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  • Tags: pilot

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Gelsenkirchen.

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Fulda.

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Cologne.

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Bottrop

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Dortmund.

Calculations, observations and chart used for an operation to Homburg.

Calculations used for an operation to Stettin.

Francis Rooke’s Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 10 February 1944 until 26 January 1947. Pilot training took place at 24 Empire Flying Training School, 3 British Flying Training School, 1 School of Technical Training, 1 Air Gunnery School and 1667…

A group of airmen discussing a successful minelaying operation. Several are still wearing their flying kit. One WAAF is at the back.
On the reverse 'CH 12689 and A Dirkin'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form.…

RAF Form 543 giving brief details of his service record.

A service record stating that Francis went missing on 29 July 1944 then presumed dead.

A head and shoulders portrait of Theo wearing his pilot wings.
His name has been written on the reverse.

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20 airmen arranged in two rows.
On the reverse it indicates that Theo Lumb is 4th from left in the back row.

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Norman and his fellow crew members standing at the nose of a Ventura.
On the reverse -
'L to R
Price Air Gunner
Davies W-O
Baynton (NZ) Pilot
Lamacraft Navigator
Flying in Lockheed Ventura AE 716 U'.

Autobiography of his early years. Mostly his training in the States.
Also included is an extract from Eleanor Roosevelt's diary, dated September 24, 1942. This includes a thank you letter from RAF trainees who were treated to American hospitality by…

The seven airmen are grouped at the nose of their Lancaster 'Z'.
On the reverse -
'F/Lt Hammond & Crew
missing 22/23-10-43 (Kassel)
Curly Walton ((M/Sgt) (American)
possibly EE196 [confirmed as EE196]
Crew began with 103 Sqdn but went with 'C'…

Seven airmen grouped under the starboard engine of their Lancaster.
On the reverse -
'103 Sq
F/Lt Hopps (Pilot)
F/Sgt Jonny Roberts (Nav)
Sgt Imeson Bob (Flt Eng)
P/O Olsberg (Bomb Aimer)
Sgt Red Black (AG)
Sgt Ray Thomas (WT/AG)
Sgt James…

Pilot's flying log book for Robert 'Bob' Victor Keeling covering the period 15 June 1939 to 30 June 1943. Details his training and operational duties. Bob flew 27 night operations, 15 as second pilot to Pilot Officer Deacon, Sergeant Prior and…

Pilot's flying log book for Robert 'Bob' Keeling covering the period 1 July 1943 to 23 October 1945 when he was a test pilot with the Royal Aircraft Establishment. In addition it covers the period 14 January 1946 to 26 November 1949 when Bob was a…

Personal flying log book for Robert 'Bob' Keeling. Covers the period 11 December 1949 to 24 July 1956 during which time Bob was a civilian pilot with Hunting Air Travel and Hunting Aero Survey.
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