Browse Items (141 total)

  • Tags: fuelling

Four airmen sitting on Mosquito long range fuel tanks and their corporal pose with Mosquitos and airfield background.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Top left - front quarter view of a de Havilland Dove surrounded by personnel. In front a truck with men in the rear. Captioned 'Refuelling at Luluaburg Belgium Congo'.
Top right - view of clouded sky from the air. Captioned 'Looking out of…


Top left shows a Saro Cloud flying boat with ground personnel surrounding it. An RAF petrol bowser can be seen being towed by a tractor. The top right shows personnel standing next to a Percival Vega Gull. Bottom left shows aircraft on the grass in…

The photograph on the left of the left page shows wreckage of a United States military aircraft with the caption "THE DUMP-TURNER".
The top right photograph on the left page shows a group of men and women standing outside a building.
The bottom…

Tags: ;

Top left - an airman wearing tunic and side cap standing by a doorway. Captioned 'Jock Ross, Calgary'.
Bottom right - an Oxford parked on airfield with fuel bowser in front. Behind left a control tower. Captioned 'Penhold, Oct 1942'.

An Anson (registration [..]G707) with door open stands on airfield. Two man stand by the tail. Two men are on the wing refuelling while a third stands on the ground behind a fuel bowser.

Front quarter view of Lancaster with bomb being loaded by ground crew. Fuel bowser in front. Aircraft has devil nose art with words 'Nick the Nazi Neutralizer'. Gantry by port inner and an airman on top of wing.

Top left - view of shore with jetty and palm trees. Captioned 'At Port Reitz, Mombasa'.
Top right - view of coast and beach with trees. Captioned 'Mombasa'.
Centre - view of tail of an Avro Tudor. Captioned 'Tudor tail'.
Bottom left - view of the…


Contains details of 22 operations where David Sanders flew as flight engineer. Includes all up weights, bomb loads, fuel loads, snags, numbers of aircraft, defences, remarks and number of aircraft missing on operations.

Top left - rear quarter view of a Dove on airstrip with three figures in foreground. Captioned 'Refuelling at Libreville, French Cameroon'.
Top right - four men standing by the tail of a Dove. Captioned 'at Leopoldville'.
Bottom left - five men…


Ministry of Civil Aviation personal flying log book for D Moore, covering the period from 8 November 1946 to 10 July 1949. He flew with Silver City airways from London Heathrow and Blackbushe, with Flota Area Mercante Argentina from Beunos Aires,…

Wartime memoir covering Dennis Raettig's training at Blackpool and the posting to 104 Squadron at Royal Air Force Driffield in August 1941. Worked on Wellington aircraft and mentions that Driffield also hosted the blind approach landing flight…

Contains photographs, silhouettes and drawings of British, American and Russian aircraft, showing dimensions, armament, armour plate or glass, and position of fuel tanks. Tables set out aircraft capabilities, including range and bomb loads.

Five men sitting on top of a fuel bowser. On the reverse '22 [circled] 3 prints 4 postcards
Cyril Bell
Tony Tine
Paddy Aherne
There is a second copy.

Five ground crew at work on a Lancaster Mk 2. Two are on the wings refuelling. There is an oil bowser and petrol bowser in the foreground.

Made out for Flight Lieutenant Wakefield for refuelling, daily inspection (airframe and engines). Stamped 617 Squadron.

Two photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph taken over Frankfurt. All the detail is obscured by light and anti-aircraft fire. It is annotated '110 Mep 4/5.10.43//NT 8" 16000 --> 045° . 21.37 ½. Frankfurt. W. 10x30: 8…

Fuel consumption tables for aircraft up to 15,000 pounds, "M" or "S" gear, Merlin 20, 22, 24. Covered with various calculations in pencil


Mentions combustion engines, pre-war driving and war-time personal transport. Describes handling aircraft engines and getting very economic miles per gallon. As result the flight engineer was promoted and put in charge instructing his method to…

Twin-engine aircraft fuel system diagram indicating tanks, non return valves and pilot's on-off cocks.


Front quarter view of a Halifax parked on an airfield. A petrol bowser is parked in front of the port wing and there is a step ladder by the starboard inner engine.

A Vincent viewed from the front. Seven ground crew are refuelling it from 5 gallon petrol cans. On the reverse is handwritten 'Same again only more so'.

Front quarter view of a Halifax parked with main undercarriage wheel covers on and several ground crew. Aircraft is being refuelled by bowser in front. Submitted with caption 'Halifax refuel'. Two versions of the same image, the second on the reverse…

A record of fuel consumed during a flight.
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