Browse Items (78 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1945-01-01"

Flying log book for aircrew other than pilot for H J Wylde, bomb aimer, covering the period from 12 May 1943 to 12 July 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at No. 5 Bombing and Gunnery School…

Bill Burnett’s Flying Log Book as Flight Engineer from 22 May 1944 to 20 April 1946. Initially with 1660 Heavy Conversion Unit before transferring to 5 Lancaster Finishing School and then 617 Squadron for operational duties in Europe. In January…

Target photograph of Vohwinkel. Smoke and glare obscures most of the ground and only the vague outlines of some ground features are visible.
It is annotated: "5B" and captioned: "2659 MEP 1/2.1.45//NT(C)7' 19,500. 360º 1944 VOHWINKEL K 1HC4000IN.…

This is a handwritten record of the operations of 9 Squadron from 22nd November 1944 to 9th June 1945. For each operation it includes many details of the target, routes, bomb load, a description of results, and if any did not return. Inserted is the…

A certificate awarded to Bobby for distinguished service.


Two versions of document. Provides some comments on 5 Group operations with its own markers and master bombers. Mentions Guy Gibson being killed on their 5th operation. States that between 23 September 1944 and 3 March 1945 5 Group made 10 attacks on…

List of 29 operations as navigator on Lancaster of 467 Squadron between 10 September 1044 and 16 January 1945. Includes comments on each sortie with bomb load, flight times, fighters seen, weather, anti-aircraft fire, aircraft shot down.

Three charts, four log sheets.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Writes about a bombing operation on new year. Mentions speaking to a railway signalman whose daughter possibly taught his younger brother. Writes of other family acquaintances. Continues with other family news and gossip. Catches up with other news…

A detailed account of a 467 Squadron Lancaster crew's operation to the Dortmund-Ems canal on 1 January 1945. Crew captain was Flying Officer M G Bache and crew is listed. Book covers crew early training and operations before the subject date. There…

Navigational computations and chart for an operation to Vohwinkel marshalling yards. Included is a vertical aerial photograph with the annotation 'N. A/Pp and on the reverse 'Nr Haan Mod 74'.

Andrew said that during leisure time the crew drank, sang silly songs but didn’t really socialise much. He recalled an occasion when the Germans sent in about 200 night fighters infiltrating the main force on its ways home. They shot down a B-17…

The first part is an eye witness account by Alan McDonald of an aircraft crash and its aftermath.
The second part describes the 'Skilling Follies', an aircrew who completed 25 operations from RAF Skellingthorpe.
The third part describes an…

Wishes him a happy new year and writes of her activities. Notes they have had sharp frosts and is nervous about pipes back at home freezing. Mentions quiet time over Christmas and covers other domestic news.

Shows two bomb loads for operation. Includes preselection settings, heights and false height settings, Window, bombing heights and other details. On the reverse bombing and marking tactics.

Details of fourteen operations between 1 November 1944 and 7 January 1945.


Reconnaissance photograph showing concentration of bomb craters in the target area where canal crossed a small river.

Navigators, air bombers, air gunners and flight engineers flying log book for Archie Henry Halliday from 30 August 1944 to 10 April 1945 detailing his training and operational duties. Training was with No.4 S of TT at RAF St. Athan and Heavy…

Two sequential vertical aerial photographs of Ladbergen. Both show snow covered fields and the Dortmund-Ems canal. A bomb is visible in the second image.

The first is captioned '4092 Skell.1.1.45//8" 12000 050° 1119 Ladbergen. T. 14MC 1000.LD.…

Page is titled 'Operational details of raids carried out over Germany, Holland and France, details of our flight log book of bombing raids.' It is in the form of a table recording Date, Target, Country, Duration and Comments. The summary at the end…
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