Browse Items (35363 total)

Three photographs from an album.
#1 is a waterfall flowing through a wood.
#2 is Ron's friend dressed in shorts with a rucksack, on top of a mountain.
#3 is Ron and friend sitting on a garden wall.

A watercolour painting of an airman in uniform with his aircrew brevet above his left breast pocket. Annotated 'B Kamhuckhú 1944'.

Two people being towed behind a motor boat. The photograph has been damaged. Behind is a long jetty and mountains.

Receipt for watch from MCA watch maker shop at Ismailia.

This page is an entry point for a place. This entry is also used for: Wildenrath air station. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

Photograph 1 is the Capitol, Washington taken from an aircraft and partly obscured by an engine, captioned 'Capitol building, Washington D.C. 1947'.
Photograph 2 is a head and shoulders portrait of a man, a woman and a girl, captioned 'Lloyd,…

Top left - the White House with pond in the foreground.
Top right - the Washington monument.
Bottom left - patio and Aztec fountain Pan-American Union.
Bottom middle - department of commerce multi-story building with columns on one side.

Top left - Lincoln statue in Lincoln memorial.
Top right - the national capitol building,
Bottom left - the national museum building with dome and columned front.
Bottom middle - distant view of the union railway station Washington DC.

Top left - view across lake of Washington memorial.
Bottom left - national capitol building.
Centre - the Washington memorial.
Top right - the library of congress building.
Bottom right - the White House.

Top left - US treasury building
Bottom left - Edgar Shakespeare Library Washington DC, columned building.
Centre top - the White House.
Centre middle - capitol plaza at night.
Centre bottom - Lee mansion - Arlington.
Top right - US supreme court…

Top left - view across lake of bureau of engraving and printing - columned building.
Bottom left - Mt Vernon, George Washington's home - columned veranda two storey wooden house with windows in roof and tower.
Centre - view down national mall of…

Top left - view of a white memorial dome (Jefferson Memorial) on far side of a river with Washington Monument obelisk behind to the left. Captioned 'Lincoln Memorial'.
Top right - view of multi-story tower on building in the distance behind houses…

This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

Stage hands preparing scenery. The stage door is open to the outside camp and two men are carrying a stage flat. More scenery is against the back drop at the back of the stage.

This page is an entry point for a place. Please use the links below to see all relevant documents available in the Archive.

Three photographs. On the reverse 'Warwick I'.
#1 is a port side aerial photograph.
#2 is a port side/rear slightly under aerial photograph.
#3 is a port side/under aerial photograph.

Front quarter view of airborne of Vickers Warwick.

Air-to-air image of an airborne Vickers Warwick.

Side view of an airborne Vickers Warwick.

A scrap book of memories written by Roy Maddock-Lyon


Contains drawings, names and addresses of other prisoners, dairy of events on being shot down, his crew and diagram of Lancaster, poems, stories of life in camp, Lists of prisoners in his hut, aircraft they flew and when and where shot down. Diagram…

Written for Cornish aviation society. Welcomes Philip Jenkinson and gives account of his training and operations on 10 Squadron Halifax. Describes being shot down and baling out. Mentions evading, capture and as a prisoner being on a tour of his…
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