Operational Notes from 12 Squadron



Operational Notes from 12 Squadron


The notes cover an operation against Kiel on 25 February 1942. It details the reports of each pilot who took part.



Temporal Coverage

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Two typewritten sheets


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Reference: AIR 27/166 – 12 Squadron.

Quotation from the F.540 for 25. 2.42:-

“Operations were ordered against Kiel, 13 aircraft taking part. Captains were S/Ldr Jackson, S/Ldr Preston, F/Lt Haworth-Booth, P/O Garlick, S/Ldr Abraham, P/O Buchanan, P/O Foster, Sgt Duder, F/Sgt Cook, F/Sgt McGillis, P/O Bairstow, F/Sgt Lowe, and P/O Langley. Of these S/Ldr Jackson, F/Sgt Cook and F/Sgt Lowe returned to Base early owing to failures. S/Ldr Abraham’s aircraft sent a message at 03:00, 26. 2.42, that engine trouble was being experienced and that an attempt was being made to reach Sweden. No further news has been received of this aircraft. The crew S/Ldr Abraham, P/O Foinette, Sgt Wardill, Sgt Payne, Sgt Duckham and F/Sgt Littlefield were reported missing. P/O Bairstow’s aircraft also failed to return and the crew P/O Bairstow, P/O Tunnington, Sgt Fox, Sgt Wakefield, Sgt Ennor and Sgt Long-Innes were reported missing. The remaining aircraft all returned safely.”

Abridged notes from the F.541:-

Z8495 S/Ldr I C Jackson 23:25 – 02:10 DNCO oxygen failed.

W5460 S/Ldr T Preston 23:20 – 05:00 1 x 4,000-lb dropped on built-up area on the left bank of the town. Observed red fires in the target area on arrival.

Z8409 F/Lt N L Haworth-Booth 23:30 – 05:15 1 x 4,000-lb. Clear visibility. Made two runs as bomb hung-up on first. Bomb fell onto left bank. Coned by searchlights and dived from 11,000 feet to 4,000 feet. Aircraft holed by near heavy flak bursts. This crew were in the target area for 35 minutes.

W5458 P/O J M Garlick 23:40 – 05:40 1 x 4,000-lb. DNCO unable to locate target area.

Z8410:C S/Ldr R Abraham 23:30 – [blank] 8 x 500-SAP. W/T message received “engine trouble – heading for Sweden”

W5574 S P/O R H Buchanan 23:30 – 06:10 DNCO failed to locate target.

W5377 P/O B H D Foster 23:25 – 05:50 8 x 500-SAP. Aimed bombs into fires around Deutsche Works.

W5570:H Sgt M Duder 23:25 – 05:00 8 x 500-SAP. Moderate to heavy flak. Bombed an aerodrome 10 miles south of Kiel.

Z8398 F/Sgt H L Cook 23:30 – 01:40 DNCO TR9 u/s.

Z8502 F/Sgt N D McGillis 23:30 – 05:30 8 x 500-SAP. Bombed built up area of Kiel.

W5440:B P/O E A Bairstow Failed to Return

W5372:D F/Sgt F J Lowe 23:20 – 01:05 DNCO W/T u/s – severe icing.

W5395T P/O J C Langley 23:33 – 05:03 8 x 500-SAP. Bombed target.
1 x 500-SAP hung-up and brought back. Saw an aircraft in a cone of searchlights over Kiel.

[page break]

Full details concerning the missing crews:

Wellington 11c Z8410/PH-C

Pilot – Squadron Leader R Abraham
Second Pilot – Sergeant D R Wardill
Navigator – Pilot Officer E N Foinette
Wireless Operator – Sergeant C R Duckham
Front Gunner – Sergeant C Payne
Rear Gunner – Flight Sergeant E C Littlefield

Wellington 11c W5440/PH-B

Pilot – Pilot Officer E A Bairstow
Second Pilot – Sergeant R W Fox
Navigator – Pilot Officer F Tunnington
Wireless Operator – Sergeant F Wakefield
Front Gunner – Sergeant R V Ennor
Rear Gunner – Sergeant G S Long-Innes

At least three of the Captains that operated that night, subsequently Failed to Return from operations. These were:

Sergeant M Duder Missing from Essen 8. 3.42
Pilot Officer R H Buchanan Missing from Essen 9. 3.42
Flight Sergeant W J Lowe Missing from Essen 26. 3.42


“Operational Notes from 12 Squadron,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/40363.

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