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First page lists 13 lancasters and one Halifax by registration number and gives the number of operations flown, the squadrons they belonged to and their fate (disposal).
Second page lists a further 22 Lancasters by registration number only.

Three photographs mounted on a page.
Top: Eight aircrew in battledress, seven standing in a line by the open rear door of a Lancaster and one seated on the tailplane. It is captioned: 'Crew of PA 320 AY-S'.
Bottom left: Vertical aerial photograph…

An short account of an operation to Kiel, with photographs of the battleship Admiral Scheer.
Upper photograph shows a starboard view of the Admiral Scheer. It is captioned: 'The German Battleship "Admiral Sheer" in 1937.'
Lower photograph shows a…

Nine images on three sheets of selected pages from George Royall's log book, each showing a double page spread. The three images on the first sheet cover nine bombing operations as well as training and air test flights. Each image has the…

A three-page potted account of the squadron's history.
Page one begins with the reformation of the squadron in 1936 and gives details of the aircraft operated, the stations flown from and the roles the squadron played in training and operations.…

A radar (H2S) prediction map of Flensburg. Bodies of water are shown in white, lines of communication and built up areas are shown in purple and wooded areas and rail lines are shown in black. The map is also marked with concentric rings, centred on…

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Training pamphlet on bombing. Covers and table of contents only.
1st image: Front cover, having a bomb aimer brevet, title and a bombing photograph.
2nd image: Table of contents
3rd image: Rear cover, blank apart from the printer's…

D E Crampin’s Wireless Operator’s Flying Log Book covering the period 15 October 1943 to 24 March 1953. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as Wireless Operator. He was stationed at RAF Yatesbury (2 Radio School), RAF Evanton (8…

Pilots flying log book for E C Stewart, covering the period from 2 July 1940 to 25 November 1944. Detailing his flying training, instructor duties and operation flown. He was stationed at RAF Sywell, RAF Cranwell, RAF Ansty, RAF Walsgrave, RAF…

The notes cover an operation against Kiel on 25 February 1942. It details the reports of each pilot who took part.

A drawing and a photograph both mounted on an album page.
Left: A commemorative sketch of a Lancaster flying above clouds or smoke, with its bomb bay doors open. Below is written: 'SGT BROOME. F/LT WALKER. SGT WARD. 44 SQUADRON TURIN. 4/5.2.43, …

A commemorative drawing of a Lancaster on the ground with its engines running. Below is written: 'MILAN 44 SQUADRON 14/15 FEBRUARY 1943' and below that: 'F/LT WALKER, F/SGT WARD, F/SGT CHARNOCK, SGT GOLDSMITH, SGT HUBBARD, SGT DAVIES.' It is signed…

Observer's and air gunners flying log book for Warrant Officer HVT Ward, flight engineer, from 15 September 1942 to 9 September 1945. Detailing his training schedule, operations flown and instructional duties.He was stationed at: RAF St. Athan, RAF…

Eris Foinette's Wellington was shot down on the way to bomb Kiel. They were hit by flak and baled out. At first he thought he was in Sweden but soon found out he was in Denmark. He and his fellow crew were quickly rounded up by the Germans. Eric…

A view of the bomb bay of a Lancaster in which is loaded 16 x 500lb medium capacity bombs and one 4000lb high capacity bomb. On the reverse is written: 'PLEASE RETURN'.

Target indicators are descending from a cloudy sky; anti-aircraft fire on the left. The silhouettes of barbed wire and an utility pole are visible.

A view of the bomb bay of a Lancaster in which is loaded 12 incendiary containers and one 4000lb high capacity bomb. On the reverse is written: 'PLEASE RETURN'.

An operation to Essen with HE Batchelder pilot. Main force bombed Bonn but three aircraft from 102 Squadron were diverted to Essen to bomb using Gee. The aircraft was damaged and everyone baled out successfully. All were taken prisoner.

Batchelder was the pilot of this operation. They bombed inside flares but the navigator insisted it was not Mannheim. Damage to one engine from flak, later they were attacked by a Me 110. They successfully landed at RAF Horsham St Faith, Norwich.

A biography of Reg by his son. He started the war as a 17 year old ambulance driver in Coventry. Later, in the RAF, his Halifax was shot down and he spent the rest of his war as a prisoner of war. He was married for 64 years. His father was an…

Royal Canadian Air Force flying log book for aircrew other than pilot for Charles Arthur Hill Darby, air bomber, covering the period from 23 August 1943 to 13 August 1945. He was stationed at RCAF Lethbridge, RCAF Edmonton, RAF Bishops Court, RAF…

The RAF has changed their plans and they are not being sent overseas or mixed with transport command. Redundancy looks likely.
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