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  • Tags: 103 Squadron

Part two of the interview with Derek Bailey, a bomb aimer with 103 and 166 Squadrons.
Towards the end of the war, Derek underwent various bomber instructor courses and became a bombing instructor on Wellingtons at RAF Lossiemouth, for Free French…

Ken Duddell flew operations as a flight engineer with 460, 12 and 103 Squadrons.

Ken joined the RAF in January 1942 and qualified as a flight engineer in July 1943 at RAF St Athans. He passed through a number to RAF Stations before they were…

Lillian Margaret Bailey volunteered for the Women's Auxiliary Air Force and, after a brief time in RAF Balloon Command, was trained as a driver. She served at RAF Elsham Wolds driving aircrews out to their aircraft.

Mark Johnson reminisces about John Blair. He discusses family life in rural Jamaica as a mixed-ethnicity person, highly respected by everyone. He was a qualified teacher, a lawyer, and a farmer. Reminisces other Caribbeans who volunteered and served…

Norman Neilson was an apprentice engineer at St Rollox Locomotive Works when he volunteered. He had originally wanted to join the Navy but joined the RAF because the only way he could be released from his position was to volunteer for aircrew. His…

Raymond Race was born in a family working in the textile industry and joined the RAF in 1943, serving on the metropolitan communications squadron. Tells about his family’s military service: his father joined the Royal Field Artillery; his eldest…

Robert Whymark’s father John ‘Jack’ Whymark took part in three tours of operations. Initially Jack was trained as a mechanic and was posted to 17 Squadron at RAF Debden and RAF Martlesham Heath. He then volunteered for aircrew and trained as a…

Sam Thompson grew up in Northern Ireland and volunteered for the Air Force. After training he completed two tours as an air gunner with 103 and 9 Squadrons. He took part in operations against the Tirpitz and served in Germany after the war.

He was…

Susan Chapman talks about her father, Charles Reginald (Reg) Jaques. Reg Jaques grew up in County Durham and, to improve his prospects for employment, he studied by the light of the streetlight. He secured a job with a local authority in Shropshire.…

Syd Marshall grew up in Lincolnshire and was working as an engineering apprentice when he decided to volunteer for the RAF. Initially, he asked to train to be a pilot but when the basis of his apprenticeship became clear it was inevitable he would…

Sidney Marshall grew up in Lincolnshire and worked as an agricultural engineer. He volunteered for the Royal Air Force aged 18 and trained as a flight engineer. On his first operation to Duisburg one of his Lancaster's engines was hit by shrapnel and…

Ted grew up in Essex. Before the war, he worked for the Marconi Wireless and Telegraph Company. He joined the Royal Air Force in 1940 and became an instrument mechanic. He was posted to RAF Elsham Wolds in 1942 and overseas the following year. After…

William Taylor joined the Royal Air Force in 1942 as ground crew. He remustered as an air gunner and flew operations with 103 Squadron from RAF Elsham Wolds, flying Lancasters. His Aircraft was attacked and shot down by a night fighter in July 1944.…

Navigator's, Air Bomber's and Air Gunner's Flying Log Book for Ivor Cole, wireless operator. Covers the period from 3 September 1943 to 7 February 1946. Details his training, operations and flight to the Far East. Aircraft flown were Dominie,…

A half-length portrait of Jack in uniform with officer's cap. On the reverse, 'John P Whymark. 10 Ian 20 4 Oct 1945 RAF 1938-45 F/L DSO DFC Air gunner 149, 148, 106, 101, 103'.

Day by day diary covering events from November 1942 to June 1943. Describes flying at Little Rissington and illness over Christmas 1942 which delayed posting. Eventually posted in January 1943 to 30 Operational Training Unit. Describes events at…

Personal data including dates of commissioning, promotion and death as well as postings and next of kin details.

Captioned 'Flying Officer Keith Dexter RAFVR 103 Squadron, flew Lancaster ED945 PM-R. Lost 17/6/43 Hal Holland'. Note 'Medals Dexter qualified for Defence M, served DCI Met Police 1939-42 until joined RAF April 1942'. Pilot's brevet above with medal…

Rear quarter view of a Lancaster at night with runway and search lights. Submitted with description 'Night photo of Lancaster ED724 of 103 Squadron at Elsham Wolds before taking off for a raid on Duisburg, 26 March 1943. A cone of three search lights…

LH page has a Lancaster airborne over the end of a runway captioned 'The Lancaster Mike Squared gets airborne again'.
RH page more tourist photographs of Cape Town page captioned 'Cape Town March 43'

Official document detailing crash of Lancaster ED945 near Boxtel in the Netherlands on 17 June 1943. Details crew including F/O Dexter. On the reverse, details of crew's parents and stating grave number.

Photograph 1 is of Lancaster Mike Squared, port side , undercarriage down.
Photograph 2 is of seven airmen posed on the port wing of Mike Squared.
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