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  • Tags: bombing

A collection of photographs in an album. From top left to bottom right:
1. Target photograph showing three bombs falling towards cloud and fields. There is no caption to identify the target.
2. Target photograph. The ground is mostly obscured by…

Article by Carl Ollson from the Illustrated magazine published on 25 March 1944. The article covers the preparations made by the station staff to prepare the aircraft and equipment for an operation. There is a large photograph of twenty Lancasters in…

Flight engineers incomplete flying log book for J Ormerod, covering the period from 15 November 1943 to 27 May 1944. Detailing his operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Ludford Magna. Aircraft flown in was Lancaster. He flew a total of 30 night…

Increased RAF operations, including 400 Spitfires in one day. Despite losses, new Lancaster bombers inflict damage in broad daylight on Augsburg factories, producing submarine diesel engines and other war equipment. Message of thanks to the aircrews…

RAF superiority over the Luftwaffe in the air with successful day and night operations. Photograph of bombing damage to a factory producing He 111 aircraft. Luftwaffe ‘Baedeker’ retaliatory operations on British historic towns. Three pilots from…

Five photographs from an album page. From top left to bottom right:
1. A target photograph showing open countryside. On the left is a line of bomb craters in fields. Roads are also visible here as is a railway line. On the right, the ground is…

Top left - target photograph showing open countryside with many bomb craters.
Top right - Arthur Pearce in uniform holding hand of young child on the left. Another child is partly visible to the left of the photography. In the background a tree…

In last week of April 1942, Luftwaffe and RAF bombing are compared as well as Hitler’s announcement now and from 1941. Contrasting statements from American (R F Watt) and German (Sauckel) on availability of workers.

Extract from Ludendorff’s…

Contrasts Germany after the First World War with the present, exhorting Germans to save their country. By drawing things quickly to a conclusion, Germany could avoid more destruction and successfully rebuild.

Two photographs show a German…

USA propaganda leaflet covering bombs dropped on major German cities, American troops under training in the UK and the Russian front.

Flying log book for navigators, air bombers, air gunners, flight engineers for F Dray, air gunner, covering the period from 23 March 1944 to 22 April 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Bishops Court, RAF…

Article by Carl Olssen from 'Illustrated' magazine 19 February 1944. Comments on the operations to Berlin, on the poor living conditions on all the newly built airfields, outlines the preparations for an operation throughout the station. Numerous…

Reconnaissance photograph showing at top a port area (Naptun Shipbuilding Yards) with several ships docked. Water at top and built up area of port and industrial buildings below. Some fires visible. Captioned between pages 22-23 of 1956 Memoir…

Reconnaissance photograph photograph of city centre with major road running top to bottom and railway lines on right side. Captioned in 1956 Memoir between pages 26-27 'Cologne after first 1,000 Bomber raid 1942'. On the reverse 'Cologne, C2550'.

Reconnaissance photograph photograph showing city centre with port bottom left.. Captioned between pages 35-36 of 1956 Memoir '“Genoa Italy” Damage in Ansaldo fitting out yard after raids in late 1942 [written down left hand side of page]'. On…

Target photograph of a Milan eastern district, between Piazza 5 giornate and the central fresh food market, with incendiaries falling down. Scuola di Villa Morosini is visible near the frame border.
Captioned between pages 36-37 of 1956 Memoir…

Four aircrew sitting on wing. Captioned between pages 38-39 of 1956 Memoir 'Sgt Alan Conner, F/O Power,Self, Sgt Wilson, Taken after crash landing. “Bradwell Bay”. After Hamburg raid 9th November 1942, Wireless operator Sgt Lew Austin R.A.A.F.…

Four aircrew on top of a 50 Squadron Lancaster wing. There are holes in the top of wing.
Captioned between pages 39-40 of 1956 Memoir '[Underlined] Bradwell [\Underlined] After Hamburg 1942, showing self, P/O Power, Sgt Wilson, Sgt Conner. Both…

Reconnaissance photograph with lake on the left and a dam middle with breach with water flowing through. Captioned between pages 46-47 of 1956 Memoir [written vertically on LHS of page presumably for landscape orientation of photo] 'Mohne Dam. The…

Reconnaissance photograph showing lake on left with breached dam half way up on left. Farmland fields top right. Captioned between page 47-48 of 1956 Memoir '[heading] 617 Squadron [/heading]
[caption - written vertically on LHS of page presumably…

Reconnaissance photograph showing central Berlin area (Moabit district- north of the Tiergarten ) Spree river curving from bottom left to top then top right with buildings and roads. Left centre is Hansa Platz.

Captioned between pages 51-52 of…
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