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  • Tags: bombing

Target photograph of rural area with villages visible top left and centre with connecting roads and tracks. Annotated with "A/P" aiming point in red ink to right of centre which is obscured by smoke and target marker flares. Tank ditch zig zags…

Target photograph show bombs on built up area. Annotated with aiming pot in red ink. Captioned 'DRF.12-9-44//8" > 168.1335. Gelsenkirchen. Buer.R.16x500.C.35secs.F/ Jubb.R.462'. Note: this was an attack on the synthetic oil plant at Scholven/Buer…

Target photograph of sea wall with sea on left and land on right. Many bomb explosions visible. Annotated with aiming point in red ink. Captioned '2871 DRF 29-10-44//8"8,500. 110.1216. Domburg W.284, R.9 ANM59DN.4AMN64DN.C.24sec.F/S Jubb.R.462'.…

Short description of introduction of the Tallboy 12,000 lb bomb. Other headlines: 'heaviest raid of air war - attack on Duisburg and 'Bombing can end war this winter'. Includes reverse side.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already…

Air-to-air view of three Lancasters against clouds during a daylight operation. The first Lancaster has released a large bomb which can be seen below the aircraft.
From information kindly provided by the donor. Lanc dropping 8000 lb 'er. From…

Retrospective historical account of results of operation on Hamburg dated 3 August 1943, Gives size of operation, casualties and account four bomber command attacks, resulting fires, damage to port and city. Includes b/w photograph of destroyed…

List of twelve operations from 1 June 1944 to 29 October 1944.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Oblique aerial photograph of Hamburg docks showing a destroyed port area with almost all buildings and facilities damaged. The spire of St Michels church is to left of centre and that of St Nikolai is to the right. In front of these, the large…

Target photograph of coastline and Batterie Oldenburg and Batterie Waldam. Port of Calais is just to bottom of the photograph Bomb explosions, smoke and target markers obscure the target. The beach is visible with many obstructions. Two Halifax III…

Target photograph of bombs exploding and obscuring target. Many bomb craters on the right side of image. Captioned 'DRF 10.9.44//7" 10000 > 108.1707.Alvis 2, M.9x1000.4x500.C. 27 secs. F/O Wilson G.462'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital…

List of targets and some comments. Image of a Halifax at top.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.


M G Snowball’s Flight Engineer’s Flying Log Book covering the period 13 September 1944 to 19 October 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as Flight Engineer. He was stationed at RAF St Athan (4 School of Technical Training),…

Top left - view from air over a city with twin spired cathedral. Captioned 'Cologne'.
Top right - view from air down wide river with damaged bridge in foreground and town on right bank. Captioned 'Rhine Bridge below Duisburg (Top Right)'.

Pilot’s flying log book for Maurice Cecil Stimpson, covering the period from 1 August 1943 to 15 February 1944, when he failed to return from operations. Detailing his operation flown. He was stationed at RAF Warboys. Aircraft flown in were Oxford…

Stirling BK784 being bombed up. There are trestles at the engines and personnel standing around or sitting on a bomb trolley.
From information kindly provided by the donor. 'BK784'. Forward part of aircraft on dispersal with hangars in the…

Flying log book for L Britt covering the period from 27 May 1943 to 11 February 1953. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAAF Benalla (11 EFTS), RAAF Deniliquin (7 SFTS), RAF Babdown Farm (15 P AFU), RAF Moreton…

Lists crew and then provides description of operations to Berlin (first operation), Leipzig and Schweinfurt between the 15 and 25 February 1944. Describes events, bomb load and distances.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

List 10 Royal Australian Air Force airmen who: no heading (3), died on active duty (1), wounded or injured on active service (1), previously reported missing believed killed in action now reported prisoned of war (1), previously reported missing…

Two items, a page with Berlin and the date 2/2/44 and a navigation plot to Berlin.


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