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A history of the Avro Repair Organisation at Bracebridge Heath. Aircraft with Category B damage were disassembled and taken to Bracebridge for repair. Contractor’s Working Parties repaired Category A damaged aircraft on their station using spares…

Three photographs annotated with individual crew names.
Photo 1 is seven airmen arranged in two rows in front of the tail of a Lancaster.
Photo 2 is one airmen posing in front of the tail turret. He is holding onto two guns.
Photo 3 is one airman…

Seven airmen in uniform stand in front of a Lancaster aircraft. On the far left, an officer wears a cap, pilot's brevet and gloves, with arms at his sides. Dave Davies is pictured second on the left, wearing a sergeant insignia, pilot's brevet and…

Operational Record ledger created by Pat Falkinder (nee Day). Running log book which includes briefing, targeting, crews and methods of prosecution for various bombing operations. It includes a photographs of Pat Day in uniform and several aircrew.

Poem by Bill Cooke prior to a visit to East Kirkby - contrasting the stress of operational flying on Lancasters to the forthcoming aircraft taxi ride.

An airman in flying clothing in the entrance door of Lancaster W4964, annotated on the reverse 'Sgt John Joseph Zammit probably an American in the RCAF'.

Six men of William's crew, in flying clothing next to the entrance door to Lancaster W4964 with squadron code WS.

Two photographs:
- one of aircrew at night, being collected or dropped off at the dispersal.
- second, also at night, is of a crew in flying gear gathered around entrance door of Lancaster (W4964 squadron code WS).

Two photographs:
- one of aircrew collecting and putting on their flying clothing and parachutes,
- second of two aircrew in flying clothing: one looking out from entrance door of Lancaster W4964, one standing outside talking to an officer not in…

Formal photograph of Lancaster with five rows of personnel in front and one spread across the wingspan, hangar in the background, on the reverse captioned 'Waddington 463 Squadron 1945', 'X second row eighth from the left'.

Photograph of Lancaster landing, runway caravan in middle distance, Lancaster parked in far distance.

Photograph of two airmen fitting bomb carrier below Lancaster bomb bay. on the reverse captioned 'Loading bombs England 1943'. '132 elsders'.

A five page document recording Geoff's time in the R.A.F. from August 1943 until August 1949, in addition to his flying career as a pilot he undertook many other tasks as the aircrew training machine wound down.

Flying log book for John W Eppel, navigator, covering the period from 12 May 1944 to 12 June 1945, detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Worksop, RAF Blyton, RAF Hemswell, RAF North…

Flying log book for aircrew other than pilot for James Stewart, navigator, covering the period from 17 July 1943 to 21 December 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying duties. He was stationed at RCAF Portage la…

Pilots flying log book for D E Owen, flight engineer, covering the period from 15 October 1942 to 5 August 1943. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Stradishall, RAF Mildenhall, RAF Lakenheath and RAF Scampton.…

Ken Johnson's crew. Captioned ‘LL91 QR-X “Xray” with Harry Watkins crew L-R Doug. Hockin (N) Fred Jowitt (E) Johnny Ware (W/O) Ted Ray (B/A) Front- Harry Watkins (P) Ken Johnson (MUG) Hugh Green (RG)’

Target photograph showing two Lancasters and anti-aircraft fire. Captioned 'a striking night picture taken during the RAF attack on Peenemunde aircraft research and radiolocation establishment on Aug. 17'.

A minute by minute account of a night bomber operation on Germany. Found in the papers of an airman recently lost in action. Records every incident in flight of Lancaster.

Notes: 'Lancaster III, ED6612, F/O Norton, Sgts Robinson, Palk, Sooter [sic], Wakefield, P/O Bradley'.
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