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  • Tags: animal

Six figures and two dogs carrying out various activities at farm. Fence on left and hedge on right, sheep in field top left. Captioned "Wednesday night was drying ground night"

Added caption: 'The family gardening at Potter Hill, L to R, Irene,…

Two adult figures - plus baby - all in uniform facing front on the left between two flag poles. Led by a dog, four other figures in uniform march past from the right with pitchforks shouldered.

Added caption: 'The family at Potter Hill, L to R,…

A goldfinch sitting on a branch with foliage in the background. Signed 'A Coulton'.

Efrem Colombi recalls his care-free childhood, initially in the Bergamo countryside and then in Milan. Emphasises his life-long radical anti-Clericalism and recounts how he ran away several times from Catholic boarding schools because of his…

Helga Cent-Velden (b. 1926) recounts her life in Berlin under constant threat of bombing. Describes how her father tried to locate a suitable air raid shelter for the family and especially how he ruled out the Shell House because of a canal running…

Maria Malagni (b. 1921) recalls her difficult childhood and chequered schooling history. Mentions wartime anecdotes: the death of her fiancé, an airman shot down over Brindisi; fascists seizing supplies; the capture of two partisans that her father…

Leading Aircraftsman William Barfoot is sitting on a wall outside a church at Langley Moor. He has a dog sitting on his lap, wearing a side cap with white flash.

The description of this item is partially based on information provided by the donor.…

Tino Luparia (b. 1930) chronicles the first daylight bombing of Turin which was aimed at the SPA industries, then a defence contractor. Describes the effects of a massive unexploded bomb which pierced all floors of a building and stopped immediately…

Group photograph of a football team on a grass field, with two servicemen among them. A white dog sits in front of the group, some buildings are visible in the distance. One figure, 6 or 9, is on the reverse.

Tags: ;

Group portrait of 42 airmen in three rows standing at ease. Those in the front row are sitting on a bench with arms crossed and two sitting on the ground; most are wearing khaki drill tunics, shirts and ties and shorts and most have khaki drill side…

Group portrait of personnel in formal pose, either sitting on the ground, seated or standing. Some men are in cadet uniform, other wear side caps. One man in the second row is without a shirt or uniform jacket. There is a dog next to a man sitting in…

Formal group photograph of personnel in front of a Hampden. They are arranged in three rows, some seated some standing. A dog is in the middle: a hangar, a gantry crane and sandbags are visible in the background.

Additional information about this…

Stanley Archer standing with hands in pockets in front of the nose of a Lancaster on dispersal. He is in uniform with side cap. In the background near the starboard chock is a dog and a bicycle. On reverse ‘F/S SW Archer 97 sqdn’

Family portrait of Ronald Boone with his mother, father and two sisters. Mother and father are seated in front in civilian clothes. Behind, Ronald Boone is standing in uniform with air gunners brevet and sergeants stripes, flanked by his two sisters.…

Top is photograph of 13 ground crew and aircrew in two rows. Front row has five non commissioned officers and one officer in the centre sitting on a trolley. All apart from right hand man are aircrew. All are wearing tunic or battledress. At the…

Flight Lieutenant Ron Barr is seated in uniform with a dog in front of a hedge. He has rank braids on sleeve and pilot's brevet, Distinguished Flying Cross medal ribbon, flying helmet, and oxygen mask. A bulldog 'Pilot Officer Prune' with studded…

Five Women’s Auxiliary Air Force personnel, three standing and two crouched, are in front of a brick building. One is without tunic, another wears non-standard headscarf. A dog is partially visible. On the reverse:
May 1945…

Approximately 170 members of 50 Squadron in five tiered rows in front of a Lancaster. Front row consists of officers with peaked caps and a dog. Second row mixed officers with peaked caps toward the centre and airmen with side caps towards the ends.…

Three women in summer dresses standing with a donkey. Behind is a hill, some trees and with the ruins of a castle. On the reverse ' Sis Harrington ?? Sis Meally'.


Top left a convoy of lorries parked on the right side of a tree lined road. In the distance a group of people are gathered round the rear a lorry.

Top right a serviceman standing in the rear of a lorry serving food to a group of six men, some in…

Top left a horse drawn cart with a woman and children aboard stands by a roadside. A man stands to the right of the rear wheel. In the background trees.

Top right an airman kneeling stroking a baby goat with his right hand and smoking a cigarette.…

The jockey with the letter'M' on his chest is standing beside a large model horse. On the right is a spectator. Behind is a large group of spectators beside a hut.

A steward is walking with his arms out-stretched, behind a horseman is walking, led by a jockey. There are many spectators and a hut behind

Eight aircrew arranged in two rows, four crouched for standing. Two have pilot’s wings, others are single winged brevets. One man is holding a pet. In background are two tents.

Back row from left to right: wireless operator Flight Sergeant…

A group of people standing in front of a doorway


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