Browse Items (251 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Essex"

To Jack's wife advising her of the conclusion that her husband had lost his life.

Account of return from an operation to Westkapelle when they flew over authors father's farm and local village where they threw out window.

At the top an in-memory-of card for Louisa England who passed away 6 December 1940. Underneath a photograph of a wedding at Holy Trinity Church, Rayleigh, with groom wearing RAF uniform and bride in wedding dress. They are surrounded by guests with…

Pass issued to Leading Aircraftsman Harry Redgrave in 1939. In pencil is annotated 'Thurs 3 Fri 10 Sun 3'.

Two postcards sent to Reg's home address. The first states that she heard Reg was listed as a prisoner of war and was safe and well. The second also gives his service number.

First letter is notice of appointment on a short service commission of 5 years as Flying Officer in the Air Control branch. Second letter confirms arrangements and reporting instructions to RAF Biggin Hill.

This item was provided, in digital form,…

Letter to Pamela from Nanny Redgrave. She praises Pamela for gaining her scholarship and writes about life in Southend.

One-page typed letter and invoice to Mrs Redgrave from W Beecroft. The documents refer to the sale of 'Redwood' in Southend, after her husband Harry’s death.

Concerning the sale of "Redwood", Oaken Grange Drive, requesting she sign the enclosed contract.

A letter advising Jessie that no action would be taken on the general rate arrears for the house 'Redwood'.

A letter and envelope from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie. Harry writes about life at Redbrae including his medical exam and moving accommodation. He refers to the bombing in Southend and Sheerness and warns Jessie about the danger from shrapnel.

Letter from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie. Harry writes about his trip to Dorchester and Southend, seeing various family members and checking up on their bungalow, coming back on his motorcycle. Also mentions moving to a new station and hoping…

The letter approves Harry Redgrave's annual continuous flying training at Southend.

Three Lancasters (leader registration 'TW878') airborne in echelon formation. Below is a town and open countryside

A section with a header page, seven photographs and two letters.
The first page is the header which states 'The Crew'.
Photo 1 is a head and shoulders portrait of Hugh Jones, captioned 'Hugh Brenton Jones - Air Gunner'.
Photo 2 is a head and…

Eleven men in uniform standing alongside a Hurricane. They are arranged around one of the men, wearing glasses, examining an open map which he is holding. Annotated on the reverse 'The Boys at Debden 2nd week of the war' and '10/17 Sept'.

A resume of 'Jack' Whymark's family and service career. Includes extracts from Jack’s diaries, details from his logbook and histories of the crew and passengers of Lancaster PA278.

The telegram advises that her son is missing in action.

Reg advises that he has completed primary training and has been on leave at West Palm Beach.

Reg advises he has received his wings and wishes his mother happy birthday.

The message states that Reg is a prisoner of war.

The telegram advises that Reg is missing.
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