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  • Tags: flight engineer

A newspaper cutting about the night Warrant Officer Bill Walker succeeded in bringing their badly damaged aircraft back. Mentions award of two Conspicuous Gallantry Medals and two Distinguished Flying Medals.

A photograph of the crew and an account of the night (27/28 September 1943) they were nearly shot down over Hanover. Crew names and positions are detailed as are the events of the night. One engine was on fire and this was extinguished by diving and…

An incomplete memoir written by Geoffrey Whittle starting at age 16. At age 18 he volunteered for aircrew duties and trained at RAF West Freugh. He converted to Wellingtons then Lancasters and moved to RAF Ludford Magna in June 1943. Over Hanover…

In foreground, large bomb on its trolley, standing behind seven aircrew in flying clothing, Lancaster in background.

Seven airmen, four seated and three standing. One photograph has the seven airmen numbered and on the reverse they are identified -
'Mid/Up No 1 John Meadows - Epping Forest
Rear/G No 2 EA McDonald - Hull
Wirless [sic] /Op No 3 HR Martin -…

Seven aircrew known as Skilling's Follies standing in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Photo edge Fred Clark, Flt Engineer UK, Dugy Cruckshank, Bomb aimer, New Zealand, Bob Martin Wirless [sic] Opp UK, Hugh Skilling Pilot New Zealand, Len Petford…

A detailed report on the flight over Denmark, the explosion on the aircraft and evacuating the damaged aeroplane. The subsequent evasion to Sweden is also described.

Service and Release book issued to Roy Maddock-Lyon.

Roy Maddock-Lyon's Service and Pay book

Flying log book for navigators, air bombers, air gunners, flight engineers for Roy Maddock-Lyon, flight engineer, covering the period from 12 June 1944 to 2 May 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying duties. He was…

Donald Fraser completed a tour of operations as a flight engineer with 101 Squadron. He discusses the importance of ground personnel, his crew, his operations and the conditions at RAF Ludford Magna. He describes having to stop his mid-upper gunner…

Navigator’s air bombers and air gunner’s flying log book for Donald Fraser DFM, flight engineer, covering the period from 17 July 1943 to 25 February 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at…

At the start of the war, Doug Beasley left school at 16 to start work. Initially a member of the Air Training Corps, he was sent for aircrew selection when he became 18. There was a 12-month wait to enlist as a pilot, so he opted to become a flight…

Head and shoulders portrait of George Toombs with flight engineer half brevet.

Three quarter length portrait of six airmen including George Toombs. On the reverse 'Sgt G Toombs 3rd from the right'.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Cyril Bailey was working in a garage before he volunteered for the RAF. He considered that he would like to be a mechanic but was told there were no vacancies and he was encouraged to become a flight engineer. He joined 625 Squadron at RAF Kelstern…

Maurice Askew volunteered for the RAF and began training as a flight engineer. He was posted to 207 Squadron at RAF Spilsby and his first operation was to Berlin. On his last operation his aircraft came under attack. He was knocked unconscious as he…

George Rex Armstrong served in the RAF as a flight engineer. He was born in Belfast and grew up in Donaghadee. He decided to join the RAF because he wanted to follow his brother Ted, who flew 40 operations with 617 Squadron. He mentions being in the…

This interviewee was working at Chatham dockyard before he was accepted by the RAF as a mechanic. He then remustered as a flight engineer which fulfilled his hopes to be accepted as aircrew. While waiting for a place on the training course at St…

Flying log book for navigators, air bombers, air gunners and flight engineers for LG Kirrage, flight engineer, covering the period from 9 May 1944 to 5 July 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Ricall and…

George Toombs’ crew of N for Nan, 460 Squadron, RAF Binbrook, dated 1944. On the reverse ‘460 Squadron Binbrook
Australian crew of N for Nan
Navigator A K Ward
Pilot P K Lester
Radio/op A S Robb
Bomb/ Aimer T V Ierry
Upper gunner…
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