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  • Tags: bombing

A battle order for 186 Squadron for an operation to Gelsenkirchen. It details each aircraft and all seven crew members for each aircraft.

A commemorative poster with a map of Southern Europe and North Africa. Around the outside is a list of locations where operations were carried out. There is a paragraph with details of the operations.


A newsletter produced by the No 31 Bombing and Gunnery School, Picton, Ontario. It contains stories, mini-biographies of station personnel, poems, reviews of Picton cafes, a pantomime, news and views, sport and entertainment and cartoons.

Detailed operation order from group to 102, 77, 10, 158, 466, 640, 76, 78, 51 and 578 Squadrons with numbers of aircraft required. Target "Whitebait". Gives detailed instructions, routes, bomb loads, wave orders, fuel loads, window carriage, route…

The letter confirms that John is missing during an operation over Hamburg. The circumstances are not known.

A list of aircraft and aircrew for an operation on Mimoyecques - Pas de Calais. A handwritten annotation has the location of the attack and 'all returned'.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.


The letter refers to Jim Cahir being reported missing. It explains events on the night he went missing and explains that his personal effects will be carefully stored.

Message is a copy of Headquarters Bomber Command signal congratulating crews that their attacks on Le Havre and Boulogne succeeded in virtually destroying German naval assets in those harbours.

A note accompanying a print of 514 squadron's record. The record details all the squadron's operations, sorties, bombs dropped and numbers of aircraft lost.

A vertical aerial photograph of Le Havre during bombing operations. The land is mainly obscured by explosions but breakwaters and docks are visible. Digue Augustin Normand is shown at the top of the image, with Bassin de la Manche and Le Havre port…

Vertical aerial photograph of Harqueboc, Le Havre. Street patterns can be seen to the left and top right of the photograph, located north-west of Harfleur. Annotated '1614 MEP 6.9.44// 8” 7,000 [arrow] 128[degrees] 1802 HARQUEBEC. N.11x1000, 4x500…

A battle order for 6/7 December 1944 detailing aircrew and aircraft involved in the operation. The target was Merseburg synthetic oil plant.

RAF Form 765 (C) covering the accident to Sam's aircraft. The report concludes that an engine failed and the crash was an error of judgement by the pilot.

Briefing notes for gunners for an attack on Hamburg marshalling yards.

Biography of Arthur Alexander Gill and memories of his cousin Kenneth Gill. Writes of working in the same firm as Kenneth Gill before the war. Too young to join forces, he was employed in Blackburn aircraft stores. Was called up in December 1944.…

Writes that he was enclosing copies of Mailly-le-Camp reports. Apologises that he could not provide crew photograph and add other information.

Describes events during an operation to support the Normandy troops when Robert Wareing's aircraft was attached by fighters and set on fire. Four crew members were killed and four baled out. Author and one other evaded with help of French resistance,…

Postcard front with colour artwork of a Whitley flying over a river with factories either side and fire on the near bank. Anti-aircraft fire bursts around aircraft. Titled 'Whitley bomber'. On the reverse a small 75 Squadron crest and text 'No 75…

Top - Christmas card with b/w photograph of a Spitfire on left side with note 'To my greatest friend, yours, Ted'. On the right side seasons greetings and a note of best wishes to 'Vic'.
Bottom - postcard with colour artwork of a Whitley flying over…

Memorandum items addresses of friends and acquaintances, mentions many days/evenings out and what sort of time he had in Belfast, Lincoln, Gainsborough and many others. Mentions various journeys and postings, lists birthdays. Jots down daily…

Some personal data and a list of operations with heights. Entries for flying days, Operations January to April 1945, Mentions leave, birthdays, train times, days out, events, news of friends and acquaintances, meetings and parties, hospital…

Sketch of a Lancaster with engines running. Underneath 'Spezia, 18/19-4-43, Sgt Madgett, Sgt Robinson, Sgt Palk, Sgt Bradley, Sgt Wakefield, Sgt Barker, Sgt Souter'. Signed by AOC. Supplied with caption ' Sketch of Lancaster by P/O A. Pollen drawn to…
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