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  • Tags: the long march

A cutting reporting John Taplin and a friend's attempt to escape.

Three lists related to Ron's time as a prisoner of war.
#1 is the camps he was incarcerated in and the duration.
#2 Ron's evacuation from Stalag Luft 7 on the Long March.
#3 is a list of the daily march from Stalag Luft 7 to 3A

Gives account of last (and 7th) operation to Schweinfurt 26/27 April 1944. His Lancaster was shot down and the pilot, wireless operator, flight engineer, and both gunners were killed. The bomb aimer and navigator (Bob Burns) were made prisoners of…

The pastor describes the burial of prisoners and guards who were shot by low flying RAF aircraft. The pastor officiated at the burial with an English padre.
In the second part he describes damage to the cemetery during a bombardment from the other…

A biography of Anthony David Lambert. He joined the RAFVR at age 19. He was shot down over the Baltic Sea and was able to swim ashore, where he was captured. He took part in the Long March. After the war he remained in the RAF.

A biography of his life. He joined the RAF as a wireless operator/air gunner. He volunteered for the Special Operations Exceutive. He was shot down in the Black Forest area and ended up at Sagan, Stalag Luft 3. He spent time building secret radios…

A detailed account of the last flight of a Stirling operation on Hamburg.

On account of approaching Russians, Germans planned to move all prisoners of war in the east to the west. Documents gives day by day account of journey of over 200 kilometres on foot in winter weather over 12 days before being taken the rest of the…

Statuette of man wearing greatcoat and scarf wrapped round head pulling a sledge containing a box and other items.

Three of Victor's colleagues standing in an archway. On the reverse 'May 5/6 1945 George, Jack & Dave assembly point after crossing the Elbe'.

Victor and his fellow airmen grouped together. On the reverse 'May 5/6 1945 assembly point after crossing the Elbe Vic George Ron Jack Sam'.

A note with some details about the loss of Lancaster ND571 HM-N near Stendal, West of Berlin. Further added is a reference to the Long March.

Framed display case with two photographs, uniform buttons, medal ribbons and medals, Rhodesia flash, two newspaper cuttings (RAF bombers fire ships and role of honour - incorrect report that he died in prisoner of war camp). In addition a telegram, a…

Article. States that educational work for prisoners in a number of camps was carried out by Flight Lieutenant F Harvey Vivian RAFVR also appointed MBE. Mentions he made two attempts to escape and describes evacuation of Stalag Luft VI by ship and…

Article: short piece about march after east Prussian prisoner of war camp was evacuated. 11 week journey, sleeping in snow, many died.

A page referring to Andrew Wiseman who got separated from the main group during the Long March. A business card with his name, Linguist Russian, Polish, German is included.

This item has been redacted in order to protect the privacy of third…

A sketch map of the route taken by the prisoners from Stalag Luft 7. It names the towns passed through, the numbers of prisoners killed and their rations for 21 days.

A summary of Flight Sergeant David Joseph's RAF service. Joining the RAF on 27 October 1941, in January 1944 he joined 76 Squadron and was shot down on 18 March 1944 on an operation to Frankfurt. He became a prisoner of war at Hydekrug Luft VI,…

Includes David Joseph's service in the RAF, his training in Canada and his operations on Halifaxes at RAF Holme-on-Spalding Moor and his movements after being shot down 18 March 1944 and becoming a prisoner of war.

Describes events after the German authorities announced that prisoners from a number of camps in the east would be moved to other areas of the Reich. Due to lack of transport, prisoners would be required to walk. Describes events at Stalag Luft 7…

Describes the journey taken between 18 January 1945 and 8 February 45 after the evacuation of the Bankau Stalag Luft 7 prisoner of war camp by foot and eventually train to Stalag 3A.

Describes how his aircraft was shot down on an operation to Revigny by an Me 110 night fighter. He baled out. and was captured. After being interrogated he became a prisoner of war. In February 1944, as the Russians advanced, he and his fellow…

Writes of his liberation when the army caught up with them near Lubeck and they had been travelling through Germany by lorry. They would be flown out sometime that week. Writes about their two month journey and sleeping in fields and that he was fit…

Writes he would be seeing her soon. They were released by British Army the day before and should be sent home in two or three days possibly by air.
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