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  • Tags: Lancaster

Operational Record ledger created by Pat Falkinder (nee Day). Running log book which includes briefing, targeting, crews and methods of prosecution for various bombing operations. It includes a photographs of Pat Day in uniform and several aircrew.

Top - extract from Ned Sparkes's log book dates from 2 November 1943 to 29 December1943 showing operations to Düsseldorf, Leipzig, Frankfurt and Berlin.
Below left - descriptions of the four operations giving numbers and types of aircraft used,…

Top - extract from Ned Sparkes log book for 5 January 1944 to 15 February 1944 showing two operations to Berlin.
Below - two documents giving accounts of these two operations with types of aircraft used, losses, enemy fighter operations, weather,…

Top - extract from Ned Sparkes's log book from 22 April 1944 to 11 May 1944 with operations to Düsseldorf, Karlsruhe, Essen, Somain. St Ghislane and St-Valery and Boulogne.
Underneath - six short documents with accounts of these six operations…

Top left - extract from ned Sparkes's log book from 1 July 1944 to 28 July 1944 with operations to Bienhais, Bremont, Vaires, Dognes St Nazaire and Hamburg.
Right - three short documents one partially obscured two relating to flying bomb sites, and…

Top left - extract from Ned Sparkes's log book between 3 August 1944 and 25 August 1944 with operations to Foret de Nieppe, St Leu-d'Esserent and Brest.
Right - document titled "The Reckoning". Giving details of bomber commands sorties, aircraft and…

Description of three (one aborted due to weather) operations against Tirpitz, photograph of crew on return from sinking Tirpitz, poor photocopy of target photograph of attach on Tirpitz. Account of operation on E & R boat pens at Ijmuiden along with…

A short memoir about operations over France before and after D-day. Includes how he received his award (as a D-Day veteran) of the Légion d'Honneur in Canberra.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations 6/7 December 1944. One member of each crew is underlined. Includes, duty, reserve crews and duty personnel as well as timings. On the reverse title 'Next of Kin for crew of Lancaster Mk1 DB.751.G. missing on…

Detailed operation order from group to 102, 77, 10, 158, 466, 640, 76, 78, 51 and 578 Squadrons with numbers of aircraft required. Target "Whitebait". Gives detailed instructions, routes, bomb loads, wave orders, fuel loads, window carriage, route…

A brief report of operations by bombers over Germany.

Account of Lancaster operation to Munster and Rheine railyards and Bremen oil refinery. Munster rail yards underlined. Captioned '21-5-45'.

Top - a note explaining the railway plan in preparation for Operation Overlord, attacks on French railway system.
Top left - extract from Ned Sparkes's logbook from 1 March 1944 to 29 March 1944 with operations to Trappes, Le Mans (twice), Brest,…

A memoir by Joe Harrison of his first operation in 1943. He describes the initial briefing, the events during the bombing run, the damage to their aircraft and his subsequent illness. Includes descriptions of the post-op analysis and good crew…

Order of Battle number 22 for 11 November 1944, shows Peter Baxter although acting Flight Engineer Leader scheduled to fly as a member of Flying Officer Whites crew. According to Peters record of his service ' I Flew with Nine Wing commanders', the…

Navigation calculations and a chart for operation to Orleans.

From information provided by the donor. Taken on a post war 'Cooks Tour'. Shows severe damage to buildings. Information on photograph, 'T3 SCM. 30/5/45//7" OSNABROOK 2,000' F/LT LANGFORD C. 153.

Three items, Edward's brief description of the operation, his navigation plot and a press cutting with the caption 'Allies invade France', which describes some of the air activity in support of D Day.

Ivor (arrowed) and his crew under their Lancaster. On the reverse 'Our crew Lancaster "C" Charlie 103 Squadron Elsham Wolds Lincs 1944'.

Short description of introduction of the Tallboy 12,000 lb bomb. Other headlines: 'heaviest raid of air war - attack on Duisburg and 'Bombing can end war this winter'. Includes reverse side.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already…

P M Edge’s Flying Log Book 5 from 9th August 1966 until September 1977. Posted to Transport Command Examining Staff as navigator and route checker. Continued to serve with Air Support Command Examining Unit. February 1968 saw posting to 242…

P M Edge’s Flying Log Book as a bomb aimer from 20th March 1943 until 28th September 1944. Initial bombing and gunnery training at 41 Air School in South Africa, before posting back to the UK in September 1943. Further training at 10 Advanced…

P M Edge’s Flying Log Book 2 from 30th December 1947 until 20th August 1956. Posted to No. 2 Air Navigation School on an Air Bomber Conversion Course to be a navigator. On completion of course posted to 201 Advanced Flying School and then 230…

A document with photographs of Rupert Harwood, his wife and two daughters, Janet & Shirley. It refers to him being killed in action over Ussy sur Marne on 19 July 1944 whilst flying with 619 Squadron on Lancaster PB245. On the reverse "7 and 20 This…
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