Browse Items (101 total)

  • Tags: bombing of Cologne (30/31 May 1942)

Article 1: Accounts of operations against munition works in Paris, factories in the Ruhr and operations involving over 1000 bombers on Cologne. Goes on with accounts of RAF operations in the Middle East and German communique about Cologne. Article 2:…

How Germany reacts to air attacks. Official counter-measure. Article discusses effect of operation against Cologne. Section on anxious memories mentions that effect casualties on eastern front and air attacks revives first world war saying "Wir…

Informs her that her husband failed to return from an operation over Germany on 30 May 1942. The correspondent would inform her if they had any further news.

Written by one of Philip Floyd's (pilot of John Valentine's aircraft) brother Michael's children based on conversations with parents. Recounts a letter to a German newspaper from a Werner Gerlach who as a young 15 year old boy witnessed the shooting…

Five newspaper cuttings. The first refers to the death of George. The second is a list of names and which service they served in. Item 3 refers to George being promoted to Pilot Officer. Item 4 refers to a Remembrance Day service when a plaque was…

List of operations from July 1941 until September 1943 for 15 Squadron, 1651 HCU at RAF Waterbeach and 214 Squadron at various airfields. Note at bottom; losses 19 Stirlings 4 Fortresses.

Account of his aircraft, in which he was air observer, being attacked on return from operation in Germany by intruder aircraft. The aircraft was crash landed and caught fire. Miller escaped through the top hatch but noticed that the pilot and…

Two sided leaflet in German language concerning Bomber Command's 1000 bomber operations.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A short history of 106 Squadron. Covers formation in world war one. Reformed in 1938 with Hinds and Battles. Equipped with Hampden at beginning of the war. Initially a advanced training unit. Became operational in September 1940. Describes early…

Article in the Aeroplane magazine March 30 1945 issue. Describes actions of Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer D.F.C and Bar, 109 Squadron during an operation to Cologne marshalling yards. Also give other details of his service…

Gives operational history and descriptions of actions on operation to Cologne in December 1944 where he showed conspicuous bravery. He had a record of prolonged and heroic endeavour which was beyond praise.

Sub headlines - great act of heroism and some remarkable tributes. States that Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer had been awarded the Victoria Cross after a hazardous daylight operation over Cologne. Quotes telegram from Sir Arthur…

States that Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer previously winner of DFC and became Kent's sixth V.C of that war. Gives some personal and operational background and gives account of operation to Cologne which resulted in award of…

Top - Royal Air Force 23rd V.C. Announces award of Victoria Cross to Act Sqn Ldr Robert Antony Maurice Palmer 109 Squadron (missing). Quotes from citation for award with account of operation to Cologne and some service background. Bottom left - pals…

Three newspaper cuttings with varying accounts of background and actions of Robert Palmer leading to award of Victoria Cross. Note that he was missing after this operation which was his 111th operational flight. Headlines - Daily Mail the shy V.C.…

Top left - heroism beyond praise of new air V.C, in blazing Lancaster he scorned danger and flew on to target. Gives some service and family background and describes actions during operation to Cologne from which he failed to return but led to award…

Top - Squadron Leader Robert A.M. Palmer V.C. Announces award of Victoria Cross after being reported missing after a particularly hazardous daylight operation over Cologne. Includes head and shoulder b/w photograph of Robert Palmer wearing…

Includes biographic details, service history and account of last operation for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross. Completed 111 operations on three squadrons, took part in Cologne 1000 bomber operation. Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross twice.…

Hand written table titled 'April - June 1942, losses in chronological order 50 Squadron, code : VN, Base : Skellingthorpe'. During this period the squadron was operating the Manchester. The last two entries are for August and September.

Operational flights undertaken by Geoffrey Gosney between 3 May 1942 and 8 November 1942 in France, Germany, North Africa, Egypt, and Crete for a total of 380.10 hours.

106 Squadron after returning from the 'Thousand Bomber Raid' in May 30/31 1942, at RAF Coningsby. Wing Commander Guy Gibson can be seen on the front row, and Kenneth James Broderick can be seen standing behind with a pipe. Avro Manchester's can be…
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