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  • Tags: 617 Squadron

An airman in a rear turret of an aircraft fuselage supported on blocks of wood. From information kindly provided by the donor. 'Johnny Johnson in Lanc at Roses'. Photograph is captioned 'Johnny Johnson DFC Ex/Flt 617 Squadron RAF.

617 Squadron flying programme, 11 December 1944. It lists personnel and their assigned aircraft.

Six airmen standing at the tail of their Lancaster after the Tirpitz operation.
On the reverse the six have signed their name and handwritten is 'Nov 44 On return from the "Tirpitz" raid'.

Seven airmen standing under their Lancaster port wing. On the reverse 'On loan P&R Darby Woodhall Spa. Dennis Oldman, 3rd from left'. Colin Cole, Wireless operator is second from right.

A vertical aerial photograph of Hamburg. The right half of the image is obscured by light.
It is captioned '3128 Bin 5.6.46 //8" 4000 19.01 Hamburg 'T' F/Lt Quinton 'T' 617'.
On the reverse 'On Loan P&R Darby Woodhall Spa'.

A vertical aerial photograph of Hamm. The right side is obscured by light. It is captioned '3125 Bin 5.6.46 //8" 7000' 18.16 Hamm 'T' F/Lt Quinton 'T' 617'.
On the reverse 'On loan P&R Darby Woodhall Spa'.

A vertical aerial photograph of the docks at Rotterdam. It is captioned '2208 W.S.29.12.44 //8" 16000 350° 1857 1/2 E Pens Rotterdam K . 1 HC 12000 DT C 30 secs F/O Leavitt R 617'.
On the reverse 'On loan P&R Darby Woodhall Spa'.

Four officers holding drinks, identified underneath as 'Holland, W/Cdr Guy Gibson VC DSO DFC After the "Dams" on 617 Sqdn G/Cap Evans-Evans'.

The two officers are standing outside the Officers' Mess of 617 Sqdn. The caption reads 'W/Cdr Cheshire VC DSO +2 bars DFC (sic), AVM Sir Ralph Cochrane After the "Tirpitz" on 617 Sqn'. [The officer on the left is in fact Wing Commander Willie Tait]

#1 is a rear/port view of a Mosquito, captioned '627 Squadron'.
#2 is a front/nose view of a Mosquito.
#3 is a rear view of a Mosquito.
#4 is a port side view of a Lancaster, captioned 'Lanc (special) of 617 Sqn Woodhall Spa. Cut away to carry…

The first page comprises a page of caricatures annotated with quotations from the individuals pictured, including Wing Commander J Cunningham, Wing Commander Townsend, Warrant Officer Carter, Flight Lieutenant Erlwig, Staff officer Priestley, Flight…

An air to air photograph of a Lancaster carrying a mocked up Upkeep bomb during the filming of The Dam Busters film.

A view of three Lancasters flying low with mocked up Upkeep bombs for the filming of The Dam Busters film. They are flying over a field with a horse in. The photograph is annotated 'E54.1-PUB.156'.

A Lancaster coded AJ-G, of 617 Squadron, banking hard to Starboard viewed from the air. From the filming of The Dam Busters film, the fuselage has been modified for a mock up Upkeep bomb which it is carrying.

A printed of the crest of 617 Squadron,

A list of names with five numbers underneath. Handwritten above is a single letter.
Below is a list of heights of each of the five lines of aircraft.

A memoir of an operation involving Len Curtis and his crew members. During the operation his aircraft was shot down and Len was captured. However, he was liberated by American soldiers and returned to London six weeks later.

This item was sent to…

The crew and ground crew are standing in front of the door area of Stirling V of No 75 Squadron RNZAF at Newmarket in 1942.
On the reverse 'L-R Sgt Roe, LAC Lobley, F/O Omerod, F/O Hosie, Wall,
P/O Bailey, Sgt Lillystone, Sgt Ottaway, Sgt…

A brief note awarding 1939-45 Star, Aircrew Europe Medal and Defence Medal.

RAF Form with WF Martin's service record.

Side view of an airborne Lancaster Mk 7 in post-war livery, taken from another aircraft in close formation. Squadron letters 'KC-L'.
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