
[underlined] 15th [/underlined] Stayed in at night – dive bombers dropped 1000’s of bombs in recent attack in Med. – gunfire heard here tonight – wrote to Fred –

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
16TH:- Wilhelmshaven heavily raided by R.A.F as reprisal for Med. attack – very cold today went to Cadets at night

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[underlined] 17TH:- [/underlined] Very cold temp 23 degrees this morning – stayed in at night – wrote to Edith – stated that 40 aircraft were destroyed in raid on Catania (Sicily) – Greeks capture 1000 prisoners & sink two supply ships.

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
18TH:- Played at Kilnsea won 5-0 9 degrees below cold piercing wind & blowing snow – went dancing at night & had a moderate time as I was tired – 20 dive bombers brought down in raid on Malta – (several German planes) snowing tonight

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[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
19TH:- Over 1’ of snow on the ground large drifts due to wind – another 19 planes brought down in raid on Malta – went for a walk in the afternoon with Don & Gee & also at night with Ken, Wriggy & Gee later went to Wriggy’s – Edith came home for the weekend – Olaf also was here.

[underlined] MON. [/underlined]
20TH Snow melting – very dirty underfoot – our troops have taken Kassala in the Sudan region Abysinnians revolting under the leadership of our military mission

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[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
[underlined] 21ST:- [/underlined] Rained today & also at night – snow has melted & left a dirty mess – went to see Bing Crosby in ‘If I had my way’ at the Tower with Mary – saw Mary & Bob there – enjoyed the picture very much – our forces start the attack on Tobruk

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
22ND:- Tobruk captured – Australians again lead the way – went to the Newington at night with Don & Gee Sirens sounded 3 times today luckily not at night as I was on fire duty.

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
23RD:- Stayed in at night as

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it was a very dark & wet night – fighters piloted by Poles carry out offensive sweep of Channel ports & German occupied territory – they went unchallenged

[underlined] F.RI. [sic] [/underlined]
24TH. Rang Mary she is staying in tonight & so I also stayed in – Tobruk prisoners excede [sic] 14,000 Hailie Selaissie is back in Abyssinia

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
25TH:- Played an Army team at Pocklington lost 2-1 (had to get washed under a tap – no tea – proper Army do) returned 6.30 & went to Newington at night – had a good time with Mary & the gang

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[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
26TH. Went to the Cadets in the morning with Gee & went for a walk with Don, Gee Ken & Wriggy in the afternoon Gee came to our house at night – reported rioting in N. Italy – (Germans take over post office, stations etc) – our forces in Africa attack Lybia, [sic] St Som. Eritrea simultaneously – Greeks still do well

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
27TH:- Met Mary from work – somebody rang her up & asked for a date – believe it has something to do with Don or Spillers – went to see ‘Gentlemen of Venture’ with Gee at the West Park –

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
28TH Met Mary from work – rained & snowed all day – went

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to Cadets at night & had gunnery instruction with the Lewis gun – no raiding again today

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
29TH Stayed in at night – our forces capture Derna Greeks repulse Italian counter attack – Roland goes back after leave

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
30TH. Having a couple of days leave – stayed in bed in the morning & went to see the ‘Dead End Kids’ & ‘La Conga Nights’ at the Tower with Mary in the afternoon – stayed in at night.

31ST. Stayed in bed again in the morning & took Rollo for a walk in the afternoon – stayed in at night – our forces pushing on to Benghazi

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[underlined] FEBRUARY [/underlined]

[underlined] SAT [/underlined
1 Feb:- Played army team at the gun position in Costello playing field lost 6-1 – went to the Newington at night & had a very good time Mary was very affectionate & was introduced to Miss Pettman – our force pushing on to Benghazi & also on the other 3 fronts

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
2nd:- Went to Cadets in the morning for a rehearsal – started to snow & continued for our inspection by C.O from Leconfield & presentation of the band – later dedicated at church stayed in at night.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
3rd:- More snow today – met Mary from work & went to collect her photo’s [sic] from Cecil Studios however

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they weren’t ready – she was going to the dressmakers tonight – so we didn’t go out together.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
4TH Met Mary from work & called for her photograph at the Cecil studios – went to Cadets at night – bombs dropped in Goddard Ave., at night – 4 killed several injured – our forces pushing on in Africa – Cyrene captured

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
5TH Bombers escorted by layers of fighters attack Channel Invasion Ports both at night & during the day 5 German planes shot down – 7 of ours are missing – arranged to meet Mary at night but she didn’t turn up – went to see ‘Crooks Tour’ at the Central (Basil Radford & Naughton Wayne) – snowing heavily

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tonight – many warnings today

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
6TH: About 8” of snow has fallen which melts very quickly – rang Mary this morning & she is sorry she didn’t come last night – promises me a photograph – [deleted] received letters [/deleted]

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
[underlined] 7TH [/underlined] Met Mary from work – gave me photo, she can’t come out tonight – stayed in Benghazi captured – armoured division leaves coast road at Derna – covers 130 mls in 30 hrs & surprises Italians leaving Benghazi to the south – received letters from Roland & Fred.

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
8TH. Played Balloon Barage won 5-1 very muddy – hurt my ancle [sic] – offer to sign for City – went to the Newington at night – saw Mary to the bus

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& had to walk home – buzzers go on duty for about 20 mins fire-watching – Genoa shelled by Navy

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
9TH. Went to Cadets in the morning & went for a walk with Mary in the afternoon – rained a bit so went to the Art Gallery & the museum – stayed in at night – our forces pushing on on all fronts in Africa.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
10TH:- Went to a dance at the ‘Sacred Heart’ with Mary at night wasn’t thrilled – a bit common & band was not up to scratch – reported over 300 tons of shells were fired into Genoa during recent raid – HMS Renown, Ark Royal & the cruiser Sheffield took

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part accompanied by light forces.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
11th Stayed in at night – after training at City – met Mary from work earlier – reported German infiltration in Bulgaria our ambassador leaves – our forces in Africa still push on

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
12th Stayed in again at night & wrote to Marian – Greek air force shoot down 8 Italians & we account for 5

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
13TH. Mary rang up today to say that she might be working late on Friday night – met her leaving work to give her her ticket – Miss Pittman also rang up to ask me to get her tickets for

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the dance – stayed in at night

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
[underlined] 14TH [/underlined] Went to the dance tonight had a very good time – heavy gunfire all the night however – saw Mary home – walked from Preston Rd. – got home 1.50 –

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
[underlined] 15TH [/underlined] Stayed in bed in the morning & went to watch our boys team in the afternoon – could not play myself as I had a bad ankle – went to the Newington at night & later saw Mary to the bus – Parachute troops land in Italy to destroy an important dam – Italians say all captured after doing slight damage we say very little – Germans still filter into Bulgaria – Roland is home – he also went to Newington

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[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
16TH Went to Cadets in the morning on Church parade & later a walk round the town – went to see Roland in the afternoon & went for a walk afterwards with the gang – went to Ken’s at night – played dominoes & listened to gramophone records – Edith is also home this weekend – have a nasty cold coming on

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
17TH. Have a terrible cold – met Mary from work & went with her & Joyce to Jerome’s to collect some photo’s [sic] – 4 German planes shot down today – Turkey signs a friendship alliance with threatened Bulgaria

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[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
18TH. Firewatching tonight had a quiet night & slept nearly all the time – cold very bad today – our troops still advance in Africa

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
19TH. Cold has improved considerably met Mary from work at night

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
20TH Met Mary from work at lunch time & she has a cold so she wasn’t able to come to the pictures with me at night – arranged to meet Don & Gee but they didn’t turn up so I went to see Robert Montgomery in ‘Busmans Honeymoon’ at the Cecil it was a very good film being taken from the novel by Agatha Christie. – snowed during the night but it soon disappeared

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[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
[underlined] 21ST. [/underlined] Rang Mary this morning but she was away ill – stayed in at night – Germans still mass on Bulgarian border – our troops land at Singapore to counter Japanese threats

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
[underlined] 22ND [/underlined] Went into the town to choose the material for a new suit walked through Hammonds but Mary wasn’t at work – went to the Newington at night but did not enjoy it as Mary wasn’t there – heavy gunfire during the night & bombs dropped in Hawthorne Ave (unexploded). Preston Rd & other districts several people killed

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
23rd Went to Cadets but did not stay long – went for a walk in the afternoon with Don & Gee & went in the town at night with Wriggy &

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Gee – met two girls & danced in a shelter as there was heavy gunfire & plenty of shrapnel flying about – bombs dropped in De-La-Pole Ave about 100 yds from home – a few people killed – mothers cold still bad Alex & I cooked our own dinner

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
[underlined] 24TH [/underlined] A quiet night for a change met Mary from work & she didn’t want to come out as she was going to bed early – very tantalising [deleted] stayed [/deleted] went to the pictures with Ken & Gee to the Carlton to see ‘When the Daltons Rode’ which was a typical western –

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
25TH. Rang Mary in the morning but she won’t come out until Friday more gunfire and enemy activity here tonight

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[underlined] WED [/underlined]
[underlined] 26TH. [/underlined] Stayed in at night – Cologne & invasion ports heavily bombed – our forces capture capital of Italian Somaliland & push on on all African fronts

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
[inserted] 27TH [/inserted] Rang Mary this morning & arranged to go to the Regal tomorrow fire watched tonight & had no Air Raid Warnings – wrote to Fred during the night & had a very pleasant time with the other firewatchers

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
28TH Indo China dispute still unsettled – Japan introduce pressure – about 38 Italian planes shot down in the last two days on the Albanian front – Mary rang this morning to say that my Mum was ill & unable to go to the pictures at night

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[underlined] SAT [/underlined] Played the balloon Barrage at Sutton in a strong wind & drew 1-1 my ankle has not quite recovered – went to the Newington at night & had a good time – Mary was there although she had a slight cold – bombs dropped meanwhile & 6 people were killed in James Reckett’s Ave. – Bulgaria signs pact with Germany & becomes a member of the Axis – troops move into Bulgaria HMS. destroyer sunk –

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
[underlined] 2ND MARCH [/underlined] Went for a walk with Don & Gee in the morning as it was such a nice day & with Don Gee Ken & Wriggy in the afternoon – we walked round the golf course & I fell in the drain with my best clothes on – went for a walk at night with Ken Gee & Wriggy who left us later on & went with Audrey Gladstone –

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I was fire watching tonight but we luckily had a quite [sic] night

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
3RD. Met Mary from work & arranged to go to the Regal tomorrow – Roland is home on 7 days leave – went to see ‘Viva the Frisco Kid’ & ‘The Girl in Room 313’ at the West Park with Ken & Gee.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
4TH Went to the Regal with Mary & Elsie & Roland to see Mickey Rooney & Judy Garland in ‘Strike up the Band’ which we enjoyed very much – went to train after work – a very nice day again

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
5TH Met Roland after work & went to see Mary & Elsie at Hammonds – later met them from work went to the Newington at night with them – Don Madge & Gee were there

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had a good time – we break off diplomatic relations with Bulgaria 2 German bombers shot down in night raid on Cardiff – we land troops on Lofaten Isles & capture a few Germans & several Norwegian fishermen – 9 Italian planes shot down – Abyssinian patriots capture important position, our forces push on in Italian Somaliland

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
6TH. Went to Rolands to tea with Elsie Ken & Gee – listened to gramophone records – over 200 Germans captured in Lofaten raid – several Quislingites & 300 loyal Norwegians brought off – oil factories etc destroyed several enemy ships sunk including armed trawler – we suffer no casualties Short Sunderland attacked over Atlantic by two enemy bombers – one was shot down & the other severely damaged

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[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
7TH met Mary from work & stayed in at night – Italian cruiser sunk in Med.

[underlined] 8TH [/underlined] Played RAFVR in pouring rain & on a very muddy ground won 6-1 had to go to work to firewatch all the night – Mother went to Grantham this morning to see Edith

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
9TH I stayed in until the night when I went to the Regal with Mary to a concert with Billy Scott Coomber & his Grenadiers & a good dance band on the programme – we enjoyed it very much

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
10TH Met Mary from work – stayed in at night & read

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
11TH Mary rang up to say

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that she wasn’t going to the Newington & so we went to see ‘Tom Browns School Days’ at the Cecil & we enjoyed it – 9 German planes brought down today

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
12TH Met Mary from work & talked over the dance arrangements stayed in at night – gunfire heard here nearly all the night – raiders were over Mersey side – 49 of them were brought down – we carry out the largest raid ever on Germany (Berlin & Bremen visited) – 2 more planes destroyed at dawn & 1 ME shot down whilst trying to intercept our bombers – German destroyer put out of action by torpedo from one of our planes – we lose 5 planes in both day & night raids.

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[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
13TH Went for a walk with Don & Gee at night – a very nice sunny day – heavy raid here at night – (incendiaries dropped in the Avenue but soon put out [deleted] [underlined] FRI [/underlined] [/deleted] 13 German planes brought 141 down during raids – Sissons receives a hit & burns for a while many people killed in Hull

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
14TH Another raid tonight bombs dropped down Bean St. – 6 German planes brought down – met Mary from work Blackburn’s dance at the City Hall has been cancelled stayed in at night.

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
15TH Played Mersey St. O.B. & lost 2-1 (after leading 1-0 the greater part of the time) very good game & it was an ideal [deleted] game [/deleted]

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day for football – was very tired afterwards – went to the City Hall dancing at night with Mary, Elsie & Gee – had a moderate time – the band was poor –

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
16TH Went to the Cadets in the morning with Gee & went for a walk nearly to Anlaby in the afternoon with the gang – as it was a very nice day – went to the Regal at night with Mary Elsie & Gee to a concert with Issy Bonn & a broadcasting dance band did not enjoy it as much as last week – saw Mary home – Edith came home yesterday for the weekend.

[underlined] MON [/underlined] [inserted] 17TH [/inserted] Firewatched at work tonight & had a short warning at 5.15 AM Berbera retaken in Br Somaliland

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& we push on on all fronts Jugoslavia [sic] is ready to fight if invaded.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
18TH. A very heavy raid here tonight lasting from 9 o’clock until 4.0 o’clock in the morning – gunfire all the time & Jerry over continuously – bombs dropped on Anlaby Rd, Beverley Rd & many more districts – I stayed in at night – rang Mary in the morning – we lost 25 ships approx 98,000 tons last week

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
19TH Went to the Stellag Boxing Club & did a little training – very nice day met Mary from work – London receives a very heavy raid

20TH Went to see Tommy Trinder – Jack Hulbert

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[underlined] MARCH [/underlined]

in ‘Sailors Three’ at the Central with Don & Gee – a very funny picture – Lorient sub. base raided by R.A.F

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
21ST. Met Mary from work at night & stayed in Lorient sub. base again raided along with other objectives – the Bremen has been severely damaged by either the RAF or sabotage

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
22ND. Played the Queens Reg & lost 4-2 – went to the Cecil with Mary at night to see Ronald Colman & Ginger Rogers in ‘Lucky Partners’ had a good time & went right home with Mary afterwards walked home arrived about 11.30

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[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
23RD. Stayed in bed in the morning & went for a walk in the afternoon with the gang – arranged to meet Mary at night but she didn’t turn up so took a Preston Rd bus & walked down Hedon Rd into the town – YugoSlavia [sic] still resist attempts by Germany to make them sign a pact

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
24TH Met Mary from work – stayed in at night & wrote to Edith & Roland –

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
25TH Stayed in again at night – rained very hard – Yugo-Slavia signs pact with Nazi Russia & Turkey agree to remain neutral if one or the other is attacked

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
26TH Fire-watched at work all the night & luckily had nothing to do – growing unrest

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[underlined] MARCH [/underlined]

in Yugo-Slavia

[underlined] 27TH [/underlined]
[underlined] THUR [/underlined] Stayed in at night – riots in Yugo-Slavia – Prince Paul the Regent flees & King Peter takes over – ministers who signed pact are imprisoned – Keren the well defended strategic town in Abys. captured – raid by German dive bombers on Malta repulsed with heavy losses to the enemy

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
28TH Went to the Cecil at night with Mary to see ‘Hired Wife’ – Dunkirk & other Channel Ports bombed Roland is home

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
29TH Played the Hampshires with a short team – a very nice day & enjoyed the match very much lost 7-0 – went to the Regal at night with Mary – Elsie & Roland

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[underlined] MARCH [/underlined]

to see ‘Tin Pan Alley’ (Alice Faye) at the Regal – enjoyed it very much – it had such tunes in as ‘Katie’ You say the Cutest Things Baby’ ‘On Moonlight Bay’ [symbol] A.R.W & had to leave Mary after the show as I was fire-watching [inserted] (Honeysuckle Rose) [/inserted]

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
[underlined] 30TH [/underlined] Went to the Cadets in the morning & did a little Morse – a very nice day but fairly cold out of the sun – went for a walk with the gang in the afternoon Roland went back – stayed in at night.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
31ST Met Mary from work new boy starts at work – blitz here tonight from 8.0 – 11.30 heavy gunfire & many bombs dropped Shell Mex Office Infirmary ARP [indecipherable word]

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in Ferensway down – many places in town (Prospect St) severely damaged bombs in Beverley Rd, Hessle, Liverpool St & many other places – 4 Cruisers 3 Destroyers of the Italians sunk in night Med. action off Cape Palermo – one of our Cruisers acts as decoy when Italian force suspected & allows ‘Warspite’ ‘Formidable’ & other ships to make contact & shatter the ‘Wops’ with their broadsides – F.A.A does well – Italian warship 35000 tons reported torpedoed & unlikely to reach port – 2 of our aircraft lost are the only casualties – 2 German dive bombers shot down – stayed in at night.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
[underlined] 1st APRIL [/underlined] German destroyer sunk by our bombers – Bremen raided – Asmara (capital of

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Eritrea) captured – new type of bomb used on Emden last night smaller but has great destructive force – shipping losses are down this week (10 Br 6 Allied & 1 Neutral lost) 6 Germans brought down during today.

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
2ND Rang Mary but she isn’t going dancing tonight – went to the Newington & had a good time an Italian destroyer sunk –

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
3RD 2 more Italian destroyers sunk by our aircraft in the Red Sea – went to the Tower at night with Mary to see Brian Aherne in ‘The Lady in Question’ enjoyed it French family – juror adopts acquitted woman & takes her home – domestic love affairs & squabbles – humorous – half way home with Mary when

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buzzers go – made me leave her & walked home – she promised to go on Sat – gunfire just before I reach home – incendiaries dropped.

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
4TH Benghazi again evacuated by our troops as Italo-German force move – Brest with Gneisenau & Scharnhorst raiders in the docks raided by R.A.F – firewatched at work at night warnings & gunfire 9.15-10.0 & 1.0-2.40 – rang Mary this morning arranging to go out with her on Sunday with Edna & possible Wriggy.

[underlined] SAT. [/underlined]
5TH Played an Army team & lost 4-2 went to the Newington at night & had a good time – saw Mary home missed the bus & had to walk home arrived 11.40 – Addis Ababa taken

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
6TH Stayed in bed in the morning went for a walk to

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[underlined] APRIL [/underlined]

the golf course in the afternoon with the gang – went with Mary to the Regal to see the concert (Don Carlos – Alf Collins & Manchester Hip band etc) it was very good – met Mary & Bob inside – saw Don & Ken who later went with Joyce & Audrey who were also there – Germany declares war on Yugoslavia & Greece Russia signs no aggression pact with the former –

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
7TH German destroyer torpedoed & sunk by Coastal Command aircraft – Brest & other ports bombed – bombs dropped here at night (Spring Bank Kirklands Rd) – met Mary from work – 5 German planes brought down in widespread raids

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
8TH Firewatched at home & had long warnings 10.0

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[underlined] APRIL [/underlined]

2.0 & 2.15-4.00 went to bed at 1.30 – Kiel raided & over 30000 incendiaries dropped – warehouses gutted & destroyed in dock area – 1 sq mile of fire in centre of city – A.A defence gradually worn down & smoke envelopes town – largest raid ever – Yugo-Slavs retreat from Greek-Bulgarian border & Germans are therefore on the Greeks left flank – Slavs take Fiume & other towns in Albania

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
[inserted] [underlined] (9TH) [/underlined] [/inserted] Stayed in at night many more German planes brought down during raids on this country – Coventry & Birmingham raided – Berlin heavily raided – Germans take Salonica Yugo-Slavs advance into Albania

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
10TH Went with Don & Gee to the Criterion to see ‘Sky Murder’ fantastic & did not

[page break]

enjoy it – more German planes brought down in raids on this country.

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
11TH. Went for a walk with Don & Ken in the morning & went on the Pier with Ken in the afternoon – saw the two Mary’s – met Edith at the station – went with Alex Ken & Gee to the Langham to see ‘Charlie Chan on a Murder Cruise’ & enjoyed it very much

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
12TH. Went to Leconfield with the Cadets to play Rugby won 19-13 – I scored a try & had a good time – went to the Newington at night & had a good time although it was crowded – Edith & Peggy were there introduced them to Mary – 43 German planes have been brought down in recent

[page break]

moonlight raids

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
13TH Met Mary in the town on Sunday afternoon – went for a little walk but it started to rain so we went home – firewatched at work at night & had a clear night.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
14TH Stayed in bed in the morning & was going rowing in the afternoon but it rained all day up to tea time so we tried to get in the pictures but were unlucky – Don Gee & Joyce went dancing & I went to Ken’s – went to the Newington at night but Mary wasn’t there – Germans advancing in Lybia [sic]

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
15TH 27 German planes & 15 tanks 300 killed or wounded – destroyed in attack on Tobruk – went to work but had very little to do – went

[page break]

home at 3.30 – saw Mary in the town at lunch time – went to see ‘North West Mounted Police’ at the Cecil by myself as Mary was staying in to wash her hair (a fairly good picture with Gary Cooper Cary Grant & Preston Foster) – Air raid lasting from 9.30 until 5-0 in the morning – bombs dropped

[underlined] 16TH [/underlined]
WED. Rang Mary in the morning but she is staying in – stayed in & cleaned my bike – Don & Gee go to the Newington – Alex off work with cold – nice day – Yugo-Slavs have no unified command – are having to use guerrilla tactics – 165 German planes brought down by Y-S over Belgrade – bombers unescorted over 300 planes destroyed by their air force in 2 days (consists of Hurricanes

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[underlined] APRIL [/underlined]

& other British planes) our forces hold German thrusts – heavy casualties inflicted on enemy on raid on Tobruk

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
[underlined] 17TH [/underlined] Went to see ‘I Want a Divorce’ with Mary to the Cecil & thought it fairly flat – saw Mary home & walked home – London has worst raid yet – Germans attacking strongly in Greece – our forces retreating to form a straighter front –

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
18TH Berlin heavily bombed last night our new bombs & bombers used – stayed in at night

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
19TH Played Boulevard E.I & lost 3-2 went to the Newington at night & had a good time – saw Mary into the town – our forces at Tobruk repulse German attack – a few tanks destroyed & casualties

[page break]

inflicted – Roland is home on leave –

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
20TH Went for a walk with the gang in the morning when was warm & sunny – went for a cycle ride with Don Ken Gee & Wriggy left them & went by myself to Melton – gathered some wild violets went for a walk by myself at night up Hedon Rd, Preston Rd. – as Mary was unable to come out – Germans attacking strongly in Greece & losing many men – Anzacs in rear guard action cut them to pieces 15 German planes shot down in battle over Athens – 7 of ours (3 pilots safe.) more shot down or destroyed in Lybia [sic]

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
21ST Stayed in at night – Mary’s brother was married

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[underlined] APRIL [/underlined]

at our church this afternoon – supply ship torpedoed by H.M.S. Tetrarch (Sub) on way to Lybia [sic]

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
22ND. Fire-watched at work at night & had a quiet night wrote to Edith – met Mary from work – our forces in Greece take up defence line from Larissa stretching west to the opp. coast – Tripoli bombarded by the Navy & severe damage inflicted on port installations power station & many ships sunk in the harbour – F.AA planes shoot 4 out of 5 enemy transport planes down

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
23RD Went to the Tower at night with Mary to see Judy Canova in ‘Scatterbrain’ & Jene [sic] Autry in ‘Gaucho Serenade – both were very good flics

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and we laughed very much over the first – Greek Army in Epinea area of Albania has to surrender being cut off – King of Greece & Gov. go to Crete –

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
24TH Had the afternoon off went to the East Park with Mary Elsie, Joyce & Gee & had a good time – skipped, played a ball game went on the swings – went to the Langham at night with Gee to see ‘The Saint Strikes Back’ and enjoyed it very much.

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
25TH Stayed in at night, - bombs dropped here at night

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
26TH Went into the town in the afternoon with Don Wriggy & Gee went in Lyons & had ice cream & coffee & biscuits – later went with Wriggy to get a sports coat & Ken bought some trousers – Alex

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went to Grantham to see Edith, who rang me up earlier in the morning went to the Newington & had a good time – sirens go as we go into town Athens reported occupied by the Germans

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
27TH Went to Cadets in the morning – went for a walk in the afternoon with Mary, Elsie, Joyce Don & Gee – took a bus to Hessle – walked along the foreshore – across fields to Ferriby & took a bus home – met at night & all went to the Regal to see ’21 Days’ which was not very exciting – had a walk round the town after & then I saw Mary home – missed the last bus & had to walk home – arrived 11.30.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
28TH Cycled to Melton at night & found some primroses

[page break]

our troops are evacuated from Greece – Dessie taken along with 2,000 prisoners & material

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
29TH Went to see ‘Argentina Nights’ with Mary Joyce & Gee & enjoyed it (Ritz Bros & the Andrew Sisters starring) – saw Mary home & missed the last bus & had to walk home arrived 11.20

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
30TH Stated that at least 48,000 troops out of 60000 have been safely evacuated from Greece – heavy material left behind Greeks told us to evacuate to avoid needless bloodshed – which was very heroic of them – many Germans have been killed – stayed in at night – went to bed early – Plymouth raided last night – 5 planes shot down by A.A &

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[underlined] MAY [/underlined]

3 by fighters –

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
1 MAY Firewatched at work at night & had a quiet night – have a bad cold – 1 German plane shot down at night – raid on Merseyside –

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
2 MAY Rang Mary but she is going to Edna’s at night – stayed in as cold is a nuisance – evacuation of Greece completed – about 43,000 men escape – 500 lost at sea – Iraquian troops open fire on our men who have entered Iraq under our treaty – 4 German planes shot down in raid on Merseyside at night

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
3 MAY Played for Cadets against Lee. at Rugby lost 26-0 had a good time – went to the Newington at night but only had a fair time – enemy aircraft

[page break]

over tonight – dropped a couple of mines on Hedon Rd. – S.W also raided – Merseyside – 14 enemy planes brought down by fighters & 2 by A.A our forces attack Brest & other objectives

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
4TH Went to Cadets in the morning – very warm day – went for a walk round Cottingham in the afternoon with Mary & along Anlaby Rd & Holderness Rd. at night – had a good time – German planes pass over tonight heavy A.A fire – our bombers attack Iraqui troops & cause shelling of RAF aerodrome to cease – fighting continues – led by fanatic who has ceased [sic] power from loyal forces

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
5TH Rang Mary this morning & had a row somebody had been telling her a pack of lies about Sunday – stayed in at

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[underlined] MAY ]/underlined]

night & wrote to Fred 8 German planes brought down during last night & this morning – heavy gun fire here tonight – German Cruisers at Brest bombed 4 hit

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
6TH. Stayed in at night & wrote to Roland – received a letter this morning from Edith – rang Mary but she is staying in & believe that our going out together is all washed up 9 German aircraft brought down last night

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
7TH Blitz here tonight Hammond Thorntons & nearly all large buildings hit in the city – stayed in at night – 24 enemy planes brought down during night

[page break]

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
8TH Another blitz at night & more buildings hit – including Ranks, Reckitts & nearly all the dock area – office damaged went to see Crazy Gang in ‘Gasbags’ at the Cecil – which was later destroyed by bombs 15 enemy aircraft brought down

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
9TH We carry out heaviest raid on Germany yet (Hamburg Emden & [deleted] Ger [/deleted] Berlin as a subsidary [sic] target – went for a cycle ride to Preston Rd. at night & saw 1000’s of refugees leaving the city later went to Wriggys with the gang

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
10TH 33 German planes brought down in heavy raid (on London) by our night fighters (2 by A.A)

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[underlined] MAY [/underlined]

Played tennis in the afternoon with Don & Ken – fire watched at work at night – still blowing buildings up in the town

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
11TH Went for a walk in the afternoon with the gang – took a bus to Cottingham – cut across fields & walked to Willerby – caught bus home – went for a walk by myself at night – gunfire again tonight here

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
12TH Went to see John Garfield & Pat O Brien [sic] in ‘Flowing Gold’ at the Tower & enjoyed it very much

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
13TH Rudolph Hess (Hitler’s Deputy) has landed in Scotland by aeroplane & unaccompanied – stayed in at night – Roland is home on leave

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[underlined] MAY [/underlined]

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
14TH Mary rang up this morning & she was going back to Belton in the afternoon so that I met her in the town & saw her off – went to ‘Fighter Command’ at the Regal with Don & Gee – was not impressed

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
15TH Stayed in at night & wrote to Mary – German forces allowed passage in & through Syria by Vichy Gov. – 7 German fighters brought down today – 2 of ours losts [sic] – 1 pilot safe.

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
16TH Wrote to Edith today stayed in at night later went for a walk with Ken & Gee

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
17TH Played tennis at the Park with Ken & Don – went to St Johns to a dance at night.

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with Gee – did not enjoy it (J.F’s band – but a wrotten [sic] floor & rotten crowd) left early went for a walk went to firewatch at work but couldn’t get in – so went home – our troops advance in Gyrenaica [sic] take German prisoners & destroy material – reported surrender of Duke of Aosta from last defended position – terms asked for.

18TH A very warm day – went to Cadets in the morning – took a bus to Willerby in the afternoon with Wriggy Ken Don & Gee had a nice time – went to church at night – later met Ken Don & Gee coming from pictures – 22 enemy aircraft shot down in Med area since Sat. ([deleted] 1 or 2 [/deleted] Germans over Iraq) etc.

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[underlined] MAY [/underlined]

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
19TH. Went for a walk with the dog at night – Duke of Aosta surrenders & campaign therefore nearly over – our forces capture important position in Iraq – 5 German fighters brought down without loss many destroyed on ground in Syria

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
20TH Parachute troops land in Crete but are all killed or rounded up – went to Cadets at night – about 18,000 Italians have surrendered

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
21ST. Went for a short walk at night with Ken & Gee & wrote to Mary – [deleted] saw [/deleted] received a letter from her this morning – Germans try to land sea forces on Crete but convoy intercepted – 2 transports & 1 destroyer sunk – more parachutists land & battle continues – more successes round Tobruk

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[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
22ND Went to a Red Cross dance at the Wenlock Barracks with the gang – very crowded & very warm visited the bar – went to Cadets earlier but lessons were too late – we carry out daylight raids on Germany & northern France & destroy Power plant etc. 2 bombers & 6 fighters lost – 5 German fighters shot down

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
23RD Went for a little walk at night – battle in Crete still severe

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
24TH Played tennis with Ken, Don & Wriggy in the afternoon started to rain – went to the Regal at night with Gee to see ‘Arizona’ enjoyed it. – HM.S Hood sunk near Greenland in battle against Nazi cruiser Bismarck which was

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damaged – but escaped – lucky shot in magazine blew ship up & very few men were saved.

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
25TH Went to Cadets in the morning & drilled Cadets for a few minutes – had arms drill & navigation from Capt Beare – played records & darts in Wriggy’s shed in the afternoon – rained at night so stayed in – H.M.S Hood sunk by lucky shot in mag by the Bismarck – blew up & very few saved – B. pursued & reported damaged by torpedoes – wrote to Mary

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
26TH Stayed in at night & wrote to Fred – still after Bismarck heavy fighting in Crete – Germans break through in one area & man drowned in attempts to land by

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[underlined] MAY [/underlined]


[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
[inserted] 27TH [/inserted] Bismarck has been sunk by torpedoes – two cruisers & 5 destroyers sunk during naval fights against Nazis bombers off Crete German patrols reach Egypt in recent action in Libya – went to Cadets at night & learnt morse have about 5 words a min.

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
28TH Went for a walk with Wriggy, Ken & Gee – later played darts in W’s shed – wrote to Alex our forces withdraw in Crete & also from Hell fire pass in Libia [sic] – A.R.W from 1.15 – 5.0 at night & was firewatching – gunfire & bombs heard went to bed at 3.15.

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
(29TH) Went to navigation lecture at Cadets & later went to Wriggys H.M.S York which was under repair

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in Suda Bay has been sunk only 3 survivors from the Hood we retreat in Crete in face of reinforced German troops

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
30TH Went to Wriggy’s at night – our forces push on in Iraq & Abysinia [sic] – but retreat in Crete – 100 survivors from the Bismarck landed (2000 on board) – but a destroyer was sunk by aircraft after the battle

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
31ST A very nice day today – played tennis at the Park with D. W & K went to see Fred at night (home for weekend) met Alan his friend & had a walk round the town.

[underlined] 1ST [/underlined] Up early & went to Sewerby with D.W.K & Gee – went for a walk to Flamborough in the afternoon & played football – called

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at the Ship Inn on the way & went in café there – went into Brid at night to the amusements – played cards until 3.30 (I went to bed early) – Crete evacuated 15,000 taken off – clothes rationed

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
2ND Went into Brid in the morning & had dinner at the Regal – went for a walk round the shops in the afternoon bought Mary a [deleted] brace [/deleted] necklace – had tea in a café in Sewerby – arrived home 8.0.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
3RD Bombs dropped here early this morning (after OK signal) did not hear them awok [sic] 8.45 too late to go to work – so stayed at home – wrote to Mary Kiel Canal bombed & shipping in daylight raid yesterday & the Ruhr & Berlin visited at night.

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[underlined] JUNE [/underlined]

4TH Played tennis with Ken & Wriggy at the Park met 2 nice girls & arranged to play them on Friday – our forces in Iraq occupy Mosul important oil town

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
5TH Went to Nav. lecture at Cadets – we carry daylight raids on Germany – 5 bombers destroyed in last nights fairly intensive raids

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
6TH 2 supply ships & 1 armed trawler connected with the Bismarck were sunk during the action – played tennis with Wriggy at the Park – Don & Gee were also there

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
7TH Went to see the Marx Bros in ‘The M.B. – Go West’ & also the Farmers Daughter, both were very good films, with Don Louis Ken & Roland

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[underlined] JUNE [/underlined]

at the Regal – stayed in at night.

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
8TH Our troops march into Syria – went to Cadets in the morning a very warm sunny day – went for a walk in the afternoon & at night with Wriggy Ken & Gee

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
9TH Stayed in at night – 2 more Bismarck supply ships sunk – our forces in Syria push on – very slight opposition – Derna & Benghazi bombed 15 aircraft destroyed on the ground & explosions reported at various spots.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
10TH Went to Cadets at night for Morse instruction

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
11TH Went to see ‘The Mark of Zoro’ at the Dorchester with Ken, Wriggy & Gee (Tyrone Power, Basil Rathbone & Linda Darnell) enjoyed it very much – had a letter from Mary this morning

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[underlined] JUNE [/underlined]

our forces push on in Syria

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
12TH Went to Nav. lecture at Cadets – our forces carry out largest raid ever on Ruhr area – 6 aircraft lost. – our forces push on in Syria

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
13TH Stayed in – mended a puncture & cleaned by bike – a German pocket battleship torpedoed by Beaufort off Norway – retire at reduced speed with escort.

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
14TH Played the School at cricket (won 124 for 4 – 113) scored 4 took 2 wickets for 14. – went for a walk at night with Gee – 14 enemy aircraft shot down on all fronts – Ruhr district again heavily raided

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
15TH Stayed in bed in the morning & went for a walk in the afternoon & at night when I met Edith at the station

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[underlined] MON [/underlined]
16TH Played for OH’s against Hull lost 78 to 79 for 7. (scored 2 – caught 1) very warm & sunny today

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
17TH RAF daylight raid on Cologne 11 German fighters shot down & night raid on Ruhr – more enemy shipping sunk by Coastal Command – 14 planes shot down in Med. area – navy helps land forces in Syria – were [sic] there is heavy fighting – we launch new attack in Lybia [sic] – by our armoured divisions – fire watching at home tonight & had to get up – went to Morse at night

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
18TH We have invented a new device – Radio Location for detection of enemy aircraft etc – our troops are now a few miles from Damascus – our forces in Lybia [sic] retire to advance positions & capture many prisoners & destroy enemy tanks etc

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[underlined] JUNE [/underlined]

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
19TH Went to Nav. lecture at Cadets at night – more daylight raids by our fighters & bombers in daylight – many enemy fighters destroyed Turkey signs pact with Germany but it must in no way interfer [sic] with English Agreements

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
20TH Went to Cadets sports field to practise running.

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
21ST Went to Lec. to run & did very well in the Relay race after being cut off – drew with winner of the 100 yards sprint – had to hitch hike home – picked up by Wing Commander - & taken into Beverley caught another car into Hull – wrote to Mary at night – our bombers supported by later fighters carry out daylight sweep – 28 German fighters shot down 5 of ours lost

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[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
22ND Went to Cadets in the morning & have transfered [sic] to Grammar School flight – very hot & sunny – played cricket for the officers in the afternoon & lost – played in my trousers – went for a walk with Wriggy & Ken at night into the town – another R.AF. daylight sweep & 30 Germans brought down to 2 of ours (1 Pilot safe) Germany declares war on Russia

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
23RD. Went to Nav lecture at Cadets – very little to report on Russian front – we advance in Syria another R.AF daylight sweep – less opposition encountered 7 planes shot down – 2 of ours lost

[underlined] TUES [/underlined] Went to Morse lecture at Cadets later went to Wriggy’s – Russians inflict losses on Germans both in tanks & men

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[underlined] WED [/underlined]
25TH Went for a walk with Don Ken, Tony Gowland & Gee – Russia hold Germans & destroy about 200 aeroplanes on the ground also 100 shot down – Russians lose about 300 nearly all on the ground.

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
26TH Went to Nav lecture at Cadets – Alex came home this dinner time – another daylight sweep by RAF 9-3 in our favour.

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
27TH Went to see ‘Argentine Night’ at the Regal (Don Ameche & Betty Grable) & enjoyed it also the supporting film ‘Private Detective’ – Russians hold Germans & inflict heavy losses – retreat to prepared positions in the North. – Finland is going to fight Russia – Sweden allowing German troops through her territory

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[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
28TH Received a letter from Mary – went to C.C Assoc. meeting at Doncaster with Misses Clayton, Sandham & Geoff – had a moderate time – walked round Doncaster afterwards – more sweeps & bombing raids by RAF.

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
29TH Stayed in bed in the morning & sunbathed in the afternoon went to see Ronald Colman in ’Under Two Flags’ at the Carlton with Wriggy later went for a walk

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
30TH Played for O.H’s against Town Clerks lost 128-61 (scored 2 L.B.W. – stumped) Germans push on – Russians claim to be holding a line from Sweden to the Black Sea

[underlined] TUES:- [/underlined]
1ST Went to Morse at night

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[underlined] WED [/underlined]
2ND R.A.F attack German occupied aerodrome in daylight bomb buildings & dispersed aircraft 7 fighters & 2 bombers lost – 18 enemies shot down – went for a walk to Pickering Park with Gee & Ken at night

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
3RD Went to a Nav. lecture at Cadets stiff fighting on Russo-German front – our forces push on in Syria more daylight raids on Germany

[underlined] FRI. [/underlined]
4TH Essen Bremen bombed in daylight – 7 bombers lost – daylight sweep 16 enemy fighters shot down & 4 of ours lost – played tennis with Ken at night – wrote to Mary yesterday

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
5TH Played cricket for Cadets – went to a dance at night with Edith to Hessle also Sandy

[page break]

Nicky, Les & Clarie met Dick Burrell who was on leave – had to walk home

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
6TH Church parade this morning – boxed & trained in the afternoon at St Mary’s B.C – went for a walk later at night – still very warm –

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
7TH Played R.AMC lost 176 for 4 – 60 (scored 10 not out) – fighting breaks out between Ecuador & Peru Western Germany heavily attacked by RAF both during day & night – Russian peasants carry out Stalin’s order to destroy everything & Russians counter attack & take offensive – 2 German destroyers reported sunk by them in Baltic – our Med Subs. Sink Italian Cruiser – Indian forces push on in Syria – met Elsie as I was leaving work she is on holiday

[page break]

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
8TH Went to Morse lecture Russians are holding the Germans – R.A.F carry out extensive operations both by day & night

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
9TH Went to Wriggy’s at night Russians push German-Rumanian troops back

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
10TH Went to Cadets but there was no lecture – armistice in Syria asked for by Gen Denty – terms given – 16 Germans shot down in day light sweep we lose 9 – (2 Pilots safe) fairly heavy raid here tonight – Russians gain more victories

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
11TH Went to P.T instruction at the Training College – very good Russians obtain another victory over 3000 Germans killed & 2000 captured Naples bombed

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[underlined] JULY [/underlined]

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
12TH Wrote to Mary in the afternoon went to the pictures at night with Ken & Wriggy to see Bing Crosby in ‘Rhythmn [sic] on the River’ very warm – German thrust halted – fighting has stopped in Syria –

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
13TH Thunderstorm in the morning stayed in bed – went for a walk to the Pier in the afternoon very warm & went with Wriggy & Ken at night for a walk round Anlaby – we sign pact with Russia

14TH Played Driffield lost – out first ball – bombs dropped here at night German attack has not started again more bombing raids by R.A.F

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
15TH Went to Cadets at night to Morse lecture – am improving – rained a lot today

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[underlined] WED [/underlined]
16TH Went to the Regal with Ken & Gee to see Will Hay & Claude Hulbert in ‘Ghost at St Mich Germans still held on Russian front

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
17TH A heavy raid here at night fires started Ricketts General Post Office, Smith & Stephens & Spillers damaged by fire – daylight raid on Rotterdam by Blenheims – 22 ships (145,000 tons) sunk in harbour & another 5 outside we lose 4 planes – Russians still do well – went to Nav. class at night

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
18TH Went to P.T at night had a good time later played crocquet [sic] at Wriggy’s – heavy fighting on Russian front heavy losses on both sides – battle of 700 tanks Russians do well

[page break]

19TH Went boxing at Leeds & lost on points – had a good time – went in Mr Smith’s car with his wife & [underlined] daughter [/underlined] – came back with Mr Johnson – boxed at Headingly football ground – Hull won championship

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
20TH Wrote to Mary – stayed in bed in the morning & stayed in in the afternoon & went for a walk with Wriggy at night met Irene & Ada Irene works with Don at Spillers

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
21ST. Played Sutton lost – I did well scored 13 & caught one – Moscow bombed at night – little damage done 22 Germans brought down by AA & night fighters – heavy fighting on Russian front had a letter from Mary.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
22ND Went to see Gene Autrey in ‘Melody Range’ at the Tower

[page break]

with Ken & Gee enjoyed it – saw Mary & Peggy when we were walking home –

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
23RD Went for a walk to Pickering Park with Ken & Gee

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
24TH Went to Nav lecture at night played croquet at Wriggy’s afternoon

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
25TH Daylight attacks on German battleships (Greisenau Scharnhorst) during day & night – by our big bombers Boeing Fortresses, Halifax, Stirling – Boeings operate at fantastic heights & score hits on battleship with armour piercing bombs – during operations since Wed. we lose 15 bombers & 7 fighters (shoot down 33 enemy fighters) H.M.S Fearless destroyer sunk in Med. during attack on convoy which get through unscathed – Russians destroy whole German division

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[underlined] JULY [/underlined]

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
26TH. Stayed in as it rained all the afternoon & night – read a book ‘Farthing Hall’ by Hugh Walpole E boats tried to raid harbour at Malta all sunk by shore batteries & our aircraft shoot down 3 planes which tried to cover their retreat

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
27TH Went to Cadets in the morning & also in the afternoon to a proficiency exam in morse, drill & P.T. – went to the New Theatre at night with Gee & Ken to see the Lanc Fusiliers Dance Orchestra enjoyed both the military & dance band

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
28TH Stayed in at night & swotted some navigation & maths

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
29TH Stayed in at night poured with rain all the day – later went to Wriggy’s & played

[page break]

cards at Wriggys – our planes carry out daylight sweep on Sicily 34 enemy planes destroyed – none of ours lost – Russians still holding the front & report 106 German planes shot down to 36 of their own.

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
30TH Went to Cadets at night but there was no Exam – so I went to see the lads later at night – Roland & Elsie came up later – Roland is on 48 hrs leave

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
31ST Went to a dance at the Wenlock Barracks at night had a moderate time – saw Joan home afterwards – small fair worked at Marcus’s lived top of St Georges Rd., - Don Madge & Gee were also there

[underlined] 1ST AUG [/underlined]
FRI. Went to a lecture on baseball RAF Proficiency Exam was on but

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did not take it – rained heavily today

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
2ND Went dancing at Hessle with Gee met Dickie Burrell & his girl had a good time met Judy Westoby & also Daphne Wells – walked home – R.A.F carry out heaviest bombing raid ever on Berlin – a flying fortress on reconnaissance bombs Wilhelmshaven from prodigous [sic] height unheard & unseen –

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
3RD Stayed in bed in the morning went for a walk with Ken Gee & Wriggy in the afternoon & to the pictures at night to see ‘Stagecoach’ at the Carlton – gunfire here at night – Russians destroy German 131 division which was rushed up to reinforce attack around Smolensk but was cut to pieces before it could form up to attack

[page break]

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
[underlined] 4TH [/underlined] [deleted] Went [/deleted] Cycled to Withernsea with Ken & Gee had a good time but it rained a lot so after having dinner on the sands we went to the pictures to see James Stewart in ‘No Time for Comedy’

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
5TH Went for a walk with Ken at night – our bombers carry out night raid on Hamburg etc in strong wind – heavy damage & extensive fires reported.

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
6TH Japan threatens Thai after occupation of Indo China is nearly complete – stayed in at night & wrote to Fred – had a letter from Roland.

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
7TH [deleted] Went for a walk at night with Ken [/deleted] – Gee has gone to Brid for the day – went

[page break]

[deleted] [underlined] FRI [/underlined] [/deleted]
8TH Went to the West Park at night to see ‘Old Bill & Son’

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
8TH Went to the dentist – went to see Wriggy later who is going to Scarborough tomorrow with Ken – Russians claim heavy German losses during the 7 weeks fighting

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
9TH Russians bombed Berlin the other night – Germans reported earlier, raid by RAF but we refute claim – went into the town with Edith in the afternoon to choose Alex’s present went to Hessle at night with Gee – had a moderate time Elsie was there – had to walk home in the pouring rain

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
10TH Stayed in bed in the morning went for a walk with Gee in the afternoon & to see George Formby in ‘No Limit’ at the Criterion at night

[page break]

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
11TH Went for a walk in the morning read in the Park afternoon – at night played Cricket did not bad wrotten [sic] game – R.A.F raid Cologne & Ruhr all return Russians again at Beken – heavy fighting all along the front

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
12TH Wrote to Roland – had a letter from Mary asking me to go over for the weekend – wrote accepting – morning walked into the town & also in the afternoon – went to see ‘The Saints Vacation’ at the West Park with Gee – bombers including flying fortresses at great height & roof top flying Blenheims escorted by fighters raid Western Germany in daylight hits on power plants. [inserted] Ediths [/inserted] Dennis has come for the weekend

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[underlined] WED [/underlined]
13TH Alex came home at night – is going abroad – went to the Priory with Gee to see ‘Angels with Wings’ met Mary there & we saw her home afterwards – went for a walk in the afternoon in between rain showers

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
14TH Went to Mrs Johnson’s in the morning with Alex – went for a walk with Gee in the afternoon & at night – Churchill has met Roosevelt in the Atlantic & peace aims formed

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
15TH A letter from Fred & postcard from Mary telling me about Sat. arrangements – went to the West Park at night to see Conrad Veidt in ‘The Spy in Black’ – enjoyed it very much Alex had a party at night & Sheila Wilf & his girl & Ron Crew were there

16TH Caught the 9.20 train with Edith & Alex – I went to Doncaster

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[underlined] AUG [/underlined]

Edith to Sheffield & Alex to Liverpool on his way to Canada missed the bus at Doncaster but caught one to Haxey & then on to Belton – met Mary who looked very nice – is getting fatter – had dinner & then went to Scunthorpe – looked round the shops & then went to the pictures to see ‘Seven Sinners’ Marlene Dietrich stayed in at night & talked – Mr Boatyman came over for the weekend

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
17TH Stayed in in the morning started to walk along the river but Mary wanted to go back – caught the 4.40 bus from Belton – called to see Mr & Mrs Axe – Mr Boatyman came back with me – air raid at night several people killed including Don Birkbeck’s father & sister Brenda

[page break]

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
18TH Went to the West Park with Ken & Gee to see ‘ A Night at Earl Carrolls’ enjoyed the singing we carry out heavy raids on Germany Germans advance in Ukraine Nickolieu captured (port on Black Sea) but Odessa further East is holding out.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
19TH Went to the dentists at night & stayed in later – R.AF carry out daylight sweeps & night offensive – wrote to Mary at night

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
20TH Stayed in at night & later went for a walk to Springhead I register on Sept 6th – Russians claim that 1 1/2 million Germans have been killed in the fighting up to now

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
21ST Went to the West Park at night to see ‘The Penalty’ a gangster film which I enjoyed

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[underlined] AUG [/underlined]

[inserted] FRI [/inserted] [underlined] 22ND [/underlined] Went to PT. at night & practised forward rolls, somersault etc. – ARW at night went to see the lads who were on duty – wrote for permission to volunteer.

[underlined] 23RD [/underlined]
SAT Nasty day raining – went to Wriggys in the afternoon & to the Danse de Laxe at night with Gee but did not enjoy it very much as the people were fairly common – although the band was good & also the dance floor.

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
24TH Went to Cadets in the morning but did not stay long a nice warm sunny day & a nice change – went for a walk by myself in the afternoon as the lads stayed in – went to the pictures with Wriggy Ken & Gee to see David Niven, Richard Green in ‘Four Men & a Prayer’ at the Carlton

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I enjoyed it very much it being one of the best I have seen recently Russians have inflicted heavy losses on Germans in counter attacks.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
25TH Went to the dentists at night later went to a Nav. lecture at Cadets 2 AR.W’s during day believed bombs dropped at Hornsea – British & Russian forces cross frontier into Iran – slight resistance offered to our forces.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
26TH Went to Cadets at night later went for a walk with the gang & raided Gee’s orchard at night – I have permission from the Dept. to join up.

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
27TH Again went to Cadets at night for reference – went for a walk by myself.

[page break]

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
28TH Volunteered for R.A.F. today – went to the Priory at night to see ‘Freedom Radio’ (Clive Brook) – Laval & Deat shot & wounded

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
29TH Stayed in at night & did some navigation – later went to Wriggys – warning sounded & so had to firewatch – had a letter from Mary this morning Duisburg heavily raided by Sterlings [sic] last night – Russians blow up Dnieper Dam (Took 6 yrs to construct) – went to dentists at night

30TH Went to bed in the afternoon – tired after last night – went to Hessle at night did not enjoy it as by myself

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
31ST A nice warm sunny day went to Wriggy in the afternoon later went for a walk by myself & met Louis & Jessie – went to

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Fred’s at night he was home for the weekend – sat in Pickering Park for an hour as he was out – had a talk later & was on my way home when bombs & gunfire started – a few people killed in raid.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
1 SEPT Went to Cadets (Nav.) at night – wrote to Mary today – warnings & gunfire again tonight

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
2ND Went to the Dorchester with Ken & Gee to see Artie Shaw in ‘Second Chorus’ battle of Leningrad expected soon – warnings & gunfire again

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
3RD Stayed in at night – Berlin bombed last night –

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
4TH Stayed in again at night battle still raging on Russian front – heavy fighting near Leningrad

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
5TH Went for a walk with Ken at night – later went

[page break]

to Wriggys – raided Gee’s orchard with Wriggy – U.S.A destroyer attacked by sub. on way to Iceland – depth charges dropped & sub. is now being hunted – passed my medical exam for R.A.F – over 70 German planes shot down over Leningrad & 100 over the Baltic – German sub. sunk in the Baltic – Italian sub. rammed & cut in half by HMS Hermione (Cruiser) in the Med – Italian Cruiser & large liner torpedoed by our sub in Med 10 enemy to 2 of ours shot down in this area

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
6TH I registered today – one more Italianian [sic] liner sunk – went to the Priory at night to see James Cagney in ‘The Fighting 69TH enjoyed the picture.

[page break]

[underlined] SEPT [/underlined]

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
[underlined] 7TH [/underlined] Got up late – went to Wriggys in the afternoon & practised with Gee’s air pistol – went to the ‘Rampant Horse’ at night

[underlined MON [/underlined]
8TH Went to see ‘Goodbye Mr Chips at the Carlton with Ken & Gee about 300 planes raided Berlin & did a lot of good – 20 missing – 2 Fortresses lost on reconnaisance [sic] U Boat captured by aeroplane – bomb it – comes to surface – machine gunned surrenders – guarded by Hudson until destroyer arrives – too rough to board – later boarded towed to port – Russians also capture one in Baltic

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
9TH Russians cut up 8 German divisions in counter attack went to dentists at night later

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[underlined] SEPT [/underlined]

cleaned my bike – received letter from Roland today – Spitsbergen occupied by our forces

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
10TH Stayed in mended my puncture & cleaned my bike – wrote to Fred today – Russians do well in central section counter attacks – kill about 7000 Germans

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
11TH Played football at night in practise match on Ella St. –

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
12TH Went for a cycle ride with Ken at night who went to sign in for night class later went to Wriggys

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
13TH Played Earles & won 4-0 on their ground played on hockey pitch – went dancing to Hessle at night by myself had a fairly decent time

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[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
14TH Had to sign on this morning for fire-watching later went for a little walk with Ken & Gee went to Wriggys in the afternoon played cards & listened to gramo. records in their shed – went for a walk into the town together at night – they went drinking but I came home & went to bed early

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
15TH Gee has got his motor bike – we tried it out in the Avenue – Turin bombed by our long distance planes – three German transports sunk in the Baltic – received a letter from Mary

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
16TH Went to see ‘Men are not Gods’ at the Carlton with Gee – enjoyed it – based on the Play Othello (Rex Harrison Sebastian Shaw) attempted German landing

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[underlined] SEPT [/underlined]

[underlined] 16TH [/underlined] CONT on the island of Qesel – 2 more transports sunk by Russians along with motor launch etc. – Hamburg heavily raided by our planes – Shah of Persia abdicates through the trouble caused by difficulty over rounding up the 5th columnists

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
17TH Went to the dentists & had a couple of teeth out – Karlsruhe heavily raided by our bombers all return – Blenheims escorted by fighters attack power plant at Bethune – 1 Blenheim & 7 fighters IPS lost – 7 enemy fighters shot down 3 Swedish destroyers blow up & sink at moorings –

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
18TH Went to see ‘The Trail of the Vigilantes’ at the West Park with Roland & Gee (Broderick Crawford

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Franchot Tone Mischa Auer) – a tough western – a change –

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
19TH Wrote to Mary – Germans on the outskirts of Kiev – assaults on Leningrad beaten off – went to see ‘Target for Tonight’ & ‘City for Conquest’ (James Cagney Ann Rutherford) at the Regal with Roland – enjoyed the latter – sentimental – but a good story & good film.

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
20TH Should have played the RAF but they didn’t turn up – went to see ‘The Philadelphia Story’ at the Carlton with Roland & Ken enjoyed the film (Cary Grant Kath Hepburn, Ruth Hussey James Stewart later went to the ‘Rampant’ & [deleted] Palais de [/deleted] Danse de Luxe) for 15 mins

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[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
21ST Went for a walk in the morning with the gang to see a motor [inserted] bike [/inserted] for Ken – went for a walk in the afternoon went to the pictures at night to see ‘Algiers’ (Hedy Lamar) – met a couple of girls – made a date which Gee is keeping for me – went to Roland’s for supper – gunfire here tonight

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
22ND Went to Cadets at night 2 large Italian transports sunk in Med – Kiev evacuated by Russians – another American ship sunk

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
23RD Firewatched at work at night

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
24TH Went for a short walk at night & then stayed in 5 more Italian ships sunk in

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the Med. by our subs. or aeroplanes

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
25TH Went for a walk at night & then stayed in & read until bed-time – still fighting hard on Russian front

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
26TH Went for a walk with the dog at night –

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
27TH Played the battery at Costello & won 2-1 – enjoyed the game although it was a bad pitch – went to the pictures with Trevor Russell but could not get in so we went dancing at ‘Chestnut Ave’ enjoyed it – only a radiogram – nice place RAF carry out sweep over N. France

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
28TH Stayed in all the day & did some navigation – another R.A.F sweep all our planes return still heavy fighting on the Russian front

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[underlined] MON [/underlined]
29TH Went to Cadets at night very interesting – RAF raid Turin, Genoa etc & targets in Sicily also Hamburg – I go for my medical on Friday – wrote to Roland

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
30TH Firewatched at work at night warning & slight gunfire 8.40 – 11.10 – wrote to Mary Stettin & Hamburg again raided – Convoy attack going through Med. 14 enemy planes shot down by fleet fighters (3 lost 2 crews safe) & gunfire H.M.S Nelson struck by torpedo nobody killed only causes reduction in speed – heavy shooting in Czech by new tyrant.

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
1 OCT Stayed in at night & more RAF raids – slight gunfire here tonight

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[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
2 OCT Stayed in at night

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
3 OCT Went to Cardington today set off 11-00 arrived 5-20 – had a look round the camp at night

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
4 Oct Up at 6.30 & had small written test, medical etc sworn in photographs taken finished at 5.30 left the camp – went into Bedford with my two friends from Hull Tom Stacey & a boy from Bev. left our cases at the station – had tea at a restaurant – went back to the station & had a pint – caught the 9.30 train to Kettering – waited 30 mins there & caught the Edinburgh express to Leeds arrived 3.0 (We had a good wash & shave on the train) – caught a train to Hull arrived 5.30 & so to bed

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[underlined] OCT [/underlined]

[underlined] 5TH [/underlined] Got up at about half past twelve went for a walk in the afternoon & went to the Carlton at night with Ken & Gee to see Rosalind Russell & Cary Grant in ‘That Man Friday’

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
6TH Received a letter from Fred went to Gee’s & Wriggy’s at night exchange of sick prisoners held up by German attitude – heavy new German onslaught on the Russian front

[underlined] 7TH [/underlined]
TUES Received a letter from Mary this morning – firewatched at work at night – Germans launch big offensive – railway between Kharkov & Moscow reported cut

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
8TH Wrote to Mary at night Russians evacuate certain towns but retreat in orderly

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[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
9TH Stayed in at night – Hull trawler captures a sub. in Med. – depth charges bring sub to surface – machine guns & large gun make crew surrender – sub sinks 40 survivors picked up (trawler was less heavily armed than the sub) rained all day today

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
10TH Wrote to Don – went to the VR. Class (Nav.) tonight warning & gunfire here tonight – Russian counter attack & are holding the Germans

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
11TH Played North Hull Amateurs won 11-0 with ten men – went to a dance at Chestnut Ave. with Trev & Ali (on leave) had a good time we all got to know somebody – met Jean – warning at night

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[underlined] OCT [/underlined]

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
12TH Stayed in bed in the morning – went for a walk in the afternoon with the lads – a very nice day warm, clear & fresh stayed in at night – warnings & gunfire tonight

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
13TH About 300 planes raid places in the Ruhr, Bevariatte & do well – fighters in daylight sweep destroy 20 enemy fighters lose 12 two pilots safe – heavy fighting on Russian front – went to the dentists at night – firewatched at work slept through one warning

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
14TH Took the dog for a walk after tea – stayed in at night – another heavy raid on Germany last night – SW. Germany again visited by our bombers

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[underlined] OCT [/underlined]

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
15TH Stayed in at night wrote to Alex

[underlined THUR [/underlined]
16TH Went to an RAFVR lecture in Morse & Maths taken by Mr Colbert [deleted] as [/deleted] Germans very near Moscow – heavy fighting

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
17TH Went to the dance at Chestnut Ave with Ali Mason & Trev. had a very good time Jean & Eileen were there – saw them home – given a lift from Willerby to Carew St arrived home 11.15

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
18TH Played East Hull Amts. won 6-0 in a very strong wind walked to Langham at night but could not get in – so walked home & listened to the wireless – Russians slow up German advance on Moscow which is now nearly at a standstill

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[underlined] OCT [/underlined]

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
19TH Stayed in bed in the morning – went for a short in the afternoon as it was very wet & it rained a little – improved after tea walked round to town could not get into the pictures so stayed in at night

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
20TH Went to see Judy Canova Bob Crosby & his wild Cats in ‘Sis Hopkins’ with Carbyon – warning & gunfire early tonight – received a letter from Mary

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
21ST Received a letter from Roland – stayed in at night – went with Edith to buy Mary’s birthday present after dinner – bought a powder compact

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
22ND Firewatched at work at night – gunfire but went to bed – wrote to Mary – Naples

[page break]

heavily raided last night - & also targets in Holland etc.

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
23RD Went to Morse & Nav. lectures –

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
24TH Went to a dance at Chestnut Ave. & had a very good time danced with Jean nearly all the time – had to walk home – warning at dinner & tea time –

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
25TH Played R.AFVR & won 3-2 went dancing again to Chestnut Ave as I couldn’t get into the pictures had to walk most of the way there & all of the way back – had a moderate time – Jean danced with somebody else most of the time & I would have socked the kid only she appeared to prefer his company or dancing to mine & I did not wish to appear ridiculous although

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[underlined] OCT [/underlined]

I felt like a fight

[underlined] 26TH [/underlined]
SUN Stayed in bed in the morning & went for a walk in the afternoon – went to see Jack Buchanan in ‘Middle Watch at the Priory at night.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
27TH Went to see James Cagney & Olivia de Haviland in ‘Strawberry Blonde’ at the Tower with Ken & Gee enjoyed it very much – Hamburg was the main target for our bombers reported frontier clash between Russian & Jap soldiers – Germans held near Moscow, but make progress in the Crimea.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
28TH Had a letter from Mary this morning – stayed in at night

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[underlined] OCT [/underlined]

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
29TH Wrote to Don at the night & stayed in – have a slight cold – Russians hold Moscow front but have to fall back in the Crimea – snowed today & was very cold.

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
30TH Stayed in again at night wrote to Roland – Coastal Command Hudsons raid Aalsund sink 4 transport ships – machine gun in oil factory – put out of action defence posts & guns – all return safely.

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
31ST Went to Nav. lecture at night also to the dentists for my teeth

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
1 NOV Played Endike Lane OB & won 3.0 in pouring rain & sleet stayed in at night & wrote to Mary firewatching at home & had to go

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[underlined] NOV [/underlined]

petrol & bad weather

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
9TH Up fairly early today – went for a walk in the afternoon with Ken, Wriggy & Gee – very cold but dry – firewatched at work at night – talked all night in bed about 1.0 & did not get up until 8.0 o’clock.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
1OTH Stayed in at night & wrote to Roland at the Office – Hamburg raided last night – HMS Aurora, Penelope & two destroyers attack convoy in Med & sink 10 ships, 2 destroyers & damage another we suffer no casualties – famous destroyer HM.S Cossack sunk

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
11TH Stayed in at night – do not feel very well still having trouble with – wrote to Mary had a couple of letters from

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[underlined] NOV [/underlined]

Alex today –

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
12TH Went to the Regal at night with Geoff to see ‘Married but Single’ Rosalind Russell & also a Dr Kildare film

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
13TH Stayed in at night received a letter from Roland.

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
14TH Went to VR class at night but Capt. Beere did not turn up so we did morse & Byrne gave us a lecture – HMS Ark Royal sunk

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
15TH Went for a walk round the town in the afternoon as I couldn’t get in at the Dorchester went dancing to the YU at night with Edith – had moderate time band was lousy – 1 casualty in Ark Royal

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
16TH Went to PT (VR) in the morning – played football

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[underlined] NOV [/underlined]

& did a little drill – went for a short walk in the afternoon but it started to rain so we played ‘Monopoly’ at Wriggys went to see ‘Oh Mr Porter’ at the Carlton with the gang at night.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
17TH Went to Court in the morning & afternoon nice change – stayed in at night – (Ark Royal hit by torpedo & after being towed sunk only 20 miles from Gib.)

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
18TH Went to Court again in the morning – very nice day firewatched at work at night had a quiet night.

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
19TH Very foggy tonight went to Sheila’s 21st & Wilf was also married in the afternoon Mary & Bob were at the party

[page break]

[underlined] NOV [/underlined]

arrived home 1.0

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
20TH Went to see ‘Andy Hardy’s Secretary’ with Mickey Rooney etc also ‘The Black Parrot’ at the Regal with Geoff and enjoyed it very much – Russians evacuate Kirsch in the Crimea – went to [deleted] [underlined] FRI [/underlined] [/deleted] Rolands after pictures until 11.30

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
21ST We start an offensive in Libya & are already 50 mls into the country – went to Nav. lecture at VR.

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
22ND Stayed in both at night & in the afternoon read most of the time – we do well in Libya – capture Fort Capuzzo.

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
23RD Went to P.T & drill in the morning & went for

[page break]

[underlined] NOV [/underlined]

a walk with Wriggy & Gee in the afternoon – played Monopoly at Wriggy’s at night.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
24TH Went to see ‘That Night in Rio’ (Don Ameche Alice Faye & Carmen Miranda) with Gee at the Carlton – tank battle in Libya continues – heavy fighting again near Moscow

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
25TH Stayed in & read at night – later went for a short walk – Russians are holding the Germans near Moscow& counter attacks gain ground.

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
26TH Received a letter from Mary this morning – stayed in at night – battle still raging in Libya –

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
27TH N.W Germany raided by RA.F wrote to Mary

[page break]

[underlined] NOV [/underlined]

our forces join up with Tobruk tank battle resumed both forces bringing up reserves went to VR class at night & later firewatched at work.

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
28TH [inserted] Received letter from Fred [/inserted] N.W Germany again raided – went dancing with Gee & his friend who was home on leave – had a fair night

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
29TH Rostov retaken by the Russians – Germans retreat still heavy fighting in Libya – played Tarraneans won 3-1 stayed in at night & read.

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
30TH Rolled downstairs about 11.0 wrote to Roland went for a walk with Wriggy, Ken & Gee – later went to Wriggy’s to tea (his birthday yesterday) & then went to see ‘Juarez’ Bette

[page break]

Davis, Paul Muni at the Carlton – then played monopoly at Wriggys

[underlined] DEC [/underlined]

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
1ST. Went to the pictures with Ken & Gee to see Barbara Stanwyck & Henry Fonda in ‘Lady Eve’ enjoyed it – later went for a walk.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
2ND Stayed in at night & wrote to Fred & Louis – received a letter from Louis this morning – Germans cut the corridor between Tobruk & our forces – 18 1/2 – 50 men to be called up – boys & girls between 16 – 18 to register for youth organisations A T.C etc. H.M S. Sydney (Cruiser) sunk after sinked [sic] large armed merchantman (HM.S Dorchester sank an armed merchantman but did not

[page break]

pick up survivors as there was a sub. in the vicinity)

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
3RD Went to [deleted] Roland [/deleted] work fire-watching & read all the night [inserted] received a letter from Mary. [/inserted]

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
4TH Russians pushing on to Taganrog - & hold Germans round Moscow went to Morse lecture at night later went to Rolands

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
5TH Went to a party at Rolands all the lads were there Doreen Jarvis, Doreen & Doreen Tadman Mary & Elsie didn’t turn up had a good time – arrived home 2.30

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
6TH Played Reckitts boys with 10 men lost 2-0 cold & started to rain near the end stayed in at night & wrote to Mary

SUN (7TH) Stayed in bed in

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[underlined] DEC [/underlined]

the morning & went for a walk in the afternoon with Roland, Gee, Ken & Wriggy – stayed in at night AR.W for a few hours – Japan raids Phillipine Isles Hawaii & American Naval Bases – heavy casualties inflicted – invade Thailand & N. Malay.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
8TH Went to Court today – Thailand stops resistance – more raids by Japs on American bases – Hong Kong attacked but our forces repell [sic] invaders. America declares war on Japan we, all our Dominions, Holland etc (we declared war on Finland Rumania & Hungary on Sat. 6TH)

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
9TH Went to Court in the morning – went to see ‘Dogs of the Air’ James Cagney Pat O’Brien

[page break]

[underlined] DEC [/underlined]

etc with Geoff – wrotten [sic] picture. Japs make very little ground in N. Malaya against our forces

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
10TH H.M.S Prince of Wales (new ship 35000 tons) & HMS Repulse sunk off Singapore – Russians retake Tikhvin – our forces in Hong Kong repulse attacks & inflict heavy losses – wrote to the RA.F. went to Maths lecture & later played billiards

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
11TH Stayed in & read – over 2300 men saved from Repulse & Prince of Wales: Admiral Sir Tom Phillips among the missing – the Japanese battleship Hamura 29000 tons has been sunk by aircraft.

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
12TH Went to Nav lecture at night – very interesting

[page break]

[underlined] DEC [/underlined]

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
13TH Played City Engineers & won 6-0 with 8 men – rotten game – firewatched at work at night – had a letter from Louis

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
14TH Stayed in bed & listened to the wireless in the morning – arrived home about 12.0 – played Monopoly at Wriggy’s in the afternoon & finished writing to Mary at night our forces in Med – sink Italian cruiser & seriously damage another

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
15TH Went to see Errol Flynn in ‘The Sea Hawk’ at the Carlton & enjoyed it very much Brest & Ostend raided – our forces push on in Libya – stated that 1 battleship & 5 other

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
16TH Stayed in at night Russians retake Kaunin

[page break]

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
17TH Received a letter from Mary – H.MS Dunedin (Cr. sunk in the Atlantic – stayed in at night.

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
18TH Stayed in at night – German & Italians in full retreat in Libya – Russians push on –

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
19TH Received a card from Mary this morning & rang her up – Japs make landing in Hong Kong – [deleted] Duchess of Gloucester [/deleted] – went to library & bought Christmas Cards – stayed in at [underlined] night [/underlined]

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
20TH Up early caught 9.20 train to Doncaster & bus to Epworth met Mary from work – arrived cottage 2.15 caught bus to Epworth 5.50 & saw ‘Keeping Company’ Ann Rutherford – enjoyed it – arrived

[page break]

home 9.30 & talked until bed time.

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
21ST Went for a walk after breakfast – called to see Mary’s aunt & then called for the milk, - had tea left at 4.0 to catch 5 o’clock bus from Belton – 6.50 train to Hull arrived 8.30 went home – changed & went to work to firewatch.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
22ND Very tired today – wrote to Mary at night – R.AF raid Brest etc Hong Kong still holds out.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
23RD Bought Mary’s present a bracelet – it had to be altered – went to see ‘Cottage to Let’ at the Dorchester & enjoyed it very much – Russians still push on – left off for Christmas

[page break]

[underlined] DEC [/underlined]


[underlined] WED [/underlined]
24TH Don came for me this morning – he is on embarkation leave – went a short walk – went for my bracelet but wasn’t ready – met Geoff in the town in the afternoon – went on the pier etc – collected our goose from Mrs Johnson – also called again for bracelet still not ready – went back later on my bike – eventually collected at 6.15 on my way to the dance at the Bev. Baths – enjoyed it very much Jean was there also Joyce (Les’s friend) finished at 11.0 – Denis has come for a few days – talked had a drink went to bed about 2.0 o’clock.

[page break]

[underlined] DEC [/underlined]

[deleted] [underlined] THUR [/underlined] [/deleted] [inserted] FRI [/inserted]
26TH [sic] Benghazi captured by 8TH Army stayed in at night – have toothache – posted Mary’s present this morning – went to see ‘Ziegfeld Girl’ at the Carlton in the afternoon – (James Stewart, Hedy Lamarr, [sic] Lana Turner & Judy Garland) Russians probe straightened German line.

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
25TH Stayed in bed in the morning – went to see Hull beat York 26-20 in the afternoon – stayed in at night played cards with dad & drank rum.

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
27TH Stayed in all day – teeth still bad – received a letter from R.A.F saying that I shall be called up in March

[page break]

[underlined] DEC [/underlined]

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
28TH Went for a walk with Wriggy & Ken in the afternoon – very cold but fresh went to see Sonja Henje [sic] at the Carlton with them at night in ‘My Lucky Star’ – later played Monopoly at Wriggy’s

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
29TH Firewatching at work – went to the Tivoli – rotten show – Norman Long etc. (Edna Squire-Brown in ‘Dance of the Doves’ good & also Kusharney) – in action in Libya 22 tanks destroyed & 20 damaged we make a small landing in Norway kill or capture whole German garrison & set fire to Oil stores etc & sink 5 ships – 2 armed trawlers & 1 armed tug – great cooperation by 3 Services Uncle Tom died yesterday

[page break]

[underlined] DEC [/underlined]

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
30TH Received a [inserted] Christmas [/inserted] letter from Marian & also from Alex – stayed in at night & wrote to Louis – our forces withdraw from Sarawak – Americans being pushed back in Phillipines – Russians capture important towns.

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
31ST Received a letter from Mary – stayed in at night – Russians make landing in Crimea & our forces push on in Libya –

[underlined] JAN [/underlined]

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
1ST Stayed in at night & wrote to Bert – we make another landing in Norway in Lofoten Isles – destroy communications sink a few ships – capture many Germans & Quislings – take back many Norwegians & destroy

[page break]

[underlined] JAN [/underlined]

oil plants etc we suffer no casualties –

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
2ND Went to see ’Sorochintse [sic] Fair’ at the New (Russian Ballet & Opera) & with Geoff & enjoyed it very much – Russians push on.

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
3RD Played for Constable St O.B. against R.AFVR & won 13-1 rained most of the time – Frodin is home on leave – went to work at night to firewatch – wrote to Mary – H.M.S. Neptune sunk by mine in Med – survivors taken prisoner – also destroyer HM.S Kandahar sunk when going to assist her – convoy of 30 ships also attacked for 4 days – only 3 ships sunk & our forces destroy 3 subs & a Konder raider

[page break]

[underlined] JAN [/underlined]

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
4TH Russians push on past Kaluga – Japs push on in Malaya & Philippines [sic] – went for a short walk in the afternoon with Ken & Gee it rained slightly – the lads came to our house at night & we played Monopoly.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
5TH Stayed in at night as Frod & Peggy came to supper – very cold today – very bad weather experienced in Libya

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
6TH Went to see ‘The Golden Hour’ at the Carlton with Geoff (James Stuart & Paulette Goddard) enjoyed it very much funny & witty – snowed during the night – very dirty underfoot Japs capture an aerodrome in Malaya – Americans sink destroyer & damage battleship

[page break]

[underlined] JAN [/underlined]

in raid on Jap convoy.

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
7TH Stayed in at night & read Russians still advance – we retreat in Malaya – still cold

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
8TH Went to Morse lecture at night – our forces in Libya force Rommels men to retreat from Jabanihal? – stated that 7 Jap naval craft were sunk in previous engagement – still cold & freezing

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
9TH Firewatched at work at night went to see ‘Footsteps in the Dark’ at the Tower with Geoff & Lucas (Errol Flynn) enjoyed it very much – Brest raided for the 5th night in succession

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
10TH Have a bad cold – curse it played Army Eleven – lost 8-3 went to the Bev Rd Baths at

[page break]

[underlined] JAN [/underlined]

night with Gee – thin time because of cold – freezing & foggy at night – letter from Mary.

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
11TH Stayed in all day as I have a cold – still very cold wrote to Marian.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
12TH Went to Court today – cold a little better – still very cold – wrote to Mary at night we retreat further in Malaya – evacuate Kualar [sic] Lumpur – received a letter from Roland.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
13TH We take Sollum – American in Philip. Stop Japs advance wrote to Alex at night – went to Court today – still very cold.

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
14TH Snowed hard this morning – wrote to Fred at work – went to the Regal at night with Geoff to see ‘Billy the Kid’ (Robert

[page break]

[underlined] JAN [/underlined]

Taylor & Brian Donbery) & ‘Elsie & Doris’s Weekend (Elsie & Doris Waters) Russians push on

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
15TH Hamburg & Emdin raided by the RAF – went to Morse lecture later firewatching at work – still very cold.

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
16TH Felt very ill & weak today believe cold – or perhaps the soup consumed other night – Hamburg again raided – stayed in at night

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
17TH Cleaned part of my bike in the afternoon danced at the Bev Rd at night & had a very good time Halfaya surrenders & many prisoners taken

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
18TH Stayed in bed in the morning – short walk in the afternoon with the lads – went

[page break]

[underlined] JAN [/underlined]

to Ken’s at night & played Monopoly – his sister also played – snowed a little at night – Von Reichenau – Nazie [sic] General reported dead of a seizure on way back from front after being dismissed – Churchill arrived back from America yesterday by aeroplane.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
19TH Went to George Hotel with Louis for lunch – went for haircut after work with Gee – made us very late – went with Gee & Ken to the Carlton to see ‘The Woman’s Face’ very good picture, - sat next to a very nice girl – wish the lads hadn’t been with me

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
20TH Went to the Tower with Fred who is

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[underlined] JAN [/underlined]

over on leave it was ‘Flight from Destiny’ also ‘The Dog in the Garden’ & was a very good picture – Mozaisk [sic] retaken from Germans – very cold today – received a letter from Mary

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
21ST Had a telegram from Alex this morning – he is back in England – went dancing with Gee to the Bev. Baths Russians push on in the Moscow sector – worst weather experienced for 10 years in Lybia [sic] – still very cold here

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
22ND Stayed in at night & wrote to Mary – very cold today – Japs. land in islands very near to Australia & our forces again retreat in Malaya

[page break]

[underlined] JAN [/underlined]

our bombers raid Emden, Hamburg etc & enemy aerodrome in Holland

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
23RD Very cold today – rained & froze when it fell in the morning – later rained heavily – Rommel’s forces take Jedabya – Russians push on stayed in at night

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
24TH Axis convoy attacked in the Med & several transp. sank also a destroyer & Cruiser played Endike Lane OB (4-4) very dirty game in both senses scored from pen. went to Bev Rd at night with Gee – pouring with rain so took an umbrella Joan who works with John was there with a friend Edith away for weekend

[page break]

[underlined] JAN [/underlined]

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
20TH Snowed heavily this morning – stayed in bed – went to Wriggys in the afternoon – pouring with rain also went at night & listened to the gramo. W’s friend Joan was also there

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
26TH Went to the Tower with Ken to see ‘A Night in the Tropics’ – more ships sunk by Americans in raid on Jap Convoy in Macassar Straits

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
27TH R.AF raid Brest – stayed in at night & read – wrote to Bert today – still very cold & more snow Rommels forces push on in Libya

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
28TH Firewatched at work at night – RAF

[page break]

[underlined] JAN [/underlined]

again raid Brest & other targets – Rommels push said to be held & slowered [sic] down Russians still advance

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
29TH Went to Morse lecture at night – reported H.M.S Barham (31,000) sunk in November Alex arrived home in the early hours of the morning – received a letter from Mary – rang Mary

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
30TH Received a letter from Roland Japs 18 mls from Singapore we evacuate Benghazi again – Russians push on – went to see Tauber in Schubert’s ‘Blossom Time’ with Geoff & Lucas at the New Theatre – snow gone.

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
31ST Stayed in & wrote to Mary in the afternoon danced at Bev Rd at night with

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[underlined] JAN [/underlined]

Gee – our forces evacuate Malaya & return into Singapore Island.

[underlined] FEB [/underlined]

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
1ST Went to Wriggys in the afternoon & to the Carlton with Ken, Wriggy & Gee at night to see George Formby in ‘Let George do it’ snowed at night – had a snowball fight after pictures

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
2ND Went to see ‘Love Crazy’ (Myrna Loy & Wm Powell) at the Carlton – very funny & amusing US. Navy sinks many ships by means of aircraft etc in raid on Jap occupied base in the Atlantic & 1 ft of snow at night

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
3RD Went to the dance at Bev Rd – had a fairly good time met Miss Clayton (works in Edith’s office – Esther & Mary

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[underlined] FEB [/underlined]

Vise were there – arrived work 11.50 – firewatching – snow is melting making seas of slush

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
4TH Alex comes back from Leeds & has to return to Bournemouth at night – saw him off at the station

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
5TH On holiday – finished cleaning my bike in morning – helped dad chop wood in the afternoon & also read – went to Morse lecture at night – had a letter from Mary she is coming over for the weekend

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
6TH Cleaned dance shoes, football boots, cycle bag – very busy this morning – went to work near dinner time to receive telephone

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[underlined] FEB [/underlined]

call from Mary – went to the pictures in the afternoon to the Dorchester to see Walter Pidgeon, Joan Bennett & George Sandys in ‘Man Hunt’ a very good picture – rang Mary again afterwards & stayed in & read at night

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
7TH Went to meet Mary in the afternoon – didn’t arrive telegram to say had missed connection – met 6.31 London train but didn’t arrive until 7.15 – dashed to Marys Uncle’s (Telford St) – then to the dance at the Baths – arrived 8.45 – took taxi home – talked & had supper until 12.10 walked home – arrived 1.15.

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
8TH Up early called for Mary later went to Edna’s & then saw Mary off in the

[page break]

[underlined] FEB [/underlined]

afternoon on the 4.25 train went to the pictures at night to see John Garfield & Priscilla Lane in ‘Dust be my Destiny’

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
9TH Firewatched at work at night & wrote to Mary – Japs make landing on Singapore Island – counter measures being taken fighting near Gezala in Libya –

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
10TH Court again this morning – went to see Arthur Askey etc in ‘I Thank you’ at the Dorchester – Japs take aerodrome on Singapore Island – only 10 mls from the town itself – wrote to Roland

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
11TH Stayed in at night – very nice day (for a change) – Japs approach Singapore City believe it is all up there

[page break]

[underlined] FEB [/underlined]

Bert came into the office this morning

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
12TH Bert came back from Scarborough tonight – had tea together went to Morse Exam a V.R. (100 per cent on 6 wp.m) whilst Bert went for Margaret – went to the Regimental Dance at the Bev. Rd Baths – not too crowded had a fair time – arrived home 12.30 still hanging on in Singapore

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
13TH Schamhorst, Prince Eugen & Greisenau move from Brest to Heligoland Bight & up the Channel – our air force (torpedo planes bombers & fighter bombers & escorts) attack supporting E boats, trawlers, destroyers & the 3 ships & also our destroyers & MTB take part – stated several hits

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[underlined] FEB [/underlined]

made which slowed their speed down to 18 Knots – we lost 6 Swordfish, 20 bombers & 16 fighters in the [deleted] ta [/deleted] attack – destroy 18 of their fighters – Japs capture Singapore’s City reservoir – report of successful American naval raid on Gilbert Isles – 18000 ton aircraft carrier sunk – many Jap planes destroyed & bases very severely damaged

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
14TH Played Hessle Amateurs lost 10-0 with 8 men – went to the Wenlock Barracks at night with Gee – not a very good dance too crowded – not a nice crowd – left early – our American fighters in Libya meet 30 enemy planes destroy 20 & damage the rest.

[page break]

[underlined] FEB [/underlined]

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
15TH Stayed in bed in the morning – went to Wriggy’s in the afternoon – firewatched at work at night – short warning – aeroplane over & machine gunned – later shot down – Singapore has surrendered

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
16TH Received a letter from Mary & Roland – stayed in at night & swotted some navigation – warning again tonight

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
17TH Received a letter from Louis – 2 Italian Cruisers & 1 Destroyer torpedoed in Med. stayed in at night & wrote to Mary

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
18TH Had another letter from Mary – finished writing to her at work today went to the Tower at night to see ‘The Tower of Terror’ a terrible film – ridiculous

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[underlined] FEB [/underlined]

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
19TH Went to Morse lecture at night – RAF raid Bremen etc. Japs raid Port Darwin in Australia

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
20TH Received a letter from Fred stayed at work for tea then went to the Regal with Geoff & Lucas to see ‘International Squadron’ which was a very good flying picture – also Robert Young & Jane Hussey in ‘Bachelors Honeymoon’

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
21ST Japs attack island of ‘Bali’ in preparation for invasion of Jurva – allied naval forces blow up 1 Cruiser sink 2 destroyers for one of our own & also several transports played for Grammar School ATC Squadron in the afternoon

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[underlined] FEB [/underlined]

in heavy snow – lose 6-0 with only 7 men – later went to work to firewatch & read part of the night – had a roaring fire kettle boiled on the hearth

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
22ND Arrived home 12.0 o’clock went for a walk in the afternoon – snowed a little – went to Wriggy’s at night played cards & dominoes

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
23RD Went to see Tommy Dorsey & his band in ‘The Gay City’ at the Tower with Ken & Gee – fair picture – more snow here today

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
24TH Stayed in at night & wrote to Roland – Japs take aerodrome on isle of Bali

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
25TH On holiday – wrote to Mary in the morning – a walk into town in the afternoon

[page break]

by Navy to effect the withdrawal Rangoon position serious – [inserted] FEB [/inserted] Convoy of troops approaching Java dispersed by allied Naval action.

[underlined] MARCH [/underlined]

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
1ST Took the Nav & Maths Exam at the Cadets in the afternoon – short walk at night with Ken & Gee – later went to Wriggy’s & played Austin’s Rummy – had to leave early as Fred was over on leave

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
2ND Stayed in at night & wrote to Roland – Japs make landings in Java.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
3RD Received a letter from Mary & wrote to her at night – she also rang me up this afternoon to see if I would go over to a dance – Japs held in Java but

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[underlined] MCH [/underlined]

Dutch Gov. leave Batavia & say they will not be able to hold Java

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
4TH Jap bombers attack U.S fleet in Pacific – 16 out of 18 shot down – no damage to Fleet – RAF raid Renaud works near Paris which is working for the Germans – Vichy say heavy damage & about 600 people killed over 1000 injured – started to snow at night went to the Bev Rd Baths had a moderate time

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
5TH Snowed all today went to V.R class later to work to firewatch – Japs infiltrate throughout Java – Russians push on.

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
6TH Stayed in at night have a rotten cold – communications with Java cease – Dutch

[page break]

say will fight to the end.

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
7TH Played City Engineers with 9 men lost 6-2 – thick snow enjoyed it really although cold was a nuisance – Trev. Russell home on leave – he played – stayed in at night – Russians push on

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
8TH Very nice day for a change up late – played cards at Wriggys in the afternoon – stayed in again at night – cold still bad wrote to Alex.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
9TH Japs make landings on New Guinea – Rangoon evacuated scorched earth policy taken – stayed in at night cold still bad received a letter from Roland

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
10TH Convoy attacked in Med – 1 Cruiser & 1 destroyer set on fire also a transport

[page break]

[underlined] MAR [/underlined]

details given of Japanese atrocities in Hong Kong – Rangoon evacuated – more landing on New Guinea – RAF again raid Essen

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
11TH Cold still bad went to the Tower at night to see ‘Moon Over Burma’ (Dorothy Lamour, Robert Preston, Preston Foster) enjoyed it – Tirpitz attacked off Norwegian Coast – escapes from our planes under a smoke screen

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
12TH Les & Peggy came round at night – received a letter from Mary & wrote to her at night

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
13TH Stated that 3 Subs were sunk in attack on our convoy last Dec. (in which one of our destroyers was sunk after sinking one of the U boats the day before – this sub was one of those sunk

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[underlined] MAR [/underlined]

Australian bombers attack Japs in New Guinea & prevent further landings being made – went dancing with Gee to a late dance at the Bev Rd Baths

14TH Very nice day warm & sunny played Earles lost 7-2 short team but a very good game – Roland is over on leave – went to late dance at Bev Rd Baths – very warm but had a very good time – Allied Naval forces lost in battles near Java – including H.M.S Exeter about 13 ships lost – several Jap ships sunk incl. 2 Cruisers – 10 German planes shot down over Channel area this week none of ours lost

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
15TH Went for a walk with Roland in the morning

[page break]

[underlined] MAR [/underlined]

a very nice day – listened to Roland’s records at Gee’s in the afternoon – went to Wriggy’s at night & played cards Dolcy Rogers was there.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
16TH At Court this morning went to see Errol Flynn in ‘Santa Fe Trail’ at the Tower with Roland Gee & Ken enjoyed it – had a drink after to celebrate my going away –

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
17TH At Court again this morning went to the Monica at night with Gee & Roland to see ‘The Road to Zanzibar’ – E. boats attack North Sea convoy – several accounted for by destroyers – also our aircraft encounter them later & sink or damage more – one of our destroyers lost

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[underlined] WED [/underlined]
18TH 25 Jap ships incl 10 battleships sunk or damaged off New Guinea – firewatched at work at night – received a letter from Mary & wrote to her & Fred at night

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
19TH Went to Morse class at night –

[underlined] FRI [/underlined] Stayed in at night –

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
21ST Stayed in bed in morning met Mary in Doncaster in the afternoon – had a walk round the town went to the Gaumont to see Sonja Henie & Glen Miller in ‘Sun Valley Serenade’ also ‘Badmen from Dakota’ enjoyed it very much – only had time for snack afterwards caught 9.0 o’clock bus to Belton – had a very nice journey.

[page break]


[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
22ND Went out after breakfast called at Mary’s Aunts Eileen & Maisie’s and so back to The Turbay caught the 4.50 bus to Doncaster travelled home with Mary’s uncle.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
23RD Very busy at work today – left late – wrote to Mary at night received a letter from Bert & Fred

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
24TH Firewatched at work at night – wrote to Bert – Italian battleship & Cruisers attack our Med Convoy beaten off by light Cruisers & the battleship hit by torpedo

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
25TH Cleaned my bike – went to Cadets – R.A.F carry out heavy raid on the Ruhr area

THUR 26TH. Went dancing to the Blind with Edith

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[underlined] MAR [/underlined]

had a moderate time – gunfire here tonight – fighter escorted bombers raid Cologne – 8 enemy fighters destroyed – 2 of ours lost Chinese reported surrounded in area in Burma – fighting back & repulsing Japs.

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
26TH Went to the pictures with Geoff and Lucas at night

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
27TH Said goodbye at the Office – gave me 25/- to spend – very good of them – saw Mrs Johnson gave me eggs & oranges – met Mary at the Station in the afternoon – bought her a locket – saw the other Mary at Hammonds – brought Mary home to tea – later went to the YPI to dance – crowded not very nice – caught last bus walked home – our naval

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land & air forces attack St Nazaire

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
28TH Very nice day – went for Mary in the afternoon – said goodbye – travelled up to Doncaster with Mary – sorry to leave her – arrived London 9.35 – cup of tea at Salvation Army Canteen – directed to their Hostel in Russell Squ, very nice place – modern – many amenities ie billiards etc – nice bedroom

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
29TH Went to Lords – saw Alex – collected kit wrote to Mother & Mary at night Alex came round

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
30TH Had a dental exam & Maths lecture – did a lot of marching rained a little today – wrote to Roland at night – took uniform back to tailors.

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[underlined] 1ST [/underlined]
WED. Morse lecture at Lords – night vision test & radiography – wrote to Mary at night

[underlined] 2ND [/underlined]
THUR Took Morse Exam (100 per cent) another Maths lecture collected uniform – C.O. paraded us at 17.15 & asked if anybody didn’t want to go overseas at the end of the month – looks promising – packed my civvies up and put a letter in

[underlined] 3RD [/underlined]
FRI Went to the Odeon to a lecture by C.O – Maths at the Zoo in the afternoon – wrote to Mary at night

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
4TH Morse in the morning – had a haircut in the afternoon went into town with Eric Bob & Harry – had a look round the Westminster Abbey

[page break]

[underlined] APRIL [/underlined]

saw Houses of Parliament – went to the YMCA for tea – went to see ‘Dumbo’ down Edgeware Rd. – went back to the YMCA for supper – back to billet by 23.57 (two mins to spare)

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
5TH Helped in Canteen in the morning – missed Church Parade – had a ball – polished buttons etc. went round the Zoo in the afternoon – on guard at night – wrote to Mother & Fred. (Guard 18.00 – 2000: 2400 – 2.00: 6.00 – 8.00)

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
6TH Late at the Odeon for sea lecture – (very sleepy this morning) also lecture by M.O – drill in afternoon – gas lecture – then P.T. stayed in at night.

[page break]

[underlined] APRIL [/underlined]

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
7TH Had inocculations [sic] & vaccinated today – do not feel too good but better than the rest – had a fairly quiet day – had flight photograph taken – wrote to Mary & the office at night – turned in early

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
8TH Had a quiet day – security lecture – went to London Pavilion at night with Bob & Frank – had a letter from Edith

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
9TH Rained nearly all day – had pay parade – cinema show on Careless Talk – aircraft rec etc – went into gas chamber – had to clean canteen up for the WAAF dance as the whole flight was on fatigue – wrote to Mary

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
10TH Went with Norman to

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[underlined] APRIL [/underlined]

have my photograph taken did very little today – went to another cinema show – had full kit parade on roof.

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
11TH Received a letter from Mary – our vaccination was inspected in the morning – later were issued with flying kit – vol. to help clean the Zoo canteen ready for the dance – got a free ticket & late pass – not very good dance – Alex was there

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
12TH Wrote to Mary – Church Parade – went into town with Frank & Bob – had a great time – saw Hyde Park went into Church Army Canteen there – then onto the Beaver Club – caught a lot of buses then went to YM in Tottenham Ct Rd & back to billets

[page break]

[underlined] APRIL [/underlined]

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
13TH Had a full kit parade before the C.O. today – lecture on Organisation in the morning – wrote to mother at night – Alex came round [inserted] (letter from Mary) [/inserted]

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
14TH Another lecture this morning on Law etc – went into centre of London to studio to hear dance [inserted] RAF [/inserted] band recording & also heard Pat Kirkwood & Elizabeth Welsh – wrote to Louis & the lads.

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
15TH Did very little today – flat orderly C.O. inspected billets – wrote to Mary at night – went to the Tottenham Ct Rd YW but there wasn’t a dance – went to Baker St for my photo

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
16TH Not posted today although part of our flight was including

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[underlined] APRIL [/underlined]

Bob, Eric, Harry & Norman – very disappointed – went to the Odeon at night with Frank to see ‘You’ll never get Rich’ Fred Astaire

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
17TH Did very little today – some drill & retired to YM in the afternoon for an hour or two – wrote to Mary at night – stayed in, received a letter from mother & Mary

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
18TH Received a letter from Fred Eric, Bob Norman & Harry left us – I was a runner this morning – went into the town in the afternoon also went to Beaver Club to tea later rowed on Regents Park with Frank.

19TH Church parade in the morning wrote to Mother – went into Regents Park in the afternoon – then Beaver Club for tea – came back to our

[page break]

[underlined] APRIL [/underlined]

[underlined] 19TH [/underlined] YM at night & went to bed early.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
20TH Wrote to Mary – did very little today – Alex came round at night – he is going to Blackpool tomorrow.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
21ST Had a letter from Edith & Mother wrote to Roland – then went to see ‘Appointment For Love’ (Charles Boyer) & ‘Paris Calling’ (Basil Rathbone, Eliza Bergner & Randolph Scott) at the Odeon rather late leaving had to run back to billets – did arms drill today

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
22ND Went dental sick in the morning – had one filled – wrote to Mary & Mother – had P.T in the afternoon – very nice – went to the New Victoria Cinema at night to take collection for RAF Benevolent Fund – saw Arthur Askey in

[page break]

‘The Boy from the Back Room’ & also ‘Texas’ – had a decent time went with 7 others from our flight – had a drink after arrived back 11.45.

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
23RD Had posting parade in the morning – posted to Scarborough pay parade & did very little in the afternoon – went with Frank & Ron to the London Pavilion at night to see ‘The Foreman went to France’ which was a super picture & also ‘Hay Foot’

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
24TH Had to stay in barracks at night – went for supper, a drink & more to eat – Group Captains inspection in the morning & FFI in the afternoon wrote to Mary

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
25TH Up early caught 10.0 train to York & so on to Scarborough arrived about 5.0 o’clock – went for

[page break]

[underlined] APRIL [/underlined]

a look round the town at night

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
26TH Did very little today – had FFI etc. & lecture by C.O. stayed in at night & wrote to Mother, Mary & Bert – food good here & having a good time

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
27TH Wrote to Fred at night stayed in – had aircraft rec. & P.T this morning -, drill & dental in the afternoon – very nice day.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
28TH Had P.T & drill Maths & Hygiene today – wrote to Mary at night very nice day but very windy – A.RW at night

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
29TH Had a letter from Sandy Alex, Mother & Mary – wrote to Mother & Alex – had Maths Morse & kit inspection in the afternoon.

THUR 30TH Had 2 letters from

[page break]

[underlined] APRIL [/underlined]

Mary & one from Mother – wrote to Mary at night – had Maths, Morse, Gas & aircraft rec as well as drill today – another air raid warning at night.

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
1ST MAY Went to the dance at the Royal at night – moderate time – had Morse Maths (100 per cent in yesterdays test) Hygiene Gas etc. – Paid today 34/-

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
2ND MAY Had Maths & march past the C.O went to the Odeon in the afternoon with Fred & Mike saw Tyrone Power in ‘Blood & Sand’ later went to the YM & wrote to Mary – received a letter from Louis & parcel from home.

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
3RD Went to early communion – sewed buttons on etc in the morning – went for a walk on the cliffs & sands with Mike & Fred in the afternoon

[page break]

[underlined] MAY [/underlined]

climbed cliffs explored wreckage on the shore.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
4TH Had a letter from Edith today wrote to Mary, Mother & Sandy at night – mine washing about under out hotel – went for a 5 ml cross country run in the afternoon came 15th out of 38

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
5TH Wrote up my notes at night played table tennis

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
6TH Wrote to Mary – at night did some aircraft rec. – sports day went to play golf but they hadn’t any balls – took a canoe out on Peasholme Park –

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
7TH Stayed in at night – wrote up some Gas notes – had letters from Fred and Mother

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
8TH Went to look up train & bus times at night – not very good to

[page break]

[underlined] MAY [/underlined]

Hull – wrote home at night received a letter from Mary.

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
9TH Acted as marker for cross country run – unable to run – stayed in at night – wrote to Mary.

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
10TH Went to Communion in the morning – Mother & Father came over for the day & we had a grand time dinner at the Victoria Hotel & tea at the Odeon – walked round by Olive’s Mount & down the front – had to catch 6.15 bus back.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
11TH Received a letter from Alex & Mary – wrote to Mary at night ran about 4 mls in the pouring rain up Olive’s Mount this afternoon – had Maths afterwards.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
12TH Wrote Louis at night another cross country run today

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
13TH Wrote to Fred at night

[page break]

[underlined] MAY [/underlined]

had our Maths today which was very easy received a letter from Mary & Sandy – wrote to Mary & sent her the photograph – played baseball this afternoon.

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
14TH Had Gas Exam today – parcel of food from mother

[deleted] [underlined] FRI [/underlined]
15TH [/deleted] Had a letter from Mary slight cold – paid today wrote to Mother & Mary – stayed in at night.

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
16TH Rained in the morning – nice day later on – did very little today Gas practise – inoculated again – went shopping in the afternoon stayed in at night – wrote to Alex went to bed early didn’t feel too grand

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
17TH Didn’t get up until 12 o’clock felt rotten – went onto the

[page break]

front in the afternoon & felt a little better – bed early.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
18TH Felt very unfit today with cold went sick but put on M & D on guard at night 10.0 – 12.0 wrote to Mary – played tennis in afternoon

[underlined] TUES. [/underlined]
19TH Letter from Edith – stayed in at night.

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
20TH Wrote to Edith – bathed in the sea & played football on sands in the afternoon – stayed in at night felt rotten

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
21ST Received a letter from Mother & Mary – wrote to Mary – had practise invasion parade with full kit & goodness knows what – in the afternoon – called out again for same thing at 10.45 at night

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
[deleted] 21ST [/deleted] Still feel far from fit on guard at night

[page break]

[underlined] MAY [/underlined]

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
23RD Very nice day received a letter from Alex – desk duties in afternoon – walked round town with Mac. – went to Futurist with Hobby & Mike at night to see Meet John Doe.

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
24TH Communion in the morning – wrote to Mary – Edith & Peg came over for the day had a grand time – saw Jean Thorley –

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
25TH [underlined] Whit-Mon [/underlined] – Rained in the afternoon – went ‘skeet’ shooting

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
26TH Wrote to Mary & Sandy at night

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
27TH Had medical in the afternoon navigation 4.0 – 6.0 – received a letter from Geoff

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
28TH Had a letter from Mother & Mary wrote to Mother at night – on

[page break]

[underlined] MAY [/underlined]

guard – had short Nav & Aircraft Rec exams.

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
29TH Went to dance at night – had a good time – pay parade

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
30TH Raining this morning only had CO march past – wrote to Mary – went to see ‘Each Dawn I Die’ with Mac at the Odeon – stayed in at night

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
31ST Went to Holy Communion at 7.0 & later wrote to Alex & Geoff – read in the Italian gardens in the afternoon went to the concert at night.

[underlined] MON [/underlined]
JUNE March past in the afternoon – also played tennis stayed in at night wrote to Mary.

[underlined] TUES [/underlined]
2ND Had a letter from Edith & heard that Don has had a serious accident another march past – wrote to

[page break]

Gee at night

[underlined] WED [/underlined]
[underlined] 3 [/underlined] RD Another march past which I missed by spending the afternoon in the NAAFI after dentists – very very [sic] warm today – wrote to Edith & Mary – on Guard at night.

[underlined] THUR [/underlined]
4TH Had march past AOC today & had a letter from Mary very very [sic] warm here today.

[underlined] FRI [/underlined]
5TH Had a letter from Mother went to the dance at night met Doris who worked in the Timber Control at Hull – bathed in the sea this morning – still very hot

[underlined] SAT [/underlined]
6TH Went bathing again this morning – into town in the afternoon – on guard at night

[underlined] SUN [/underlined]
7TH Wrote to Mary – went to bed until dinner after church – went for a walk in the afternoon &

[page break]

[underlined] 4/9 [/underlined]

Bear not false witness
slander not nor lie
Truth is the speech
of inward purity
Edward Arnold

[indecipherable words] MC95275

Letter, 10 Mch 1941 from dept re calling up

19, Estcourt Ave
Leeds 6

[page break]

[blank page]

[page break]


Summer Time used from April 19 to October 4

[page break]

Give all thou canst: high Heaven rejects the lore
Of nicely calculated less or more.

[page break]

[details of memorable dates in 1942]

[page break]

Mr FD Cronin
48 Benhill Wood Rd.

Don Wakeling:- Home address
Marton Corner
nr Bridlington

[page break]

Maths:- 97 per cent
Armaments 81 per cent
Gas. 83 per cent
Morse Sending 100 per cent Receiving 100 per cent
Aldis “ 90 per cent “ 100 per cent
Aircraft Rec 96 per cent
Law & Hygiene 67 per cent
Navigation 74 per cent

[page break]

JUNE 1942

Sunday 7
met Doris – went with Mac at night to the Odeon to see the Missing Million – poor film

Monday 8
Played tennis in the afternoon had a letter from Mary – did some swot at night

Tuesday 9
Received a parcel from Mother wrote to Mary & Fred Cronin at night

Wednesday 10
Stayed in at night – wrote to Mother & did some Arms revision

Thursday 11
Stayed in at night – did some Arms – bathed etc. – received a letter from Mary.

Friday 12
Went to the dance at night Arms Exam today – farce had own Corporal – letter from Bert & parcel from Mother

Saturday 13
Kit inspection 0730 rained rest of day – wrote to Mary, Roland & Fred

[page break]

Sunday 14
Church in morning – concert at night Doreen Howard & Paddy were also there after meeting in afternoon – wrote to Louis rained all day

XX Monday 15
Still raining hard – played table tennis at Yorks. Club – letter from Edith & Ken D.

Tuesday 16
Went to see ‘The Lady has Plans’ with Mac. – kitting parade

Wednesday 17
Stayed in at night & did some swot – went shooting on the Ranges in the afternoon

Thursday 18
On Guard at Marsden’s – wrote to Mary

Friday 19
Received letters from Mother, Mary & Roland – stayed in at night – prepared by route march.

Saturday 20
Route march from 0800 – 1700 17 mls – very warm with full pack & rifle – up Forge Valley & met Edith & Dennis after tea – sat & talked

[page break]

Sunday 21
Church in morning – wrote to Mother & Mary – saw Edith in the afternoon went to the concert at night with Mac & Mike

Monday 22
Stayed in – did Aldis & revised at night – went sick on 2 days light duties – glorious day today

Tuesday 23
Received a letter from Geoff & Mary – dental in afternoon very warm & sunny – aldis at night

Wednesday 24
Swam in the morning & on guard at night – wrote to Mary received a letter from Mary

Thursday 25
Did aldis & a little swot at night – wrote to Roland – received a letter from Fred Cronin

Friday 26
Received letters from Joan Burton Fred & Louis – saw Edith at night

Saturday 27
Drill pass out practise – round town in the afternoon – listened to wireless in the Bay Room at night – letter from Mother & Alex.

[page break]

Sunday 28
Church twice in morning – took Aldis later – stayed in in afternoon wrote to Mother did some swot with Mike at night

Monday 29
Stayed in at night – CO.’s interview – have a rotten cold

Tuesday 30
Had Morse, Aldis & Drill pass out today – letter from Mary – wrote to her Mrs Wakeling – bathed in the afternoon

Wednesday 1 July
Stayed in at night & swotted – had Flight Photo. taken – cold still bad

Thursday 2
Had Aircraft Rec. & Law & Hygiene in the morning – bathed in the afternoon lovely day – letter from Mary

Friday 3
Nav. Exam – pay, dentist taylor [sic] etc in the afternoon – dance at night plenty of beer – P.O Williams treats D Flight

Saturday 4
Arrived home 10.00 hrs – pictures in afternoon – met Mary at night & went again to the pictures – Alex came home & went for a walk with him

[page break]

Sunday 5
Geoff called early – went for a walk met Mary in the afternoon – came to tea Ron also came saw Mary to bus at night

Monday 6
Called in at the office – later went shopping with Mary – went into town again tin afternoon – pictures at night with Mary [inserted] ‘Weekend in Havana’ [/inserted]

Tuesday 7
Met Mary in the town in the morning – caught the afternoon train to Doncaster –

Wednesday 8
Walked to Epworth in morning [inserted] took short cut [/inserted] lost way stayed in in the afternoon – [symbol] went to see Andy Hardy picture at night – supper with Miss Brown

Thursday 9
Helped Mary with potatoes in the morning went into Doncaster to the pictures after dinner said goodbye & wrote to Mary when I arrived home

Friday 10
Went to Office in morning & to see Mrs Johnson – OB’s dance at night had great time – saw Dorothy – home

Saturday 11
Stayed in bed in the morning back to Scarboro’ in the afternoon letter from Roland

[page break]

Sunday 12
Church parade – walk with Mac Mike to Castle – ice cream hot day wrote to Fred, Don & Fred on guard at night

Monday 13
Played squash in the afternoon stayed in at night & wrote to Mary.

Tuesday 14
Had a letter from Mary – wrote to Louis went to see Gene Tierney in Sundown with Mike

Wednesday 15
Sunbathed & had dinghy drill in morning – good fun – wrote to Mary at night

Thursday 16
Stayed in at night & wrote to Mother

Friday 17
Birthday card from Mary – wrote to Bert & night went to the pictures with Mac – poured with rain

Saturday 18
Still raining – went into town sewed V.R’s on uniform – wrote to Roland.

[page break]

Sunday 19
Went home for day – 10.00 train arrived 12.10 left by bus 5.25 – arrived 8.10 went to church canteen for supper wrote to Mary

Monday 20
On OD’s at night – had to polish floors etc for Air Chief Marshals visit tomorrow

Tuesday 21
Went to see Robertson Hare & Alfred Drayton in Banana Ridge at Londests’ with Mike Wrote to Mother.

Wednesday 22
Stayed in at night & wrote to Mary – rained a lot today

Thursday 23
Went to Church Canteen at night raining again

Friday 24
Took train home on 48 hrs leave – arrived 8.15.

Saturday 25
Library in morning – saw King Solomons Mine at Tower with Ken in the afternoon danced at ‘Good Fellowship Inn’ at night with Ken – very enjoyable

[page break]

Sunday 26
Walk in morning with Ken [inserted] letter from Mary [/inserted] & into the park in the afternoon – went back by bus at night – saw Stan & Mr Noble before I went

Monday 27
Went to Peasholme to the bathing pool in afternoon – warm & sunny grand time Wrote to Mary & went to Pay Accounts at night

Tuesday 28
Went to the Odeon with Mike to see ‘Reap the Wild Wind’ a very fine sea story – wrote to Mother

Wednesday 29
Hamburg again heavily raided 32 missing – letter & photo from Mary on guard at night – wrote to Mary.

Thursday 30
Stayed in at night & wrote to Joan – beach in morning – very warm & sunny slept during Nav. in afternoon

Friday 31
Went gardening all afternoon had binge in town at night with Mac Mike Don, Priest Machin & Baxter

Saturday 1 August
Short run by ourselves in morning had invasion exercise in afternoon very warm Home Guard took part & ambush etc. gas bomb – stayed in at night

[page break]

Sunday 2
[indecipherable word] early morning wrote to Mary Geoff in the Bay Room after – had a walk Don & Mike in afternoon – Church canteen at night with Mike

Monday 3
FIFF etc for posting tomorrow went with Mike to Odeon see Green Eyed Lady [indecipherable word] of £32 wrote to Mary

Tuesday 4
[indecipherable words] Brough – stayed 2 hrs in Hull saw Mother & Edith – wrote to Mary at night

Wednesday 5
[indecipherable word] 75 mins today – grand fun wrote to Father

Thursday 6
[indecipherable word] straight & level in morning [three indecipherable words] in afternoon – wrote to [indecipherable word]

Friday 7
Another 65 mins today – spins & stalls 90 mins on [indecipherable word] training over Goole saw [indecipherable words] – wrote to Fred – Don arrived today

Saturday 8
Wrote to Roland – letter from Mary & Father [indecipherable words] today & raining – went home with [indecipherable words] – went to see ‘Next of Kin’ [indecipherable words]

[page break]

Sunday 9
Home in morning with Don – walk with Ken & Wriggy in the afternoon stayed in at night – Peggy came to tea took 9.00 train back

Monday 10
No flying today afternoon off went to office – haircut – saw Babes on Broadway [indecipherable words] with Geoff – wrote to Father & John – letter from Mary

Tuesday 11
No flying today letter from Mary wrote to Mary – half day went home –

Wednesday 12
No flying again – sports in afternoon – wrote to Mike.

Thursday 13
Did landings & take off today – had a grand time – letter from Mary & Father – wrote to Mary & Alex – saw Firebrand [indecipherable word]

Friday 14
Wrote to Louis – no flying church parade – walked 5 mls through Ellington at night.

Saturday 15
65 mins landing & taking off this morning flying stopped in afternoon – went home – letter from Don

[page break]

Sunday 16
Flying today landings & take offs 65 mins with F.O. Lamont – a very nice chap – wrote to Don & Mary

XX Monday 17
Birthday today – cards from Sandy Mother Dad Edith letter from Roland & Fred – 90 mins today – spins circuits & bumps

Tuesday 18
More circuits & bumps & 7 hrs test – did fairly well – letter from Alex

Wednesday 19
Letter from Louis – circuits & bumps in the afternoon still bad & have done 10 1/2 hrs – went to canteen at night – Dieppe area invaded –

Thursday 20
Went solo today & finished the Course – packed in the afternoon wrote to Mary & went to dance at night

Friday 21
Paid – medical in morning – home in afternoon went to see Wriggy & Gee’s people at night.

Saturday 22
Gee is home – went into the town in the morning & in the afternoon with Ken – went to the Good Fellowship at night – wrote to Don

[page break]

Sunday 23
Walk in morning with Gee & Ken & Wriggy came in the afternoon – Gee went back at night & I went to Communist meeting with Ken & W

Monday 24
Went to the office in morning – wrote to Roland & Mary – saw Bob Hope in Louisiana Purchase at Dorchester with Geoff at night

Tuesday 25
Wrang [sic] Mary today – went with Geoff to see ‘The Lady has Plans’ at Criterion at night

Wednesday 26
Went into town in afternoon called to see Mr Blocker & Margaret – chose a ring – went to dance at YPI at night – Wriggy was there

Thursday 27
Rang Mary & wrote at night – might come over at weekend

Friday 28
Went to see Grasson’s at Preston in afternoon – might go next week – Alex came home tonight

Saturday 29
Went into town in morning & in afternoon with Geoff – went to Good Fellowship at night with Alex – Ken & his girl Phil were there later came round to our place after dance

[page break]

Sunday 30
Stayed in all day – saw Alex off at night – wrote to Fred.

Monday 31
Went to Preston & helped Arthur on the farm all day – stooked & [two indecipherable words] – sulphate from Hedon –

Louis home on leave called in morning went into office later – coffee at Miss Thompsons Drink at ‘George’ with Mr W & Phil etc went to Criterion with Geoff at night Bride came COD

Wednesday 2
Louis came home this morning had dinner with Mr Grasson in town later went to Criterion & to the Tivoli at night with Geoff

Thursday 3
Louis came over – played tennis in morning – rang Mary – went to Criterion to see Look how’s [sic] Laughing & Tivoli at night with Geoff

Friday 4
Went into town with Mother – had dinner out & went to Belton later in afternoon went to dance in village with Mary at night

Saturday 5
Up late – went into Doncaster with Mary in afternoon – had grand time saw One of our Aircraft is Missing & Brooklyn Orchid both very good pictures

[page break]

Sunday 6
Stayed in until after tea when Mary & I went for a walk – came back & played cards with Mary’s Mother & Father

Monday 7
Went to Scunthorpe with Mr & Mrs Boatyman & Mary – did some shopping in the morning & went to pictures in the afternoon saw ‘They Died with their [inserted] Boots on’ (Errol Flynn) [/inserted] & at night went to see Briggs Family & ‘Murder in the Air’ with Mary

Tuesday 8
Went for short walk at night with Mary & then spent rest of evening in doors.

Wednesday 9
Spent day in the garden & playing cards with Mary’s Mother & Father – went to see High Sierra with Mary at night – Mary accepts offer of engagement when I return from Canada

Thursday 10
Reached home dinner time – went in town in afternoon to the office

Friday 11
Went to office in morning & to see Miss Johnson – rang Mary – met Louis in town in the afternoon & stayed in at night

Saturday 12
Met Mary & brought her home to lunch – went shopping in the afternoon bought her a watch for her 21st – went to Good Fellowship at night & had a good time – took taxi home then cycled back.

[page break]

Sunday 13
Brought Mary home to dinner & talked etc until it was time to see her off – went to see The Ghost Breakers’ at Regal at night

Monday 14
Wrote to Mary – went to see Mrs Gateman Ken Wriggy & one or two more people – Ken came in at night.

Tuesday 15
Took 9 0 train to Manchester & travelled with 3 Sergeants – arrived dinner time wrote to Mary & Mother at night – letter from Bert

Wednesday 16
Church parade – FFI – CO’s lecture – today went into town at night with Brow Heath & Evan for haircut – didn’t succeed

Thursday 17
Told I am to be a Navigator – disappointed had a haircut in town at night & later wrote to Mary at the Y.M.

Friday 18
Letter from Mother & Fred – went to see Arthur Askey at the Palace with Johnny Jack Stanley & Evan – good show – did a little rowing this afternoon

Saturday 19
Letter from Mary – wrote to Mary & Mother had morning off – went into town with 3 lads had a look round – went to see Jungle Book at the Gaumont after tea

[page break]

Sunday 20
Read my book in the morning after parade on cookhouse duties in afternoon with Johnny & Jed from 2.0 to 6.0 – had shower afterwards.

Monday 21
In Canteen in morning – had afternoon off & went into Manchester – had tea & went to the Gaiety to see Bud Abbott & Lou Costello in ‘Rio Rita’ had a drink & returned early – wrote to Mary.

Tuesday 22
Raining again today – went to a lecture on Music in the morning – letter from Edith & Mary – stayed in at night.

Wednesday 23
Wrote to Mary – rained nearly all the morning [indecipherable word] the afternoon off so I went into Manchester with Jack & Johnny – ate in the Y.M. went to see Du Barry was a Lady at the Palace at night

Thursday 24
Rained again today – stayed in at night & wrote to Edith – had lectures today.

Friday 25
Went to the YM at night – wrote to Mary – letter from Alex – rained again today.

Saturday 26
Went swimming in the morning – went into Manchester after dinner with Johnny & Jack – went to Belle Vue – had chips & pie at a small café – drinks in the Zoo – went to the wrestling – met 3 girls etc. letter from Mary

[page break]

Sunday 27
Stayed in bed in the morning – after parade – went rowing in the afternoon & wrote to Don – went for a walk at night with the lads & met Sylvia, Betty, Doreen & Rona

Monday 28
Went to see ‘Next of Kin’ in morning – wrote to Alex, Fred & Mary – stayed in at night.

Tuesday 29
Had the morning free – on canteen duty in afternoon & until late at night

Wednesday 30
On duty until 2.0 o’clock – off in afternoon had shower – wrote to Mary went to see The Saint in Palm Springs & Dot Lamour in Beyond the Blue Horizon [inserted] with Roy & Jack [/inserted]

Thursday 1 October
had a letter from Mary & Mother Went to the ‘Ostrich Hotel with Jack & Roy played darts & dominoes

Friday 2
Wrang [sic] Mary – unable to come over for weekend left Manchester 6.30 arrived home 11.0 o’clock spent an hour in Leeds – had a letter from Sandy

Saturday 3
Up late – wrote to Mary had a bath – took Mother to a football match (Polish XI v Red Army XI) in the afternoon – went to the Langham at night to see Douglas Fairbanks Jnr in The Corsican Brothers – a very good film

[page break]

Sunday 4
Up late walked to the station to find out the times of trains – wrote to Sandy in the afternoon & caught the 4.25 to Manchester – arrived 8.30 – letters from Mary & Don waiting for me.

Monday 5
Stayed in at night – wrote to Mary & Roland – had P.T today

Tuesday 6
Went to the Odeon at night with Johnny & Jack to see ‘The First of the Few’ dealing with the birth of the Spitfire) – later went to the Long Bow & [indecipherable word] to celebrate Jack’s birthday became quite merry

Wednesday 7
Stayed in at night & wrote to Mary & Geoff – letter from Mary

Thursday 8
Rained a lot today – on assault course in the afternoon – Air Marshal Babbington here – haircut at night – letter from Mary wrote to Mary & Mother

Friday 9
Received parcel from home & letter from Bert & Roland – rained a lot today had talk on Canada & at night went to Long Bow with Jack & Johnny (they are posted) met Joan.

Saturday 10
Went into town & Belle Vue in the afternoon with Johnny & Jack – went to wrestling match in evening – missed the last bus (had to walk to Vic) – rained again

[page break]

Sunday 11
Stayed in bed until 12.0 o’clock – changed etc & wrote to Mary in the afternoon – went to the Ostrich at night with Johnny & Jack – nice warm sunny day.

Monday 12
J & J have gone today – I am posted went into town to meet Joan but she didn’t turn up – pleased really & went to see Red Skelton in ‘Ship Ahoy’ – very funny enjoyed it

Tuesday 13
FFI, Pay Parade – etc today – very foggy in morning – later cleared & sun shined wrote to Mary & had a letter from Mother

Wednesday 14
Up early – troop train right to Bridgnorth arrived 2.10 – on guard at night – after F.FI etc. very nice district, hilly wooded with a very pleasant river

Thursday 15
Had afternoon off went into town with Ron – to the Falcon had tea at the Crown & returned early – wrote Mother & Mary

Friday 16
Went for a ramble in the afternoon with Ron & to the camp pictures at night to see Bette Davis in ‘The Three Forces’ – wrote Mary

Saturday 17
Went into town in the afternoon with Jack & Johnny, Beaton & Drewery – ate apples & then went to the Swan & the Crown & then to the dance – didn’t dance – came back with Jubbs

[page break]

Sunday 18
Wrote to Roland, Don & Joan B – went for a walk with Jack in the afternoon – lovely day – were invited out to tea – spent rest of evening in N.A.A.F.I

Monday 19
Warm sunny day – had 3 hrs Navvy – drill & P.T. stayed in at night & wrote to Mary & Ken at night in the NAAFI.

Tuesday 20
Had a letter from Mary & paper from Mother today – wrote to Bert at night – rained heavily after tea – more Navvy drill & P.T. today

Wednesday 21
Letter from Mary – wrote to Alex – went to see ‘Dive Bomber’ at the Station Cinema with Johnny Jack & Ray – not very good true American

Thursday 22
Stayed in at night – wrote to Mother & Mary – Genoa & Turin bombed

Friday 23
Played a scratch game of soccer in afternoon – enjoyed it – [deleted] stayed in at night [/deleted] wrote to Louis – went to Station Cinema at night to see ‘They Met in Bombay’ – Clark Gable

Saturday 24
Went into town after tea with Jack – went to the Majestic to see Robert Young in ‘Meet Mr Jordan’ & Fred McMurray in another film – had fish & chip supper

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[inserted] [underlined] SAT [/underlined] (CONT) walked home – grand night full moon. [/inserted]

Saturday [circled 25] XXX
Up fairly early – wired Mary (her 21st birthday today) & then went into Bridgnorth to church – rained all afternoon stayed in & wrote to Mary

Monday 26
Offensive started by us in Egypt – parcel from Mother & Joan & Lilian – also letters from Alex, Mary, Sandy Fred Mother – stayed in – wrote home

Tuesday 27
Letter from Edith – wrote to Mary Joan & Miss Clayton – went boxing again and well-hurt my thumb – stayed in at night

Wednesday 28
Letter from Edith – wrote to Sandy at night very misty earlier this morning – went to NAAFI at night & [deleted] wrot [/deleted] letter from Mary

Thursday 29
Went to Camp pictures at night & saw ‘Sergeant York’ – Gary Cooper – very good film – wrote to Mary

Friday 30
Played Soccer today – rained & didn’t play very well won 5-2 – did very little work today letter from Geoff.

Saturday 31
Learned that I was posted – informed Mother & Mary – didn’t do any work & finished at 4 o’clock went into town after tea with Johnny & Jack – saw ‘Hot Spot’ at the Majestic

[page break]


Sunday 1
Clothing parade in the morning – rained went for a walk with Bill Kelly in the afternoon collected chestnuts – went into the NAAFI at night after reading in front of the fire

Monday 2
Received letters from Louis, Roland & Don wrote to Fred – didn’t do any work all day – had pay parade & FFI – packed at night went to see Les.

Tuesday 3
Up early left Bridgnorth 8.30 & arrived Manchester 4.30 – thick fog today & had difficulty in finding my Hut – wrote to Mary at night

Wednesday 4
Did nothing but stand about all day – finished writing to Mary at night

Thursday 5
Feel far from well today – headache etc. – went to a lecture in the morning (Dutchman – reporter -) & to a Review Flying High in the afternoon.

Friday 6
On Camp Co-ops in morning & had talk by Padre in the afternoon – had bath at YM at night – wrote to Mary.

Saturday 7
In the Canteen in afternoon after Camp Co-ops in morning – went to Assembly Rooms (Cheatham Hill) with Johnny to a dance there – Rommel beaten

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Sunday 8
Canteen duty until after midday – went to the YM for tea & wrote to Edith later went to Premier to see ‘Third Finger L. hand’ had seen it – US Army lands in N.W Africa

Monday 9
Posted today – did very little besides hang about – stayed in at night & wrote to Mother & Mary – letter from Edith

Tuesday 10
Letter from Mary – packed etc at night later went to Heaton Park Cinema with Johnny & Roy – saw 3 Smart Girls – had a drink & chips after

Wednesday 11
Travelled to Bridgnorth today – on a Course at last – letter from Mary there – wrote to Mary & Edith

Thursday 12
Wrote to Don – did very little besides be equipped with books etc. – spent night in the NAAFI – met Lucas & Welborn – OH’s

Friday 13
Domestic night – stayed in read Met. notes – bed early – did very little today.

Saturday 14
Lectures all morning – soccer in the afternoon – lost 3-2 enjoyed the game fine day – went to see Bette Davis in The Great Lie at Station Cinema [inserted] (wrote to Mary [/inserted]

[page break]

Sunday 15
Wrote to Mother – church parade in the morning slept during the afternoon & went to the Station Cinema at night with Joe to see ‘Tall Dark & Handsome’ (Cesar Romero) very good

Monday 16
Stayed in at night – later went to boxing match & exhibition in the Gym – very good – enjoyed it.

Tuesday 17
Letter & paper from Mother – compulsory study tonight so wrote to Mary

Wednesday 18
Letter from Mary today – wrote again to her at night after compulsory study. – chose soccer team

Thursday 19
Played soccer in afternoon lost 5-3 we had most of the play – bath, shave collected laundry & wrote to Mother

Friday 20
Compulsory study at night – went to the pictures to see Bing Crosby in ‘Birth of the Blues.

Saturday 21
[deleted] [underlined] XXX [/underlined] [/deleted] Letter from Mary & parcel from home – wrote to Mary & Louis stayed in at night. – very cold today

[page break]

Those mighty periods of years
Which seem to us so vast,
Appear no more before Thy sight,
Than yesterday that’s past.
The Ninetieth Psalm.

[page break]

Sunday 22
Worked all day – compulsory study at night – very cold again today freezing in fact

Monday 23
Wrote home sent parcel – took special bus into Wolves with Johnny & Ron – had photo taken went to see Henry Fonda & Gene Tierney in ‘Rings on her Fingers’ – letter from Mary waiting for me when I came back

Tuesday 24
Stayed in last night & wrote to Mary – paper from Mother – domestic night. –

Wednesday 25
Stayed in at night – compulsory study – very cold

Thursday 26
Soccer this afternoon – drew 3-3 good game – stayed in at night & did nav. – wrote to Sandy

Friday 27
Letter from Edith – stayed in at night compulsory study – had a good game of rugger today for P.T

Saturday 28
Went to Station Cinema to see ‘Tess in a Taxi” later wrote to Mary – letter from Mary today

[page break]

Sunday 29
Went to church in the morning – had dinner at the Swan – came back to Camp & wrote to Fred – went to the pictures after tea saw ‘Hatters Castle’ Robert Newton Deborah Kerr Emlyn Williams – plotted at night

Monday 30
Compulsory study at night

Tuesday 1 December
Letter from Mary – wrote at night rained nearly all night – also letter from Alex.

Wednesday 2
Paid today – letter from Roland – took star sights at night – compulsory study.

Thursday 3
[deleted] Letter [/deleted] Rained this morning – sports in the afternoon & won 3-2 good game stayed in at night sent parcel home

Friday 4
Compulsory study at night – letter from Mary – boxed this afternoon did quite well

Saturday 5
Stayed in at night – worked astro-sights out & wrote to Mary

[page break]

Sunday 6
Working today – also compulsory study at night

Monday 7
Wrote to Alex – hitch hiked to Wolves bought a couple of present & went to see ‘All Through the Night’ – at flicks before coming back.

Tuesday 8
Domestic night wrote to Mary – papers from home & letter from Sandy

Wednesday 9
Compulsory study at night – letter from Mary.

Thursday 10
Stayed in at night – played soccer in pouring rain & icy wind lost 3-0 parcel from home – wrote home

Friday 11
Compulsory study – stayed in & did some revision

Saturday 12
Exam today – letter from Mary & stayed in at night to write to her – plotted a few Star sights etc. – listened to the wireless in the NAAFI

[page break]

Sunday 13
Up early went to Holy Communion – had a bath – wrote to Roland – took Sun sights & went for a walk in the afternoon worked sights out at night

Monday 14
Stayed in at night & swotted boxed in the afternoon – wrote to Mary.

Tuesday 15
Boxing match postponed – swotted Met nearly all the night

Wednesday 16
Met exam today – rained quite a lot – letter from Mary and wrote to her at night – swotted again at night – parcel from home.

Thursday 17
Stayed in at night & swotted – posted Christmas cards & parcel home

Friday 18
Letter from Mary & Don today wrote to Don at night – had Met [indecipherable word] Nav. Theory today.

Saturday 19
Plotting Exam – wrote to Mary at night & went to see HM Pulham Esq with Ernie – very good picture – Johnny & Ron go on the beer – Card from Sandy

[page break]

Sunday 20
Stayed in at night & worked out Astro sights. – went to Communion in the morning

Monday 21
[underlined] XXX [/underlined] Mothers birthday – sent telegram went into Bridgnorth with Jock in the afternoon – stayed in at night – parcel from home

Tuesday 22
Stayed in at night took Astro sights – wrote to Sandy – Christmas Card from Don

Wednesday 23
Went to the flicks at night with Johnny Ron Harry & Harold – saw ‘The Ball of Fire’ Barbara Stanwyck Gary Cooper [inserted] very good [/inserted] – wrote to Mary

Thursday 24
Cross country in the afternoon – 6 mls took it easy – a book photographs & Card from Mary – went to the ‘Ash’ at night with the boys met Pete bad show

Friday 25
Had superb meals all day – wrote to Mary – Card from home – went to see A Gentleman After Dark with Collins and Colm at night – YM afterwards enjoyed it

Saturday 26
Stayed in at night – wrote home – listened to the Music Hall in the NAAFI

[page break]

Sunday 27
Went to Communion this morning – wrote to Fred – did a little swot in the afternoon – on guard at night letter from Mary.

Monday 28
Felt very tired today turned in early – letter from Edith

Tuesday 29
Did more revision at night – wrote to Mary – letter from Mother – very cold today

Wednesday 30
Compulsory study at night – letter from Geoff – wrote to Mother at night – icy North wind.

Thursday 31
Stayed in at night to revise letter from Alex. – listened to wireless in NAAFI for a short time Johnnie comes back with cut nose after revelry

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Auxiliary Hospital
Aske Hall,
nr Derby.

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[blank page]

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For nothing this wide universe I call,
Save thou, my rose: in it thou art my all.
W. Shakespeare.

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Flying 30 mins morning 11A2 [inserted] ? [/inserted]
“ 45 “ afternoon 2,3

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Size ‘9 1/2’ stockings



M Adder, “Mervyn Adder diary 1941 and 1942,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024,

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