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  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Iran"

Pages of recognition handbook of British aircraft tabbed national markings Mid & Far East including Egypt, Iraq, Persia (Iran), China (Service and Civil), Japan and Japan (Manchukuo).

William Cross Memoir of a supply drop to Polish fighters. They lost an engine and struggled to maintain height. The pilot had bailed out leaving the rest of the crew to fly the aircraft. They landed successfully in Russian territory and met up with…

A list of 15 flights to and from Warsaw and aircrew. They cover from 13 Aug 1944 to 2 Nov 1944.

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Editors comments, Repatriation Arrangements, Liberation comes to Stalag IXA, Behind the Scenes about theatrical endeavours,…

Pages extracted from the information booklets given to servicemen posted to these countries. They give general information about the countries, their political situation, local customs, weather.

Photograph 1. Stalin and Churchill both in uniform sitting either side of Roosevelt with a building with windows in the background. Photograph 2. Stalin and Churchill both in uniform sitting either side of Roosevelt. In the background several…

Headline: united nations are determined to make peace which will banish the scourge of war. Announces decision made by Churchill. Roosevelt and Stalin during the Tehran conference.

A memoir written by Cliff Watson divided into 20 chapters.

The Earliest Years.
Born in Barnoldswick, then in Yorkshire, now in Lancashire in 1922. His father ran a wireless business until 1926. He describes his years at schools and a move to…

An account of Jim Allen's life from 1941 to 1997. He details meeting his future wife and their intermittent courtship. There is great detail about his social life and relationship with his future wife. There are two pages of photographs:
First page:…

Jim Allen's experiences after the end of the war. He married in 1944 and had three children. His first job was as a bus conductor, then an insurance agent but he was unhappy so rejoined the RAF. He trained as a Fighter Controller and was posted to…
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