Mervyn Adder diary 1943



Mervyn Adder diary 1943


Daily entries for activities in 1943. Covers, films seen, weather, training and exams, leaves, training at Bridgnorth, medical issues, war news. Posted to RAF Millom, mentions activities, leave, aircrew flying training, navigation training routes, social and entertainment events. Posted Bruntingthorpe for more training in July. Describes training and activities, weather, flying navigation training routes, social activities, leave. Posted to RAF Winthorpe, describes training and activities, flying and not flying due to weather. Posted to operational squadron in December 1943. Mentions operation to Berlin on 16 December 1943, reports Arthur (their original pilot) was missing and new pilot arriving. Target Berlin on 23 December 1943. Concludes with various notes.






Sixty-five pages of handwritten diary entries


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[Royal Air Force, Army and Navy crests]

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1 Fri.
Stayed in at night – revision etc. wrote to Mary – still very cold here

2 Sat.
Letter from Mary – wrote to Geoff – Had Arms Exam today – result of Signals 100 percent – packed parcel for home listened to part of Music Hall in the NAAFI – met Lucas – snow & sleet falling

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3 Sun.
Went to Communion in the morning with Ernie – very cold but bright & sunny – went to see Johnny Eager (Robert Taylor Lana Turner) with the boys at night – although was compulsory study night

4 Mon.
Up early bathed – started to write to Mary – went for a walk in the afternoon with Tom Arnold – asked each other questions etc – very cold but clear & bright – finished writing to Mary at night & revised at night started snowing in the late evening

5 Tues.
Stayed in at night to swot – have a rather bad cold – a few inches fall of snow today very cold.

6 Wed.
Stayed in again at night to do the usual grind – [deleted] wrote [/deleted] cold still bad

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7 Thur.
Letter from Mary today – miserable weather still cold & damp – had Navigation Gen & Met exams today.

8 Fri.
Had Plotting Exam this morning – stinker of a plot – away early in the afternoon – Wolves – Birmingham. Leeds & so home at about 11-15.

9 Sat.
Up fairly early – went shopping with Alex in the morning – met Mary at the station in the afternoon – looked devine [sic] – brought her home to tea – later went to the ‘Good Fellowship’ at night had a marvellous time Edith Alex Ron & his girl were there. – had to walk to Telford St 1417 Leave Bridgnorth after in a very cold wind – cycled home

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10 Sun.
Up late this morning – met Mary in the town brought her home to dinner & then saw her off at the station – met Don & went to Ken’s for tea went to the Regent afterwards Bob Hope in ‘Caught in the Draft’ – wrote to Mary

11 Mon.
Don came for me in the morning – talked until dinner – both went into town in the afternoon – had a haircut found very little to do – went to a dance by myself at the Bev Rd Baths at night – did not enjoy it miss Mary very much.

12 Tues.
Went into the office this morning met most of the staff & Col Rhodes – later called in at Reg’s office – went to the Carlton in the afternoon with Alex saw ‘Tortilla Flat’ (Hedy Lamar, Spencer Tracy & John Garfield) a very good film – read at night letter from Fred

13 Wed.
Went along to see Mrs Johnson in the morning with Alex – took Mother into the town in the afternoon – later went to see Bing Crosby & Fred Astaire in ‘Holiday Inn’ at the Dorchester – called on Geoff at night

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14 Thur.
Caught 1.40 train to Doncaster arrived tea time – little before Mary – had tea & both of us cycled into Epworth to the pictures – saw Anna Neagle in ‘Amy Johnson’ – not bad –

15 Fri.
Up at ten o’clock in the morning – did little all day besides read – finished reading Sorrell & Son – we went dancing at night to the Home Guard Dance in Belton church hall – very small – very crowded & very warm did not enjoy it very much.

16 Sat.
Rained in the morning – packed & caught the 2.0 o’clock bus to Doncaster as Mary couldn’t get any time off work – went to the flicks but had to leave early to catch the 5.27 to Hull – slow journey & delayed missing Alex who went back at night – went home first then cycled to Mary’s uncles where I met her father & we talked together although I believe Mary & I were very tired – arrived home late

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17 Sun.
Up reasonably early – Fred called round but had to dash to meet Mary & bring her home to dinner – she was late – after dinner we went to see her Aunt after meeting her father then I saw her off at the statin & how I disliked saying goodbye – believe she is the only girl I could like as much – Fred came to tea at night

18 Mon.
Caught the 11.0 o’clock to Leeds then to Sheffield – B’ham – arriving at tea time so went along to the Services Club with the chaps I had travelled down with – caught 7.15 to Kidderminster & so to Bridgnorth – arrived on Camp 10.0 o’clock – the end of a perfect day?

19 Tues.
Rained a little today – stayed in at night cleaned buttons etc & wrote to Mary – read a little of my book before turning in

20 Wed.
Went to see ‘Hellzapoppin’ at the Station cinema at night – wrote to Mother – rained hard today

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21 Thur.
Letter from Mary – wrote to Alex at night – played soccer in the afternoon – grand day warm with sunshine

22 Fri.
Another letter from Mary – wrote to her at night – rained hard all night went to the NAAFI later – duty flight today spent the day skiving had an easy time.

23 Sat.
Went to Station cinema at night saw Edward G Robinson, Marlene Dietrich, George Raft in ‘Manpower’ – not too good – sports afternoon grand day but I refereered [sic] – started copying up my notes

1910 From B’ham – Bridgnorth 18.1.43

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24 Sun.
Stayed in bed in the morning – had coffee & bread & butter brought by Ron & newspaper up before dinner for a bath – super day warm & sunny went for a walk with Johnny in the afternoon – made friends with a horse – went to see Walter Pidgeon & Rosalind Russell in Design for Scandal’ with the boys at night – super picture – wrote to Mary.

25 Mon.
Did very little today – wrote up a few notes & wrote to Mary in the afternoon – poured with rain nearly all day – some of the boys are packing ready to leave for Penross & Dumfries tonight – Ron with them Ron & the boys leave.

26 Tues.
Stayed in at night – later went into the NAAFI for supper had ham & chips – sent a parcel home to Mother & wrote to Mary

27 Wed.
Stayed in at night – went into the NAAFI to listen to ‘Dancing Club’ had a very good supper – wrote up a few more of my notes.

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28 Thur.
Stayed in at night as we were duty Flight today & I was on the Canteen wrote to Mary at night – had a letter from her today – went to the ‘Aaron Arms’ with Tommy, Steve & Bolding – played darts – rained hard on the way back

29 Fri.
Had a plotting exercise this afternoon finished fairly early so went into town with Johnny & Len – had chips & lemonade before going to the flicks to see ‘Dangerous Moonlight’ – later had very little time but managed to find some cheese sandwiches, very interesting & amusing letter from Mary

30 Sat.
Rained heavily this morning – had short cross country in the afternoon – stayed in at night & wrote to Mary – listed to Music Hall in the NAAFI – letter from Alex today Ken came in very drunk tonight – Steve was very merry as were quite a few others poured with rain – Berlin bombed in the morning & afternoon by Mosquitos to interrupt speeches by Goring & Goebbels

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31 Sun.
Up late this morning – poured with rain – cleaned up & went to the flicks in the afternoon with Harold to see ‘Mystery Ship’ – stayed in & read at night – visited the NAAFI

Wrote to Mary – did very little all day except have pay parade FFI etc – heavy showers today – left Bridgnorth 6.0 transport to station – had to wait a couple of hours – stopped at Shrewsbury for 1 1/2 hr had tea & sandwiches – also coach shunted into siding at Crewe for over an hour – slept occasionally –

2 Tues.
arrived Millam 8.0 o’clock this morning – had breakfast FFI etc – found quarters & tidied up did little else – wrote to Mother & Mary at night then went to an Ensa show – rained a little today

3 Wed.
Issued with instruments etc – had lectures on dinghy drill etc – one of our aircraft missing during night found later on hills – rained a lot today – went into SA Canteen & wrote to Roland at night – later went to Intelligence library with Tom

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4 Thur.
Went to Red Shield at night wrote to Mary –

5 Fri.
Went to the NAAFI at night & wrote to Geoff – fine day today – practised taking Drifts in the AMBT’s section –

6 Sat.
Had gunnery today – weather fine & clear – started to rain after tea but went into town with Tom & Jock – had fish & chips before going to the only cinema where we saw Bob Hope in ‘My Favourite Blond – which was very amusing – had stopped raining when we left there to catch a bus back to Camp – two letters from Mary today.

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7 Sun.
Late up this morning & school orderley [sic] – had instruction in gun turrets in the morning & armaments etc in the afternoon – very cold today but clear & fine – snow on Black Coomb [sic]

8 Mon.
Parcel from home today – with letters from Marian, Don & Louis & many nice things – wrote to Mother & packed parcel at night –

9 Tues.
Finished lectures early today – had another talk by Intelligence Officer on Geography enjoyed it – very interesting – had an early tea caught train into Barrow where we went swimming – had tea at the Ritz afterwards sa [sic] William Powell & Hedy Lamar in ‘Crossroads’ a very good film – arrived back in Camp about 10.30.

10 Wed.
Wretched day today – rained heavily vis. bad – our flying cancelled but four of us were going on search for Beaufighter down in the sea – but it was scrubbed at the last minute – went to library at night & wrote to Mary – two letters from Mary today

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11 Thur.
Went swimming again in the afternoon had tea at the Ritz & then went to the Coliseum at night with Tom & the boys

12 Fri.
Letter from Mary today wrote to her at night & to Fred – day off – stayed in bed in the morning – walked into Millom in the afternoon with Tom – did some shopping – felt ill at night

13 Sat.
Reported sick this morning & put into Hospital – influenza – damned nuisance as should be flying today

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14 Sun.
Feel very bad today – managed to write to Alex – high temp read a book – slept

15 Mon.
Very high temp – feel very bad wrote to Mary – letter from Mother today

16 Tues.
Letters from Mary, Geoff & Alex also papers from home – still feel very bad – cannot understand it.

17 Wed.
Tom was discharged today cough very bad today & didn’t sleep at night – had to take tablets during night

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18 Thur.
Sick nearly all day – only highlight was another letter from Mary.

19 Fri.
Letter from Mother, Mary Don & Geoff – still feel groggy with a bad cough

20 Sat.
Letter from Roy today – feel a little better

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21 Sun.
Still feel shaky – again not allowed to get up – Tom brings me a parcel from home at night

22 Mon.
Taken to Military Hospital at Conishead Priory – several very embarrassing situations – bathed in bed by nurse etc

23 Tues.
Wrote to Mary tonight – feel much better.

24 Wed.
Feel a little better

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25 Thur.
Wrote to Mother & Mary at night – very nice day – still unable to get up

26 Fri.
Two letters from Mary today one from Mother as well as papers & books – wrote to Mary & Tom today – very nice today

27 Sat.
Letter from Mary today cough worse today – listened to Soccer International on wireless very good game England beat Wales 5-3.

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28 Sun.
Wrote to Mother & Mary today cough better but a little deaf today

1 MARCH Mon.
Feel better today – still not allowed to get up – another letter from Mary & papers from home.

2 Tues.
Letters today from Tom & Mary – wrote to Mary – still not allowed to get up – slightly deaf

3 Wed.
Wrote to Mary, Mother & Ken – letters from Mother Mary & parcel from home

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4 Thur.
Feel better today – papers from home – grand day – wish I were out Jap convoy of 14 ships sunk by Americans near New Guinea – fifty aeroplanes also shot down 15,000 troops drowned

5 Fri.
Letter from Mary – wrote to Mary at night – not yet allowed to get up – but sat in front of fire in dressing gown for an hour & had tea up

6 Sat.
Glorious day – do not feel quite so well – read & slept nearly all the day.

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7 Sun.
Feel much better today – up for short while in dressing gown – read a lot today & wrote to Mary & Edith

8 Mon.
Allowed to get up for short while again today – wrote to Roy Herst – letter from Edith & papers from home.

9 Tues.
Letter from [deleted] Edith [/deleted] Mary – wrote to Mary at night – given blues allowed to get up after tea.

10 Wed.
Up after dinner today – glorious day – brilliant sunshine – letter from Alex – wrote to Louis – went to see ‘To be or not to be’ a film showing in the Priory

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11 Thur.
Went for a walk with Ridges & Hill after tea – glorious sunny day again – had a parcel of sweets from Mary – wrote to her at night

12 Fri.
Up soon after dinner – wrote to Mary & received a letter from her today very nice day again – warm & sunny – went for a walk along the beach in the afternoon with Hill also just before supper – afterwards went to concert in Priory

13 Sat.
Saw Doc this morning prospects of getting out very soon – had a pass & went into Ulverston after tea – went to the flicks to see ‘Crossroads’ which I saw at Barrow 6 weeks previously – parcel of biscuits from home – glorious day today.

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14 Sun.
Glorious day again today went for a walk round the grounds in the afternoon with Ridges – wrote to Don at night

15 Mon.
Another glorious day – papers from home – went into Millom after tea – with Hill, Gains & Gillie – first had a haircut then went to the flicks to see George Raft in some Broadway film – enjoyed it very much.

16 Tues.
Another fine day – letters from Mary & Louis – stayed in until just after tea – then went for a walk with Hill & Ridges – went to Concert in the Priory after supper.

17 Wed.
Wrote to Mary & spend most of the day making up Jig.Saw [sic] Puzzles – went for a walk with Ridges before supper – given my discharge today

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18 Thur.
Drew my kit from the stores sunbathed in the afternoon – went for a short walk after tea & wrote home – received two letters from Mary.

19 Fri.
Up early packed my things – left hospital at 9.25 – arrived back at Millom 11.15 – met the boys & spent the rest of the day straightening things out – wrote to Mary at night in the Red Shield.

20 Sat.
Given leave – spent the morning chasing passes etc. – caught 4.45 train to Carnforth – Skipton – Leeds & so home at 1.30 on Sunday morning

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21 Sun.
Up very late – glorious day so went for a walk to Anlaby with Mother in the afternoon – met Cousin Tom & Mrs Brown – tired afterwards – stayed in at night – called in to see Ken & Wriggy before tea

22 Mon.
Up late today – went into the town in the afternoon – rang Mary called to see Mr Rogson but he was ill – dropped in to see Peggy – went to the Tower at night to see Humphrey Bogart in ‘The Big Shot’ – wrote to Mary at night

23 Tues.
Not up very early today – very nice day so went for a cycle ride in the afternoon – discovered some wild violets – stayed in at night & wrote to Alex

24 Wed.
A letter from Mary today – up fairly early – changed later & went into the town – called at the office – rang Mary – went to the Regal with Mother in the afternoon to see ‘In Which I serve’ – good film – stayed in at night

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25 Thur.
Up in time to get ready & catch the 1.40 train to Doncaster arrived at Mary’s at 5.0 o’clock – Mary looks grand & we spent a very pleasant evening together –

26 Fri.
A very dismal day today – raining very hard – spent a very pleasant but quiet day – went to meet Mary at night & to the pictures together at night – saw ‘Uncensored’ a very good film – Mary cannot have Saturday morning & my hopes that we might get engaged have vanished.

27 Sat.
Up late today – very dismal day but brightened in the afternoon when Mary & I caught a bus to Doncaster – Mary did a little shopping bought shoes etc. & then we had tea before going to the Gaumont to see ‘My Sister Eileen’ a very amusing film (Brian Aherne & Rosalind Russell) also ‘Rubber Racketeers’ – caught last bus back.

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28 Sun.
Went for a walk to Temple Bar Wood in the morning – stayed in in the afternoon caught the 4.50 bus to Doncaster – Mary saw me off & so ended three very enjoyable days with dear Mary.

29 Mon.
Up late & scouted round collecting odds & ends together went into the town in the afternoon called at the Office & N.J.P’s office (paid OH’s sub) met Trevor Russell Ken came round towards supper time – I went to see Coastal Command at the Carlton beforehand.

30 Tues.
Up early caught 8.55 to Millom arrived camp 5.0 o’clock at night – went to the Red Shield at night & wrote to Mary wrote to Roland

31 Wed.
Didn’t do anything today besides write letters one to Mother, Johnny & Fred

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1 Thur.
Went to lecture room & copied notes etc. until half past eleven – had Gas lecture – free then for the rest of the day – 25th Anniversary of RAF. played billiards in the Red Shield in the afternoon with Tom & Alan – also table tennis & darts – wrote to Mary – went to the flicks with them at night – saw ‘The Palm Beach Story’ – very funny.

2 Fri.
Down for flying today – but the weather was too bad – did plotting in the morning & very little in the afternoon – went to lecture room at night letter from Mary today

3 Sat.
[deleted] Letter [/deleted] Papers from home – wrote to Mary at night – reflighted [sic] today to 106 Course Alexander is on this Course – changed huts – very nice day today – took Stars sights at night

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4 Sun.
Had P.T. this morning – did very little in the afternoon & went onto the beach before tea with Alex & Clarke – flying tonight up at 1.15 briefing etc – time 3.15 – 6.15 – base Skerries Bardsey – base wrote to Mary at night

5 Mon.
Stayed in bed until 1’oclock [sic] – wrote to Louis in the afternoon & read in the intelligence library – wrote to Mary at night & went into the intelligence library again – played billiards with Bob Clarke in the Red Shield – papers from home

6 Tues.
Showery today – lectures in the morning – went into Barrow in the afternoon swimming – later went to the Coliseum to see Mary Martin in ‘Happy go Lucky’ – letters from Mother, Mary & Alex

7 Wed.
Stayed in at night – went into the intelligence library – and turned in early tonight

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8 Thur.
Up early – flew in the morning – BASE CARNFORTH STAFFORD – SHREWSBURY then to some Hall which we had to photograph – also took obliques of Shrewsbury – then to RHYL – BASE – weather closed down in afternoon – didn’t fly – letter from Mary – wrote to her at night – Red Shield

9 Fri.
Day off today – up late fine day walked into Millom & back packed parcel & wrote home in the afternoon – read in the Intell Library at night prepared lecture on Iceland wrote to Geoff.

10 Sat.
Had PT this morning also flew as 1ST NAV at short notice – BASE – CHICKEN ROCK – BARDSEY – ST BEES HD – BASE took photographs BASE CHICKEN R. & VALLEY AERODROME – very clear day – had gunnery in the afternoon – letter from Mary – stayed at night & wrote to Mary.

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11 Sun.
2ND NAV first detail this morning – very clear day took Sun sights & line aerlap BASE – WHITEHAVEN – PORT PATRICK SKERRIES – BASE – afternoon detail cancelled – worked out sun sights etc & also at night sea fog closes down later in evening 100 percent vis saw exciting episode of kite getting home [indecipherable word] missed flagstaff

12 Mon.
Should have been flying but weather was too bad – played soccer last period today – wrote to Mary at night

13 Tues.
Reported sick in the morning – did very little work – clothing parade in the afternoon & went swimming into Barrow – later went to the Coliseum with Prest & Welfare saw ‘Sweethearts of the Fleet’ later had a drink before catching train

14 Wed.
Day off today – up late – bathed – haircut changed my tunic – read in the Intelligence library in the afternoon & wrote to Mary – letter from Mary today – had a short walk to Haverigg at night.

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15 Thur.
Turret Manip this morning – on the 250 range in the afternoon – went swimming to Barrow – went to the Ritz afterwards saw ‘One Day of War’ (Russian film) & ‘Till We Meet Again’ – Vera Lynn

16 Fri.
A letter from Mary today – had lectures today – very fine day – had a marvellous game of soccer this afternoon – stayed in at night & took Moon sights – parcel from home letter from Louis

17 Sat.
Flying on first detail – Base Bardsey Chicken Rock – Pt Lymes – base (based Wadney) grand today – worked out Astro sights in the afternoon – wrote to Mary after tea – then went to the dance at the Palace at night

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18 Sun.
Had lectures – gunnery today rather cold & windy – wrote to Ken & Wriggy tonight – turned in early

19 Mon.
Flying 1ST NAV this morning – very bumpy – sick nearly all the way Base-Harrogate-Haddington-Whitehaven Base – Flew 2ND NAV in the afternoon – did quite well – Base-Carnforth-Harrogate-Shrewsbury Carnforth-Base – back about 8.0 o’clock – washed, shaved etc – turned in early

20 Tues.
Played touch Rugby this morning – had the afternoon off night flying 1ST NAV 8.00 – 11.45 Base-Carnforth-Stafford-Rhyl-Chicken Rock-Base – didn’t do too well – moonlight flying again 4.15 – 7.40 2ND NAV. BASE-CHICKEN ROCK-PT LYNAS-CATTERICK-BASE – wrote to Mother earlier in evening letter from Mary – papers from home

21 Wed.
Stayed in bed until dinner time – changed & caught the 4.45 train to Barrow – went to the ‘flicks’ saw Bud Abbott & Lou Costello in ‘Who Done it’ – had supper in YM – returned Camp.

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22 Thur.
Got up after dinner had a bath – walked into Haverigg to the post with Smith – had tea spent the evening in the classroom – had supper in the NAAFI – turned in fairly early.

23 Fri.
Flying on 1ST DETAIL 1ST NAV BASE-DALBEATTIE-BARDSEY-DR POSN-BASE – average trip – afternoon details scrubbed – poured with rain – letters from Edith Mary & Geoff wrote to Edith & Mary at night –

24 Sat.
Wrote to Sandy today – grand day today until this evening when we were due to fly – scrubbed & worked in the D.R trainer until midnight

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25 Sun.
Up for dinner – rained nearly all the afternoon so stayed in Huts – became brighter towards tea time & was able to go to church with a few of the boys, started writing to Mary.

26 Mon.
Letter from Mary today – wrote to her today – had gunnery all day – wind still very strong – turned in early tonight

27 Tues.
Papers from home today – flew twice 1ST NAV 1st detail BASE-RECCO OF WHITEHAVEN & ST BEES PORT ELLEN-MAUGHAN HEAD-BASE – very bad weather bumpy & heavy cloud – flew last detail BASE-CHICKEN ROCK-DR POSN-BASE arrived back to find ‘drome obscured by rain cloud – circled for 1/2 hr

28 Wed.
Day off today – up late – letter from Mother wrote to Mother same night – did a little work in the afternoon & flew on the first detail at night – wireless US had to return BASE-MAUGHAN HEAD PORT ELLEN-BASE

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29 Thur.
Up fairly early this morning – caught the 1238 train into Barrow with Caruth had tea etc in a canteen before going to see ‘Star Spangled Banner’ (Bing Crosby etc) had tea in the YM. played billiards – caught 6.15 train back to Camp – raining fairly hard – wrote to Mary

30 Fri.
Had lectures today – received a parcel from home & two letters from Mary wrote to Mother at night – very nice bright day today

MAY 1 Sat.
Did lectures today – flew at night BASE-CHICKEN ROCK-PORT ELLEN-WHITEHAVEN-BASE – [deleted] parcel from home today [/deleted] letter from Alex. – wrote to Mary

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9 Sun.
Caught the 8.45 to Leeds this morning changed here Manchester & Wigan arrived Camp 8.45 at night –

10 Mon.
Snowed heavily this morning – brightened in the afternoon early details scrubbed at night – in DR trainer at 11.00 until 12.15 when decided we should fly – flew on 4.15 detail – BASE PT LYNOS DR POSN-CHICKEN ROCK-BASE went to bed after breakfast – wrote to Mary today & Mother

11 Tues.
Woke at two o’clock – cleaned up & went to tea before going along to the Intelligence library & classroom went to the NAAFI concert later that night very good show indeed it was the first concert party formed this War

12 Wed.
Astro Exam today – wrote to Mary – received a letter from her today – rained all day so flying scrubbed

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13 Thur.
Received a letter from Bruce today – weather rather bad & night flying cancelled at night – worked in the DR trainer until half past two in the morning

14 Fri.
Day off today up before dinner – wrote to Roland & posted Bruce’s Astro book – later went into Millom with the boys to the pictures & saw Nelson Eddy & Jeanette Macdonald in ‘I Married an Angel’ – walked back straight after the show – turned in fairly early.

15 Sat.
Flew twice today BASE-CARNFORTH-CHURCH EATON-GRANTON HALL-PRESTATYN-LLANRWST-BASE – bombed up again nearly straight away – BASE-Middleton-WETHERBY-EVERINGHAM CROFT-BASE only about 10 mls from home – lovely day – feel very tired tonight – did not eat until tea time when I changed bathed & afterwards wrote to Mary

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23 Sun.
Wrote to Mary today – up late as usual rather nice day – changed early to go to church at night – met Alex & Clarke in church & afterwards went onto the beach – met two WAAFS borrowed their cycles & had a dirtrack [sic] round the swimming pool – went to the ‘Rising Sun’ before going back

24 Mon.
Flying today on the 1.15 detail – 2ND NAV for a change & enjoyed the trip – BASE-DUMFRIES-LOCHRANZA-CHICKEN ROCK BASE – saw 3 Aircraft Carriers & 2 destroyers also met a ‘Baracuda’ (same slipstream) – went to the Station Dance at night – had a jolly good time & danced with a superb dancer – Tom Varey’s bed again despoiled

25 Tues.
Fine day today – had lectures & went to Barrow to swim in the afternoon – later went to the Ritz with Joe Wesly to see ‘Me & My Gal’ with Judy Garland – quite good – had supper in the YM before going back

26 Wed.
Flying scrubbed owing to weather – had lectures & Astro-plot – had a letter from Mary today & wrote to her at night – went to ENSA show in the NAAFI before going to the Music Circle – Rossini ‘Barber of Seville’ Bach’s [indecipherable word] Suite in ‘G’ Tchaikovsky’s ‘The Swan Lake’ The Finale is terrific

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27 Thur.
Yarwood wake [sic] us at 10.30 – changed into P.T kit & played soccer until dinner time – wiz-oh day – had dinner outside – in mess tins – wrote to Mary in the afternoon – went to the show at the NAAFI after tea ‘The Glass Key’ Brian Donlevy, Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake – had to leave early as I was flying on the 10.15 detail

28 Fri.
BASE-DR POSN-TUXFORD-WHITCHURCH-HARROGATE-BASE – landed about half past two bed at 4.0 o’clock – wakened at 10.30 by Clarke dashed round caught eleven o’clock bus & train to Coniston – a glorious day – warm & sunny – had dinner at the Crown & went for a walk at the side of the lake – wrote to Mary – had tea at the Crown & so back to Camp – had to wait an hour at Fairfield had a drink at the ‘Princes Head’ – letter from Mother –

29 Sat.
Another glorious day today – went for a run instead of PT round Haverigg & 3 of us went for a swim in the sea as there wasn’t anybody about – it was glorious – volunteered to play in six a side soccer as a team was short – missed dinner & caught train to Cark. 14 teams in competition, 2 Army – 3 Millom – 2 Cark 1 Barrow Morecambe etc. our teams did fairly well – we got into the semi finals – very had work played 3 times – very warm work & had a blistered foot – finished about six o’clock & caught the 8.11 pm back to Millom – arrived 10.30 pm – letter from Mary waiting for me – very tired

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6 Sun.
Had Met exam this morning – a stinker too – did some plotting in the afternoon – had a kit inspection & played soccer with a Rugby ball before tea & for P.T. – B Squad won 2-0 – glorious weather – went to Church with Alex & Clarke after tea

7 Mon.
On the first detail this morning – foul weather ran into a Warm front BASE-SILLOTH-P. PATRICK-BALLYQUINTON PT.-RHYL-BASE – rest of flying scrubbed for the day – had plotting exercise & basket ball in the hanger – wrote to Mary – played billiards with Caruth & Benny

8 Tues.
Day off today – stayed in bed until late – letter from Mary – idled the afternoon away – not flying at night – read in the Intelligence library & wrote to Mary – went for a cycle ride with Gibby onto the beach – had late supper & turned in

9 Wed.
Day off today – wrote to Roland – went into Millom at night with Bing & Caruth played billiards – walked back fairly early – saw the ENSO hour at the NAAFI in Camp (4 Welsh singers who were very good) called in later at the Music Circle

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10 Thur.
Had lectures today – wrote to Mary in the morning – finished early as we were flying at night very poor weather – spent 2 hours in the Astrograph room until 22.00 hrs. flew on the 1.15 detail BASE-ST BEES-PT LYNAS-DOUGLAS-SKERRIES ST BEES-BASE – poor vis. 8-10 [inserted] TO [/inserted] cloud fog patches

11 Fri.
Day off today – stayed in bed until dinner time had our Flight dinner at the West County tonight – grand time I didn’t drink too much – Bing had too much & after we had all adjourned to the dance afterwards when we left we found Bing in the Church yard – helped him home – 6 of us taken into guard room for making a row – beds were all tipped over in the huts – eventually things quietened down

12 Sat.
In the DR trainer this morning – pay parade in the afternoon – finished early – not flying tonight – started writing to Louis but Clark who also wasn’t flying persuaded me to go along with him for a drink before bedtime

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13 Sun.
Generally clearing up today – stayed in at night – packed & read most of the night

14 Mon.
Passing out parade today – talk by Groupy – very decent chap – caught the 7.45 train with some of the boys after a farewell at the Station Hotel – had to change about 5 times & our luggage was a nuisance – had to wait at Preston for the London train to return some of Lindleys kit

15 Tues.
Arrived home 5.30 this morning letters from Mary & Roland waiting for me – Met Mary’s train & dear Mary before lunch – saw ‘Orchestra Wives’ at the Regal in the afternoon & had a short walk to Anlaby in the evening.

16 Wed.
Called for Mary in the morning – late as usual – had a look round the town & saw Peggy before lunch – lunch at Jacksons – we chose an engagement ring this afternoon & are really engaged – saw ‘The Belle of New York at the New & danced at the YPT later

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17 Thur.
Had to rush to catch the 13.40 train to Doncaster today – arrived Belton at 1700 hrs – cycled to the flicks after tea – saw Carmen Miranda & Alice Faye in “A Weekend in Havana’

18 Fri.
A very bad day today rained nearly all the time – stayed in and read – I felt very restless & was glad of a short walk just before bedtime but I don’t think Mary was thrilled with the walk.

19 Sat.
Up fairly early this morning caught the 11 o’clock bus into Doncaster – had drinks at ‘Davies’ walked round the market afterwards – Mary wanted me to have my photo taken but we couldnt [sic] find the shop – went to the Gaumont & saw Bud Abbott & Lou Costello in ‘Money for Jam’ & a murder film ‘Quiet Please’ – had tea & caught the 8 o’clock bus back – jumped off at Epworth to go to the pictures – saw one of the best films I have seen for a long time ‘Hudsons Bay’ – had to walk home – a beautiful night & enjoyed it but Mary’s feet hurt

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20 Sun.
Received a telegram yesterday extending my leave but am going home today – had a short cycle ride before dinner – Mary saw me to the bus & so home.

21 Mon.
Wrote to Mary today – a very warm & sunny day – it would be – up late as usual – went to the office in the afternoon later met Johnny Bygett & a boy I had flown with at Millom – went to see Ken & Wriggy after tea – Ken is still farming – went to the Carlton with W. saw Micky Rooney in Andy Hardy’s Double Life – had a [indecipherable word] afterwards to beloved Mary & a walk –

22 Tues.
Another very warm day – went for a cycle ride before lunch – called to see Mrs Johnson – had my photo taken in the afternoon & strolled round the town – missed Mary more than ever tonight – went to the Regal by myself – saw ‘Random Harvest’ Greer Garson Ronald Colman – a very good film – letter from Don today

23 Wed.
Up none too early again – went out with Mother in the afternoon – had a walk round the town & to the Pier – booked to see Chu Chin Chow at the New – a very good show

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24 Thur.
Letter from Mary today – raid in the early hours of the morning – damage by fire bombs tonight the 1.40 to Belton – arrived just before Mary came home for tea – very nice to see her again went to the flicks in Epworth ‘Flying Fortress’

25 Fri.
Very nice day today spent part of the morning & afternoon mending a puncture – Mary was home early for tea but had to go to Crowle to work – took Mrs B. to a Whist drive – we did not go to the dance afterwards as Mary was very tired.

26 Sat.
Up early this morning – another fine day Mary & I went to Scunthorpe in the afternoon – very little doing had a look round & had tea – queued for the Variety show at the Savoy (Jack Warner etc – not very good) home fairly early Mary’s father had come for the weekend – talked & Mary & I stayed up until Florrie & Norman came from the dance – telegram to report to Bruntingthorpe on Tuesday wherever that may be – sounds rather wild

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27 Sun.
Not up very early today – glorious day very warm & sunny – cycled to Miss Browns & Mary & I picked red currants in the orchard – had late dinner & sunbathed afterwards – had a hectic journey to Doncaster on the bus – Edith & Rollo met me at Paragon – Ron & Alex who was home – came in later

28 Mon.
Up late again found out the times of the trains for tomorrow & went to the Dorchester to see Hedy Lamar & Walter Pidgeon in ‘White Cargo wrote to Mary after tea – went to see Ken & Wriggy Don was in town but was out with Mary so didn’t see him –

29 Tues.
Don called for me this morning & we went to the station together – caught the 9.15 to Rugby – met F/O Glen on the train – he is instructing near Oxford – met nearly all the boys at Rugby & we eventually reached a small village called Welford by 5.0 o’clock – waited 2 hrs for transport – wrote to Mary

30 Wed.
Very dispersed drome – spent all the day getting arrival matters settled – a very warm & sunny day – wrote to Mother at night & spent a short time in the Mess – am sharing a Hut with 9 of the boys – have to walk a mile to the Mess

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JULY 1 Thur.
Another very warm day today – sunbathed after tea & wrote to Mary – had lectures today by the Groupy, Sports Officer & SWO also had drill & P.T.

2 Fri.
Another broiling day – had the usual P.T & drill & lectures finished early this afternoon so we hurriedly changed & ‘Ger’ Smith & Harold Boardly & I hitch hiked to Leicester – went to the flicks saw ‘Shadow of a Doubt’ at the Odeon – a very good film – caught 10.33 to Lutterworth & had to walk 5 mls back to Camp

3 Sat.
Stayed in at night sunbathed & afterwards had a shower before going into the Mess to write to Mary & to have supper – later listened to the wireless – another very warm & sunny day –

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4 Sun.
On lectures today – had church parade – talk by M.O. on the usual topic VD etc. – spent the evening in the Mess again – wrote to Sandy & Mother.

5 Mon.
Had clothing parade etc today – very warm again – left Camp with Doug & Bing at 4.30 – walked to Bruntingthorpe given lift to Leicester & then to Sheffield – missed connection by 20 mins – tram car to Rotherham & bus to Doncaster – caught train for Hull as unable to reach Belton that night arrived 12 o’clock

6 Tues.
Up fairly early & called to see Edith at the office before catching the 1.40 for Doncaster – Mary looks adorable – very brown – went to the flicks at night – saw a couple of films which werent [sic] very good ‘Murder will Out’ & ‘Singapore Woman’ – stayed up with Mary until Midnight letter from Fred – one waiting from Louis

7 Wed.
Left Mary at 8.30 – caught the 10.42 from Doncaster – met Edna (Marians friend) on the train – travelled up to Leicester together – went to the flicks saw ‘I Married a Witch’ & ‘Manilla Calling’ – train to Lutterworth arrived back 8.30 in the evening

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8 Thur.
Had lectures all the day – much colder today – started writing to Mary but didn’t feel in the mood – turned in fairly early

9 Fri.
Up early again at 6.30 – had to be for roll call – lectures again today bit of a ‘bind’ – no letters for me today – rained quite a lot – wrote to Roland at night in the Mess.

10 Sat.
Had lectures again & all the day – miserable weather – fine rain nearly all the day – only bright spot was a letter from Mary – arrived back at the Hut rather wet – our forces invade Sicily this morning – wrote to Mary in the Mess at night

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11 Sun.
Lectures again all the day – but finished at 4.0 o’clock – seven of us went to church after tea to [indecipherable word] Doug Bing Gerry ‘Happy’, Frank Joe & myself – three of us went back to Camp for supper & turned in early – the rest came in late – Dick went drinking again

12 Mon.
Had lectures all the day & had to go to a ‘discussion group’ after tea – subject Should the Colonies have Home Rule at the End of the War’ – interesting but a ‘bind’ – papers from home today

13 Tues.
A letter from Mary today – wrote to Louis at night – lectures as usual today – confined to Camp for the Site being dirty – more like I.T.W this place – had a shower before supper and about the first time I have had time for a few days.

14 Wed.
Usual lectures again today & had a talk after tea by a visiting Wing Co. on Tactics – wrote to Mother & Mary in the Mess after this – another letter from dear Mary today

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15 Thur.
Lectures again today – rained heavily after lunch caught the liberty bus into Leicester – Harold Gerry & I went to the Savoy saw James Cagney in ‘Yankee Doodle Dandy’ – fair had supper & short walk before catching bus back – crashed just before Gilmorton – nobody hurt – just missed turning over-ploughed hedge & roadside up.

16 Fri.
Glorious day today – very warm – letters from Mother & Mary – hitch hiked to Lutterworth but just missed train – hitched a lorry to Leicester – reached there at 7.15 – booked a room at the Midland Hotel – went to the De Montfort Hall to an AA dance – met a very nice girl & a very good dancer – (widow – husband killed in RAF) saw both her & her sister home – arrived hotel just before Gerry who had seen a girl home

17 Sat.
Up fairly early – had a glorious breakfast – did some shopping, had haircut etc – Gerry rang his girl up & we are going to mee them this afternoon – met Dick Caruth & had dinner together – the three of us went to see the girls – went to a wedding & then into the park – had tea at their place & caught the 6.55 back to Ashby Magna – they came to see us off – had to walk 4 mls back to Camp – arrived very tired had Guinness & chocolate for supper –

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18 Sun.
Lectures again today – felt very sleepy all day – spent the evening writing to Mary.

19 Mon.
Letter from dear Mary – parcel & papers from home – usual lectures – the Discussion Group after tea – subject a poor one ‘Cooperation’ – wrote to Mother afterwards.

20 Tues.
Another talk tonight after tea – this time by a Naval liaison officer on mine-laying etc – wrote to Mary afterwards

21 Wed.
Lectures again today – with a Signals Exam in the morning – stayed in at night & wrote to Fred before going down to the Mess for supper & a shower

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22 Thur.
Didn’t do very much today – had to give a talk on Dinghy & Parachute Drill for Instructor test – read in the Intelligence Library most of the day – went into Leicester with Happy & Gerry after tea saw ‘The Black Swan’ (Tyrone Power Maureen O Hara George Sanders) very good film.

23 Fri.
Did very little again [deleted] tonight [/deleted] today – letter & photograph received from Mary today – wrote to Mary after supper – very warm this afternoon when the sun broke through & I sunbathed after tea – Americans capture Pallermo. [sic]

24 Sat.
Stayed in at night & wrote to Mother after tea in the Mess also wrote up a few of my notes – very warm again today – sunbathed a short time after tea – letter from Mother today

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25 Sun.
Very warm day again today – flew this afternoon – 4 hr trip N. Sea Scarboro’ etc – late when we landed – wrote to Mary just before I turned in tonight Mussolini resigns

26 Mon.
Another warm day today & we were on lectures all the day, letter from Roland & papers from home – had to fly again at night but none of us wanted to do – BASE-GOOLE-PICKERING-FILEY-DR POSN (N. SEA) DR POSN MABLETHORPE-BASE – went to bed at 4.30.

27 Tues.
Stayed in bed until dinner time changed & went into Lutterworth with Joe & Gerry – borrowed Happy’s bike – nothing doing here so hitch hiked to Leicester – went to the flicks saw ‘Air Force’ – a very good film had supper & caught the last train back – letter from Roland today

28 Wed.
Still no news of Mary today – very warm again – had lectures all day – wrote to Mary & Alex – had to fly at night (6 1/2 hrs) BASE FAKENHAM-DISS-NEWBURY-NORTHAMPTON-MABLETHORPE etc – took Astro sights & wrote to Mary – glorious night & very nice trip

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29 Thur.
Landed at 5.30 this morning – had breakfast & then to bed at 7.30 – slept until four o’clock in the afternoon – had a letter from Mary today – caught the liberty bus into Leicester – had a walk round – visited the ‘Swan with Two Necks’ & then the Opera House where we saw Turner Layton, Nellie Wallace & Billy Russell very good show –

30 Fri.
Another scorching day – on lectures another letter from Mary – not flying tonight – sunbathed after tea – had a shave & after supper in the Mess wrote to Don & Geoff – also received a letter from Edith today

31 Sat.
No flying today on ‘CDI in the morning & had plotting Exam in the afternoon – stayed in at night & wrote to Mary – also copied up a few notes – not very exciting for a Saturday night – but hellishly warm & was too hot & lazy to walk the 5 mls into Lutterworth

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1 Sun.
In lectures again today – had the ‘G’ Exam – flying scrubbed tonight – stayed in.

2 Mon.
[deleted] Lectures today [/deleted] (G.I’s in the morning did some swotting in the afternoon – went into Leicester with Gerry & Happy on the Liberty Bus – saw the Andrew Sisters in ‘How’s About It & ‘Desperadoes’ both quite good pictures – went to the Fair afterward

3 Tues.
Lectures today – finished early Dick Bing Gerry & I went into Leicester – called at the Milk Bar then the ‘Board’ where we met Gibby’s Pilot & W.O.P and went with these to a dance at the Palais – had a wizard time - - - - - - censored

4 Wed.
Letter from Mary today – stayed in at night – listened to Victor Sylvester on the radio – wrote to Mary & Mother this morning after GDI’s

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5 Thur.
Had Intelligence lecture in the morning & exam in the afternoon – packed our kit after tea & moved to our satellite Bitteswell – even more dispersed than the other which means bags of walking – wrote to Mary before I went to bed – a very nice parcel from Mother today.

6 Fri.
Didn’t do anything in the morning & after dinner wangled a ‘48’ – walked to Lutterworth – hitch hiked to Leicester & caught the 5.20 to Nottingham – then to Grantham, Doncaster but reached here too late to go out to Mary – met Mr Seymour’s Son – had a drink in the ‘Elephant’ & caught the 10.15 to Hull arrived at midnight to find Alex at home.

7 Sat.
Up fairly early – Alex & I went to see Stan & young Noble who were also on leave – went for a short walk but had to be back early to catch the 1.40 to Doncaster – Mary met me she looked adorable – we couldn’t get in at the ‘flicks’ so had a walk round & caught the 4.30 bus to Belton – it started raining after tea but we cycled to Miss Browns & went along to the dance in Epworth – very warm at the dance & it rained like hell on the way back – but I had a good time.

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8 Sun.
Up fairly early in the morning – went for a cycle ride with Mary to Owston Ferry before dinner – called at Miss Brown’s for some apples etc. – caught the usual bus to Doncaster after tea – the 6.15 from there to Sheffield – walked round here for a few hours met Dick & Bing – 11.55 to Leicester was very crowded – struggled in to the YM at 3.30 for a couple of hours sleep caught the 6.20 to Ullesworth & reached Camp at a little after seven.

9 Mon.
Very tired today – did a plotting exercise & walking in the afternoon – papers from Mother & letter from Mary, Alex & Louis – wrote to Mary

10 Tues.
Didn’t do any work all day – but wrote to Mother in the morning & packed up early in the afternoon so I could get away early to Leicester – Gerry & I went to the Palais and I had a very good time indeed.

11 Wed.
Stayed in at night – listened to the radio in the Mess & went along to the Cinema show on the Camp. Letter from Don today – wrote to Mary today.

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12 Thur.
Wrote to Roland & packed a parcel to Mother – after tea walked into Lutterworth with Happy – hitch hiked to Leicester went to the Palais – met Gerry’s Peggy and her friends – danced with them all the evening & had a very jolly evening – Peggy & Bessie saw us off at the Station

13 Fri.
Letter from Mary today – did a little plotting etc today – caught the 7.40 Ullesthorpe to Migston & Alex, Happy, Joe Frank & Ted & myself went to an ATS Sergeants dance at the Barracks store – had a wizard time – arrived back in Camp at about 1.15.

14 Sat.
Was going to fly this morning but it was cancelled at the last minute – stayed in at night & wrote to Mary in the Mess – listened to the wireless – turned in early & read in bed.

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15 Sun.
Did very little today – took a few Sun sights – wrote to Don – went to Church in Lutterworth with Dick after tea.

16 Mon.
Had to stay in tonight as we were flying at night bombing – letter from Mary & Birthday Cards from home – had a fairly decent trip tonight.

17 Tues.
Stayed in bed until dinner time – sunbathed in the afternoon – had to fly tonight so couldn’t go out to celebrate my birthday – what a way to celebrate! – letter & Card from Mary – took off at 9 o’clock but came back too late to go to the dance at night

18 Wed.
Had to stay in again today as we were flying at night – wrote to Mary & played Cards until 2 o’clock in the morning – after which we tried to sleep – called at 3 o’clock but was recalled before we could do much bombing

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19 Thur.
Went to bed at 6 o’clock this morning but had to be up again before twelve o’clock to get cleared etc ready to go back to Brunt. – reached there before tea dashed straight out & caught the 6.10 from Lutterworth to Leicester – had a meal & then onto the ‘Saracens Head’ from there to the dance at the Corn Exchange – slept the night on a sofa in the YM. – letter from Mother today

20 Fri.
Caught the 6.20 from Leicester this morning after a very uncomfortable night – walked to Camp from Ashby Magna – tried to get organised today –

21 Sat.
Did not Fly this morning – scrubbed – made out a few charts etc. – stayed in at night & wrote to Mother & Mary – letter from Mary today & also one from Sandy

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22 Sun.
Flew this morning – 4 hrs – very bumpy conditions – had a late dinner & had very little time to do anything before tea – after which Arthur, Johnny & myself walked into Welton where we had supper & met Joe.

23 Mon.
Flew again today landed late again – washed etc & spent the evening in the Mess wrote to Mary – letter from Geoff today

24 Tues.
Letter from Roland today – duty plotter & did very little until 4.30 when we were briefed for flying that night – took off at 9.0 o’clock & landed again at 12 o’clock

25 Wed.
Letter from Mary today – no time to write myself as we didn’t get up until dinner time & were flying again at night – late getting back owing to late start due to burst tyre.

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26 Thur.
Didnt [sic] get up until dinner time – then did dinghy drill etc with the crew – weren’t flying at night but couldn’t get transport to Leicester so went to the Canteen in Welton with the crew – then to a sing song in the Dog & Gun.

27 Fri.
Did our War Load this morning & enjoyed the trip very much – didn’t land until after 3 o’clock & had to dash around to get away on my ‘48’ – hitch hiked to Leicester & home soon after twelve o’clock.

28 Sat.
Up fairly early – pouring with rain but went for a haircut & to ring Mary – caught the 1.40 to Doncaster & met dear Mary – she looked very sweet & after a short look round & tea we went along to the Gaumont where we saw the Andrew Sisters in ‘Hows About It’ – I had already seen it & Thunderbirds – we afterwards caught the 8.20 to Belton

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29 Sun.
Felt very tired this morning – for some unknown reason as I didn’t get up until late & was ill after dinner – had been eating too many nice things – Mary travelled to Doncaster with me – had quite a time to wait here & proceeded to miss connections right & left.

30 Mon.
I arrived at Leicester at 3 o’clock this morning – met Arthur & Johnny on the Station & were fortunate enough to secure beds at the YM. – reached Camp 9 o’clock & have felt washed out all today

31 Tues.
Not flying tonight – did very little during the day – wrote to Mother & Mary – letter from Mary – went to the Ensa Show in Camp tonight – very good indeed – turned in late

Stayed in & wrote to Sandy & Mary in the Mess as it was raining – later went down to the Canteen in Welton with the boys.

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2 Thur.
Went into Leicester at night on the Liberty bus with Gerry – went to the Odeon & saw ‘We Dive at Dawn’ also [deleted] We [/deleted] ‘They Live Alone’ quite a good show

3 Fri.
Did very little today – flew at night – very poor trip – several things went U.S & it was very cold no heat – letter from Mary today

4 Sat.
Didn’t get up until 3.0 o’clock in the afternoon – found we were flying so had to go along to the briefing room straight away – six hour trip – good trip – Italy invaded Russians breaking through – went to bed about six o’clock again.

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5 Sun.
Up late again today – three o’clock not flying again tonight so spent the evening in the Mess & wrote to Mary – still no news from home or a letter from Mary

6 Mon.
On CDI’s this morning – the crew had to go to SSQ this afternoon for decompression chamber test – Joe was ‘Joe’ – in other words the guinea pig went to Leicester on the Liberty bus with Gerry to make a four up at the theatre – Chris, Peggy, Gerry & I – saw Joe Loss – very good played Jealousy – Mary’s favourite

7 Tues.
Thought we were flying tonight but it was scrubbed at the last minute – wrote to Mother at night & went to the Canteen in Welton with the boys – Bing killed tonight

8 Wed.
Letter from Mary today – wrote to her [deleted] tonight [/deleted] this afternoon – had an early briefing as we were on an ‘op’ trip – quite a good trip bombed just South of Boulogne – heavy flak – not accurate ITALY CAPITULATES

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9 Thur.
Up late again today – flew in the afternoon to take Sun sights as we have finished here now – stayed in at night & worked

10 Fri.
Still cannot get away on leave – the whole crew went on the binge to Leicester tonight – hitch hiked to Leicester – went to the Picture house – saw Alice Faye Jack Oakie & John Payne in Hello ‘Frisco Hello – a very good musical & we enjoyed it very much had half an hour to reach the ‘White Swan’ where we became very merry on Port Rum, beer etc. – set off in search of a dance making a terrific row over it – but all very happy walked into the private dance at the Palais – had a jolly time – afterwards hot dogs at the Coffee stall & back to the YM letter from Mary today wrote to Mary.

[underlined] SAT [/underlined] 11TH.
Did very little today – very tired after yesterday – wrote to Louis at night & went along to the Canteen in Welton [inserted] Italy capitulates 8.9.43 [/inserted] where we played table tennis – no letter from home yet.

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12 Sun.
Stayed in at night & played Squash with Arthur – still standing by but believe we will get away in a few days time.

13 Mon.
Given 36 hr pass & are leaving on Thursday – poured with rain all the morning – wrote home & packed a parcel wrote to Mary & received the much looked for parcel from home – hitch hiked to Leicester with the boys – went to see Judy Garland in ‘Presenting Lily Mars

14 Tues.
Slept at the YM. up fairly early breakfasted at Lewis’s – shaved, brush up & met the other boys at the Tower Hotel felt very gay when the time came to have dinner (at Lewis’s) – rained in the afternoon – couldn’t go to swimming – played billiards & went to the flicks – had tea & went to the Palais by myself as Arthur & Johnny had dates – rang Mary today.

15 Wed.
Busy getting cleared today – really off tomorrow – went to the Canteen at night with Arthur & Johnnie

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16 Thur.
Finished packing this morning – had difficulty with a hell of a lot of kit but reached Leicester at 7 o’clock with Arthur & Johnnie – had a few beers together & then I caught the 10.30 to Sheffield

17 Fri.
Arrived home this morning at 5 o’clock – didn’t get up until lunch time – saw the people at the office & Les & Peggy at their office in the afternoon – called on Geoff who was also on leave

18 Sat.
Met Mary at the station this afternoon – went to the Goodfellowship [sic] at night & had a jolly time – lousy day rained a lot went to the Dorchester in the afternoon


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19 Sun.
Up fairly early (10.30. [deleted] I had [/deleted]) went for a short walk with Mary & Rollo – went to see Mary’s father this afternoon & from there to the Dorchester where we saw ‘Joan of Paris’ – quite a good film

20 Mon.
Went into the town this morning walked round the shops – had dinner & then took a bus to Hessle where we sat on the foreshore – went to the Dorchester after tea & saw Deanna Durbin in ‘The Amazing Mrs Holliday’ – a good film

21 Tues.
Up very early this morning to catch the bus to Scarborough – had lunch at Lewis’s as soon as we reached there – then went onto the beach – it was a glorious day but windy & not too warm – but we had a very good time together & enjoyed the day immensely air raid warning tonight.

22 Wed.
[deleted] Stayed [/deleted] lunched at home today after spending the morning in the town – took a bus to Beverley & spent the afternoon on the Westwood – went to the theatre after tea to see the play ‘As You Like It

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23 Thur.
Spent the morning getting ready to leave for Belton this afternoon – arrived tea time & afterwards Mary & I cycled to the pictures where we saw ‘Mr Foreman goes to France’ a very good film which I had seen before.

24 Fri.
Up early this morning to accompany Mary to Scunthorpe where she was to have her hair set – but couldn’t so spent the morning walking round the town & the afternoon at the pictures – Mickey Rooney in ‘Human Comedy’ & caught an early bus back to Belton – stayed in at night – Mary knitted

25 Sat.
Went to Scunthorpe again this afternoon Mary went to have her hair set & I went to a soccer match – saw Grimsby Town beat Barnsley 1-0 & enjoyed the game very much after tea we went along to the theatre where we saw the play ‘Damaged Goods’ & then back to Belton

another 2 air raid warnings tonight

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26 Sun.
Went brambling this morning with Mary & Jean – had a very jolly time together & collected loads of brambles – had to go back this afternoon & travelled back to Hull with Mary’s father who had come home for the weekend

27 Mon.
Stayed in bed until late – wrote to Mary & Ken this afternoon – Wriggy wasn’t at home when I called this evening – went to the Carlton by myself saw Arthur Askey in ‘Miss London Ltd’ – fairly dull day – nothing much to do

28 Tues.
Was again up late this morning – went to see Mrs Gatman this afternoon – Sheila was home on leave & Harry’s wife was there – stayed tea – then came home for Edith & we went to the flicks together – to the Regent – it was ‘The Silk Queen’ George Brent etc & quite good

29 Wed.
[deleted] Cycled [/deleted] [inserted] Went [/inserted] to the office this morning to see NJP. but he was out – Mother & I went into the town this afternoon – our expedition wasn’t too successful – Wriggy & I went to the Mayfair tonight – saw No time for Love

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30 Thur.
Cycled into the office this morning caught the 1.40 pm to Doncaster this afternoon & met Mary at tea time after several days of boredom by myself in Hull it was grand – went to the flicks in Epworth saw Bette Davis, George Brent in Mary & I stayed up late tonight – I love Mary very much.

Up early this morning & Norman & I went for a walk as it was such a grand day – read in the afternoon & went with Mary & Miss Brown to the library after tea – had a drink together which made dear Mary very happy

2 Sat.
Up early this morning – read & sat in the garden as it was such a nice day – Mary & I went into Doncaster in the afternoon – walked round the shops with Miss Brown & Mr Hasler – couldn’t find Mary a handbag – had tea at the Gaumont & spent an hour at the flicks before we had to part – my train was late – reached home 11 o’clock a very amusing film Claudette Colbert & had a few drinks together in the Manchester after catching the bus into town

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3 Sun.
Up early to pack – caught the 12.25 to Doncaster – met Edna & travelled with her reached Newark & met Joe & Arthur soon after 3 o’clock – no transport so had tea in town later taken out to Morton Hall – slept in tents – wrote to Mary

4 Mon.
Went to Swinderby in the morning for FFI etc & had PT & games in the afternoon – didn’t go out tonight but stayed in the Mess & wrote home.

5 Tues.
Had bayonet practise with pikes this morning – route march after break – called at a pub & stopped there quite a while – took short cut across fields coming back – had to jump ditches etc – talk by Air Commodore this afternoon – followed by games & PT went into Newark with the boys went to the flicks [indecipherable word]

6 Wed.
Had unarmed combat – bayonet fighting & boxing this morning – boxing more unarmed combat & a cross country run after dinner – we were last off on this & took a short cut – wrote to Mary at night [indecipherable word]

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7 Thur.
Had a cross country march this morning – again called at the Regal Pub – had the assault course this afternoon & our crew mad the best time played soccer afterwards – scored 3 & we won 5-0 again the crew shone – went into Nottingham with the boys after tea – drank Port at Yates Wine Lodge – then on to a dance at the Palais – had a wizard time – plenty of nice girls there.

8 Fri.
Had another route today – PT & games etc. – stayed in at night & spent the evening in the Mess with the boys wrote to Roland

9 Sat.
Still no letter from Mary or home – stayed in at night wrote to Mary & listened to the wireless – had the assault course today – scared the new Engineers with a thunderflash tonight

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10 Sun.
Had to do the assault course again today – had the afternoon off – so changed & went into Nottingham after tea with the boys – went to the Premier Club – danced & drank there – were going on to another Club after this one closed but it was very foggy & we lost our guide

11 Mon.
Did very little today – had clothing parade etc – stayed in at night & wrote to Mary & Mother – roasted chestnuts on the stove – packed – raided the Engineers again & generally messed about letter from Mary today.

12 Tues.
Left Morton Hall this morning & came to WINTHORPE – a new ‘drome & very like Bruntingthorpe – had the usual arrival talks – went into Newark after tea with Arthur & Johnny – had haircut meal etc then went to a dance – I reached home at 12.30 o’clock –

13 Wed.
Were on lectures today – miserable day – foggy & flying held up – did some binding in the Mess – Denis the Engineer joined the crew today

[page break]

14 Thur.
Weather still very bad – on lectures all day – stayed in at night & wrote to Mary – received 3 letters from Mary today.

15 Fri.
Weather still too bad for flying spent the evening in the Mess listened to the wireless & wrote to Fred – letter from Mother today.

16 Sat.
Stayed in tonight & wrote to Mary Had lectures as usual today –

[page break]

17 Sun.
Reported sick this morning – rained all the morning but the weather improved for me to go into town after tea – intended going to church but couldn’t find one – went to the flicks & met Johnny – saw ‘Woman of the Year’ Katherine Hepburn & Spencer Tracy

18 Mon.
Were supposed to be flying today but weren’t needed so had quite an easy day – went into town after tea with Denis & Johnny – saw ‘I Married a Witch’ at the Kinema – had seen it before but they hadn’t – later went to a dance

19 Tues.
Had the usual lectures today & P.T after tea – stayed in & wrote to Mary.

20 Wed.
Finished lectures early & went along to collect my pass with Johnny – we were fortunate to catch a lorry at the gates – caught the 4.6 to Doncaster from Newark & the 5.30 to Hull – reached home at seven o’clock

[page break]

21 Thur.
Up fairly early this morning sent telegram to Mary & cycled to the Station to find out train times – met young Nob. who was also home on leave – went to Mary this afternoon – went to see ‘Ships with Wings’ after tea – turned in fairly early as Mary was tired.

22 Fri.
Said goodbye to Mary this morning & caught the 11.0 o’clock bus to Doncaster walked about the town – had lunch – a haircut etc & then caught the 4.3 to Newark where I had tea & then went to the Savoy – saw ‘Arabian Nights’ – rained a lot tonight the boys didn’t come back until later

23 Sat.
On the usual lectures today – stayed in the Mess tonight & wrote to Mary.

[page break]

24 Sun.
Had to be up early this morning – went to Cranwell for wet dinghy drill – wrote to Mother after dinner – went into town with the boys after tea – had quite a binge & a very pleasant time together

X 25 Mon.
Still very misty here most of the day & we didn’t fly again – stayed in at night & wrote to Mary.

26 Tues.
Still no flying – weather bad – went into Newark with Ron after tea – we went to the Kinema & saw ‘Sin City’ Broderick Crawford Constance Bennett & a Will Hay film – which was quite amusing – letter from Mary today

27 Wed.
Again foggy today & again no flying – stayed in the Mess tonight – wrote to Sandy & listened to the wireless

[page break]

28 Thur.
Very foggy again today – no flying again so ‘genned’ up on each others subjects – letter from Mary today – wrote myself at dinner time to try to make up the apparent rift in our affections – waiting anxiously for reply – packed a parcel for home – went to the flicks tonight with the boys – saw ‘Silent Village’ & Dinner at the Ritz

29 Fri.
Still no flying today although the weather is improving – so might get off tomorrow stayed in at night

30 Sat.
Flew this morning – we were all sick doing steep turns in the Lanc – a wizard kite – got away soon after tea today & went to Nottingham with Arthur Johnny & Dennis – first went to Yate’s then to a dance at the Victoria Ballroom had a super time – slept as well as was able to on the platform caught the 4.16 & went to bed at 6 o’clock this morning – Monday

[page break]

31 Sun.
Felt very tired today – should have been flying but the weather was too bad – stayed in the Mess at night & wrote to Mary – no letter from Mary today.

Still wet & miserable today – were on lectures – had to go to the Sick Quarters at Swinderby this afternoon – wrote to Ken in the Mess after tea – letter from Roland today – he is getting married soon

2 Tues.
Stayed in again tonight – filthy weather again today – letter from Mary today – but we are still estranged – went to the cinema show in Camp tonight – Arthur Askey in Miss London Ltd

3 Wed.
Weather has improved today – but we were on lectures – stayed in the Mess & wrote to Mary tonight

[page break]

4 Thur.
Went into town with Arthur, Dennis Jock & Johnny – had tea at the Savoy & went to see ‘Silent Village’ & ‘Hi Buddy’ there

5 Fri.
Didnt [sic] fly today – weather bad – went into town early with Arthur – joined later by Johnny & we spent the night in the local – I kept to shandies – letter from Mary today

6 Sat.
No flying today – although quite a decent day – very pleased too as I had planned to meet Mary in Doncaster – caught the 4.3 pm train & met Mary – had tea at the Gaumont & later went to the flicks there – talked over certain things & I feel much better & things have straightened out a little – Mary caught the 9.0 o’clock bus – I went for a Sherry then to a dance – caught the 11.25 back met Arthur in the bus

[page break]

7 Sun.
Very cold & windy today – with bright sunshine – still no flying as most of the kites were pranged or U.S – stayed in at night & wrote to Mary.

8 Mon.
Very nice day today – but still no flying as kites were U.S. – wrote to Mother tonight – had a parcel from home to acknowledge

9 Tues.
Very misty today – therefore no flying again – did a little work in the morning later played Crown & Anchor & won quite a bit – played again in the afternoon – letter from Mary

10 Wed.
Flew both in the morning and afternoon – went out tonight with all of the boys – we went to the Kinema where we saw Lupino Lane & Sally Gray in ‘The Lambeth Walk’ – all went round to the Rem afterwards

[page break]

11 Thur.
Stayed in tonight & read in the Mess – flew this morning & Arthur went solo – letter from Louis today

12 Fri.
Letter from Mary today stayed in & wrote to M. tonight – flew again today – only for an hour

13 Sat.
On early flying this morning – weather was rather bad – we did corkscrew practise – flew again after lunch on cross country – weather very bad – had to come down to 2000’ due to icing – wanted to go to Doncaster today to see Mary but flying interfered – went to an ENSA show in Camp after tea as it was pouring with rain, very cold & windy – it was very amusing & Johnny Dennis & I enjoyed it very much indeed

[page break]

14 Sun.
Absolutely foul day today – rained nearly all the day & there was a very strong wind – stayed in the Mess at night & wrote to Louis

15 Mon.
Papers from home – flew this morning & weren’t needed in the afternoon so Arthur, Johnny, Dennis, Jock & myself went into Newark for tea – afterwards went to the Savoy saw ‘The Gentle Sex’ – had supper & came back – wrote to Mary

16 Tues.
Letters from Mary, Edith & Roland – still very cold today – didn’t fly – did a little dinghy drill etc today – wrote to Roland & went to the cinema show in Camp Chester Morris in ‘After Midnight’

17 Wed.
Didn’t fly again today & were given the afternoon off Arthur, Dennis, Johnny & myself went into Nottingham – had tea – the other two went to the flicks – Arthur & I went to the Wine Lodge & then to the Palais – I met Pat & had a jolly time – letter from Alex today.

[page break]

18 Thur.
Not flying today & again had the afternoon off – the boys went home – it was such a grand afternoon that I decided upon a walk & went to Newark & along the Trent – came back for tea & wrote to Mary – turned in early – letter from Mary today.

19 Fri.
Up early this morning as we were on early briefing – took off at 9.30 & landed again at 1500 hrs – very cold & frosty today – letter from Ken today – stayed in the Mess after tea.

20 Sat.
Very foggy today – wanted to get away this afternoon to go to Doncaster but were on night flying which was scrubbed until late – too late to go – was I annoyed – changed & went into Newark with Arthur, Dennis & Jock – saw ‘My Sister Eileen’ at the Kinema afterwards had supper in the W.VS & a drink – letter from Roland today – who was married this afternoon

[page break]

21 Sun.
Very foggy today – didnt [sic] fly – stayed in at night & wrote to Mother received a parcel from home – wrote to Edith & Mary

22 Mon.
Down for night flying tonight – had to stand by in the Mess from 8.30 until four o’clock in the morning – didn’t fly – played cards with the boys.

23 Tues.
Didn’t get up until dinner time – on night flying & again didn’t get to bed until four o’clock in the morning – flew again tonight – wrote to Mary today.

24 Wed.
Up again at dinner time – briefing in the afternoon – had to wait for a kite to be made serviceable – hellish night – rained hard – took off at 3.30 in the morning & landed again at 8.30 – lousy trip – letter from Mary today

[page break]

25 Thur.
Went to bed at 10.30 this morning – up again for tea & then went into Newark to post a parcel home – went along to the flicks & saw a very good film ‘A Night to Remember’ Loretta Young & Brian Aherne- received a piece of Rolands Christmas cake today

26 Fri.
Down for flying again tonight but the kite was U.S. so had to hang about for an hour before it was scrubbed – wrote to Mary

27 Sat.
Again down for flying tonight but the weather interfered again & it was scrubbed so was able to go to the concert in Camp ‘Time for Rhythms’ a very good show indeed & I enjoyed it very much – very much above the standard of the shows we usually get here

[page break]

28 Sun.
We made it at last tonight – the weather has cleared – landed at one o’clock in the morning which was fairly early.

29 Mon.
Up at dinner time today – had to fly in the afternoon on Fighter Affil but it was too late & had to land again without doing it – went into town tonight with Arthur, Jock, Dennis & Joe saw Lloyd Nolan in ‘Time to Kill’

30 Tues.
Wrote to Mary today as received a letter from her to – flew tonight – landed about two o’clock but didn’t go to bed until after four o’clock in the morning – wrote to Alex & Fred

Didn’t get up until tea time received a photo of Mary today – went into Newark with Denis & Gerry – had intended going to Nottingham but missed train – went to the flicks

[page break]

2 Thur.
Didn’t get up very early today – busy getting clearance chits signed today – stayed in at night & wrote to Mother & Mary – [deleted] Letter [/deleted]

3 Fri.
Up fairly early today, packed & left Winthorpe at 1.15 – arrived at our Squadron 5.0 o’clock – found billets etc & then went along to the Mess – wrote to Mother & Mary – letter from home

4 Sat.
Spent most of today getting settled in – had talk by Intelligence Officer & at 4.0 o’clock were told that we were on a bullseye & had to take off at 6.0 o’clock – had a fairly decent trip – landed at 1.30 o’clock

[page break]

5 Sun.
Spent today settling down – had to change billets & are on an even muddier site (if possible) – the looked for Squadron comfort is lacking on this ‘drome – wrote to Don in the Mess tonight

6 Mon.
Very foggy today & didn’t do any bombing although we were down for it – went into Lincoln after tea with Johnny, Denis, Gerry – saw ‘The Four Feathers’ – missed the last bus – came home via Scampton.

7 Tues.
Again very foggy today – no activity – spent the night in the Mess – didn’t write but felt unusually tired & slept near the fire.

8 Wed.
Another wet miserable day – however received a letter from dear Mary & parcel from home ferryed [sic] a kite to Swinderby & came back via road.

[page break]

9 Thur.
Flew this morning but couldn’t do any bombing as the weather was too bad – went out to sea for air firing – stayed in tonight & wrote to Don – [deleted] received [/deleted]

10 Fri.
Did very little today – had to fly tonight on short cross country & did J.L.B got off fairly early & were in bed by midnight – received a letter from Mary & wrote before we took off

11 Sat.
Stayed in tonight as I have a cold – listened to the wireless in the Mess & wrote to Geoff – very cold today

[page break]

12 Sun.
No ‘ops again today – as we are in a moon period – cold still bad & can only speak in a whisper – flew this afternoon – short cross country to Harrogate in formation – wrote to Mary tonight.

13 Mon.
Received two letters from Mary which had been forwarded from Winthorpe – had to clean our kite this afternoon – bags of bull on the station went into Lincoln with Arthur after tea to do some shopping – went to the flicks

14 Tues.
A thick mist & frost blanketed the ‘drome today – did quite a lot of marching to & fro – too much – had talk by base commander – spent the evening in the Mess & wrote to Ken

15 Wed.
Still very foggy & frosty – reported sick this morning – didn’t go down to the section this afternoon but played dominoes in the Mess with the boys – letter from Mary – wrote home & to Mary

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16 Thur.
Flew tonight – target Berlin – fairly quite [sic] but long trip – Arthur is missing – letter from Mary.

17 Fri.
Didn’t get up very early – our future is not certain yet but there is a chance that we shall get a spare pilot here – wrote to [deleted] Rol [/deleted] Mary in the Mess tonight

18 Sat.
Met our new pilot a Rhodesian & F.O. – seems to be a decent chap went for a short flip together to get to know each other in the air stayed in the Mess this evening – addressed & sent my Christmas cards – wrote to Alex & started writing to Arthur’s people

[page break]

19 Sun.
Met our new Pilot today & we flew on a bullseye tonight – he is a very good pilot & think we will get on very well together –

20 Mon.
Didn’t get up until late today - & did very little in the afternoon – we all went into Lincoln after tea but I missed the bus – went to the Savoy saw Charles Laughton in ‘The Man from Down Under’ – met the boys afterwards in a hotel – letter from Mary today.

XX 21 Tues.
Johnny has gone into hospital so that we are now minus a W.O.P. – stayed in the Mess tonight & finished writing to Arthur’s Mother & also wrote to Mary.

22 Wed.
Flew today – did a little fighter affil. – stayed in the Mess again tonight & read the book Mary has sent me for Christmas – parcel from home & card from Edith

[page break]

23 Thur.
On ops tonight – target Berlin – had a good trip – hit by flak N. of Osnabruck damaged elevator & Oil tank – did no noticeable damage – had to stand by for take of [sic] which was late so wrote to Mary & went to an ENSA show in Camp – received cards from Mother & Mary.

24 Fri.
Landed this morning – rang Mary & said I would cycle over – went to bed for a couple of hours & overslept – set off at 3.30 pm & after a very long ride reached Belton at 7.30 – it was grand meeting Mary again – after tea we went to a dance until midnight but I was very tired.

25 Sat.
Didn’t get up until ten o’clock played darts etc before dinner – had a wizard Christmas dinner – Mary’s father was home & Peter – had a short walk in the afternoon & walked to the flicks after tea – saw Rosalind Russell in ‘Married but Single’ – had seen it before enjoyed the walk home with Mary & we didn’t go to bed until 1.30.

[page break]

26 Sun.
bathed at 4.40 this morning after Mary’s Mother had very kindly made me breakfast set off – reached Camp at 9.30 – didn’t do anything this morning – as we had our Christmas dinner today – didn’t have to go down to the Flights – wizard dinner – had lots to eat – went to bed at 8.0 o’clock as I was very tired

27 Mon.
Flew this morning – couldn’t bomb due to bad weather – stayed in the Mess tonight & wrote to Mary, Mother & to Edith.

28 Tues.
Did very little today – went into Lincoln after tea with Denis & Jock – went to the flicks saw Flanagan & Allan in ‘Theatre Royal’

29 Wed.
Didn’t have time to do an N.F.T this morning – made us late for dinner – bombed Berlin tonight quite a good trip

[page break]

30 Thur.
Stayed in the Mess tonight & wrote to Mary – did very little today couldn’t fly as they were working on our kite

31 Fri.
Letters from Edith & Mother today – briefed for raid but scrubbed so we were all able to go out & to celebrate the New Year – we all had dinner at the Saracen’s Head Hotel & then went along to a dance – it was very crowded – we had a taxi back at 1 o’clock & after something to eat in the Mess on our return – managed to get to bed by 2 o’clock

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Name. – ‘Phone Numbers.
P. Usher. – 58318
Pat – 41915

[page break]

[deleted] 4 Oct CORRECT 2100 [/deleted]

9 Oct CORRECT 2100
11 Oct 25 secs fast 1700
13 Oct 54 “ “ 1230

14 Oct 25 secs slow 1800
15 Oct 9 secs fast 1300

16 Oct 22 secs fast 2100

[page break]

Aug 11 – 1300 hrs watch 12 secs slow
“ 12 1300 “ 20 “ fast 32 gain
“ 13 1300 “ 48 “ 28 gain
“ 14 1300 “ 81 33 gain
“ 20 1300 “ 2 min 5 secs fast
“21 1300 “ 6 secs slow
2100 3 secs fast
“ 23 2100 16 secs fast

1 Sept 12 secs slow at 1300
2 “ 29 “ “ “ “
5 “ 15 secs slow at 1800
(Correct 1700 – 4 Sept.

[page break]

[underlined] 40 hrs [/underlined]

Look up ‘gen’ on Iceland
Visit office – re income tax
Refill needed for Loose leaf book
Drawing pins Rate watch
Box for instruments

Sign bombing order book before going on bombing detail
52 05 N Woodbridge
01 24 E
[symbol] OCCULT

[page break]

Tooth brush
Air graph from.

anti clockwise

BST 2208 34
ARCT. 24 44
2159.5310 1/2 0024W
161 O/S
Fr 153

24 Oct Watch 5 secs slow at 1300
27 “ “ 3 40 slow 1300
3 55 1800

U Track 044 (T) Dist 13.8 mils. N
Make note of Ex 7, 9, 16, 20
Early flying – ring for approved route whether (9 A, B or C etc

Time & Dist mins. made between Lincoln Cathedral & Watch office
[underlined] 1 [/underlined] Give Pilot Course
[underlined] 2 [/underlined] Pilot weaves & flys [sic] on instruments BA. has bomb sight vertical – gives me directions.
3. Nav checks repeater rdgs. every 20 secs & records the [indecipherable word] on a slip of paper
[underlined] 4 [/underlined] Take fix [deleted] with [/deleted] at the correct spin of taking photograph NOTE WAG

[page break]

[underlined] Lining up the Inner frame with the GYRO [/underlined]

Use reversing mate in the top of the instrument


Energise one coil & it will turn in one direction energise the other & it will turn the other. If A strip is energised then the A coil will be energised & it will turn

[page break]


Mr. & Mrs. R.W. Northedge.
8, Council Houses.
Owmby – by – Spital.
[underlined] Lincoln [/underlined]

[page break]

Scampton 274.

[page break]

DR Compass – a magnetically controlling gyro

[underlined] Lining up the GYRO with the magnet [/underlined]


As the gyro is out of line The short contact on A strip then this contact strip will energise the A pat magnet and so turn gyro the correct way.

[page break]

Altering Co. in 1 min


Only use if the one alteration is [indecipherable word]

[page break]

[underlined] Rate of Pay [/underlined] 13/6 a day Sgt
14/- Flt Sgt
17/6 W.O.

13/6 a day £44.18.0 tax liability
Family allowance 21/6 Sgt. to wife
& your “ 3/6 a day compulsory allowance

[underlined] Income tax [/underlined] – deduct 1/10 & £86 & taxed at 6/6 in the £1 on the first £165.

Special subsist allowance Sgt 5/- a day free of Income Tax & this for [deleted] a [/deleted] 40 days a year – only on an ops. station (PO’s 10/- a day)

Paid July 8 £6.16.0
“ July 22 £6.16.0.
“ Sept 2 £12.0.0.
16 £9.10.0.

[page break]




Inner frame held up & lined up by the gyro.
[deleted] Inner fr [/deleted] Magnets line up outer frame & therefore the scale

[page break]


W/V 129/12K

[underlined] Astronomical Wander or Drift [/underlined]

When axis of the gyro is not in line with axis of the earth


[page break]

[underlined] Precession [/underlined] is the turning of a force through 90 degrees and will act against the line of force

[two diagrams]

Apparent topple – or [deleted] precession [/deleted] (a) Pointing to Star away from earth – then Pointing to Star towards earth

[page break]

[underlined] Plotting – Nav Gen – Met – A/C Rec [/underlined]
(300) 8 – (200) – (100) – (50)
235 – 147 – 70 – 36

Total percentage 75.3 degrees [underlined] Signals [/underlined] 100 percent
[underlined] Armaments [/underlined] 75 percent


[page break]

4.45 Carnforth 7-8
Leeds 9-48

22, Butler Ave
Harrow on the Hill

[page break]

[underlined] By Analysis [/underlined]

[underlined] Wind Change error [/underlined] – Dist between end of used Wind Vectors & actual Wind Vectors

[underlined] Calculation Error [/underlined] Distance between the used Wind Vectors & base.

[underlined] Other Error [/underlined] Dist between actual Wind Vector & base

[underlined] Cumulative Error [/underlined] is the total errors in relation to the air distances

[underlined] Final Error [/underlined] is the dist between actual finishing point & base – all taken as percentages of total air distances

[page break]


Say off courses & air distances put the [deleted] actual [/deleted] [inserted] used [/inserted] Vectors used during this time – put in actual Wind Vector for this line



[page break]

[various calculations]

[page break]

[various calculations]

[page break]

[set of calculations]

31 Oct 16 secs fast at 2100
1 Nov 55 secs slow at 2100
3 Nov 227 “ “ “ 1230
3 Nov 253 2100

8 Nov 7 secs slow 12.30
“ 30 secs 2100
9 50 slow 1230
98 2100
10 “ 123 2100
11 “ 148 0800
“ 4 slow 2100

[page break]

Aircraft Rec. Copy 124
Air Almanac 25 24.11.42
ANT’s 144
AP1234 210A

Q Short step to side with L.F
Q Half close R. foot to LF
S Side L.F
Cross R.F well over in front
S of L.F.
S Point L.F. forward keeping weight on R.F
S Point L.F back keeping weight on R.F

[page break]

AFC 137. Evasion in Air Fighting. New Method of Bombing

120K. G/S.
Set 120 against 36 a time scale on computer if dist from landmark to target is 6 mls then read off time against this which will give you your time to [deleted] meet [/deleted] reach target after nuliffying [sic] by 10 in secs.

Give bomb aim Wind height & TAS

When bomb aimer has landmark in sight he shouts [indecipherable word] & you time from then when only 30 secs to go you start giving the time to BA 25 20 15 10 etc.



M Adder, “Mervyn Adder diary 1943,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 22, 2024,

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