Browse Items (68 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1944-12-29"

This is a handwritten record of the operations of 9 Squadron from 22nd November 1944 to 9th June 1945. For each operation it includes many details of the target, routes, bomb load, a description of results, and if any did not return. Inserted is the…

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Alan Edwin Camlin, air gunner, covering the period 12 November 1943 to 12 January 1946 and detailing his training and operations flown. He was stationed at No.7 Air Gunner School RAF Stormy Down, No.11…

Navigators, air bombers, air gunners and flight engineers flying log book for Archie Henry Halliday from 30 August 1944 to 10 April 1945 detailing his training and operational duties. Training was with No.4 S of TT at RAF St. Athan and Heavy…

Flying log book for Arthur Loudon, navigator, covering the period from 10 July 1943 to 12 July 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAAF Bradfield Park, RAAF Mount Gambier, RAAF East Sale,…

Bill Burnett’s Flying Log Book as Flight Engineer from 22 May 1944 to 20 April 1946. Initially with 1660 Heavy Conversion Unit before transferring to 5 Lancaster Finishing School and then 617 Squadron for operational duties in Europe. In January…

Shows one bomb load for operation. Includes preselection and distributor settings, heights, false target settings and other details. On the reverse bombing instruction including not to bomb unless permission given by controller.

Shows three bomb loads, the first two are 1500 and 1850 parachute mines but these are crossed through. The third load is 11 x 1000 pound and 4 x500 poned medium capacity with 50% instantaneous and 50% TD 025. Includes preselection and distributor…

The wooden bridge takes direct hits causing fires to start along the structure. Four further bombs are dropping through the smoke and an attacking aircraft is visible in the foreground to the left. On the horizon, a further twelve aircraft can be…

Two men of the Unione Nazionale Protezione Antiaerea are in the foreground running. One of them is pointing to the sky with his left arm, whilst the other soldier is holding on to his helmet with his right hand. The buildings around are engulfed in…

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Sergeant Charlie Darby, air gunner from 22 January 1944 to 16 January 1945. Charlie Darby was stationed at RAF Castle Kennedy and RAF Driffield where he flew Anson, Wellingtons and Halifaxes Mk 2 and 3.…

From Flight Lieutenant K F Thiele flying Tempest claiming Me 109 destroyed after being bounced by enemy aircraft . Noted two fellow pilots were lost.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies…


D E Crampin’s Wireless Operator’s Flying Log Book covering the period 15 October 1943 to 24 March 1953. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as Wireless Operator. He was stationed at RAF Yatesbury (2 Radio School), RAF Evanton (8…

Observer’s and Air Gunner’s flying log book for D Sparkes, air gunner, covering the period from 27 February 1944 to 7 April 1952. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying duties. He was stationed at 3 Air Gunner School…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for D Phillips, navigator, covering the period from 16 September 1943 to 7 September 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at SAAF Queenstown, RAF Moreton Valance,…

Donald Briggs served as a flight engineer with 156 Squadron Pathfinders flying Lancasters from RAF Upwood between 27 May 1944 and 31 March 1945. The incomplete log book includes 62 daylight and night time operations to French, German, Dutch and…

Pilots flying log book for Douglas Ross Arrowsmith, covering the period from 15 January 1943 to 3 September 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at 1 Elementary Flying Training School RAF RAAF…

Flying log book for navigators, air bombers, air gunners, flight engineers for E A Probyn, air gunner, covering the period from 3 January 1944 to 27 July 1945 and 7 to 11 August 1967. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was…

Navigator’s, air bomber's and air gunner’s flying log book for Sergeant Harris, flight engineer covering the period from 26 July 1943 to 4 March 1945. Detailing his final training, two-tour operations and instructor flights. He was stationed at…

Two vertical aerial photographs.
#1 Essen annotated '1293. BTN. 23.10.44.//F/8" 20,000' 360° 15.32 Essen C1 2GP500LD. 6ANM590T. 2ANM59IN . 2MC500DT "C" 36secs. W/C Young. X.78'.
#2 annotated '1672. BTN. 29.12.44. //F/8" 18000' 085° 1504. Koblenz…

Extracts from log book from July 1944 on No 1 LFS and 625 Squadron on operations flying Lancasters and Oxfords on beam approach training, and then onto 156 Squadron in September 1944 until May 1945. There is also a summary of operations flown on 156…
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