Flying Officer Douglas Petty Memoirs



Flying Officer Douglas Petty Memoirs


Brief memoirs recorded by Doug Petty during his RAF service. They cover the period from June 1943 to April 1947.


Temporal Coverage



One typewritten sheet


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Flying Officer Douglas Petty. Flight Engineer 189456 Born 11th Jan 1923 in ShiId on Co DurhamVolunteered for R.A.F., called up June 1943, enrolment in London as A.C. 2 number 1592021.Posted to Torquay to No 21 initial training wing, No3 squadron B flight for basic training. Then to St Athan in South Wales to train as a Flight Engineer .Com p leted course in March 1944 & awarded my F.E certificate no 86 entry dated 8th March 1944 with a 71% pass. Promoted to Sgt & posted to 1659 conversion unit at Topcliffe N Yorks. Crewed up with an all Canadian crew F/0 Claridge, Pilot, Bullen navigator, F/0 Mannion, Bomb Aimer, Sgt Tammela , Radio Operator, Sgt Jodrell, Mid Upper gunner & Sgt Hay, rear gunner.
Commenced Flying training on 15/4/44 completed on 1/6/44. Posted to Leeming, flew first training flight on 7/6/44.
First operational flight with F/0 Lasik on 14/8/44.Lost F/o Claridge,posted back to Topcliffe for new pilot F/o Mitchell.
Returned to Leeming & commenced operational flying on 12/9/44

Completed 31 operation sorties Promoted to Pilot Officer No 189456 during tour then to F/0. Completed tour on
31/3/45. The crew then consisted of 6 Officers & one Sgt the Sgt was wireless operator E Tammela, Four of the crew
were awarded D.F.Cs These awards were in recognition of the mining operations They were Pilot ,Navigator, Bomb aimer
& Mid upper gunner.

Aircraft flown during this time were Halifax 2.3 &5 ,Lancaster 1&3 .Engines were R.R Merlin & Bristol Radial.
My details are.
13Hrs 35 mins on Link trainer to act as second pilot. Flying training was 165.24 hrs of which 4 were flying the aircraft
including two landings. Operational flying191.25 hrs .These consisted of 7 daylight ,15 night & 9 Minelaying . Carrying
58 tons of bombs .36 canisters of incendiaries & 27 mines. Giving an average load of 10,000 lbs or 4.4 tons

Incidents during tour includ ed Sept 44 , cross country training , mixed with German raid on Bristol.12th Oct 44,
daylight raid on Wanna Eickel, flack damage with pieces in Engineers panel .27th Nov diverted to Woodbridge (fog) landed
with the aid of F.I.D.O fog dispersal system. 12th Jan 45 mine laying at Kiel . J.U 88 shot down by gunners on second attack , we
were only aircraft to return. 1st Feb 45 night raid on Mainz returned on 3 engines , One damaged by flak.
31st March daylight attack on Hamburg attacked by Me262s I used nose guns to help repel attacks.

Completed tour in April 45, me to Air HQ Delhi the Canadians back home. I returned home in March 47 to one of the worst
winters on record. I was demobilised in April 47.



Doug Petty, “Flying Officer Douglas Petty Memoirs,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 10, 2025,

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