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  • Tags: 15 Squadron

Frederick joined the Royal Air Forcein 1941. After going to Cardington, he was given deferred entry and studied for a year at university. He was invited to London for initial training, followed by the Initial Training Wing at RAF Newquay. He did…

Geoff Rushton worked as a bank clerk before he volunteered for the Air Force. He trained as a navigator in Canada and after crewing up flew 20 operations with 15 Squadron from RAF Mildenhall. He and his crew were then posted to 186 Squadron at RAF…

George Mackie served in the RAF as a pilot. He flew forty-four operations, fifteen as a second pilot. Was posted to 15 Squadron in 1941 and critically examines the state of Bomber Command at the time. He was posted for eighteen months to RAF…

George Thomson had always wanted to fly. When he volunteered for the RAF he hoped to be a pilot but re-mustered as a navigator. He was posted to 15 Squadron based at RAF Mildenhall. On their first operation they were attacked by fighters three times.…

George Thomson was a navigator with 15 Squadron based at RAF Mildenhall. On their nineteenth operation they came under attack and had to bale out of the aircraft. The pilot and mid-upper gunner both died. When he landed he saw a parachute stuck in a…

Gerald joined his brothers in the Royal Australian Air Force in 1943, following the Air Training Corps. He went from Melbourne to the Initial Training School in Somers. At the Air Gunnery School in Ballarat, Gerald chose to be an air gunner and was…

Peter Watson was born in South Wales and joined the Royal Air Force in 1943. He wanted to be a pilot but there was a surplus of pilots, so he became an air gunner. He crewed-up and flew with 101 Squadron, a special duties squadron, initially, and…

Philip “Pip” Smith’s parents emigrated to Australia after the First World War. Pip’s father had served in the Royal Flying Corps. At the outbreak of World War Two he re-enlisted and became commander of the School of Technical Training in…

In 1943, when Richard was 17 and a half, he cycled into Guildford to sign up to volunteer for the Royal Air Force. He reported to Lords cricket ground to collect his uniform and gear and then went for training at RAF Hednesford for a six-month…

Four items, Edward's brief description, referring to P planes, reports being attacked by a Lancaster on the way home, his navigation plot, a map of the area near the target, a press cutting describing the days air activities mainly attacking V-1…

Aerial view of Lancaster 'LS-W' seen from the port side and slightly above.
On the reverse 'Lanc ME844 15 Sqdn Mildenhall
80 ops as 'C' until 23/3/45 then 'W'
Flew in this a/c as 'C' on 5/12/44 as 'Master Bomber' SCHWAMMENUAL DAM
Daylight T/O…

An air-to-air port side view of Lancaster, LS-H, NG358 in flight, viewed from slightly above and to the rear.

Port side view of Lancaster, LS-W in flight. Underneath is written 15 Sqdn Lanc and RAF Mildenhall. On the reverse 'Lanc ME844 was originally "C" until 23/27 March 1945 flew in this aircraft on 5/12/1944 - see Log Book'.

An air-to-air side view of Lancaster LS-Z taken from another in formation, annotated 'Front Line Lanc Special W/C Bell Wyton 46'.

An air-to-air view of two Lancasters in formation taken from the rear turret of a third. Both have fared over front turrets and no mid upper turrets. They are over Lowestoft on the Suffolk coast. White prefabs on the Gunton estate and Eastern Coach…

Six items, Edwards description of the operation to the Laon marshalling yards, comments that it was Easter Monday, there was a full moon, little anti-aircraft fire. Edwards navigation plot, two press photographs showing the damage to the yards on…

Five items, the first is Edward's description of the operation to the marshalling yards at Le Mans. He describes the anti-aircraft fire, and conditions over the target. Edward's navigation plot, the H2S plot of Le Mans, a press cutting with three…

Four items, Edward's brief description of the operation, the second his navigation plot, third is a map showing the target and fourth part of an official report of the operation. This includes the number and squadrons of the aircraft that took part,…

Three items, Edward's description of the operation against the marshalling yards, he describes the events, flak and conditions over the target. Edwards navigation plot, a newspaper clipping describes the allied air activity including against Louvain.

An image taken on H2S as a mine is released. The caption reads '73/1. MDH 13/14.12.44//10000' 338° 10/10 H.1847. Kattagat. The Kullen. 065° 10/15 mls Shepherd K.15'
On the reverse 'Mine release photo on H2S taken by me 14/12/44
"Arrows" are on…

Calculations, observations and a chart used for an operation to Bordeaux

A brief account of the daylight operation. Described as a P Plane base, a newspaper cutting refers to pilotless planes, the V 1. There is his navigation plot and a map showing the target.

Three items, Edward's brief description of the operation, to marshalling yards at Montdidier, their own bomb aimer sick so took wing commander. Due to low cloud over target ordered to return with their bombs. Edward's planned navigation plot and a…
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