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  • Tags: Cheshire, Geoffrey Leonard (1917-1992)

Recounts a lecture using models of targets which when viewed from 6 yards represent various sizes at various distances. Problem is to know accurately what height you are.

From Air Marshall Sir Douglas Evill on behalf of Chief of Air Staff congratulating Cheshire on the award of the Victoria Cross. Writes of Cheshire's record and leadership in Bomber Command.

Congratulatory letter written on House of Commons paper on award of Victoria Cross and relates views of others he has met, a missed meeting and inviting him for a meal.

From officer in Ministry of Aircraft Production. Writes that Cheshire left gloves in his office and is now sending them on.

Left -newspaper cutting - Tait dropped the bombs. Includes full face b/w image and gives account of operations flown by Wing Commander James Bryan Tate DSO and 2 bars DFC. Noted that his squadron was formed by Gibson to burst German dams. Top right -…

Top left - shy but tough V.C. air ace picked for hardest jobs. Gives account of his 110th bombing operation leading a formation of Lancasters on daylight operation to Cologne from which he failed to return and actions resulted in award of VC. Top…

Message is a copy of Headquarters Bomber Command signal congratulating crews that their attacks on Le Havre and Boulogne succeeded in virtually destroying German naval assets in those harbours.

Relates that in response to request from the Army a planned operation was cancelled at late notice and replaced by operation against the railway tunnel at Saumur. As accurate bombing was required it was decided to use the recently available 12,000…

Buff file cover with green text. 'Unit: 617 Squadron, title: [...] of official file, W/C Cheshire DSO, DFC. Reference: GLC\DO\43, 15'. Reported as file containing correspondence to and from Leonard Cheshire Nov 1943 - Mar 1947

To FLS Aston down stating he would attend on 17 December subject to operational commitments.

Request Cheshire gives lecture at RAF Aston Down and possible dates. Handwritten note 'unable to attend'.

From FCST RAF Aston Down requesting Cheshire to give lecture between 26 November and 1 December. Handwritten note 'Refused by letter - until further notice, 24-11-43.

Sixteen airmen in two rows. Rear row all wearing tunics are ground crew. The front row all wearing battledress have aircrew brevet. All are wearing side caps. Leonard Cheshire is centre of front row. In the background a Halifax with OFFENBACH on the…

Indian Posts and Telegraphs Form with congratulations to Leonard Cheshire on his Victoria Cross from Headquarters 4 Group
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