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  • Tags: target photograph

Photograph 1 and 2 are sequential vertical aerial photographs of the marshalling yards at Arras. They are partly obscured by smoke. They are numbered 5018 and 5017 and captioned 'RS 636 88 30.APR44//D14" → 10,000'Z'. Captioned: '30 April 1944,…

Three photographs arranged in an album.

On the left page is a formal photograph of of 47 trainee airmen and one officer, arranged in 4 rows.
The righthand page is entitled '3rd DEC 1943 "9" SQUADRON 22ND MAY 1944'. It holds two…

Target photograph shows open countryside with part of airfield at bottom with craters. Some other areas with small pattern of craters. Captioned '522 NKL 20.7.44 //8" 14000 160 2101, [detail cropped off] 1000 4x 500 31 sec F/O Lord G 550'.

Vertical aerial photograph of Aachen. The ground is obscured by bombs, smoke and anti-aircraft fire. Captioned ‘4B 4B’ and '624 WKY 11/12-4-44 // NT 8” 21000’ [arrow] 070° 22.46 Aachen L 11 x 1000 3 x 500 29secs P/O Black J12’

Aerial vertical photograph of town with canals and marshalling yard. A river/canal runs from mid left slanting down initially and then right across to the right hand side. In the middle another canal splits off upwards then goes right to middle right…

Aerial vertical photograph of a marshalling yard running from left slanting down to the right. The yard has a large number of goods wagons and locomotives spread throughout. To the top right is open countryside. There are bomb explosions at the…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation. Much of the ground detail is visible.
It is captioned ' 1 HRS 380 101 NT Z 11.9.41'.

Vertical aerial photograph showing explosions and smoke coming up from what seems to be a power station or oil storage facility. There are two round towers or tanks partially visible through the smoke and the plant is surrounded by bomb-cratered open…

Two photographs taken from the air of an attack on a collection of large buildings, bomb explosions clearly visible.

Top left an aerial inclined photograph of open countryside. A road runs up the left hand side and below to the right are fields. There are many unidentified small black objects over the whole area. Caption 'What is it'.

Top right caption 'V =…

A target photograph taken during an operation to Almasfuzito. The left and bottom of the image are obscured by light trails and glare. To the right and upper areas the refinery and roads can be seen. It is annotated 'A4' and captioned:
'1361. FOG.…

Target photograph of bombs exploding and obscuring target. Many bomb craters on the right side of image. Captioned 'DRF 10.9.44//7" 10000 > 108.1707.Alvis 2, M.9x1000.4x500.C. 27 secs. F/O Wilson G.462'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital…

Target photograph of rural area with villages visible top left and centre with connecting roads and tracks. Annotated with "A/P" aiming point in red ink to right of centre which is obscured by smoke and target marker flares. Tank ditch zig zags…

Vertical aerial photograph of Alvis, at Montvilliers, Le Havre. The centre section of the image is obscured by explosions. Annotated '1652 MEP 10/13.9.44// 8” 11,000 [arrow] 132[degrees] 1737 ALVIS 4. N.11x1000, 4x500 C.28 SECS. F/O FORD. Y.75'.

An extremely detailed account of the No 51 Squadron briefing for the operation to Essen on 28/29 November 1944 by Henry. It includes all the specialist officers as well as the Station Commander's brief. It also includes Henry's crew, Station and…

Vertical aerial photograph of bombing of Ardouval. The bottom half of the image is partially obscured by bomb explosions. Captioned '5656 BIN 25-7-44 //8 14000' [arrow] 125° 0843 Ardouval S 11x1000 4x500 c 30 secs P/O Lester T. 460'.

Target photograph showing fields in top half and town and roads below. Straight lines running top left to middle right are the River Reno and beyond it, the wider Canale Della Botte. Tracer lines in bottom left and explosions left and right bottom.…

Two low quality target photographs of Argenta and Padua. The upper image (upside down) has no discernible detail and glare covers more than half. It is captioned:
104/71. 12/13 MARCH 45. F8"//8200 - 28 14.50 PADUA
W 4x1000. 8x500 MkIII 22. F/O WARD…

Target photograph of Argentan. Upper two thirds obscured by smoke or dust and light streaks. Urban with street patterns visible. Captioned '8B', '830 SKELL.6/7.6.44.//NT8" 3000 [arrow] 190° 0130 ARGENTAN RD.J.2X1000.14X500.15secs.P/O LAIDLAW.J.50'.…

Vertical aerial photograph of Argenteuil. Street pattern and buildings are visible, the cemetery is in the bottom-right corner. Anti-aircraft fire along bottom of photograph.Captioned ‘A O (x4) 12 NT 29/30/4/42 F/8” [arrow] TX

Most of area obscured by smoke and dust, two badly damaged buildings in the foreground, attacking Mosquito in distance. On the reverse 'Taken by Sid Moulds over the target 'Aarhus University Gestapo Headquarters raid 31 October 1944.'

Describes attack by 236 Lancaster of 5 Group on port facilities and two aircraft to attack two pocket battleships anchored off the port. Gives a detailed description of attack on ship which was hit with three of their ten bombs.
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