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  • Tags: military discipline

Thanks her for cakes and asks her to send him his encyclopaedia of wireless. Comments on good weather and being confined to camp over not handing in pass. Catches up with news and mentions a pilot who had been killed.

Thanks her for parcel and complains of mail distribution on base. Talks of flying and life on camp. Writes of weather prevention of colds.

Starts with description of punishment duty and reason for it. Writes of possibility of getting compassionate leave due to immanent birth. Goes on to describe daily activities and then provides a very detailed description of local town of Bridgnorth.

L Boldy writes to her husband and son Steve; she has transcribed the letter she received from the Director at the Air Ministry and included copies of newspaper cuttings concerning the trial of Warrant Officer Raymond David Hughes, in the hope of…

Writes about a colleague who has not returned to camp and crew removed from operation as result. Could lead to court martial. Reports arrival of 600 cigarettes and that they still do not have their own aircraft. Finished with love talk.

Starts by encouraging her not to worry. Complains about the weather. Mentions he went to camp cinema and that their errant colleague had returned at last but having missed an operation was likely for court martial.

Writes of his panned activity to initiate their new English flight engineer into their Australian crew. Discusses best ways to send mail. Mentions other mail received and current weather. Writes of conditions on his station and that they were keen…

Peter Lamprey writes that he is on ‘jankers’ for being late back from leave and about problems with life in general. He mentions training and then writes colourfully about how he feels about the Royal Air Force and particularly, the medical…

Terry Ford writes to his family that he has plenty of hours solo flying. He also writes that he has had two spells in jankers.

Letter from LAC T. A. Ford to his family. He writes that he has passed his training; recommended for single engine aircraft; has been put on Jankers (punishment for wrong-doing) so won’t be able to attend the flight dinner; going on a two week…

Writes that she was sorry to have missed her the day she left but says she had a good time. Comments on activities and catches up with news of friends.

The letter advises Peter that he is detailed to act as Defending Officer at a Court Martial. Also attached are supplementary items of evidence, the charge sheet, Officers making up the Court Martial and details of Thomas' weapon.

Covers early life and reasons for joining up. Mentions initial posting to flying control at Grimsby followed by posting to Cranwell for training in flying control. Postings to Grimsby and Fighter Command Norfolk. Goes on with Katie's description of…

Gives account of time at Bridlington which included training on basic navigation, bomb aiming, wireless operating and morse code. Also included physical training and drill. Mentions training on machine guns and then moved on to Lindholme, Pembrey,…

Relates an incident at an officers’ mess ball which contrasts the attitude of peacetime station commander to those found on operational stations. Describes events surrounding a station ball at a training base in the midlands. Includes general…

A note book belonging to Herbert O’Hara containing his notes on Royal Air Force rules and regulations, organisation and management.

Handwritten notes for the trial of Thomas Hamilton White.

Policy for good conduct badges including airmen with clean sheet, service entries, V.G time, procedure for awards and miscellaneous points.

Covers introduction and selection of serving airmen. Followed by section on promotion of aircrew including cases for normal, special, pathfinding and captain of aircraft. Then section on commissioning of aircrew with sections on general principles,…

Covers introduction to air force law, arrest general, arrest - who can order, arrest of officer, open arrest - no escort, arrest of W.O. or N.C.O., arrest of aircraftsman, arrest of W.A.A.F. personnel, airman's possible loss of pay when in close…

Covers objects, types of enquiry or investigation, courts of inquiry composition, order for assembly and terms of reference, attendance of witnesses. evidence, procedure, recording of evidence, action when character of person involved, findings,…

Covers accidents rates past/present, causes and percentage rates, prevention - approach to problem, interviewing new crews, improvements of flying discipline, engine handling, carelessness, general training, reporting of flying accidents followed by…

Covers officers who may hear charges, officers punishable summarily, charges against officers, charges against W.O.s, charges against N.C.O.s and aircraftsmen, use of forms for hearing charges, orderly room procedures, civil offences committed by…

First document covers punishment awarded summarily, C.O's powers of punishment, subordinate commander's powers of punishment, detachment commander's powers of punishment, procedures when badges of rank covered, reduction of punishments, reversions,…

Covers definition, purpose, when and by whom to be taken, action before taking, procedure - explanation to the accused, procedure - taking the summary, evidence, procedure - making up papers, summoning of witnesses, action by C.O, conclusion and…
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