Browse Items (297 total)

  • Type is exactly "Text. Personal research"

Details of research into air attacks on Munich including contact with Philip Jenkinson whose aircraft was shot down on the operation and German amateur historian. Noted number of aircraft lost, casualties RAF and German, prisoners of war. Both for…

Lists squadron, aircraft type and serial number, reason for loss if known, number killed and number survived. Consists of 19 crews from 13 squadrons with 6 Lancaster and 13 Halifax.

Account of Evelyn Payne who lost her brother over Stuttgart but made new friends in Allgau. Relates brother lost as member of Lancaster crew on 28 January 1945. States that only many years later did family learn of the circumstances under which he…

Biography covers Noel Chaffey's RAAF early life, education, training as wireless operator and joining 620 Squadron where he flew 34 operations including D-Day and Arnhem and the Rhine crossing. Includes b/w photograph of a man standing by the rear…

Lists 5 crews from 620 Squadron that all crashed with several crewmen killed and others prisoners of war. All dated 20, 21 and 23 September 1944.

Account from 2003 in German and English of research started in 1997. Shows aerial photo of crash site. Excavations in 1999 discovered parts of aircraft and remains of crew which were then buried in Berlin war cemetery in year 2000. Reports…

Draft comments on last operation of John Davies. Died on active service with 166 Squadron. List crew of his Lancaster (pilot and flight engineer survived) and recounts operation to V1 site at Trossy St Maximin in which and other crew John were…

Account of daylight operation against Dortmund-Ems canal aqueducts. Operation was abandoned due to cloud cover. Landed at Waddington. Includes b/w photographs of target,

Beginning of attempt to gain insight into the wartime career of author's father Leslie Alfred Davies. Mention early life and that he ended up as a Lancaster navigator on 50 Squadron. Includes 50 Squadron crest.

Biography of flight engineer Robert (McKenzie otherwise Mackenzie) Smith. Includes early life and RAF training. Continues with operational history and description of flight engineers role. Concludes with post-war brush with law and subsequent career.…

States that the crew flew operationally on no fewer than six Lancaster aircraft. Mentions operations along with aircraft flown on them and some of aircraft's subsequent history and where they were built.

List of crew on JB529 DX-P night of 2/3 December 1943. Ernest Patrick bomb aimer, Douglas Park navigator, Roy Lewis mid upper gunner, Ivor Groves wireless op, Harold Moad rear gunner, Leonard Brown flight eng (new}, Jack Dalton 2nd pilot (new).

Relates to photograph of air and groundcrew. Lists crew who Ernest Tansley flew his first operation with as second pilot. States that Harold Lazenby sent him the photograph and gave some details.

List of all crew in Herbert Adams crew. He was the navigator.

A title sheet for a list of aircraft serial numbers, 218 and 15 squadrons. The serial numbers are missing.

Two lists of squadron losses..

A report on what happened to Halifax NP934. Information collated from operational record books, RAF reports, Herbert Browne's report (sole survivor of NR118 crash), Henry Wagner's report, analysis of the losses on the night of 17/18 December and SHJ…

A section of six pages referring to the crash of the Halifax.
Page 1 simply states 'The Crash'.
Page 2 is a report of the crash in French and an eye witness report in English by Jean Bodart.
Page 3 is a copy of a photograph which appears on page…

The report covers the loss of the Halifax with a focus on Hugh Jones. The research was undertaken by Eddy Daivier. He lists the crew and some of their operations.

A brief description of the shooting down of two Lancasters by a Me 410 over Witchford.

Six photographs and one article on Kenneth's squadron.
Photos 1, 2 and 3 are head and shoulders portraits annotated as "Escape" photographs.
Photo 4 is a half length portrait of Kenneth with a navigator brevet.
Photo 5 is a near three quarter…

A document of 84 of the images in this collection. There is a thumbnail of the image, a caption and a credit.

Written by one of Philip Floyd's (pilot of John Valentine's aircraft) brother Michael's children based on conversations with parents. Recounts a letter to a German newspaper from a Werner Gerlach who as a young 15 year old boy witnessed the shooting…
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