Browse Items (380 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1939"

During the war, Eddie Humes flew as a navigator on Lancasters with 514 Squadron. In May 1939, he chose to join the RAF instead of going to work in the mines. He was initially expected to be posted as a rigger on aircraft but was then sent to a…

A biography of Alan Green with personal photographs and headlines. It covers his training in Canada and UK. First squadron was 218 at Marham flying Wellingtons as a navigator, then Stirlings. He flew 22 operations and was shot down by friendly fire.…

Penny Turner’s father, Flight Sergeant Albin John Turner, pilot of a Wellington bomber was killed in action during the first bombing operation on the 4th September 1939. Years later, when she was five years old, her mother told her that her father…

Wanda Szuwalska was sixteen years old when Germany invaded Poland. The family was deported to Siberia by the Russian army. They travelled for several weeks to the Arkhangelsk region where Wanda then worked as a logger. When war intensified between…

A licence issued to Harry Redgrave

Frederik was born in 1924. He recalls the start of the German occupation. Frederik was asked to report to an office to go and work in Germany but chose instead to go into hiding. He was offered work in the resistance by the son of a secretary to…

Pen and ink drawing of operations room with raised platforms to the left and tables in front. Men and women working at tables and on platforms. map on wall to right and squawk boxes high up on walls. Titled 'Sector Operations Room, RAF Digby 1939'.

From a friend of John Turner expressing horror on news of John Turners was a casualty. Passes condolence from himself and from other acquaintances at RAF Scampton. Writes other eulogy comments about John Turner and Bill Borley. Hopes they might be…

RAF Form 2022 signed by JHP Dwyer

An intermediate examination dated 6 October 1939.

Examination from RAF Central examination board - elementary examination for air navigation with six questions.

Second version of a brief Resumé of Initial Flying Training and operational experiences on 106 Squadron, led by Wing Commander Bob Allen DSO with sorties against the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Battleships in the Port of Brest. Slight amendment to…

Brief Resumé of Initial Flying Training and operational experiences on 106 Squadron, led by Wing Commander Bob Allen DSO with sorties against the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Battleships in the Port of Brest.

A receipt from R A Jones & Sons Ltd for a wrist watch valued at £3-3-0. The bill-head includes a line-drawing of R A Jones' shop premises at 76 & 78 High Street, Southend.

Acknowledges receipt of £26 by way of a loan on A J Turners life insurance policy. Life insurance was sum assured £100 and loan to be paid back over six months.

A record of Henry Ansell's time at Plaistow Secondary School, West Ham from 15th September 1936 to 25th July 1940. Includes marks for each subject, attendance, height and weight.

A letter written by the Commodore Superintendent Piers Keane Kekewich to the Admiralty, detailing the various reports on the the Malta Dockyard during the war.


A history of the Avro Repair Organisation at Bracebridge Heath. Aircraft with Category B damage were disassembled and taken to Bracebridge for repair. Contractor’s Working Parties repaired Category A damaged aircraft on their station using spares…

Peter Stevenson's account of his service in the Officer Training Corps at Grantham and later in the Air Training Corps. Tells of his life in Grantham and the effect of the war on the town. Also his involvement post war in museums and projects to…

Introduces Michael G Hanson an RAF reservist and tells of time sailing before stating training. Covers elementary and advanced training before joining 233 Squadron at RAF Leuchars on Hudson. Relates life on the station, in local area and on maritime…

A service diary written by Peter Hattersley covering the period from November 1930 to 24 September 1948.Initially he served in the Royal Engineers but in February 1936 he joined the RAF. It covers his training and operations including a newspaper…
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