Browse Items (43 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Illinois--Chicago"

Alan writes thanking his parents for letters, parcel and papers. He enjoyed his visit to Chicago and found the locals very friendly.

Two views of Chicago on the back of an envelope.

A page of information about Chicago and its economy.

A view of Chicago

One coloured view of Chicago and part of a brief history of Chicago.

Two views of Chicago. Alan has written a short message to his parents.

An envelope with artwork of a Chicago street scene. The envelope is addressed to Alan North's parents.

A leaflet for the planetarium in Chicago.

Alan writes about the slowness of mail from the UK. He has completed his exams and has done well. He has qualified as a pilot and completed air bombers and air gunner courses. He enjoyed Christmas. He travelled to Chicago and was impressed with the…

Three photographs from an album.
#1 is downtown Chicago with Mather Tower.
#2 is the Wrigley building and Chicago River.
#3 is a trackside view as the train rounded a bend. On the right are some huts, captioned 'French Canadian village en route to…

A coloured card with a view of the hotel.

Autobiography of his early years, mainly training in the USA. Also included is an extract from Eleanor Roosevelt's diary, dated September 24, 1942. This includes a thank you letter from RAF trainees who were treated to American hospitality by Mama…

Covering the period 3 December 1941 to 1945 it details Jack's initial training, sailing from New Zealand to Canada and subsequent train journey, visiting a fox farm, canoeing, taking exams and getting the results and trips in the snow. Qualifying as…

Writes again from Chicago on summer leave and describes activities there having a wonderful time. Carries on with description and mentions that the British War Relief Society were paying their board.

Reports on received mail. Comments that they had done little flying since arriving. Mentions daily routine. Says that he had written from Chicago on recent leave, asking if they had had that letter. Goes on about sending various things home including…

Writes while spending 14 days leave in Chicago where they were having a great time. Talks of their recent wings parade. Writes of changes to training system and that he has to get more flying in before returning.
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