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  • Tags: military service conditions

Letter and explanatory note. Writes from hospital after reporting sick the previous day and describes experiences. Enjoying the facility of having radio which was not available in the NAAFI on base. Mentions he had been at RAF Millom for a week but…

Letter and explanatory note. Writes of plan to go to cinema later that evening and then go night flying. Mentions exploring the local glorious countryside including visit to Coniston. Describes a football match he took part in and low level flying in…

Letter and explanatory note. Written from RAF Bruntingthorpe letting Alex know that he would be home on leave next week. Mentions previous visit home and plans to take time off with Mary in Scarborough. Comments on lack of mail and news from home and…

Letter and explanatory note. Remarks that it had been eight week since he had leave and he could use some now. Mentions that he expected to go to a squadron later that week. States that previous night was first night free for a week due to weather…

Letter and explanatory note. Says that he had little time to write as he had had briefings every night that week but had only managed one trip. He was expecting that night's operation to be scrubbed. He states his total now stands at eleven, nine to…

Letter and explanatory note. Writes while playing housey-housey (bingo) in the mess. Describes some events over Christmas including cycling 40 miles to meet Mary, going for walk and going to see a film. Describes life at his station, mentioning…

Letter and explanatory note. Mentions recent sergeants' dance to which officers could be invited. Gives a detailed description of an escape exercise that his crew and three other took part in. Mentions that they have a new wing commander who was…

Letter and explanatory note. Catches up with news of father's activities. Mentions he had done quite a few operations recently including Augsburg, Schweinfurt and Stuttgart. Writes that they had to divert to a fighter base on the south coast and had…

Letter and explanatory note. Reports arrival of family mail. mentions operations to Augsburg and Schweinfurt getting good photographs of the latter. Mentions an electrics failure on return from Augsburg and had to divert to airfield on the south…

Day by day description of events and activities for 1941 and 1942. Records films seen, war news including RAF operations, football matches played, weather, going to cadets, air raids, dates with Mary, social events, meeting friends, fire watching…

Daily entries for activities in 1943. Covers, films seen, weather, training and exams, leaves, training at Bridgnorth, medical issues, war news. Posted to RAF Millom, mentions activities, leave, aircrew flying training, navigation training routes,…

A cartoon of a parachute packer at work annotated with orders and demands.

A cartoon of four WAAFs collecting travelling bags whilst an airman is shouting for his parachute bag.

A cartoon of two women in protective clothing, one carrying a sign saying 'Danger Area'.

Writes while on course in Blackpool. Mentions studying for exams and relates how well he did. Comments on cakes she sent and the weather. Asks after family news and asks her to send black tie.

Speculates on future employment when finished navigator training in Canada. Describes flying activity and that he was hoping to get to New York on next 48 hour pass but it was too far. Describes social activities.

Describes recent journey to camp and current new accommodation as well as daily activity. Mentions visits to Manchester.

Writes that he is back in camp and comfortably billeted. Describes daily activities and speculates on future. Mentions train journey to camp but does not think he will get home again for some time. Says he will send laundry home.

Discusses sending laundry home with unsure future. Mentions still continuing lessons and that he will let her know when he hears of his next posting.

Writes that he is expecting posting to Canada shortly and that she should get his laundry back to him quickly.

Thanks her for parcel and writes of his immanent departure and that he will cable when he arrives at destination.

Mentions he wrote this letter just after airgraph and ask he to let him know how long each took to arrive. Writes that he is settling but it is cold with snow but they are comfortably billeted with amazing food. Says there is no shortage of food…

Part 1. Explains delay in writing due to 48 hour pass which allowed him to go to new York. Describes activities there.
Part 2. On return was posted to air observers school and was packing to go. Arrive in Toronto and did tour including Niagara…
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