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  • Tags: wireless operator / air gunner

Line group of seven aircrew, all in uniform either battledress or tunics with appropriate brevets. Sergeant John Young is standing is on the extreme right. Captioned ‘Sgt Stedman P. F/O Gapes N. F/O Fox O/B W/O Hartley W/AG Sgt Cambell M/U Sgt…

Seven airmen grouped under the starboard engine of their Lancaster.
On the reverse -
'103 Sq
F/Lt Hopps (Pilot)
F/Sgt Jonny Roberts (Nav)
Sgt Imeson Bob (Flt Eng)
P/O Olsberg (Bomb Aimer)
Sgt Red Black (AG)
Sgt Ray Thomas (WT/AG)
Sgt James…

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated '273 -LMG F/L Norris. 427 Sqd'

Flight Lieutenant Mercer and crew and ground personnel in front of their Lancaster. On the reverse:
'March 1944 X for Xray
Dunholme Lodge
Bomber Command
Left to right
Isot Pratt. (mid upper) F/lt Mercer D.F.C. (pilot) Sgt Fallan (fit.…

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated '269.LMG. P/O Hughes. 427'

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Six of their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated '278.LMG. F/O Cowman 427 Sqd'

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated '266 LMG F/O Redington 427'

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated '264. LMG. F/O McBride 427'.
In the caption his name is McBridge and in the annotation it is McBride.

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated '265 LMG F/O Robinson 427'

On the left, one man sitting by a table with mugs on it. In the centre by the stove an man wearing battledress standing with foot on box. On the right, two airmen sitting. On the reverse 'at back of the room on right - Henry Simpson FE (Powdrill's…

A note book used by Fred as a log book.
His pilots on operations were Pilot Officer Benitz DFC and Flight Lieutenant Brown.

Issued to Fred Hooker detailing his service record.

A newspaper cutting with a description of how Jack was awarded a DFM. This was awarded because he assisted an unconscious colleague to bale out of their damaged aircraft.

His AM form 1406, an account of all of his service both before and after his commission.

His record of service prior to commissioning.

14 airmen under the front of their Halifax.
On the reverse -
'This is the only photo of our crew with Ground Crew standing, 2nd from left
Doug Moe Mid-upper
Barry Ashbee F/E
Ray Irwin B.A.
Bill Lynn W.A.G.
Russ McKay Pilot
Gerry Pelletier…

Gives personal details and list of postings. Notes at one stage missing believed intered.

Wireless Operator/Air Gunner’s log book for H C Rouse covering the period from 11 October, 1940 to 16 December, 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown, also includes Gunnery Course results, mine laying operations, bomb loads, a…

Harrison Sproates’ Flying Log Book as wireless operator from 3rd January 1941 until 29th May 1944. Training was at No. 2 Signals School, No. 1 Air Gunnery School, and 13 Operational Training Unit. Posted to 244 Squadron for operations in the Middle…

Relates early life and employment before the war. Was RAF reserve and was called up at beginning of the war. Mentions training including operational training unit before joining 9 Squadron. Includes letter describing in some detail his first…

Harry joined the Royal Australian Air Force on 25 June 1942 as a wireless operator/air gunner and received his initial training in Australia before going to Canada for his trade training.

He sailed on the SS Johan Van Barneve to San Francisco and…

RAF Form 2520A issued to HB Sproates with brief details of his service record.

A head and shoulders portrait of Hugh Woodfield wearing a Sidcot suit. On the reverse
'Hugh Woodfield
Dads nephew
Died 2nd W War . Aged 17.'
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