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Reconnaissance photograph showing a city with river at the bottom (part of Charlottenburg and Moabit district). Annotated with divisions into numbered areas. Captioned between pages 56-57 of 1956 Memoir '“BERLIN”, after raid in 1944, 1. Machine…

Reconnaissance photograph showing the Munich Residenz gutted. Captioned between pages 66-67 of 1956 Memoir '[underlined] Munich [/underlined] after 5 Group of Bomber Command raid 24th April 1944 [written vertically down left hand side of page]'. On…

An article about a navigator and a bomb aimer who destroyed their maps on two occasions. They were charged with Lack of Moral Fibre.
A second article titled 'Norton Camp, Sheffield' is about a punishment camp where the writer was sent after cycling…

Flight engineers log book (Copy) for H Kirby covering the period from 26 April 1944 to 24 May 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Winthorpe, RAF Syerston, RAF Waddington and RAF Coningsby. Aircraft flown…

Five Group Newsletter, number 22, May 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about armament, war savings, flying control, engineering, flight engineers, gardening, prisoner of war fund, air bombing, navigation,…

Aerial photographs taken from directly above showing damaged buildings, the railway station, rail bridge over the Rhine and the cathedral. Captioned 'Cologne, AMPS/767/92 4-7-43'.

Two aerial photographs of Cologne in 1945, one showing the destroyed bridges over the Rhine and one the area around the Cathedral, with the caption 'After V.E. day we took the ground crew to see the damage. We flew round Cologne for 20 mins and…

Low level aerial photograph of damaged buildings, captioned 'Krupps, Essen'. The starboard wing and outboard engine of an aircraft are visable.
Photograph of a destroyed bridge over a river, captioned, 'Last bridge over the Rhine-Remagen'.
copy of…

An aerial photograph of bomb damaged city captioned 'Bonn'.
Aerial photograph of large fenced areas captioned 'Prisoners'.
Two small photographs, one of bride and groom on church steps with RAF party, second of Keith Thompson and Jessie in garden…

52 playing cards listing 53 individual operations. The 52nd card (10 of diamonds) shows promotions from A.C. 1 to Pilot Officer. Operations 32, 35 and 38 are all listed on the four of hearts.

Congratulatory letter concerning daylight operation by Bomber Command Lancasters on U-boat factory at Augsburg. 'Undeterred by heavy losses at the outset 44 and 97 Squadrons pierced in broad daylight into the heart of Germany and struck a vital point…

BBC 78 RPM vinyl disk Gordon Cruickshank recorded in August 1944.

Gordon joined the RAF in 1938 and Bomber Command in 1941 as an air gunner. He started operations in 1942 and completed his first tour of 31 trips at the end of November 1942. He…

Damage descriptions to go with post operation photographs of Cologne, Moehne and Eder Dams. Relates to photographs C.2550, CH.9687 and CH.9750.

Damage descriptions to go with photographs of Rostock, Genoa, Milan, Munich, Berlin industrial targets and Central Berlin. Also of visit of Southern Rhodesia Premier to 44 Squadron.

Relates to photographs C3518, C3229, C3206, C4375, CH13328,…

Damage descriptions to go with photographs of Rostock, Genoa, Milan (24 October 1942), Berlin (October 1943 and 8 March 1944) and Munich (24/25 April 1944). Some of the photographs described are not in the collection. Also a description of photograph…

Lancaster dropping bombs annotated with the names of the crew: 'F/O Calvert, F/Sgt Stevens, Sgt Gray, Sgt Branch, Sgt Austin, Sgt Cruickshank, Sgt Connor' on each bomb- captioned 'Bremen 4/5 Sept. 1942 50 Squadron'.

A cartoon with image of destroyed building and large stone with inscription saying: “This stone was unlaid at Dusseldorf by 50 Sqdn, followed by names of crew (F/O Calvert, P/O Sears, Sgt Gray, Sgt Branch, Sgt Austin, Sgt Cruickshank, Sgt Connor)…

A cartoon with image of destroyed building and large stone with inscription saying: 'This stone was unlaid at Bremen by 50 Sqdn, followed by names of crew (F/O Calvert, P/O Sears, Sgt Gray, Sgt Branch, Sgt Austin, Sgt Cruickshanks[sic], Sgt Conner)…

A cartoon with image of destroyed building and large stone with inscription saying: 'This stone was unlaid at Wilhelmshaven by 50 Sqdn, followed by names of crew (F/O Calvert, P/O Sears, Sgt Gray, Sgt Branch, Sgt Austin, Sgt Cruickshank, Sgt Conner)…
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