Browse Items (24 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Morocco"

Biography of Ron Williams. Contains photographs and scans of documents.
Chapter 1 - early life, enlistment and training.
Chapter 2 - operational training. Describes activities during training OTU including naming his crew and flying out to…

Five men wearing khaki shorts, shirts and pith helmet, standing in line by a tent. Four have towels. On the reverse 'Ras el [....], French Morocco'.

A memoir of Bernard Scheidauer who was shot down over France but crashed on Jersey. He was a prisoner at Stalag Luft 3 and was involved in the tunnels used during The Great Escape.

Two pages, nine photographs,
1) a kneeling camel.
2) Niagara Falls.
3) A monument.
4) A tented camp.
5) Rabat port with ships in the harbour.
6) Patrick sitting on a camel.
7) The chapel of saint Helena in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre,…

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Captioned 'Rabat Fr Morocco 1945'.

Top - front quarter view of a de Havilland Dove parked on an airfield with men servicing. Captioned 'Dove at Casablanca Oct 47'.
Bottom left - view of a cockpit instrument panel. Captioned 'Dove panel'.
Bottom right - Tail if a Dove parked next to…

Top left - front quarter view of a York parked on hardstanding. Captioned 'Our York at Negombo, Colombo, Ceylon Oct 45'.
Top right - view from air of coastline. Captioned 'Coast near Casablanca, Morocco, July 1945'.
Centre - Three airmen in front…

Top left - seven men, most earing shorts sitting on a low wall with sea in the background. Captioned 'At Saidia, Morocco summer 1944'.
Top right - six men swearing swimming trunks standing and sitting on a dinghy in front of the doorway of a…

These pages are mostly biography of Sam's time in Egypt and his time with transport aircraft in the Mediterranean region.
Photos 1, 2 and 3 are scenes from Cairo.
Photo 4 is a side head and shoulders profile of Sam.
Photo 5 is a Battle aircraft in…

Pleased to receive letter and cable. Telegrams are a boon especially as mail is not too regular. Discusses letter from friend. Says recent letter had no stamps and describes markings. Comments on the weather and and on news of restrictions to his…

Owen Cox attended grammar school in York and joined the Home Guard when the war started. He joined the Royal Air Force aged 18, although his parents were not keen. His initial trade was ground wireless operator (Morse), waiting to attend a gunnery…

Writes that he still has not heard from them and wonders if everything is alright with them. He suggest various ways they might get in touch: through the American consul Tunis, British consul Tangiers and Red Cross Geneva. Some compatriots have…

Writes that he is trying to send mail via the Red Cross in Geneva and via Tangiers and suggests they reply through the American consul in Tunis. Suggest they enquire about air mail and cables. Reports he is keeping well.

Article 1. Headlines: Mr Churchill meets Mr Roosevelt, ten days conference at Casablanca, plans for this year's offensives, unconditional surrender for the axis, de Gaulle sees Giraud, Article 2. Headlines: trapped Stalingrad armies liquidated,…

Article 1. Headlines: German troops occupy Vichy France, armistice agreement at end, Hitler's message to Pétain, defence against imminent allied attack. German forces enter unoccupied France to defend against allied attack. Article2. Headlines;…

Article: headlines: Oran falls to American troops, resistance in Algeria ended, combined assault on Casablanca, British forces land on Mediterranean coast.

Front page of military newsheet, Series 10 Issue 1. Two cents. Covering world wide military activity. Leading articles cover advances by the allied forces in North Africa and Russian successes in the East. Shorter reports on attacks on the Japanese…


Appendix 'C' form for a non-operational flight from Sale to Oujda via Fez. On the reverse are handwritten calculations.

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Bruce Minnitt served in the Second World War flying Wellingtons on maritime reconnaissance in the Mediterranean and B-24s in India. When war started Bruce joined the Home Guard and, in 1941, aged 18, he enlisted in the Royal Air Force. He actually…

Jim was born in July 1923 in Burton on Trent and was the eldest of six children. His father served in the First World War. When Jim left school aged 14, he joined the Boys Brigade which had a Royal Air Force section and he had the chance to fly in…

Flight Sergeant Bob Porteous grew up in Australia and, after spending time in the bush, he joined the Royal Australian Air Force. After training and spending time in the United States, he travelled to Scotland on the Queen Mary. He flew operations as…
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