Browse Items (270 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Atlantic Ocean--North Sea"

A handwritten account of Don Falgate's tour between 10 September 1944 and 7 April 1945. The account includes his observations and calculations about the percentage of aircraft lost. He carried out a total of 32 day and night-time operations on…

Don was a Flight Engineer with No 44 (Rhodesia) Squadron in 1944-45 at Dunholme Lodge and later at Spilsby and completed 31 operations.
Don lists his 31 operations and recounts how having arrived for the briefing for his first operation, he was…

A navigation log sheet for an operation to Tonsberg, Norway.

Three items, Edward's description of the mining operation off Cherbourg, they were the only aircraft operating from their base that night. Edward's navigation plot and a map of the Cherbourg area.

A navigational log produced by Fred Edwards. The flight's orders were to locate a convoy off the Dutch coast and report its position. On the reverse are his navigational observations.

Ken Done served as a wireless operator on Air Sea Rescue. Upon leaving Battersea Grammar School aged 14, he was employed at Chelsea Town Hall as a junior clerk. When the war started, he discovered he was in a reserved occupation and unable to enlist.…

Arthur Vickers worked for the Coop before he volunteered for the Air Force. After training he completed an tour of operations as a flight engineer. He discusses life on the station and on operations including a trip when they though they might have…

Discusses his training and service with Air Sea Rescue in Great Britain and Malta

Jack went to New Zealand in 1937 and became a steward in a gentleman’s club in Napier, where he stayed two years until the war broke out. He joined the Royal Air Force and went to England where he did train at RAF Uxbridge to become an air gunner.…

Notice recording that Bob Butler was presumed to have died on 'twenty-third day of September, 1942, as the result of air operations.'.

The letter invites Sergeant Spencer Lewis Belton to repeat a British Broadcasting Corporation broadcast entitled ‘Bringing a Damaged Bomber back from Wilhelmshaven’. The reverse contains the conditions attached to the broadcast.

Royal Canadian Air Force observer’s and air gunner’s log book for Sergeant Albert Victor Ansell from 25 October 1942 to 30 April 1943. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at Pan American Airways navigation school…

Royal Air Force navigators, air bombers, air gunners and flight engineers flying log book for L W Green, air gunner, covering the period from 16 June 1944 to 8 July 1945. Detailing training, scores on gunnery course, and operations flown and post war…

Oblique aerial photograph taken at low level showing port facilities, buildings, rail sidings and several vessels. The port is Bremerhaven. In the centre two waterways separated by a spur of land covered with dockyard buildings and cranes. On the…

Target photograph of Caroliniensel and Harlesiel on the Harle river. Captioned '3°F', '5B', '3065 SKELL.5.10.44.//8" 16500' [arrow] 312° 1112 WILHELMSHAVEN RD.V.10X1000.4'J'X500.C35secs.F/L WAKE.C.50' On the reverse '[underlined] F/LT WAKE 5.10.44.…

Target photograph of Flushing. Partially obscured by smoke and dust. Port area, locks, quays, docks and moored ships clearly visible. Disturbed water from bomb explosions. Captioned '8°F', '5B', '3248 SKELL.11.10.44.// 8" 7100' [arrow] 285° 1500.…

Target photograph of Flushing. Partially obscured by smoke and dust. Coastal area, little detail visible, disturbed water from bomb explosions. Captioned '8°F', '5B', '3269 SKELL.11.10.44.// 8" 5500' [arrow] 320° 1500. FLUSHING 106RD.…
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