Report on Flying Accident or Forced Landing Not Attributable to Enemy Action
Report on Flying Accident or Forced Landing Not Attributable to Enemy Action
RAF Form 765 (C) covering the accident to Sam's aircraft. The report concludes that an engine failed and the crash was an error of judgement by the pilot.
Temporal Coverage
Two double sided printed sheets with typewritten annotations
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MMcCronSLW191097-170817-030001, MMcCronSLW191097-170817-030002, MMcCronSLW191097-170817-030003
[inserted] Sgt. McCron S.L.W. Copy to Ottawa 9/12 [/inserted]
In every case copies of this form are to be rendered as follows:-
[missing number] One copy direct to Air Ministry C.1. (Accidents).
[missing number] Two copies direct to Air Ministry, S.4. (Statistics).
(iii) One copy direct to Ministry of Aircraft Production (R.M.I.).
(iv) One copy through usual channels to Command Headquarters.
[In addition and only if casualties to officers or airmen are involved.]
(v) One copy to Air Ministry, P.4 (Cas.).
Indicate here by an X to whom this copy is addressed.
If this incident has been reported to the Air Ministry by signal, quote Reference No. and date. [inserted][underlined] 9 [/underlined][/inserted]
A.666/FA 30/11.
Extra copies required for Dominion and Allied casualties; one for each authority concerned. When no casualties occur, one copy only if Canadians are pilots.
[a] 82 O.T.U. [b] Group No. 93 [c] Command Bomber [d] Serial No. of Form 72/44
[a] 2. DATE OF INCIDENT 30.11.44
TIME 11.30
(a) Name of airfield or landing ground
(b) Place (if (a) not applicable) Crow Park Farm, Sutton on Trent
(c) County Notts
Part (a) to be completed if the incident occurred on, or whilst taking off from or approaching to land on an airfield or landing ground.
[b] [c] [d]
Nature { (i) Operational [deleted word/s]
Nature { (ii) Day or Night flying? Day
(iii) Purpose Practice Bombing
This flight is being included in this Unit's flying hour summary on {Form 765A [deleted words] (Delete as necessary)
4. TYPE OF AIRFRAME AND ENGINE and extent of damage (see footnotes to this section).
[a] Details of Airframe and Engine. [b] Airframe. [c] Engine Single or Port. [d] Engine Starboard. [e] Engine Centre Port. [f] Engine Centre Starboard.
[a] Type [b] Wellington
[a] Mark or series [b] X LN.167
[a] R.A.F. No. (and makers' No. for engines. [b] Hercules VI [c] SS5473/270929 a [d] SS10062/377042 a [e] a [f] a
[a] Total hours run [b] b [c] 343 b [d] 330 b [e] b [f] b
[a] Date last installed in Airframe [b] – [c] 17.2.44 b [d] 17.2.44 b [e] b [f] b
[a] c Extent of damage [b] E.2. [c] B [d] B
a To be quoted whenever an engine is damaged or fails.
b To be quoted only for incidents involving defect or failure of airframe or engines
c To be indicated as:-
E = Missing, unrepairable, reduction to scrap or instructional.
B = For repair at contractor's works or R.A.F. Depot.
AC = For repair by contractor's working party.
A = For repair by nearest R.A.F. unit.
U = No damage.
[page break]
(i) Names to be entered in order of duty: 1st Pilot, 2nd Pilot, Pupil Pilots, etc.
(ii) Degree of injury to be classified as: Missing, Killed, Injured (admitted to Sick Quarters or Hospital), Slightly Injured (not admitted to Sick Quarters or Hospital), Uninjured. (Quote as M, K, I, I(s) or U as appropriate.)
Flying Experience if Pilots and Pupil Pilots. See Note (ii)
Part A. Total Solo (Day & Night). – Part B (see Note (i) below. Solo (Night). – Part C (see Note (iii) below).
[a] Duty. [b] Name and Initials (Nationality to be quoted if not British). [c] Rank. [d] No. [e] Degree of Injury. [f] Type Quoted in Part 4. [g] All Types. [h] Type Quoted in Part 4. [i] All Types [j] Instr[missing letters]men[missing letters] [k] Link Trainer.
[a] Pilot. [b] J.G. Rowe [c] F/O. [d] J.41261 [e] K [f] 27 [g] 204 [h] – [i] 22 [j] 45 [k] 50
[a] Nav. [b] J.A. Smallwood [c] F/O. [d] J.43567 [e] K
[a] B/A. [b] J.R.G. Farlette [c] P/O. [d] J.45515 [e] K
[a] W/Op. [b] McCron S.L.W. [c] Sgt. [d] R.191097 [e] K
[a] Gunner [b] Morris G.C. [c] Sgt. [d] R.278665 [e] Died of Injuries
[b] [underlined] Screened Instructors [/underlined] [f] Day [h] Night [j] Total/all types
[b] R.R. Waughman [c] F/O. [d] 171904 [f] 420 [h] –
[b] M.G. Jenson [c] F/L. [d] J.17291 [f] 140 [h] –
NOTE (i) Part B only to be quoted if incident occurred during night flying. (ii) Quote to nearest hour.
(iii) Part C only to be quoted if loss of control at night or in bad visibility or cloud by day is a possible contributory factor.
[a] 6. STAGE OF FLIGHT. A. Picketed or at moorings. B. Starting up. C. Stationary other than A or B. D. Taxying. E. Taking off F. In flight. G. Landing. H. Towed or manhandled J. Not known. [b] 7. DID FIRE OCCUR? If Yes, state "In air" or "On ground" as appropriate. If no fire state "No." [c] 8. CONDITIONS OF LIGHT IN WHICH INCIDENT OCCURRED A. Day (daylight). B. Dusk (half light of evening). C. Dawn (half light of morning). D. Dark (no moon or moon obscured). E. Moonlight. F. Not known. [d] 9. IF INCIDENT occurred when taxying on, taking off from or landing on a runway state "Yes".
[a] Quote A or B or C, etc. as appropriate. F. [b] On ground [c] Quote as A or B or C, etc., as appropriate and amplify in Part 12(B) if necessary. A. [d] No
[page break]
10. DESCRIPTION OF ACCIDENT (or summary of pilot's report, if available). In cases of engine failure, information should be given as to the behaviour of the engine and manipulation of the engine controls immediately before failure.
Duration of flight since last take off: Hours . . . Minutes . . . If engine failure occurred during take off quote height . . .
Pilot killed.
[word missing] engine had failed, he feathered his engine and height is approx. known at 8000' (Verified by bombing range). It is not known whether he jettisoned petrol or not. He made one circuit of the airfield at approx. 100'. The visibility was 2,800 yards, therefore this aircraft was lost in sight by control tower for most of the circuit. It is not known whether he was force landing or attempting another circuit.
Sgd: A.C. Grout. F/L.
11. REPORT BY APPROPRIATE SPECIALIST OFFICERS (A. E. Nav., &c.):– (i) If technical failure is involved, information as to the nature and cause of the failure is required; precise information as to the extent of the damage arising as a result of this failure is not required. (ii) If the non-embodiment of an authorised modification is considered to have contributed to the accident the serial number of the modification and reason for non-embodiment should be stated.
Port engine failure – unit's strip inspection of defective engine revealed:
(i) all front cylinder connecting rods fractured.
(ii) all front sleeve drive cranks fractured and sleeves seized.
(iii) Front big end bearing run.
(iiii) Pistons in front bank of cylinders disintegrated.
It is suggested that the primary cause of engine failure was due to failure of front big end bearing with consequential oil starvation of front bank cylinder assembly, also loss of oil pressure would render the spray jet (which, is houses [sic] in the crankshaft front balance weight), inoperative leading to seizure of the sleeves through lack of oil and overheating.
Accident being investigated by H.Q.93 Group.
Is Form 1022 or 1023 being rendered? If "Yes" state which } 1023 Signature Sgt. M. McIntyre S/L. C.T.O. 30.11.44
[page break]
12. REMARKS BY UNIT COMMANDER (to be given under three separate headings):-
Part A. Remarks as to circumstances of the incident. (If it occurred at night on or near an airfield the nature of the lighting system in use at the time is to be noted in Part A.)
Part B. Diagnosis of all contributory factors. The manner in which any particular factor contributed to the incident is to be clearly indicated.
Part C. General remarks (including any recommendation with regard to personnel, training, airframes, engines, accessories, etc., and notes of any action taken as a result of this incident).
A. Aircraft crashed and burnt while carrying out a single engine landing by day, at base – crew killed. Weather at time no low cloud. vis. 3,000 yards. (Port propellor feathered).
B. Primary cause was mechanical failure of port engine, cause being investigated by Headquarters No. 93 Group.
C. Accident caused by an error in judgement – contributory factors being investigated.
Signature Sgd: R.M. COX W/C Commanding Training Wing 82 O.T.U. Date 2.12.44
13. REMARKS BY STATION COMMANDER (and notes of any action taken as a result of this incident):-
Investigation – 93 Group Headquarters.
Signature Sgd: R.M. Cox W/C. Commanding 82 O.T.U. Date 2.12.44
([symbol] 11591 – 8836) Wt. 48544 – 3196 100,000 2143 T.S. 700
[symbol] 12342 – 8836) Wt. 15191 – 527 250M 5143 T.S. 700
In every case copies of this form are to be rendered as follows:-
[missing number] One copy direct to Air Ministry C.1. (Accidents).
[missing number] Two copies direct to Air Ministry, S.4. (Statistics).
(iii) One copy direct to Ministry of Aircraft Production (R.M.I.).
(iv) One copy through usual channels to Command Headquarters.
[In addition and only if casualties to officers or airmen are involved.]
(v) One copy to Air Ministry, P.4 (Cas.).
Indicate here by an X to whom this copy is addressed.
If this incident has been reported to the Air Ministry by signal, quote Reference No. and date. [inserted][underlined] 9 [/underlined][/inserted]
A.666/FA 30/11.
Extra copies required for Dominion and Allied casualties; one for each authority concerned. When no casualties occur, one copy only if Canadians are pilots.
[a] 82 O.T.U. [b] Group No. 93 [c] Command Bomber [d] Serial No. of Form 72/44
[a] 2. DATE OF INCIDENT 30.11.44
TIME 11.30
(a) Name of airfield or landing ground
(b) Place (if (a) not applicable) Crow Park Farm, Sutton on Trent
(c) County Notts
Part (a) to be completed if the incident occurred on, or whilst taking off from or approaching to land on an airfield or landing ground.
[b] [c] [d]
Nature { (i) Operational [deleted word/s]
Nature { (ii) Day or Night flying? Day
(iii) Purpose Practice Bombing
This flight is being included in this Unit's flying hour summary on {Form 765A [deleted words] (Delete as necessary)
4. TYPE OF AIRFRAME AND ENGINE and extent of damage (see footnotes to this section).
[a] Details of Airframe and Engine. [b] Airframe. [c] Engine Single or Port. [d] Engine Starboard. [e] Engine Centre Port. [f] Engine Centre Starboard.
[a] Type [b] Wellington
[a] Mark or series [b] X LN.167
[a] R.A.F. No. (and makers' No. for engines. [b] Hercules VI [c] SS5473/270929 a [d] SS10062/377042 a [e] a [f] a
[a] Total hours run [b] b [c] 343 b [d] 330 b [e] b [f] b
[a] Date last installed in Airframe [b] – [c] 17.2.44 b [d] 17.2.44 b [e] b [f] b
[a] c Extent of damage [b] E.2. [c] B [d] B
a To be quoted whenever an engine is damaged or fails.
b To be quoted only for incidents involving defect or failure of airframe or engines
c To be indicated as:-
E = Missing, unrepairable, reduction to scrap or instructional.
B = For repair at contractor's works or R.A.F. Depot.
AC = For repair by contractor's working party.
A = For repair by nearest R.A.F. unit.
U = No damage.
[page break]
(i) Names to be entered in order of duty: 1st Pilot, 2nd Pilot, Pupil Pilots, etc.
(ii) Degree of injury to be classified as: Missing, Killed, Injured (admitted to Sick Quarters or Hospital), Slightly Injured (not admitted to Sick Quarters or Hospital), Uninjured. (Quote as M, K, I, I(s) or U as appropriate.)
Flying Experience if Pilots and Pupil Pilots. See Note (ii)
Part A. Total Solo (Day & Night). – Part B (see Note (i) below. Solo (Night). – Part C (see Note (iii) below).
[a] Duty. [b] Name and Initials (Nationality to be quoted if not British). [c] Rank. [d] No. [e] Degree of Injury. [f] Type Quoted in Part 4. [g] All Types. [h] Type Quoted in Part 4. [i] All Types [j] Instr[missing letters]men[missing letters] [k] Link Trainer.
[a] Pilot. [b] J.G. Rowe [c] F/O. [d] J.41261 [e] K [f] 27 [g] 204 [h] – [i] 22 [j] 45 [k] 50
[a] Nav. [b] J.A. Smallwood [c] F/O. [d] J.43567 [e] K
[a] B/A. [b] J.R.G. Farlette [c] P/O. [d] J.45515 [e] K
[a] W/Op. [b] McCron S.L.W. [c] Sgt. [d] R.191097 [e] K
[a] Gunner [b] Morris G.C. [c] Sgt. [d] R.278665 [e] Died of Injuries
[b] [underlined] Screened Instructors [/underlined] [f] Day [h] Night [j] Total/all types
[b] R.R. Waughman [c] F/O. [d] 171904 [f] 420 [h] –
[b] M.G. Jenson [c] F/L. [d] J.17291 [f] 140 [h] –
NOTE (i) Part B only to be quoted if incident occurred during night flying. (ii) Quote to nearest hour.
(iii) Part C only to be quoted if loss of control at night or in bad visibility or cloud by day is a possible contributory factor.
[a] 6. STAGE OF FLIGHT. A. Picketed or at moorings. B. Starting up. C. Stationary other than A or B. D. Taxying. E. Taking off F. In flight. G. Landing. H. Towed or manhandled J. Not known. [b] 7. DID FIRE OCCUR? If Yes, state "In air" or "On ground" as appropriate. If no fire state "No." [c] 8. CONDITIONS OF LIGHT IN WHICH INCIDENT OCCURRED A. Day (daylight). B. Dusk (half light of evening). C. Dawn (half light of morning). D. Dark (no moon or moon obscured). E. Moonlight. F. Not known. [d] 9. IF INCIDENT occurred when taxying on, taking off from or landing on a runway state "Yes".
[a] Quote A or B or C, etc. as appropriate. F. [b] On ground [c] Quote as A or B or C, etc., as appropriate and amplify in Part 12(B) if necessary. A. [d] No
[page break]
10. DESCRIPTION OF ACCIDENT (or summary of pilot's report, if available). In cases of engine failure, information should be given as to the behaviour of the engine and manipulation of the engine controls immediately before failure.
Duration of flight since last take off: Hours . . . Minutes . . . If engine failure occurred during take off quote height . . .
Pilot killed.
[word missing] engine had failed, he feathered his engine and height is approx. known at 8000' (Verified by bombing range). It is not known whether he jettisoned petrol or not. He made one circuit of the airfield at approx. 100'. The visibility was 2,800 yards, therefore this aircraft was lost in sight by control tower for most of the circuit. It is not known whether he was force landing or attempting another circuit.
Sgd: A.C. Grout. F/L.
11. REPORT BY APPROPRIATE SPECIALIST OFFICERS (A. E. Nav., &c.):– (i) If technical failure is involved, information as to the nature and cause of the failure is required; precise information as to the extent of the damage arising as a result of this failure is not required. (ii) If the non-embodiment of an authorised modification is considered to have contributed to the accident the serial number of the modification and reason for non-embodiment should be stated.
Port engine failure – unit's strip inspection of defective engine revealed:
(i) all front cylinder connecting rods fractured.
(ii) all front sleeve drive cranks fractured and sleeves seized.
(iii) Front big end bearing run.
(iiii) Pistons in front bank of cylinders disintegrated.
It is suggested that the primary cause of engine failure was due to failure of front big end bearing with consequential oil starvation of front bank cylinder assembly, also loss of oil pressure would render the spray jet (which, is houses [sic] in the crankshaft front balance weight), inoperative leading to seizure of the sleeves through lack of oil and overheating.
Accident being investigated by H.Q.93 Group.
Is Form 1022 or 1023 being rendered? If "Yes" state which } 1023 Signature Sgt. M. McIntyre S/L. C.T.O. 30.11.44
[page break]
12. REMARKS BY UNIT COMMANDER (to be given under three separate headings):-
Part A. Remarks as to circumstances of the incident. (If it occurred at night on or near an airfield the nature of the lighting system in use at the time is to be noted in Part A.)
Part B. Diagnosis of all contributory factors. The manner in which any particular factor contributed to the incident is to be clearly indicated.
Part C. General remarks (including any recommendation with regard to personnel, training, airframes, engines, accessories, etc., and notes of any action taken as a result of this incident).
A. Aircraft crashed and burnt while carrying out a single engine landing by day, at base – crew killed. Weather at time no low cloud. vis. 3,000 yards. (Port propellor feathered).
B. Primary cause was mechanical failure of port engine, cause being investigated by Headquarters No. 93 Group.
C. Accident caused by an error in judgement – contributory factors being investigated.
Signature Sgd: R.M. COX W/C Commanding Training Wing 82 O.T.U. Date 2.12.44
13. REMARKS BY STATION COMMANDER (and notes of any action taken as a result of this incident):-
Investigation – 93 Group Headquarters.
Signature Sgd: R.M. Cox W/C. Commanding 82 O.T.U. Date 2.12.44
([symbol] 11591 – 8836) Wt. 48544 – 3196 100,000 2143 T.S. 700
[symbol] 12342 – 8836) Wt. 15191 – 527 250M 5143 T.S. 700
82 Operational Training Wing, “Report on Flying Accident or Forced Landing Not Attributable to Enemy Action,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 11, 2025,
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