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  • Tags: RAF Warboys

To Squadron Leader D W Donaldson at RAF Warboys. Congratulatory telegram to David Donaldson from his sister's family.
Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Congratulations from from Mary Wynne Williams (his wife's cousin).

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Offers many congratulations. '84' was not a squadron but the number of the flat where his aunts and uncles lived.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Congratulations from all signed Mary

The message advises Maurice that a Swan Pen has been obtained and he does not have to feel obliged to accept.

The telegram congratulates Maurice on his grand achievement.

The telegram congratulates him on his grand achievement.

Reports that German broadcast announced that her husband's flight engineer was prisoner of war with his skipper presumably her husband who is safe and well. Awaiting official confirmation.

Memoir including photographs of the crew and aircraft. Thomas Jones was a flight engineer on Stirling and Lancaster and completed 64 operations on two tours. Describes early life, joining the RAF, selection and training., crewing up and first posting…

Introduction to folder and gives contents of the file and names the three as Squadron leader Alastair Lang DFC, Flight Lieutenant Peter Isaacson DFC, DFM and Squadron Leader Lighton Verdon-Roe DFC all on 156 Squadron at RAF Warboys. Mentions Eric…

1. Twenty-five airmen in three rows captioned '6 Squadron 8 Flight C Squadron Morecombe [sic] 25th April 1941'.
2. Seven airmen in uniform and side caps in front of a building. Captioned '156 Squadron armourers outside the Armoury at Warboys…

Pilots flying log book for W E Lucas, covering the period from 7 November 1940 to 18 February 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Derby, RAF Montrose, RAF Lossiemouth, RAF Honington,…
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