Browse Items (79 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1944-04-27"

Pilots flying log book for L E Penn, covering the period from 31 December 1942 to 26 September 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RCAF Dauphin, RCAF Pennfield Ridge, RCAF Yarmouth, RAF…

Text for a lecture. Joined RAF as air observer in June 1941. List initial training postings, conversion to Halifax, crewing up and posting to 102 Squadron at RAF Pocklington in May 1943. Describes preparation for operations and lists 6 operations…

Letter from Squadron Leader Arthur NM Banks to acquaintance Paul concerning an incident where at RAF Foulsham where a Halifax landed on top of a Mosquito. Aircraft were from 192 Squadron conducting special operations. Halifax windowed in front of…

Catches up with recent mail. catches up with news of friend and mentions learning a lot, that spring is in the air, doing PT, swimming, sports and the weather. Writes catching up with family news.

The letter informs the father of Sergeant William Gowland Anderson that his son has been killed in action

List of documents Annex A to Annex H concerning RAF Foulsham and an incident involving the collision between a Halifax and a Mosquito on the ground. Includes correspondence with Royal Air Force museum and a history of 192 Squadron. Notes discussing…

Map showing route to Schweinfurt with numbers (squadron and squadron letter, aircraft registration and location) indicating crash sites of lost aircraft. On the reverse '5 Group Operation to Schweinfurt April 26/27, 1944, Route taken and crash sites…

Squadron Leader A N Banks, Station Intelligence officer, RAF Foulsham notes that the station was engaged on special duties with two squadrons, one of Halifax and the other Mosquito. Halifax was used for dropping window and the Mosquito with radio…

Lists crews and aircraft for operations 26/27 April 1944. Includes timings and duty personnel. One member of each crew underlined in blue, some are ticked. Handwritten note at the bottom.

John writes he has received letters from his parents, friends and a parcel of cigarettes from an unknown sender.

Detailing his flying training and operations flown as navigator 16 January 1941 to 9 January 1946. He was stationed at RCAF Winnipeg (6 AOS), RCAF MacDonald (3 B&GS), RCAF Rivers (1 ANS), RAF Harwell (15 OTU), RAF Shallufa (38 and 40 Squadrons), …

Portrait of Sergeant William Anderson in greatcoat. and side cap. On the reverse

'George Anderson
George Anderson
George 5633
19 years of age
Sgt Wm. G. Anderson
Wireless.Op.A/G 1501026
Born. March 18th 1923
Killed on…

Joined in 1942 and then details training and tour on 115 Squadron, gunnery course, tours as gunnery instructor. Further tour with 625 Squadron, crashed twice before another instructors tour. Mentions 14 ops on first tour and 20 on second. Comments on…

Covers enlistment and early training in the Royal Australian Air Force. Continues with description of journey to England via the United States and training in England. Lists his crew formed during training. Joined 102 Squadron with Halifax Mk 3 on 12…

History from opening on 22 November 1942 to civilian use up to January 1981. Originally 2 Group with 98 and 180 squadrons flying B-25. Later based 514 Squadron Lancaster of 3 Group then 192 Squadron of 100 Group flying Wellington. Mosquito and…

Flying log book for flight engineers for T Knox, covering the period from 30 January 1944 to 17 January 1947. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war duties as a parachute instructor. He was stationed at RAF Stradishall, RAF…

Observers and air gunners flying log book for W B Baker, air gunner, covering the period from 11 November 1942 to 9 June 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Stormy Down and RAF Wickenby. Aircraft flown in…
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