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  • Tags: 109 Squadron

Lists casualties for 109 Squadron and 582 Squadron in 1943, 1944, 1945 and 1946. Has squadron badges for both squadrons an 8 Group and two Victoria Crosses (Squadron Leader Robert A.M.Palmer V.C, D.F.C & Bar 109 Sqn and Captain Edwin E Swales V.C.,…

Robert Palmer’s RAF Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 12 May 1942 to 23 December 1944, detailing training and operations as a pilot and instructor. He was stationed at RAF Lossiemouth (No. 20 OTU), RAF Hullavington (No. 3 Flying Instructors School),…

Gives personal details, service as an airman, commissioned service with promotions, postings including 75, 149 and 109 Squadrons, honours and awards including Victoria Cross, Distinguished Flying Cross and bar, mentioned in despatches, and air…

Includes biographic details, service history and account of last operation for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross. Completed 111 operations on three squadrons, took part in Cologne 1000 bomber operation. Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross twice.…

Gives account of Robert Palmer leading formation while being fitted with secret "Oboe radar equipment which required him to fly straight and level for 10 minutes while also being engaged by enemy fighters and anti-aircraft fire.

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Two prints of an image of nineteen service personnel including airmen and four members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force sitting and standing in two rows in front of a Mosquito. In the background trees. Noted as being '109 Squadron Wyton'.…

Top - Squadron Leader Robert A.M. Palmer V.C. Announces award of Victoria Cross after being reported missing after a particularly hazardous daylight operation over Cologne. Includes head and shoulder b/w photograph of Robert Palmer wearing…

Top - Royal Air Force 23rd V.C. Announces award of Victoria Cross to Act Sqn Ldr Robert Antony Maurice Palmer 109 Squadron (missing). Quotes from citation for award with account of operation to Cologne and some service background. Bottom left - pals…

Top - now reveals that the operation for which Robert Palmer was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross involved his use of highly secret "Oboe" which meant he had to fly straight and level while being engaged by enemy fighters and anti-aircraft…

Left - always selected for vital targets - an outstanding pilot. Gives service background and description of action leading to award of Victoria Cross. Mentions 110 completed operations and final attack on Cologne where his aircraft failed to return,…

Gives account of action of Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer, 109 Squadron leading to award of Victoria Cross. Aircraft seen spiralling down in flames after attack on Cologne.

Rear/port side view of a Mosquito, A-HS of 109 Squadron. Civilians are walking around it. On the reverse '1st Waddington Open Day Post War Dorricott'.

Top left - memorial stone for RAF Little Staughton 109 and 582 Squadrons 8 Group pathfinder force, bomber command. On roadside with flowers and hedge.
Bottom left - view of altar with colours either side and RAF eagle on front.
Right - memorial…

Keith Boles left school at the age of fourteen and took an apprenticeship in engineering. He was called up to the Air Force at the end of 1941 and was in Singapore when the Japanese invaded. He arrived in UK via Australia and Canada and after a…

John Tipton grew up in Tenby and studied law at University College London. He volunteered for the RAF and trained as a navigator. He was posted to 40 Squadron where he began operational flying before the squadron were posted to Malta. After his tour…

Jack grew up in Liverpool. His brother was the famous ballet dancer, Frederick Franklin CBE. He describes the Liverpool May Blitz and the paper merchants’ firm, where he worked, being bombed. He returned to his job after the war. After the Local…

Dr Marjorie Birch was born and grew up in London. She was evacuated with her younger sister when war was declared. She later became a medical student in London. She describes her accommodation opposite Kings Cross Station as well as the bombing. She…

Clive Coombes grew up on Royal Air Force stations, eventually joining and serving for 37 years before retiring in 2014. During this time, he served across the globe, including in Australia and Germany, as a ground branch officer. Clive outlines his…

Pilots flying log book two for George C Dunn, covering the period from 1 August 1945 to 17 June 1947. Detailing his post war flying with 1409 long range meteorological and special duties recconnaisance flight, 109 squadron, 1357 meteorological…

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Four RAF personnel with a Mosquito with an open engine cowling. One man is lying on the wing. Noted as being '109 Squadron Wyton'. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.

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Four airmen standing in line wearing a variety of uniform. The man on the left has pilots brevet and the man on the right a navigators brevet. Both aircrew have medal ribbons. They are standing behind the wing of a Mosquito. Noted as being '109…
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