Mervyn Adder diary 1940



Mervyn Adder diary 1940


Day by day description of activities for 1940. Mentions sport, air battles and air raids, war news, weather, social life, RAF and navy operations. going to cadets, films seen, Morse and navigation lessons, battle of France, playing football and cricket, German operations, air raid warden duties, Battle of Britain numbers of aircraft shot down daily on each side. Continues with some descriptions of holidays and various visits as well as war news. Contains memos, addresses and finances.




Temporal Coverage




Seventy four pages of diary handwritten entries


This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit and






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[United States 5 cent postage stamp]

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M. Adder
153, Albert Avenue,
Anlaby Road,

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(Leap Year)

To order this Diary give number stamped on Cover


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Friends are the end and reward of life. They keep us worthy of ourselves: and when we are alone we are only nearer to the absent.

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There is glad spring bustle in the air, perhaps, and the lilacs are all in flower, and the creepers green about the broken balustrade.

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I count myself in nothing else so happy
As in a soul remembering my good friends.

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[symbol] Jean 6.15 Wed. (Regal)

No 4 C.A.

1077390 AC2 Adder A.
c/o School Orderly Room
RAF Station

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[blank page]

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Size in Collars …. 15 1/2
Size in Boots … 8 1/2
Weight 9st 1 3/4lbs
Height 5ft 6ins
Name and Address M Adder 153 Albert Ave Anlaby Rd

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NAME. – Number.

Jean – 14397
Priestman Bros – 31777
County Court – 35585
Don Wakeling – 36901
H – 37495
Hammonds (Mary) – 36951
Roland – 32302
Frank Stephenson – 15872
Louis – 35488

25 Oct [deleted] 1941 [/deleted] Mary’s birthday
N J. P – (35601
(15232 Private
Mary. Epworth – [deleted] 3 [/deleted] 854

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Wed April 17 [symbol] Pick up Dickinson at Horsley Smiths

Nancy Cappleman
17, The Beach,

NEW RATE £23.14.2 quarter
1.19.6 week
Wage increase Bonus 1/-to 2/6.
New Bonus March 41 5/- a wk
£13.2.0. a year

[deleted] 6 Englewood Rd
6, Clapham Common,
South Side
SW 17 [/deleted]

[deleted] 1062106 Northedge AC.2
61, Squadron,
‘A’ Flight
RAF Hemswell
Lincoln [/deleted]

[page break]

Marian Morse
Box 511,
George School.
Pennsylvania U.S.A.
5ft 3 1/4ins 176 lbs, dark [deleted] eyes [/deleted] hair & hazel eyes. 14

6 & 1/- 1d
1/6 – 5/- 1 1/2
6/- - 21/- 2d

[deleted] No 1062106
AC.2 Northedge R W
“F” Squadron
Hut 31
No 3 Wing
RAF Station
Lancs. [/deleted]

Defaults (C & F in ‘F’ Book)
When E.P served
C for conditional (monthly)
F. forthwith
does not apply with c/a

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JANUARY, 1940.

Tues. 2
Phoned Jean – going to pictures together tomorrow. Minor air battle over North Sea.

Wed. 3
Little fighting in Finland due to blizzards – ditto Western front.

Thur. 4
Phoned Jean – meet tonight Saw ‘Dodge City’ & ‘Spies in the Air,’ at the Regal. Finns fighting on Soviet territory.

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FRI. 5
Finns about 15 mls in Russia – large patrol action

Sat. 6
Hore Belisha has resigned Oliver Stanley new War Chief. Lost 5-1 to Kingston Recs (man Short) hard ground

Sun. 7
Attended Soccer meeting – paid Sub for 1940

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Mon. 8
Finns win large battle Lord Gort & General Ironside [deleted] receive Croise de Guerre [/deleted] decorated by French.

Tues. 9
Went to the pictures with Jean to see ‘Spring Fever’ (Hardy family)

Wed. 10
Large air battle over Island of Sult. Another large battle on the Finnish Front taking place.

Thur. 11
German planes over S. Shields & Humber district also Thames estuary – beaten off by our fighters – one Heinkel shot down

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Fri. 12
German planes again cross the coast & are again driven off – about 100 Russian planes bomb Finland from the G. of Finland to Lapland – little damage.

Sat. 13
Given out that RAF carried out reconnaissance flights over Austria & Moravea (leaflets dropped) also N.W. Germany all returned safely. Beat Nomads 3-2.

Sun. 14
Russians carry out another large bombing raid over Finland. Belgium mobilises – Holland cancels Army leave.

Memo. Meet J. outside the Cecil at 6.0 o’clock. Tues. 9th.

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Mon. 15
Large bombing raids on Finland – not quite so cold – thawing. B.E.F. & R.A.F. leave cancelled

Tues. 16
Snow today 3 British Submarines reported missing during patrol near Heligol and Bight (Undene, Seahorse & Starfish)

Wed. 17
More snow – very cold – Russians retreating – 78 degrees of frost in Moscow – Estonia 88 degrees unable to register temp. on mercury thermometer.

Thur. 18
Still very cold – ice in North Sea – little fighting anywhere – Russians withdrawing through intense cold. Explosion in London factory – felt over 20 mls radius.

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Fri. 19
More snow – Helsinki bombed – all quiet on the Western front – Russians retreat & also try to outflank Finns attack repulsed.

Sat. 20
Still cold – Russian division reported cut off after battle on Salla front N. of Finnish waistline Sharp encounter on German soil – 1 German fighter brought down.

Sun. 21
Snowing fairly hard Little fighting on western front – H.M.S. Grenville sunk by mine or torpedo (81 men missing)

Memo. [underlined] Sat 20: [/underlined] Beat Ellerman’s 5-3

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Mon. 22
Snow about 1 ft thick here Finns bomb Russian air bases in Estonia

Tues. 23
Russians largest attack against Manneheim Line fails – Casualties inflicted on German patrol by French.

Wed. 24
Still freezing today – British Destroyer H.M.S. Exmouth either mined or torpedoed – no survivors. Finland again bombed.

Thur. 25
20 – 23 age group to register Feb 17 – Fins roll back desperate Russian onslaught.

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Fri. 26
Snowed from 4-0 o’clock onwards about 1ft of snow Western front – nothing to report Russians & Finns still fighting desperately

Sat. 27
Snow thawing – Winston Churchill spoke from Manchester – Nearly all football matches postponed.

Sun. 28
Snowing a little this morning – reported that in [underlined] recent [/underlined] cold spell temp. in London fell to 27 degrees F – 8 mls stretch of Thames frozen over.

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Mon. 29
Rang Jean, will not see me again – largest bombing raids on Finland yet – German planes over Shetlands & N.E Coast – driven off but sink lightship.

Tues. 30
Further attacks on ships near coast – 1 German plane shot down. Russians again bomb Finland. Went to Langham & saw a very uninteresting film.

Wed. 31
More snow this morning 2 big battles taking place in Finland’s waistline. – saw ‘Dark Eyes of London’ at Regent.

Thur. 1 FEB.
Still a little snow about – more bombing raids on Finland.

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Fri. 2
20 raids on Finland today.

Sat. 3
Two Nazi bombers brought down – one nr. Whitby the other over Tyne – one other damaged by our fighters escapes with smoke streaming from engine

Sun. 4
Thawing at last snow nearly disappeared – attended football meeting Leo’s birthday.

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Mon. 5
Finns claim that another division of Russians has been wiped out – nothing to report on western front.

Tues. 6
Snow has nearly gone – wet, miserable day

Wed. 7
German mine damages East Coast pier, two others washed up on coast. Went to see ‘Flying ‘55”

Thur. 8
Went to Central to see ’39 Steps’ a very good film – patrol action on western front mass executions in Poland still continuing

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Fri. 9
German planes attack fishing vessels – one plane shot down nr Firth of Forth. Went to Tivoli with Don, Ken & Roland

Sat. 10
Match with R.N. (from H.M.S Jersey under repair in Hull docks) cancelled – went for walk round town with gang in afternoon – saw ‘Shipyard Sally’ at Langham at night

Sun. 11
Went to church this morning with the gang – went for a walk in afternoon & to Roland’s house at night – very cold today – pond frozen

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Mon. 12
A few inches of snow has fallen over night – Russians attack strongly on wide front – suffer heavy losses

Tues. 13
Went to T. Fosters dance class with Harry & his sister Chris – Heinkel driven off Thames Estuary by Spitfires – another German ship scuttled.

Wed. 14
2 more German submarines sunk – Russians have occupied some front positions in Mannerheim Line – Russians lose about 3,000 men a day.

Thur. 15
Very low temps registered in Holland Denmark (able to walk from Denmark to Sweden) also in Switzerland.

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Fri. 16
Aeroplane attacks submarine &, although not definite, may have sunk it – Finns ask Sweden for military assistance – refused – Finns fall back fighting (went to dance practice [indecipherable word] Wilsons)

Sat. 17
Altmarck [sic] (German ‘Hell ship’ with Graf Spee prisoners on board) boarded & English prisoners rescued (Lost 7-6 to Brunswick)

Sun. 18
Went to church in morning – long walk along foreshore – snows heavily.

Memo. The British destroyer offered to put British & Norwegian guard (escorting Altmark) on board German Ship – refused – when dark B. destroyed with searchlights

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Mon. 19
Snow again today – French patrol ambushed on western front – whole Russian division destroyed – H.M.S. Daring (destroyer) torpedoed.

Tues. 20
Raining – went to Tommy Fosters at night – enjoyed it – 2 lorries of french [sic] soldiers on moving up to front took wrong turn & went straight in the German lines – fought to the end

Wed. 21
Rumour from S. America states that another Pocket Battleship is in Pacific – 2 Trawlers, it is reported, have driven off a German Heinkel with machine guns.

Thur. 22
2 German raiders shot down – went to West Park to see ‘Tell no Tales’ & ‘ 2 Days to Live’.

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Fri. 23
Wrote to Marian – stayed in at night 3 bombed by RAF 6 German U boats sunk this week & 2 by French one rammed by us

Sat. 24
RAF planes have been over N.W. Germany – also leaflet raids over Bohemia last night – played Nomads won 4-3.

Sun. 25
Went to church this morning

Memo. blazing outs in between Altmark & Norwegian gunboat – boarding party captures Altmark.

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Mon. 26
Nothing much to report. 1 RAF plane had its rudder put out of action & it flew right from Norway through a storm back to England – could not find see MEMO.

Tues. 27
Went to Tommy Fosters at night – 2 German Heinkels shot down over the coast

Wed. 28
Another flight over Berlin & other parts by R.A.F. – 5th of such flights in 6 days – 2 Heinkels attack Trawler driven off by Lewis gun – one hit.

Thur. 29
Russians advancing to Vipurie Finns retreating in orderly fashion.

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MARCH, 1940.

Fri. 1
Went to the Tivoli at night to see Turner Layton – another flight over Berlin by R.A.F.

Sat. 2
Played an army team ‘Green Howards’ and won 13-1 – went to the pictures with my friends – English planes again over Berlin

Sun. 3
Went to church in the morning – went for a cycle ride to Brantingham Dale in the afternoon with my friends.

Memo. position because wireless was out of action which was eventually mended – found they had flown right over blacked-out England & were between England & Ireland – reached

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Mon. 4
More attacks on shipping by German planes – nice warm sunny day – Vepuri still holding out.

Tues. 5
Went to Tommy’s at night with the gang – another nice day – German raid on English trenches – 2 British killed – 1 wounded & 15 missing prisoners

Wed. 6
Cool bright day – Vipuri still holding out – Italian ships with German coal seized by us as they leave Germany – went to Ken’s listened to gramaphone [sic]

Thur. 7
Heinkel shot down of [sic] Scottish Coast by Spitfires at height of over 5 mls above the sea – Queen Elizabeth has sailed to America on her Maiden Voyage – our

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Fri. 8
Went to pictures at the night to the Carlton – fine day – patrol clashes on the western front.

Sat. 9
Fine morning – started to rain at lunch time – played Ranks in rain & won 11-3 – 2 Heinkels shot down in last 2 days off Scotland

Sun. 10
Went to a football meeting in the morning – walked to Hanry Croft with my friends – went to Roland’s at night & later went for a walk

Memo. planes again over Germany averaged 10,000 mls.

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Mon. 11
Peace talks between Russia & Finland continue – we will send aid to Finland – Italian coal ships released – Italy will buy coal from us in future

Tues. 12
Very strong peace proposal by Russians may be accepted – went to Tommy’s at night – another U boat bombed & sunk in German base yesterday

Wed. 13
The war in Finland has ended – Finns yield because Norway & Sweden would not allow the passing of our troops through their country – played table-tennis at Roland’s [deleted] last [/deleted]

Thur. 14
Sir Michael C Dwyer assassinated at London meeting last night – Lord Zetland, Lamington & Sir Louis Dane injured

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Fri. 15
Went to the pictures at night to see “Five Came Back.”

Sat. 16
Played City Engraving drew 2-2 – good game – went to Don’s house at night – 14 German planes raid Shetlands 1 warship slightly damaged – 50 bombs [symbol]

Sun. 17
Went to Church in morning rained all day – went to the Langham theatre to a concert [deleted] last [/deleted] at the night.

Memo. [underlined] (From Sat.) [/underlined] were dropped – cottages destroyed – one man killed whilst watching, several injured – 1 German plane shot down & several damaged.

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Mon. 18
Stayed in at night – Duce & Hitler meet on border travel in bullet proof trains

Tues. 19
Went to Tommy’s at night – more German thrusts pushed back – large raid on Sylt which was bombed from 8 o’clock for 7 hrs.

Wed. 20
Sylt photographed after raid – very little happening on the western front – Convoy attacked yesterday – one or two neutrals damaged

Thur. 21
Met at Roland’s at night & discussed our holidays.

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Fri. 22
Up early caught 9.25 bus to Filey with the gang – went on Brigg after dinner – Don got wet twice – went for a walk at night met Ethel Watkinson

Sat. 23
A fine, sunny day, played football & paddled in the morning ice cream & lemonade afterwards went on the Brigg in the afternoon and had a walk at night

Sun. 24
Played football in the morning & had ice cream & horlicks – went on the Brigg in afternoon & climbed the rocks & cliffs – got wet – Don hurt his leg slightly more aeroplanes seen – climbed round Brigg at high tide – went out with Nancy Coppleman at night with Don & Joan Haxeby

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Mon. 25
Fine sunny morning Ken went home had a walk – we all went on the Brigg together in the afternoon. Roland Doris & Don & Joan. Gee Joan, Nancy & myself left Filey at 6.40

Tues. 26
Stayed in bed until 12 o’clock & then went to Tommy’s at night with the gang – cold but bright today

Wed. 27
Still fairly cool – went for a walk with the gang at night – British planes bring down 50 M.E.109’s on Western front – two others destroyed

Thur. 28
Stayed in at night – have a cold which is a nuisance

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Fri. 29
Two Messerschmitts [sic] brought down in flames on western front French ambush Germans several of whom were killed – went to see George Formby in ‘Come on George’ at Regent

Sat. 30
Played Ellerman’s & won 5-3 – very hot day – went to Roland’s at night – German plane shot down off Northumberland coast 49th –

Sun. 31
Stayed in this morning – went for a long walk with Roland & Gee to Swanland Ken & Don at Withernsea for the week-end – stayed in at night

Memo. WED:- 1 Hurricane brought down but pilot escapes Get check lists signed by manager

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APRIL, 1940.

Mon. 1
Went for a walk with the gang at night – Don has heard from American correspondent & mine has written at the same time – activity on western front diminishing

Tues. 2
Went to Tommy’s at night – German planes over Scapa Flow at [indecipherable word] no damage done – a [indecipherable words] with Blenheims – former disappears with smoke coming from engine

Wed. 3
Received a letter from Nancy – wrote at night – Heinkel brought down off Scarborogh – several Messerschmittes [sic] shot down on western front – Convoy attacked no damage

Thur. 4
Went for a cycle ride with Roland & Gee to Hessle – Sunderland flying back on patrol attacked by 6 J.U. 88’s – one or two shot down [three indecipherable words] Norway – rear gunner

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Fri. 5
Went for a walk to Anlaby & saw 39 Steps with the gang at night – activity on the Western front – French [indecipherable word] break up German attack

Sat. 6
A fine warm day played Malet Lambert & won 4-0 went to see ‘Thunder Afloat’ at the Carlton with Gee & Roland – Don & Ken go to Withernsea

Sun. 7
Went for a cycle ride to Skipton with Roland & Gee started to rain so returned early for tea – Took a 6d ticket & went to Sutton [indecipherable word] with Roland at night

[indecipherable words]

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Mon. 8
Several of our minefields layed in Norwegian waters Norway objects – several German ships sunk – German troop ship torpedoed 2 Blenheims lost over Sylt – 6 Nazi planes brought down on western front

Tues. 9
Germany captures Denmark and invades Norway early this morning Oslo bombed – Norwegian batteries sink German battleship – Allied warships V Germans in sea battle off Norway tonight

Wed. 10
5 of our destroyers enter Norvik harbour & engage 6 larger German destroyers 1 German sunk & 3 listing badly when we withdrew with one sunk & 1 aground 2 more damaged & 1 untouched 6 German

Thur. 11
Battle in Shagarak – several German ships sunk – Fleet Air Arm attack & sink cruiser 1 plane lost – HMS Renown attacks & damages Scharnhorst – heavy bomb hits Rodney but doesn’t go through deck see MEMO

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Fri. 12
6 of our planes lost in battle with German fighters several of which were brought – successful raid on German occupied aerodrome in Norway – machines & petrol dump destroyed.

Sat. 13
H.M.S. Warspite & destroyers enter Norvik harbour again & silence shore guns sink 4 of the damaged German destroyers & pursue & sink 3 more further up the estuary – Played RAF at Leconfield 2-6 lost

Sun. 14
We have laid mines right through Skagerak & along Danish Coast up to Memel – went for walk in afternoon with the gang & took a bus ticket at night

Memo. merchant men sunk in battle 1 [inserted] German [/inserted] ammunition ship blown up as we leave harbour – 2 cruisers bombed by R.A.F. one believed sunk – 6 German planes brought down over the coast today

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Mon. 15
RAF raid Stavanger German occupied aerodrome for 6th time – considerable damage done – British troops land in Norway Norvik under our control – Western front activity

Tues. 16
Stavanger again raided sea fight in the Skagerak reported went to Tommy’s with the gang at night received a letter from Nancy – (saw Paddy home from dance)

Wed. 17
[indecipherable word] bombards Stavanger as 1 [indecipherable words] aircraft [three indecipherable words] Air Force raid [indecipherable words] played [indecipherable words] won 3-1 H.M.S. Thistle overdue & feared lost

Thur. 18
Not much news from Norway – Germans raid on [indecipherable words] outpost on Western front [indecipherable word] – went for walk with Roland at night.

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Fri. 19
Went to see ‘5th Ave Girl’ Ginger Rogers with Paddy & Dorothy [indecipherable word] 2 German planes brought down on Western front

Sat. 20
Played Malet Lambert O.B Won 6-2 – went to Roland’s at night – 9 German planes shot down today and French [indecipherable words] forced landing – 2 transport ships [indecipherable words]

Sun. 21
Went for a walk in the afternoon with Roland Got a bike [indecipherable words] and Ken hitch-hiked to [indecipherable word]

Memo. [indecipherable words] Fiord damaged by short batteries – hit [indecipherable words] & sinks. Karlsruhe sunk by shore batteries also

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Mon. 22
Don, [deleted] Roland [/deleted] Gee & myself joined the R.A.F Cadets – Aalborg aerodrome raided & heavy damage to machines & planes reported – Stavanger raided – Gunfire heard here at 10.45 at night

Tues. 23
British planes raid German bases in Norway went to Tommys [sic] at night Paddy & Dorothy were there took Paddy home –

Wed. 24
British planes raid German bases in Norway, Denmark & Germany (Sylt) heavy damage done to aerodrome, runways & planes – went to Kens [sic] at night – raining

Thur. 25
Very quiet on western front – fighting in Norway – played RAF team from Leconfield drew 2-2 – had medical for RAF Cadets

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Fri. 26
Went to a dance at the Y.P.I didnt [sic] enjoy it – arrived home 1.45

Sat. 27
Played City Engraving won 7-3 went to Dons at night & wrote to Nancy

Sun. 28
Cleaned my bicycle in the morning - & went for a ride to Beverley Westwood in the afternoon with the boys & went for a walk at night

Memo. APRIL. 11. H.M.S. Gloworm lost in battle with heavier vessels. H.M.S. Gurkha also sunk – H.M.S. Zulu sinks submarine in Shetlands – H.M.S. Hardy which ran aground in Norvik battle form B.E.F [indecipherable words]

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Mon. 29
Three German transports sunk – B.E.F in Norway inflict heavy losses on Germans – went to see ‘The Night of the Fire’ with Paddy, Dorothy & Roland – poor picture nice walk home.

Tues. 30
Two British submarines missing HMS Tarpon H.MS Sterlet – Messerschmitt 110 shot down by Blenheim others encounter Junkers JU88 & damage it (seen losing height with smoke coming from engines)

Wed. 1 MAY
Another raid on Stavanger many planes hit and aerodrome damaged – 3 German fighters shot down – 7 of our bombers didn’t return – Heinkel hits S. coast town - houses blown up – 6 killed [inserted] including crew of plane [/inserted]

Thur. 2
stayed in at night & wrote to Marian Fornebu, Aalborg & Stavanger again raided all planes return – our troops withdraw at Dombais H.M.S. Bittern sunk by aircraft no casualties

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Fri. 3
Went for a walk at night with the gang – called at Cadets for Dons order for uniform – may in time get a commission – our troops withdraw successfully

Sat. 4
A warm, sunny day – went to the baths in the afternoon with Don, Roland & Ken – crowded – went to a dance at Tommys with Roland, Dorothy & Paddy – Don came later.

Sun. 5
Another warm day went to Cadets in morning – paraded on Grammar School quad for inspection – played football in the afternoon – went for a little walk at night with Roland, Don, Ken & Gee – later went in Rolands house to listen to wireless. (Flanagan & Allen, Gracie Fields, Vic Oliver, Frances Day, Arthur Askey, Florence Desmond)

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Mon. 6
H.M.S Afridi (destroyer) sunk by aircraft several of which were brought down – also 1 French & 1 Polish destroyer sunk – played in practise match on Hull City’s ground

Tues. 7
Went to Cadets at night for Morse instruction – very interesting –

Wed. 8
Went to Cadets for Navigation instruction – activity on Western front – Unrest in Government due to Norwegian action

Thur. 9
2 German planes shot down over Scottish Coast – 10 German transports sunk by our subs. in Norway campaign – proclamation calling up from 19-36. Went to the Regal to see ‘Just William’ & Devil on Wheels

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Fri. 10
Germany invades Holland & Belgium – we go to their help & land troops in Iceland – Antwerp Brussels & other towns bombed – all German parachute troops mopped up – went to baths at night

Sat. 11
More towns bombed including some in France many casualties – over 100 German planes brought down so far – Belgian Army holds Germans played football for Cadets won 15-1 went for walk at night

Sun. 12
Don & Ken at With. for weekend so stayed in in morning & went for a walk in afternoon with Gee - Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain resigned yesterday - Winston Churchill succeeds him - H.M.S. Seal reported overdue & feared lost - heavy fighting in Belgium - it is claimed that 400 German planes have been brought down in the last 3 days

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Mon. 13
Went to see Arthur Askey in ‘Band Wagon’ at the Cecil with Gee – heavy fighting in Belgium & Holland

Tues. 14
Went to “morse” instruction but instructor wasn’t there – heavy fighting on western front – Dutch yield after 1/4 of army 100,000 men & all airforce destroyed

Wed. 15
Went to navigation lesson very interesting – Germans form salient near Sedan held by French Liege cut off – forts still holding out German air force losses mounting

Thur. 16
Liege still holding out – Biggest raid by RAF last night on road & rail communications E. of Rhine –

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Fri. 17
Heavy fighting in France – a nice warm day like the rest of the week – went for a walk at night. General Gamelin succeeded by General Weygand as C.I.C.

Sat. 18
Stayed in & read in the garden in the afternoon & went to the Central at night to see ‘The Crazy Gang’ – 9 Hurricanes shoot down 10 out of 20 JU87’s in one battle – Spitfire attacks – see memo

Sun. 19
Went to Cadets & paraded in the morning & went for a long walk to Sutton Golf Course in the afternoon with Roland & Gee – went to Rolands at night & read in the garden

Memo. a JU 88 which dived from 12,000 ft to 30 ft – Spitfire glided after it & put both its engines out of action – JU87 hit break water at 200 mph & was smashed to smithereens

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Mon. 20
Germans still advancing but not so quickly – expect to stop push shortly – stayed in & cleaned my bicycle at night

Tues. 21
Went to Morse lesson at night – Germans at Arras (75 mls from Paris) advance due to French commander’s error in not blowing up bridges over Meuse

Wed. 22
Went to Navigation class & did very well – went for a walk with Roland & Gee afterwards – French recapture Arras – British fight like Hell near Cambrai – RAF bomb communication

Thur. 23
Went to see the ‘Oklahoma Kid’ at the West Park with Gee – Germans in Boulogne & up to the Coast – our fighters bringing 40 down a day.

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Fri. 24
R.A.F. bomb oil tanks at Rotterdam & also German tanks & communications – went to see ‘Ninotchka’ Greta Garbo with the gang, at the Cecil

Sat. 25
Bombs fall in N.R & around Fens – 8 casualties little damage done – went rowing at East Park with Roland Don & Ken stayed in at night

Sun. 26
Went to Cadets in the morning & went to Church cycled to Aldborough in the afternoon & got wet – stayed in at night & played Lexicon with Alex.

Memo. General Ironside becomes C.I.C. of the Home Defences

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Mon. 27
Went to the Baths with Roland Ken & Gee at night – Don had a date with Rosie – 15 bombs dropped nr Preston – General Sir John Dill succeeds General Ironside as C.I.C.S.

Tues. 28
King of Belgians surrenders against Government’s wish & without informing the Allies – we fight on – epic withdrawal from Boulogne yesterday – many German planes shot down

Wed. 29
Went to navigation at night & later went for a ride on our bicycles – Norvik has been captured

Thur. 30
Went to see ‘Angels With Dirty Faces’ at the West Park with Gee – one squadron of Defiants brings down 37 German planes – Flanders battle still raging

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Fri. 31
Went to see ‘For Freedom’ at the Carlton with Roland, Don & Ken – steady stream of troops returning from Belgium

Sat. 1 JUNE

Played cricket at Hornsea for Newington Won 57-54 I scored 1 – our troops fighting a great battle in Flanders – evacuation of BEF still going on –

Sun. 2
Went to Cadets in the morning & went for a ride past Brough in the afternoon with the gang & sun bathed with just our trousers on – stayed in at night 113 German planes brought down in last 2 days.

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Mon. 3
Paris bombed 45 killed 200 injured – played Cricket for O.H’s & beat LNER Clerks – German aerodromes bombed & French will reply to Paris raid.

Tues. [circled 4]
Went to Morse lesson & have improved – Le Havre bombed Paris death roll over 200 killed & about 800 injured – little to report – evacuation of Dunkirk nearly finished

Wed. 5
R.A.F attack oil tanks in Germany & destroy B.M.W. engine factory – Dunkirk completely evacuated – Germans attack on Western front – Gunfire heard here just after 12-0

Thur. 6
Air Raid Alarm from 1-10 to 3.00 early this morning – German onslaught held many enemy tanks destroyed.

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Fri. 7
Rang Jean at night went for a walk with the gang – another alarm tonight from 12.00 to about 12.30 – R.A.F raid roads, transport & oil tanks

Sat. 8
Went to watch cricket on Grammar School ground in afternoon – went to the Cecil with Jean Good & Don & Madge –

Sun. 9
Went to Cadets in the morning – went for a ride on our bicycles (Don Madge Wriggy Jean Parkes & Jean & myself) went for a walk at night with the boys

Memo. 335,900 men evacuated from Dunkirk 30,000 killed

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Mon. 10
Played Town Clerks & beat them – did not bat but caught one – Italy declares war on Allies at 6.0 a.m. begin at 12 midnight – H.M.S. Glories aircraft carrier sunk HMS Acasta see Memo

Tues. 11
Airports in Lybia [sic] bombed by R.A.F. – military objectives bombed in N Italy – Germans about 30 mls from Paris – went to Morse at night

Wed. 12
Went to navigation & later went to Ginger’s for some shooting practice – further air raids on Malta several planes brought down – Germans about 30 mls from Paris

Thur. 13
A few men & material (Italian) captured near border of Egyptian [inserted] Lybia [sic] [/inserted] went to Open Air Baths in the morning at 7.0 Germans about 17 mls from Paris

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Fri. 14
German battleship ‘Scharnhorst’ hit by bombs off Norway – Italian town bombarded by Navy Italian aerodromes bombed & destroyed by S.A. R.AF. Germans enter Paris.

Sat. 15
Went to Filey with Don – 2 Italian forts captured in Lybia [sic] – one of our Cruisers sunk by Italian submarine – 4 Italian submarines sunk.

Sun. 16
Went for a walk on the Brigg in morning played football Roland Ken & Gee came for the day & we went on the Brigg in the afternoon

Memo. & another ship sunk off) Norway) & a walk at night the boys went back to Hull

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Mon. 17
The French have asked for peace terms – sunbathed on the sands in the morning & went on the Brigg in afternoon, sunbathed & paddled.

Tues. 18
Sunbathed again today & feel very uncomfortable – had a bad night & also air raid warning for 3 hrs – did not get up – French still fighting.

Wed. 19
100 Planes took part in raid last night 7 people killed & 7 German planes brought down – another fine day & am suffering from sunburn

Thur. 20
Air raid alarm here from 11.00 – 3.40. – got up at 12.45 & went on the Brigg in the afternoon – played golf at night – 8 people killed in last night’s raid – 4 German planes

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Fri. 21
Went for a walk on the Prom with Mr Porter in the morning & walked along the sands to Spedon in the afternoon sat on cliff nr Crescent at night

Sat. 22
Another air raid alarm last night lasting 2 1/2 hrs (did not get up) raining all morning – walked to submarine 14 mls in afternoon – saw anti tank gun practise – sat on seat in Crescent at night

Sun. 23
French agree to German demands – Trawler in MED captures Italian submarine – German battleship Scharnhorst shadowed by Coastal Command aircraft for 9 hrs – attacked & damaged by several hits – destroyer also sunk – 5 of our planes lost – left Filey arrived home at 4.0 went for a walk with gang at night.

Memo. brought down)

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Mon. 24
Another Italian sub. sunk bringing total to 7. – French agree to Italian demands – cease fire 12.35 to-night we support French National Gov. for continued fighting

Tues. 25
Went to Morse at night – air raid at 12.30 to night lasting about 3 hrs – gunfire moderate – many aeroplanes over both Germans & our fighters – bombs dropped in Holderness Rd district no casualties houses wrecked

Wed. 26
We land a raiding party in Germany & inflict losses – valuable information obtained – withdraw without losses – had an examination at Cadets for navigation 5 aeroplanes brought down in last nights raid over England

Thur. 27
Russia demands return of Bessarabia from Rumania – went for a ride on our bicycles at night aeroplanes over at night but no warning

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Fri. 28
Russians march into Bessarabia & Bakovina – H.M.S. submarine sinks Nazi troop ship – went to see ‘Babes in Arms’ Mickey Rooney & ‘Lone Wolf strikes Again’ at the Regal – Italian destroyer sunk by Navy

Sat. 29
Went to see Earl of Chicago at Tower with Roland & Gee – 2 light tanks rout 1200 Italian cavalry – [deleted] G [/deleted] Marshal Balbo mysteriously killed in air battle

Sun. 30
Went to Parade in morning & went for a cycle ride in the afternoon & walk at night with Don, Roland & Gee

Memo. Germans occupy Channel Isles

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JULY, 1940.

Mon. 1
German planes fired on here this morning also at about 6.0 o’clock at night – air raid warning from 11.0 – 11.30 – 3 planes brought down today – 17 ME101 attacked by Hurricanes 5 shot down 1 damaged all our planes returned

Tues. 2
4 more Italian Subs. sunk bringing total to 13 – Oil tanks destroyed in Sicily – Italians mistake a party of native soldiers for our troops – open fire – natives retaliate many killed on both sides see MEMO

Wed. 3
Arandora Star torpedoed by German sub 800 Germans & Italians perish as they fight for boats – 100 British soldiers perish while their captives fight for boats – 6 German planes brought down in raids over N.E. towns [symbol]

Thur. 4
A large portion of French ships taken by us French force at Gran refuse to accept terms 1 Battleship 1 Cruiser 2 destroyers sunk & one or two beached – Large Italian fleet did not intervene – no damage to our squadron

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Fri. 5
Spitfire squadron attacks 9 Italian planes shoots down 7 – several others brought down – air raid warning 5.00 – 6.30 (just arrived home) & at night 1.00 – 1.10 several bombers have been shot down over our coast in last [indecipherable words]

Sat. 6
Went to P.T. & drill on E.R. RUFC Ground in afternoon & then went to see ‘The Housekeeper’s Daughter’ Joan Bennett at the Tower with Roland & Gee another French cruiser sunk

Sun. 7
3 Italian submarines sunk – a few more German planes shot down over our coast – went to Cadets in morning – walk in afternoon & also at night with gang

Memo. TUES. Kiel raided Scharnhorst bombed in dry dock – 4 of our planes missing
[underlined] WED [/underlined] – (Newcastle bombed 18 killed over 100 injured
THUR. Went to see Eddie Canter in Roman Scandals with Roland & Gee – Air raid from 11.00 – 11.30 12.00 – 1.00

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Mon. 8
Went to see ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ at the Regal with Roland & Gee – good film, funny – 6 more German planes brought down – H.M.S. Whirlwind (Destroyer) torpedoed RAF carry out raids in Germany Holland [inserted] Norway & France [/inserted]

Tues. 9
18 German planes brought down over England little damage done – went to Morse class at night Frances super battleship Richelieu damaged by depth charges dropped [symbol] MEMO

Wed. 10
14 German planes brought down & 23 damaged by our fighters over England – 2 of our planes missing – 1 Italian destroyer & 1 submarine sunk by Navy in engagement before Italians fled – Air Raid warning [inserted] MEMO [/inserted]

Thur. 11
22 German planes brough [sic] down over England today – A.R.W from 11-0 – 11.40 this morning – another Italian destroyer bombed & sunk

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Fri. 12
11 more German planes down – went to parade at night with Cadets –

Sat. 13
12 more German planes brought down – raids on N.W. Germany by our aircraft which destroy warehouse oil tanks etc – fighting in Med. area one of our posts attacked – AR.W 1230 – 1345

Sun. 14
Raining in morning did not go to Cadets – went for a walk in afternoon with Roland, Ken & Gee & another walk at night with all the lads – more German planes shot down

Memo. TUES by speed boat from our battleship – engine breaks down when retreating picks up – escape – Fleet Air Arm then torpedo Richelieu
WED From 11.45 – 12.10: 5-30 – 6.30: 7.30 – 8.30 Thursday morning

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Mon. 15
H.M Submarine ‘Shark’ feared lost H.M.S Grampus torpedoed & sunk in Med. – Italian battleships, cruisers & destroyers pursued by our cruisers – escape – Fleet Air Arm bomb a cruiser – AR.W tonight 11.10 – 2.30

Tues. 16
Went to Cadets for Morse at night – given out that 20 Italian planes were brought down on July 9 by Navy & fighters – R.A.F again raided docks aerodromes etc. A.RW 12.0 – 1-15 – MEMO

Wed. 17
ARW from 9-0 – 9.45 this morning went to baths at night with Gee & Ken – one of our cruisers damaged by aeroplanes in slight engagement with Italians on MON (reported) – able to continue

Thur. 18
ARW 7-0 – 7.40 this morning raining for last 3 days now – rain stopped at night went for walk – Roosevelt accepts nomination for 3rd term

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Fri. 19
2 Italian Cruisers engaged by H.M.S Sydney (Cruiser) & destroyer force Crack Italian Cruisers sunk – 11 German planes brought down today – 5 of our fighters missing A.R.W. 11.40 – 1.15

Sat. 20
Went with Ken & Don appleing [sic] in the afternoon & went to see ‘Every Other Inch a Lady’ (Lana Turner, Ann Rutherford) with Ken & Roland at the West Park – many more German planes brought down

Sun. 24
Went for a route march with Cadets round town – went for a walk in the afternoon with the gang & at night walked to recruiting depot Roland joined R.A.F. A.R.W. 11.45 – 1.15

Memo. [underlined] TUES. [/underlined] :- 3 German planes 2 JU88’s 1 Heinkel brough [sic] down.
THUR Destroyer sunk in collision

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Mon. 22
H.M.S. Brazen (destroyer) shoots down 3 planes later is sunk while being towed no casualties – H.M.Sub Salmon feared lost (sub spared Bremen – later sunk 2 Cruisers) – more German planes shot down – went to baths with [inserted] MEMO [/inserted]

Tues. 23
Went to Morse lesson at night Budget day today – beer & tobacco income tax all going up

Wed. 24
8 German planes brought down today. R.A.F. carry out raids over Germany etc – should have played [indecipherable word] fields at cricket but they didn’t turn up – Roland down for a Medical [inserted] MEMO [/inserted]

Thur. 25
Went to see ‘The Big Guy’ at the Tower with Gee – Roland has passed his medical – 23 German planes brought down – 5 of ours missing –

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Fri. 26
Played cricket for O.H against Kings Hall – won 92 – 87 I was out first ball, L.B.W – Italian aerodrome in Lybia [sic] bombed & several machines destroyed.

Sat. 27
Played cards at Ken’s in the afternoon & went to pictures at night with Roland, Ken & Wriggy – couldn’t get in – [deleted] had [/deleted] [inserted] went for [/inserted] a walk round the town – 5 German planes brought down

Sun. 28
Went to Cadets in the morning – stayed in Wriggy’s garden in the afternoon & went for a walk at night – aerodromes, bridges canals factories etc bombed in Germany

Memo. [underlined] MON [/underlined] Ken & Gee – RAF destroyed [indecipherable words] – aerodrome left in flames A.R.W. 1.15 – 2.45 Bombs dropped at Willerby

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Mon. 29
20 German planes brought down today – went to Gee’s at night & messed about later went in Wriggy’s & played Monopoly. H.M.S. Wren (Destroyer) sunk by enemy aircraft

Tues. 30
About 12 Britons arrested in Japan – armed merchantman atacks [sic] S. Atlantic raider – inflicts damage on raider which escapes under smoke screen

Wed. 31
More Raids on Germany – went to see ‘Sherlock Holmes’ Basil Rathbone at the Langham with the gang – S. African force increasing in Med area.

Thur. 1 AUG.
Little air activity one enemy plane shot down – Italian concentration bombed by R.A.F & heavy damage done

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Fri. 2
A.R.W 2.55 – 3.50 this morning Went to Cadets with Don – did not go on Parade as we had to strip walls of Headquarters – Badia bombed & heavy damage done – Roland goes to Padgate

Sat. 3
Went to Wriggy’s and played cards in the afternoon – went in the town with Ken & Gee at night couldn’t get in at the pictures so walked round the town

Sun. 4
Went to Brough & helped to get planes into the air A.R.W. distributed planes over field – saw Roc’s, Blenheim Miles Master Mew Gull – went for a walk at night

Memo. [underlined] MON [/underlined] Bombs dropped in Porter St – some damage done no casualties

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Mon. 5
4 German planes brought down – Japanese subjects arrested by us in Singapore Hong Kong went to Wriggy’s at night played cards

Tues. 6
Went to Wriggy’s again very little war news now – Italian allowed to advance over desert areas – Camel Corps inflict heavy casualties on Italian force.

Wed. 7
Italians capture town on Gulf of Aden & two towns in Br. Somaliland area not worth defending Italians greatly outnumber our forces [indecipherable words]

Thur. 8
Convoy attacked in [indecipherable word] several coastal steamers sunk – 60 Germain aircraft brought down [indecipherable word] ours missing A.R.W. for 40 mins around midnight – Went to Wriggy’s at night

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Fri. 9
Went to Wriggy’s at night – Ken went to pictures with his sister – received a letter from Roland – raided orchard – 15 Italian planes shot down over Lybia [sic] – 2 of our Gladiators missing SEE MEMO

Sat. 10
Went to Wriggy’s in the afternoon & went to see “Blind Alley” at the Priory with Ken, Wriggy & Gee – good picture – original – H.M.Submarine Odin feared lost

Sun. 11
61 German plane brought down – 24 of ours missing went to Cadets – inspected by Army officer – went to Church – walk in afternoon by myself – walk with gang at night

Memo. FRIDAY – H.M.S. Oswald (Sub.) overdue & feared lost in Mediterranean
SUN A.R.W 10.30 – 11.00 & 2.0 – 3.0

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Mon. 12
Played Leconfield at cricket won – 62 Germans brougt [sic] down – 9 of ours missing – Italians come up to our troops in Br. Somaliland – no further advance AR.W tonight 11.30 – 1.0 & 2.0 – 3.0

Tues. 13
57 German planes brought down in another Channel battle – 13 of ours lost 10 Pilots saved – 10 of our bombers lost in daylight & 4 in night raids – 4 AR.W tonight between 11.0 & 3.0 – went to morse

Wed. 14
31 more Germans down today played Earles at cricket – won – later went to Wriggys & enjoyed ourselves – rang Jean who has got a new job at the National Bank –

Thur. 15
180 Germans today 34 of ours lost 17 Pilots safe – Br troops in Somaliland fall back against strong Italian force (2 divisions) – went to Navigation class

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Fri. 16
Went to Wriggy’s at night – more aerial activity 75 Germans brought down – 22 of ours lost – 14 Pilots safe

Sat. 17
My birthday – fine sunny day – went to open air baths in afternoon – went to see ‘Raffles’ at the Regal with Ken & Wriggy at night – a fort occupied by Italians (Capuzza) troops bombarded by Navy Italians cave

Sun. 18
Badia bombarded by Navy with 15” guns for 30 Italians attack fleet with aeroplanes lose 11 planes – went to Cadets – demonstrated P.T with Don

Memo. [underlined] THUR [/underlined] A.R.W this afternoon 1.15 – 2.30 & 5.10 – 5.20 also at night 11.10 – 2.30
[underlined] SUN [/underlined] A.R.W 11.30 – 1.30 gunfire heard – 144 German planes – 22 of ours 12 Pilots safe

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Mon. 19
Played UAB won 74 for 1 UAB 29 all out (loss 6 for 6) – Br Somaliland successfully evacuated A.R.W tonight from 10.30 – 3.00

Tues. 20
11 Planes brought down today – raining nearly all day – went to library at night & rang Jean

Wed. 21
Went to Beverley today went to pictures at night & saw ‘Slightly Honourable’ Pat O’Brien – quite good –

Thur. 22
Saw Jean this morning did not stop – Dover attacked by gunfire from across Channel – 2 air raid gun positions – about 10 German planes shot down today

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Fri. 23
Played for Hull v U.A.B won went to Beverley again – we fire across channel – 4 A.R.W’s last night – about 12 German planes shot down today.

Sat. 24
50 German planes shot down today 19 of ours lost (12 Crews safe) – went for a walk into the town in afternoon & also at night with Ken & Wriggy – in town when warning [inserted] sounded 10.45 – [/inserted] 11.00

Sun. 25
A.R.W early this morning from about 1.45 – 4.30 bombs dropped down Hawthorn Ave Holderness Rd Chanterlands Ave. – 6 people killed several injured – went to Cadets in the morning – a walk with the lads in the afternoon & also at night later went in Wriggy’s A.R.W. 9.15 – 10.30 – A.R. nearby this morning – 55 German planes shot down today. London bombed fires started

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Mon. 26
H.M.S. Hostile (destroyer) sunk by mine – A.R.W from 9.0 – 4.30 46 German planes shot down – 15 of ours lost (11 pilots safe) – Italian factories bombed & destroyed

Tues. 27
Submarine Spearfish overdue & feared lost – Navy attacks concentration at Badia & also enters harbour to destroy them – very successful – AR.W’s 8.20 – 8.30 & 9.0 – 4.30 – went to Morse

Wed. 28
Went to [deleted] Wriggy’s [/deleted] [inserted] a dance [/inserted] at night A.R.W. 8.45 – 3.45 this morning – Berlin bombed – 28 German plane brought down today – 14 of ours lost (7 Pilots safe)

Thur. 29
Went to see Arthur Askey in ‘Charlie’s Aunt’ at the Carlton – A.R.W. 10.0 – 11.0 & 2.0 – 3.0 bombs dropped in Williamson St & Docks

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Fri. 30
63 German planes brought down today 25 of ours lost (15 Pilots safe) – A.R.W 9.20 – 11.00 & 11.50 – 2.50 – went to Wriggy’s at night

Sat. 31
Went to see ‘Strange Cargoes’ at the Regal with Wriggy & Ken good picture – A.R.W 10.0 – 10.30 & 11.50 – 3.0 – very warm & sunny day – stayed in in the afternoon

Sun. 1 SEPT.
Stayed in bed in morning – went to Wriggy’s in the afternoon & went for a walk at night A.R.W 2.30 – 3.30 25 Germans 15 Ours 9 Pilots safe

Memo. THUR – 11 German planes brought down today 9 of ours lost (7 Pilots safe)

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Mon. 2
A warm, sunny day – stayed in bed in the morning and went to Wriggy’s in the afternoon – listened to gramophone records in the garden – went to see ‘Day Time Wife’ at the Carlton A.R.W [indecipherable word] [inserted] during [/inserted] night

Tues. 3
Another warm day – went to library in morning & went for a walk with Pete, Gowie & Wriggy in afternoon – went to Wriggy’s at night – everybody turned up & raided orchard A.R.W 9.30 – 10.30

Wed. 4
Stayed in bed in the morning – went in the town in the afternoon – & baths at night A.R.W 9.20 – 4.30 German troopship sunk – 3000 soldiers due for Norway drowned [inserted] 54 Germans 17 Ours [/inserted] 12 Pilots safe

Thur. 5
Went skating in the afternoon & went to the Priory with Gee to see “Angels Wash their Faces’ ARW. 9.0 – 1.0 & 5.0 – 6.0 bombs dropped (incendiaries) Lees Walk etc

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Fri. 6
Went to Wriggys in the morning & afternoon – very nice day – a little cooler though – went a walk at night A.R.W 9.20 - & 2 more at night 46 Germans 19 Ours 12 Pilots safe

Sat. 7
Played 1 B & R won 7-1 scored 1 (Pen.) went to see ‘Roaring Twenties’ James Cagney at the Regal – A.R.W 9.0 – 10.45 & 11.50 – 12.30 – London bombed over 400 killed [inserted] (99 Germans 22 Ours [/inserted] 8 Pilots safe

Sun. 8
Went to Cadets in the morning & a walk at night A.R.W again – London again bombed at night – hospitals – flats museums etc destroyed (11 Germans 3 Br. 1 Pilot safe)

[underlined] SAT [/underlined] London bombed 306 killed over 1000 seriously injured
[underlined] MON [/underlined] 55 Germans 20 Ours 12 Pilots safe
[underlined] TUES [/underlined] 25 “ 15 “ 8 “
THUR 39 “ 20 “ 9 “

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Mon. 9
Went to Wriggys at night – London again bombed 1400 injured & 306 killed – AR.W in morning 10.25 – 10.35 – 52 German planes 13 Br 6 Pilots safe

Tues. 10
Went to Wriggys at night all the lads were down – went for a walk A.R.W. 1.0 – 2.0 – saw 2 German planes brought down today – we have no losses

Wed. 11
Went to see Bing Crosby Dor Lamour & Bob Hope in ‘Road to Singapore’ – at the Cecil with Ken, Pete & Gee – very good picture saw Jean this morning – A.R.W at night 10.0 – 11.0 & 12.30 – 1.0 (89 Germans 24 Br 7 Pilots safe)

Thur. 12
AR.W from 12.0 noon – 1.20 – London again raided but terrific barrage using new methods keeps them off – rained nearly all today. 3 German planes no losses

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Fri. 13
Went to Wriggys at night – bought some new football boots A.R.W at night 2.30 – 3.45 Buckingham Palace bombed – chapel damaged (2 German planes brought down – no losses in RAF)

Sat. 14
Played Amos & Smith’s won 8-1 went for a walk at night with Wriggy the rest went to the Tivoli – met Betty & Norah. 3 A R W’s (18 Germans 9 Br & 6 Pilots safe)

Sun. 15
Went to Cadets in the morning & went for a walk round the golf course in afternoon by myself went for a walk with the gang at night London again bombed – 185 German planes brought down (130 Bombers) 95 of ours lost 14 Pilots safe

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Mon. 16
Went to see ‘Contraband’ at the Carlton with Gee – A.R.W 8.30 – 9.0 also this morning 10.45 – 11.30 & again at night 4.5 – 4.30 (7 German planes brought down – we suffer no losses)

Tues. 17
Went to the pictures to see ‘Typhoon’ Dorothy Lamour & enjoyed it very much. A.R.W’s 10.10 – 10.15 & 12.45 – 1.2 in the morning also A.R.W at night (12 Germans 3 Br 2 Pilots safe)

Wed. 18
Went to Wriggys at night – rang Brenda Smith up & hope to get a date London heavily bombed – Italians harassed & casualties inflicted on them march into Egypt (48 Germans 12 Br 9 Pilots safe)

Thur. 19
Walked to Cottingham & back tonight with Wriggy & Don 3 A.R.W’s last night – Italian forces bombarded by Navy along Egyptian coast road (6 German planes we suffer no losses)

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Fri. 20
Went to Wriggy’s at night – H.M.S. Sturgeon (sub) sunk large troop carrier on Sept 2.

Sat. 21
Played Hall Rd Athletic & won 1-0 – went to the Regent at night with Wriggy & friends

Sun. 22
Went a walk with Fred (on holiday from London) in the morning Cadets in afternoon (Morse, Maths, PT & drill) went for a walk at night with the gang 5 AR.W’s tonight & during the early morning

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Mon. 23
Ship carrying child evacuees torpedoed in heavy seas 600 mls from land 83 out of 90 drowned over 200 lost in all – went to see ‘North West Frontier’ with Fred & Gee 4 ARW’s at night

Tues. 24
Stayed in at night – raining Berlin heavily bombed last night & many other places visited – General De Gaulle lands at Dakar in Africa – unable to occupy peacefully – withdraws

Wed. 25
Mothers Silver Wedding Day – had a nice night all quite merry – A R W 9.0 – 9.45 & 10.30 – 12.30 Berlin again bombed (26 Germans down 4 of ours 3 Pilots safe)

Thur. 26
Berlin heavily bombed & Channel Ports heavily strafed – 3 A.R.W’s during tonight & [inserted] early [/inserted] morning (Friday) – 34 German planes 8 of ours 5 Pilots safe

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Fri. 27
Stayed in – rang Jean – cleaned my bicycle – Japan makes 10 year plan with Axis – 133 German planes 34 of ours 16 Pilots safe

Sat. 28
Went to see ‘Amazing Mr Williams’ at the Tower with Wriggy & Ken – funny & entertaining – played Kingston Recs lost 6-3 (10 men) 6 German planes 7 of ours 7 Pilots safe

Sun. 29
Went for a walk with Don & Ginger in the afternoon & also at night with Ken, Wriggy & Gee later played cards at ‘W’s 6 AR.W’s today & during early morning 10 Germans 4 Ours [inserted] 2 Pilots [/inserted] safe

Memo. [underlined] MON [/underlined] 13 German planes 11 of ours 3 Pilots safe
[underlined] TUES [/underlined] 8 Germans 4 of ours 2 pilots safe

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Mon. 30
Went to see ‘The Spider’ with Gee fight coming home – out on my feet not dirty – wrestling & not able to fight lost memory 50 German planes 22 of ours & 12 Pilots safe.

Tues. 1 OCT.
Walked to Dons at night with Gee & then went in to listen to the wirless [sic] A.R.W at night 4 German planes 3 of ours 3 Pilots safe

Wed. 2
Stayed in at night – played cards & read with Gee 8 Germans planes 1 of ours.

Thur. 3
Went to see ‘Another Thin Man’ at the Carlton with Gee – 2 A.R.W’s during the day one just before lunch – other at 5 o’clock

[page break]

Fri. 4
Saw Jean this morning – stayed in at night & read a book – about 7 submarines sunk by Navy recently – an Italian destroyer sunk by our sub

Sat. 5
Saw Jean again this morning did not stop to chat – went to see ‘Break for Freedom’ & ‘One Hour to Live’ at the Regent with Ken – played RAF team lost 3-2 2 ARW’s at night

Sun. 6
Went for a walk with Roland in morning – started to rain at lunch time continued all day – went to Roland’s in the afternoon & Wriggy’s at night – played cards Roland went back

[page break]

Mon. 7
Stayed in at night & read a book

Tues. 8
Went to City’s ground & did a bit of training

Wed. 9
Stayed in at night – very strong wind blowing.

Thur. 10
Went to train at City’s ground Cherbourg harbour bombarded by Navy – heavy damage inflicted

[page break]

Fri. 11
Stayed in again at night – Germans still march in Rumania

Sat. 12
Went to see ‘The Invisible Man Returns’ at the Carlton with Wriggy & Gee – played Constable St. O.B & lost 4-1 a very nice day – ideal for football

Sun. 13
Stayed in bed in the morning – went to Cadets in the afternoon & a walk at night bombs dropped nr. Stoneferry whilst we were out – 2 A.R.W’s.

[page break]

Mon. 14
Stayed in at night & listened to the wireless

Tues. 15
Went to train at City – weigh 9st 1 3/4lbs – H.M.S. Ajax – sink 2 Italian destroyers & damages another which later sinks

Wed. 16
Stayed in again at night

Thur. 17
Went to train on City’s Ground & later went to the pictures with Don & Gee to see ‘Mutiny on the Black Hawk’ at the West Park

[page break]

Fri. 18
Stayed in at night – went to the Library rang Jean twice but she hadn’t come home from work

Sat. 19
Played Bev. Barracks lost 3.0 – had tea & nice shower there – went to see ‘Pinochio’ [sic] at the Cecil with Trevor afterwards

Sun. 20
Went for a walk in the morning with Don & Gee – paraded in afternoon & marched all the time – went for a walk at night with the gang

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Mon. 21
Went to see Deana Durbin in ‘It’s a Date’ at the Cecil with Don & Gee – quite good (not up to usual standard) Bombs dropped in Silverdale Rd, Bev. Rd – 1 killed 1 seriously injured – many houses wrecked

Tues. 22
Went to train on City’s ground 2 Italian destroyers attack convoy in Red Sea our destroyers pursue – lose contact – HMS Kimberley makes contact in morning – attacks – Italian destroyer runs ashore MEMO

Wed. 23
Went to the Newington Hall to dance with Don & Gee – quite good A.R.W lasting 5 hrs at night

Thur. 24
Stayed in at night & wrote to Fred.

[page break]

Fri. 25
HMS Swordfish (Sub) sinks German torpedo boat HMS Regent (Sub) sinks Italian supply ship – stayed in at night – raining

Sat. 26
Played an Army team won 6-4 went to see Ann Sheridan in ‘I take this Woman’ with Don & Gee 3 A.R.W’s

Sun. 27
Stayed in in the morning – went to Cadets in the afternoon & went for a walk altogether at night later went to Wriggys & played cards 4 A.R.W’s

Memo. TUES blown up by torpedo – 3 shore batteries open fire on destroyer – steam pipe damaged – 3 injured – 2 shore batteries silenced

[page break]

Mon. 28
Went to Cadets to box -Italy declares war on Greece early this morning – we will help Greece ‘Empress of Britain’ sunk 598 people out of 645 saved.

Tues. 29
Went to Cadets & went to the gunnery class where we studied the Browning

Wed. 30
Went to the Cadets & boxed Len Harvey came down to instruct us.

Thur. 31
Stayed in at night – raining heavily – Italians only a few miles in Greece – frontier fighting

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Fri. 1
Stayed in at night as it was raining – Gunfire again this morning also at night

Sat. 2
Played Beverley Barracks lost 3-1 – raining during match – went dancing at the Newington Hall with Don & Gee

Sun. 3
Went for a walk with Don & Gee in the morning up Hessle Rd & went to Sutton East Park in the afternoon – played cards at Wriggys at night

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Mon. 4
British troops land in Crete – German forces concentrated in Rumania – Greece capture another hill in Albania – went to the Tivoli with Ken Gee & Wriggy – rained today

Tues. 5
Went to the Bev. Rd Baths to train & improved my boxing a great deal

Wed. 6
Went to see ‘The Spider’s Web’ & ‘Konga’ at the Regent with Gee

Thur. 7
Went to Cadets at night did not box – hurt my thumb

[page break]

Fri. 8
Stayed in at night bombs dropped in Fairfax Ave. & district at about 6.15.

Sat. 9
Went to Leconfield at 6.30 arrived 7.0 – boxed at 8.10 (2nd Bout) & won – had supper there – nice girl at ringside – arrived home 12.45 – 6 ARW’s today – won a silver pencil

Sun. 10
Stayed in bed & read in morning went for a walk in the afternoon with Don & Gee – went to Wriggys at night.

[page break]

Mon. 11
13 Italian planes brought down today. 12 German planes 2 of our fighters lost – Greeks rout Italian division capture men & material Bomber command again very active

Tues. 12
Went to keep fit class at night with Don & Gee – only 9 out of convoy of 38 sunk by Atlantic raid. H.M.S. Jarvis Bay (armed merchantman) [indecipherable word] attack raider & after fierce fight is sunk – enables convoy to escape

Wed. 13
went for a walk with Gee at night – half Italy’s battle fleet sunk in Toronto Bay by F.A.A (listing & part under water)

Thur. 14
Received a letter from Marian in America – unable to join up –

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Fri. 15
Stayed in at night & cleaned my football boots – 6 more ships attacked convoy safe captain of Jarvis Bay receives V.C. Coventry severely bombed – many casualties

Sat. 16
Played Driffield Aerodrome at Driffield – lost 7-2 – much damage done to aerodrome – had tea there went to see ‘Gaslight’ at the Cecil with Trev when we arrived back

Sun. 17
Stayed in bed in the morning – raining hard went to Cadets in the afternoon marched in the rain – stayed in at night & wrote to Marian

Memo. MON – saw Jean in the morning – rained nearly all day

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Mon. 18
Stayed in at night

Tues. 19
On holiday for 2 days – stayed in bed in morning – went into the town in the afternoon with Ken – went in the Art Gallery & saw the painting The King of Kings in Hammonds – went to see MEMO

Wed. 20
Greeks shoot down 11 Italian planes without loss & we shoot down 9 also without loss – Hungary joins the axis – went to a dance at the Newington Hall at night – stayed in bed in morning

Thur. 21
Went to Ken’s at night & played cards – Air Marshal taking up new command in East – forced down in Sicily & taken prisoner

[page break]

Fri. 22
Stayed in at night – Don came down & we did some trig – later finished writing my letter to Marian – Koritza taken by Greeks

Sat. 23
Played an Army team at Sunk Island won 5-2 had a good time – arrived home at about 7.30 so couldn’t go to the pictures – B’ham bombed for 12 hrs

Sun. 24
Went to Cadets in the morning & went for a walk in the afternoon with Don & Gee – went to Ken’s at night & read a book

Memo. WED. – wrote part of letter to Marian in afternoon – had my photograph taken
TUES: The Door with the Seven Locks at the Tower with Gee & Don

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Mon. 25
Went to see ‘The Last Train to Munich’ at the Central – a very good film with Naughton & ‘Wayne’ two travellers who also featured in a similar film ‘The Lady Vanishes’

Tues. 26
Went to P.T at night with Don & Gee – had a good time – scored 2 goals & Don scored the other for our side – 4 German planes brought down today slight bombing – Greeks still do well.

Wed. 27
Went to a dance at the Newington Hall with Don & Gee – had a good time met – hope to get a date next week – very nice day walked to work in the morning

Thur. 28
Went to P.T. again with Don & Gee – had a good time – bombs heard during the early evening some distance away.

[page break]

Fri. 29
Stayed in at night & read also cleaned football boots Contact made with Italian fleet – which ran away – hits on battleship cruiser & 2 destroyers

Sat. 30
Played Driffield & won 2-1 – went to the Priory with Gee at night to see ‘Espionage Agent’ – Edith came home from york [sic] for the weekend

Sun. 1 DEC.
Went to Cadets in the morning & a walk with Gee in the afternoon to the golf course stayed in at night & wrote to Fred

[page break]

Mon. 2
Stayed in at night & wrote to Roland – Edith went to Grantham to work this morning

Tues. 3
Went to P.T at night with Don & Gee – Greeks still advancing

Wed. 4
Went to a dance at the Newington with Don & Gee – saw – did not get on too well – try next week –

Thur. 5
Went to see ‘Convoy’ at the Carlton with Alex – a very good film Greeks still advancing

[page break]

Fri. 6
Stayed in at night & read – Greeks still advancing – armed merchantman ‘Caernarvon Castle’ attacks & damages Atlantic Raider – which runs away –

Sat. 7
Played A.A Cat. at Welton won 4-2 – went to a dance at the Newington with Ken & Gee – rather crowded –

Sun. 8
Caernarvon Castle puts into Montevideo – only superficial damage – H.M.S Warspite reported to be steaming North at full speed in search of raider – went to the Cadets & paraded with band – Tarran (Sheriff) takes the salute at the march past – had dinner at Tarrans & a concert – marched home – stayed in at night

[page break]

Mon. 9
Went to see ‘Adventures of Robin Hood’ at the Tower with Gee – a very good film – I enjoyed it – Greeks still advancing – HMS Enterprise (Cruiser) reported in action against raider. H.MS Diomede takes

Tues. 10
Ours [sic] forces in the desert attack Italians capture outposts & take about 4000 prisoners – our light armoured forces do well – Greeks still advancing – stayed in at night

Wed. 11
Sidi Barani captured – more prisoners taken – navy shell Italian coastal positions – RAF bomb supplies & communications – went to Newington – saw – did not do too well

Thur. 12
Stayed in at night – we captured about 20,000 prisoners mopping up operations continuing – more gunfire tonight

[page break]

Fri. 13
Stayed in wrote to Edith – Italians routed further prisoners taken HMS Sunfish (Sub) sinks 4000 ton supply ship – damages another – Greeks still advance –

Sat. 14
Should have played Leconfield – didn’t turn up – played scratch game in pouring rain – stayed in at night raining hard – about 26,000 prisoners taken in action in desert.

Sun. 15
Went to Cadets with Gee in the morning – marched – went for a walk with Don & Gee in the afternoon – went to Wriggys at night met Peggy Myers listened to gramaphone [sic] records – gunfire

Memo. MON. Idarwald German supply ship – attempt to scuttle thwarted (Later report states ship sank)

[page break]

Mon. 16
Went to the Tower by myself to see ‘Opened by Mistake’ & ‘Showdown’ have got a bad cold – the first picture was a mystery & was also humorous & very entertaining.

Tues. 17
Went to see ‘My Little Chickadee’ at the West Park with Gee – not very good – Fort Capuzzo & Sollum captured –

Wed. 18
Stayed in at night because of cold – Don & Gee went to a dance at Newington

Thur. 19
Stayed in at night – sent my Christmas Cards – Bardia encircle 31,000 Italian prisoners taken up to now – our casualties about 1000 killed

[page break]

Fri. 20
Valona bombarded by our battleships over 100 tons of shells fired into it – light forces carry out protective sweep of Adriatic – no opposition encountered – HMS Truant (Sub) sinks 3 supply ships MEMO

Sat. 21
Played 512 Reg lost 5-0 (only had 8 men) went to the Newington at night with Roland & Gee – had a good time – gunfire again here at night – Edith came home

Sun. 22
Went to the Cadets in the morning by myself – went to church & sang Carols in the afternoon with Roland, Don & Gee – went for a walk with Rol & Gee at night & later listened to records at Rols

Memo. [underlined] FRI [/underlined] – Greeks still advance – Bardia also bombarded – stayed in at night – heavy gunfire here tonight.

[page break]

Mon. 23
Gunfire again heard tonight – Greece advance & capture battalion of blackshirts – our fighters (8 of them) encounter 50 Italians shoot down 8 & damage 3 more – 2 of ours lost – Liverpool & Manchester bombed

Tues. 24
Big fire 100 yds from our office this morning – went to Bills at night to a party had a good time – met ‘Jackie’ Doreen Tadman – also Doreen Jarvis, Joyce Fowles, Edith & Madge – saw MEMO

Wed. 25
Played football in the morning – tired after last night – lost 3-2 – listened to records at home in afternoon & in Roland’s at night.

Thur. 26
Called for Jackie nobody in in the morning – went to see ‘Down Went McGinty’ with Roland & Gee in the afternoon & went to Gee’s party at night

[page break]

Fri. 27
Went for a walk in the town with Roland in the afternoon bought a book about aeroplanes – stayed in at night

Sat. 28
No football today – went in the town this afternoon again with Roland walked through Hammonds – went to the Newington Hall at night with Gee

Sun. 29
Went for a walk in the morning with Gee & Roland & Don came along in the afternoon – called for Jackie wouldn’t answer the door went to Alexandra at night with Don & Gee

Memo. [underlined] TUES [/underlined] Doreen J home to Hessle) fairly good orchestra wrotten [sic] company saw Roland & Elsie as we were waiting for the bus
SUN – Fire bombs rain on London – heavy damage

[page break]

Mon. 30
Rang Mary at Hammonds didn’t get a date – went to see Gordon Harker in ‘Saloon Bar’ at the West Park with Gee – raining all day

Tues. 31
Went to the Newington Hall with Roland & Gee – very crowded a few hundred there – did not enjoy it – Elsie was there & I met Mary who seemed very nice although I think she is going out with somebody – no raids tonight – celebrations in London as usual – Greeks capture about 1000 prisoners & equipment

[underlined] SUN [/underlined] – Fires started by large raid of fire bombs

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Ex Fees 1/6 in the £1 max £1.1.0
L.R. Cert for a farmer
Sol Costs £10-20 = 2/-
over £20 = 4/5

J.S. Fee 6d for 1st 10/-
& then 1/- up to £2.
then 1/- for every £1

Naval Airman D. Wakeling
Mess No 2E
HM.S St. Vincent,

[page break]

200, New Bridge Rd.,

Miss J. Burton
Sandfield Farm
Holme Rd.
Market Weighton

[page break]

Fire watching duties at the office:-
Feb 18
“ 26
Mch 6.

Mr F. Fisher
80, North Park Ave.,
Leeds 8.

/NA. D Wakeling FX 88617
No 31 SFTS
Kingston Ontario

Gn. Edwards J. B, 1155900
‘A’ 10 Squad ‘A” Battery
Gaze Lines
Catterick Camps

[page break]

[underlined] Marian Morse [/underlined]
Box 522 George School.
Bucks Co. Renna USA.

[underlined] F. FISHER. [/underlined]
71, Clarendon Rd. Leeds 2

L.A. Grassam O/S
C/JX 316124 Mess 29
HMS London c/o GPO London.

1062106 LAC Northedge
Block 115, Room 7
‘B’ Flight C. Unit
RAF Waddington

[deleted] O/S H D Brown
D/JX 286777
Mess 36 HMS Froserpine
c/o GPO London [/deleted]

[page break]

1077390 L.A.C. Adder A.
3, P.R.C. RAF
B. Squadron

[underlined] Gee [/underlined] 89 Albert Ave
Wriggy 75, Albert Ave

[deleted] 1077390 LAC Adder A
c/o 40, Erdington Rd
Blackpool. [/deleted]

OS HD. Brown
D/JX 286777
3 Mess
HMS Glen Avon
c/o GPO London

[page break]

[underlined] 1941 [/underlined]
31st Wages 8 8 6

[underlined] 1942 [/underlined]
31st Wages 10 8 10

[page break]

28TH Wages 8 8 10

28TH Wages 10 8 10

[page break]

31st Wages 9 6 5
11 2

[page break]

[underlined] 1941 [/underlined]

5th OH’s Sub 2 6
30th Wages 8 18 10

[page break]

[underlined] 1941 [/underlined]
May 31 Wages 8 8 7

[page break]

& 9U £ 7 6 4

30. Wages 9 17 7

[page break]

5th Subscription 5-
31 Wages 7 8 10

[underlined] 1941 [/underlined]
31 Wages 8 18 6

[page break]

31 Wages 7 8 10

31 Wages 8 18 10

[page break]

Now spring has clad the grove in green,
And strewed the lea wi’ flowers;
The furrowed waving corn is seen
Rejoice in fostering showers.

[page break]

A valiant and brave soldier seeks rather to preserve one citizen than destroy a thousand enemies.

[page break]

30th Wages 8 12 8

[underlined] 1941 [/underlined]
30th Wages 11 2 –

[page break]

31 Wages 8 8 10

31 Wages 10 8 10

[page break]

30th Wages 8 8 10

29th Wages 10 8 10

[page break]

31st Wages 9 6 2

31st Wages 10 17 4

[page break]

[blank page]

[page break]

Sus: 2/6. 7/- 9/-


Ledgers. – Accountancy General
W.C.A. Returns & Applications
Funds Receipt & Bundle Infanery

Bank Sheets
[missing word] M paying in book Cheque
General Summary

Admiralty & Equity Suitors & papers.

Book G & Tithe
By storing at 22 & Supp


General Cash Daily Cash
Insurance Cards
Attendance Register

[page break]

M. Sus
Daily Cash General Cash Summary
Cheques etc
Ex debt & Creditor Cash not in use


[page break]

Mary Bootyman
c/o Mrs Axe
The Stores
[inserted] Grey Green [/inserted]
nr Doncaster



M Adder, “Mervyn Adder diary 1940,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 23, 2024,

Item Relations

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