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  • Tags: recruitment

The results of a medical examination of Malcolm Staves with a summary of medical classification.

Applying for RAF Bomber Command in May 1940, Percival Trotman was called up in September 1940, training as a pilot at RAF Towyn in Aberystwyth. Being present at Coventry when the town was bombed, he recalls deciding that the Germans deserved to have…

John Robert Watson joined RAF Bomber Command in 1943, volunteering after he witnessed his next-door neighbour's house being destroyed by a bomb. Against his father's wishes, John joined Bomber Command initially as a wireless operator, before…

Notice of reserve service and copy of attestation to Volunteer Reserve (pilot section). Includes details of Ernest's address, date of birth and work.

Information for new recruits.

Jack Harris was born in Gillingham, Kent. At sixteen, he undertook employment as a clerk in the intelligence department of the Air Ministry. He describes the brief evacuation of his department to Harrow in 1939 and receiving permission to leave his…

Thomas Edward Noton was born in Greenwich on the 4th of April 1923. Upon leaving school he began a toolmaking apprenticeship, however, before finishing the course, Noton decided to join the Royal Air Force at the age of eighteen. He explains why he…

Two telegrams telling him to report to Lord's,
RAF F2150 RAFVR, deferment of call up,
his service number 'ticket' drawn out of a hat and address of someone with a service number fifteen after Keith Thompson's.

Oscar was born in Australia. His father was a machine gunner - he was wounded seven times and died from his wounds two months before Oscar was born. His example influenced him to join the Royal Air Force. As an Air Cadet Corps member, he went to the…

Len Harper registered for the air force in April 1939, influenced by the positive experience of his brother, who had joined in January. Upon completing training at the Wireless Training School, RAF Yatesbury, he was posted to RAF Wittering, where he…

Contains personal information, address and telephone numbers of acquaintances. Entries for registered for RAF 9 Jan 43, fireguard duty days, swimming, medical appointment, passed selection board for Air Gunner 26 MaR 43,Holiday dates, call up papers…

Bill Ballantyne was in his first year at Cambridge University and a member of the Air Squadron when war was declared out in 1939. Upon joining the air force, he was posted to South Africa, where he trained as a pilot on Tiger Moths. He joined 267…

John Green was born on the 22nd of September 1921 in Penge, South East London. He registered for the Royal Air Force to prevent being called up by the Army and was drafted in 1942. He was posted to the Isle of Man, where he volunteered as a drogue…

Colin Deverell was born in Croydon. Upon leaving school, he worked for Oliver Typewriter Company, where he gained engineering skills to become an amateur rigger for Imperial Airways, before finding employment with Rollaston Aircraft Services in 1939.…

Fifty airmen wearing tunic and side caps sitting and standing in four rows in a park with trees in the background. On the reverse 'Photograph of flight 9/12 A.C.R.C London, 20/9/41'.

Bob Sharrock's story. He was born near Wigan, his father a coal miner. He worked locally until old enough to sign up. He trained at Lords cricket ground, Torquay then St Athan. Posted to Dishforth, he suffered a compressed spine during a Halifax…

A contract issued to Rex Searle for six years regular air force service.

Twp photographs of the RAF Reception Depot at West Drayon, from an album. They are captioned on the image.

AM Pamphlet 130 giving guidance on expected behaviour, Leave, NAAFI health and work.

To report to No.3 RAF Recruitment Centre Padgate.

A brief note accepting John into the RAF.

Copy of attestation. Includes questions to be put to recruit before enlistment as well as oath and certificate of attesting officer.
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