Notes for officers course



Notes for officers course
Form 619


A note book belonging to Herbert O’Hara containing his notes on Royal Air Force rules and regulations, organisation and management.





One handwritten booklet


This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit and




[underlined] 195482 [/underlined]
Notebook for use in Schools.
[hand drawn crest]
91/5074. Wt.2037. 600M.Bks. 6/43. J.D. & CO.Ltd.

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Kings Reg (KR) CL 20 Sect 1 AP 128 Standard rules for Officers Mess
Officers mess Started circa Cromwell
[underlined] Membership [/underlined]

[underlined] Full members. [/underlined] All commissioned officers of the fighting services if their duties to compel them to work on the Station. Only [underlined] full [/underlined] members may serve on the mess committee.

[underlined] Affiliated members. [/underlined] Civilians of officer Status. e.g. manager of a branch of M.A.P.

[underlined] Honourary [sic] members. [/underlined] Embraces all officers Army Navy or RAF who may be serving in the neighbourhood eg. Local welfare officer, D.A.P.M. on local important inhabitants.

[underlined] Management [/underlined]
Managed by PMC and mess committee. PMC is appointed by station commander, normally Senior lising [sic] in member. Also Mess Secretary, Officer 1/2 Service Room (8am Off) messing officer essential members of committee must be voted in by members. Additional members may be appointed by committee – sports gardening etc. Meeting must be regular and minutes kept each meeting.
Expenditure permittes [sic] £20 in four months, anything over this must have sanction of meeting.

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[underlined] Rules [/underlined]
Station Commander may make any rule according to his whim or fancy altho’ suggested rules laid down in AP128.

[underlined] Dress [/underlined]
Officers may not appear in public room unless properly clothes. Wearing of sports or civilian clothes depends on CO’s local rules. In public room should never carry raincoat etc. unless inadequate cloakroom facilities.

[underlined] Drink [/underlined]
No treating. No liquor in sleeping quarters

[underlined] Gambling [/underlined]
Forbidden, bou [sic] auction bridge (normally using bridge book)

[underlined] No Pets [/underlined]
No dogs cats birds etc.

[underlined] Complaints. [/underlined]
Complain to mess committee never openly critisice [sic] mess servants report them to Mess Sec. Help servants re. cigarette ends etc.

[underlined] Mess Bills. [underlined]
Must be paid by 10th of month after the month the bill relates to. Subscription must not exceed 1/2 days pay per month Messing must not exceed 2/- per day. [underlined] Drink [/underlined] off over HO [sic] – no restrictions, stewins [sic] F/lt & below wine bill must not exceed £5 per month. S/Ldn & above no restrictions.
To find out amount of wine bill check DAILY CHARGE book. Usually in anteroom.
Subs. 1/3 Days pay. 9d Messing 1/- Breakages 6d library 2/- laundry 1/6 maintenance.

Guest Night.
Go into anteroom 1/2 hr before dinner, approved sen. off. Say “Good Evening” then hounge around but do not smoke. When dinner announced PMC will approach CO who’ll lead way into mess usually in seniority (within reason). In hall Stand behind chair awaiting padre to say grace When P.M.C. sits sit down. After dinner port passes right to left never hold it up. When all glasses charged. P.M.C. Says “his Vice The King.” Vice Stands says “Gentlemen the King.” Then says on indicates you may smoke. Do not leave without permission of P.M.C. or unless P.MC. leaves. Last person to leave – his Vice.

Mess Meetings.
Every 4th month. Give motive in writing of any matter for may request committees attentive drawn to. Essential all except those on duty to attend. Extraordinary meeting at wishes of CO or if more than 1/5 of members desire one. CO has final yeah or neigh on all notices passed.

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Ref A.P. 1358 Dress Regs A.P. 837 Sec 53 AP 818A Drill.
Adjutant responsible for dress on station
Cap F.S. Square slightly tilted so as to be 1” above rt. eyebrow.
“ Dress square [deleted] but [/deleted] stiffner retained (Hereford & Cranwell only) Greatcoat 14” reach to ground braid 1/2 “ apart bottom braid on extreme cage. Collar turned down 3 buttons on rightside fastened. Collar up all five buttons buttoned Service jacket 3 3/4 from lowest braid to cuff and 3/16” between braids.
Wear plain clothes for 24 hrs or more off duty If proceeding on leave should not leave camp wearing civilian clothes.

A junior officer when addressing a senior officer while on duty will saluting.
All officers below squadron leader will salute all officers of squadron leader and above.
If Nat. Anthem played as Royal Salute during ceremonial parade all officers salute.
If played on ceremonial parade no royalty present all officers in the vicinity [deleted] but not on parade [/deleted] will merely stand to attention, bar senior officer present who will.
At colour hoisting all officers present, on, or observing, or being in view of ensign salute when
General Salute played.

Two salutes permissible for all officers.
1. Giving – as per airmen
2. Returning – elbow slightly f’rd.

N.B. Always salute regimental colours, armed party, funerals.

Ref AP837 Sec 43

Everybody etering RAF does so in a trade. Five groups I – V of standard of technicality of particular trade. Rates of pay as laid down in 837
Remustering of airmen.
Term used to denote change in trade of airmen / airwomen (in an officer’s case he changes his branch.) All remustering require authority of [deleted] officer [/deleted] A.O. i/c records at group.

[deleted] De clgth [/deleted] Re classification.
Js [sic] The transition up or down between AC2, AC1, LAC, AP 1112 50% AC1 70% LAC (figures purely exp. may vary)
AC2 to AC1 after 2 years now and AC1 to LAC longwhile ACH/GA) reclass, by merit.
Once LAC eligible for promotion to N.C.O. such for prom for suitable LAC to T/Cop by station commander to fulfil establishment for T/Cop to T/Sgt requires A.O.L.

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[underlined] Aircrew promotion [/underlined] AMO 3/45
All aircrew trades
Sgt. after twelve months F/Sgt – another twelve W/O
On 25 each month nominal roll sent to A.O.C. of people recommended for prom.
Poss. aircrew N.C.O.s to have accelerated promotion after nine months by A.O.C. to 10% of each trade under the command.
Acting rank & pay stained for 12 months if above new trade directed to 552.45 482/45 ([indecipherable word])

KR & AC1 Ch. 2 & 3 AP 837 Sec 2 AP 837 Page II
Air Council
[deleted] trade [/deleted] laid down to prevent overlapping of authority
Air Council consisting of 6 Service members and five civilian.
Members as fellows.
President – Secretary of State for Air
One for Lords
One for Commons. Parliamentary under secretary of State for Air (2)
Chief of Air Staff
Air member for Personnel
Air member for Supply & organisation
Air member for training
Adimus on technical research & accounts finance etc (2.)
RAF Tech. Officer Yc Research & Development
Permanent under secretary of State for Lui
The above decide on policy and pass this on to Air Ministry

[organisation chain of command]

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Commands asmidstm [sic] commands as passed out by Air Council
both from admin a [missing text] point of view
Groups work in same manner but with less scope of manner and administer to stations
Stations bases of the weapons & carry out [deleted] little [/deleted] orders pushed out having little or no free hand in doing so.
Squadrons comply with Stations instruction
F/C merely unit of Squadron.

S.Ad. O. Senior Admin Off deals with personnel.

1 Fighter Commands
2 Bomber Commands
3 Coastal Commands
4 Transport Commands
5 Flying Training Commands
6 Tech Training Commands
7 Maintenance Commands
8 Northern Ireland Commands

Page 2 A.P. 837 Abbreviations as follows
S.A.S.O. Senior Air Staff Officer
S.O.A. Staff Officer Ye Admin
P.F.O. Physical Fitness Officers.

General Responsibilities of Officers.

1 Generally to be proficient at particular job
2. Be sure of RAF organisation
3. Sense of loyalty above & below
4. Knowledge of service life & tradition
5. Pride in service
6. Coved [sic] at all times in dress etc.

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AMO A 1251/42

There are kinds of promotion as follows:-

a PEACE ESTABLISHMENT to Full Substantive rank
b. TIME (OR HOLDING) to ban [sic] Substantive rank
c. WAR ESTABLISHMENT to Temporary rank
d. ACTING to Acting rank.

b TIME [underlined] GD [/underlined] 6 months from P/O to F/O [underlined] 2 years from date of appointment to F/L. [/underlined] Possible to defer F/O by 3 months this adverse reposts.
ACCTS. 6 months from P/O to F/O and remain F/O
MED. Comm. as F/O after 12 months F/L, after [inserted] another [/inserted] 9 years S/L
N.B. W/O with 15 years service and 1 year as W/O promoted to F/O.
By holding when temporary branch or acting rank for more than 3 months [inserted] or more [/inserted] qualify for new Sub rank of rank below.
Up to W/Cdr – 3 months
G.C. & Air Comm – 6 months } G.D. rank only.
A.V.H. – 12 months

c. TEMP RANK. Depends on ABCD assesment [sic] 9 mths as F/O qualifies 12 mths as F/L
d. ACTING Purely acting and if sick or wounded for 4 months or over lose acting rank. Unpaid for first 21 days P.O.W. hold acting rank.

Liable to be called up under [deleted] National Service [/deleted] Armed Forces Act.

Gazette notice to obviate long waiting period due to Gazette being up to 4 months behind. This is merely a list of names similar to posting notice & sent to unit who P.O.R. promotions as normally.


Chief difference between officer and airmen is that airmen gets his proficiency stated in his 1580 and kept on station with his docs. In case of officers C.O.s of stations render the F1369 to Air Ministry on [circled] 1 [/circled] all officers who have completed 12mths service as an officer on the same station or group [circled] 2 [/circled] When officer posted out of group providing has completed 8mths service within that group, [circled] 3 [/circled] On request of Air Ministry. All these reports are strictly confidential & no copy kept on station. Assessed on series of numbers 1 – 9. [deleted] 9 Above average 8 – 6 [/deleted] 9 Exceptional 6.7.8. Above average 5 [deleted] 4 3 [/deleted] average 4 – 2 below average 1 Indifferent. These grading completed under series of headings – character etc. All adverse reports must be initialed [sic] by officer in question, & officer has [deleted] opiler [/deleted] option of rendering his own statement on the report.

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Payable by Air Ministry through [inserted] paying [/inserted] agents monthly in arrears
Lloyds A – R. Glyn mills S – Z. This is pay only.
Advances of pay possible ie. sick in hospital, report, P.O.P. etc. this will be recovered from pay as soon as possible.
Taken provisionally by agents monthly based on information as based on F63
£264 rough pay of P/O per an.
[underlined] 25 [underlined] Uniform allowance for complete years wear from [inserted] 6th April [inserted]
24 } 1/10 Earned Income allowance
[underlined] 80 } [/underlined] Personal allowance for single man
£ [underlined] 135 [/underlined] Nett Taxable Income

On first £165 pay 6/6 in £
“ amount above £165 “ 10/- “ “
For single officer income tax – £44.4.0

If pay ins. deduct 3/6 in the £ of promininsenms [sic] paid i.e. £3.10.0 for [inserted] £20. [inserted]

If you are married no children 4/- per day } F/O & P/O
“ “ “ “ “ 1 “ 6/6 “ “} F/O & P/O
with 2/- extra for very day } F/O & P/O

If you are a F/L married with 1 ch. 7 [deleted] 5 [/deleted] [inserted] c [/inserted] /6 & 2/- for each extra.

[underlined] TRAVELLING [/underlined] Made out on F1771.
Time it time you leave RAF Stn to time you arrive at RAF Station of destination. London taxi allow W –S 3/6 – inter St 2/1
If travelling [deleted] under [deleted] 5.10 hrs 4/-
“ “ over 10 hrs – 24. 8/-
“ “ overnight travel £1 (lasts 24hrs)

Leave & ration allowance 3/5 per day

Paid on TDC F95 if have had to [deleted] spend [/deleted] supply accomodation [sic] at own expense. Take TDC with you get signed & certified by adjutant of unit unable to supply accomodation.[sic]

Paid monthly in arrear (2/- per day) thru paying agents.

Two officers one watching pay clerk & entries, t’other checking cash paid Study certificate, carefully before signing.

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Every four months such accounts have to be audited by audit board, to study expenditure & as to whether accounts have been properly handled. PSI, C.O.’s BENEVOLENT Fund, Sgts Mess.

Started 1938
Mob. 1939 1300 only Clerk. equip assist. M.T. drivers. few trades only not prepared for on mobolisation.[sic]
Waaf. Off. only Waaf admin (G) code & Cypher

Waaf medical officers doc & dentals have same rak & pay as RAF director of WAAF
Air Chief comm. [underlined] Lady Welch [/underlined] & Duchess of Gloster [drawing of rank bands]

.WAAF only drew 2/3 of RAF equivalent pay
“ may not be put in guard room, & no WAAF detention base.
“ officers may put RAF on charge
Flt/O may only give max 7 days CC 3 days extra duties cannot award deductions of pay unless a.w.o.l. N.C.O only admin.

Squ/O 14days CC. 3 days extra duty. of N.C.O. rep. on Ses. rep

All sections of WAAF now liable to court martial – all ranks. max. pun. 28 days CC.

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Two types
AP837. KRaAC1 Manual of Air Force law held on each holding unit & available in flight officer for perusal by any member of RAF. Technical pub. as required
Manual of Air Force.
Contains Acts of H.P. also full directions for running peacetime RAT [sic]. Maybe comended [sic]
Publications are basic [inserted] some as inf. [/inserted] lines along which RAF should run. Orders amend publications. Orders are received each 12months after issue & either incop [sic] in a publication or are cancelled.

[underlined] TYPES OF ORDERS [/underlined]
1. [underlined] Standing [/underlined] (General)
2. [underlined] Operational [/underlined] Standing Orders
3. [underlined] Admin [/underlined] “ [underlined] N.B.O. [/underlined] AMO Series N – Standing order making allowance for war time org. not allowed for St. Orders

1 For war time A.M.O. series N (see note NB)
2 & 3 Normally draw notice to a particular clause in a publication. Authorised by Group ADC but signed by Station Commander [deleted] & signed Station Standing Orders [/deleted]

ROUTINE ORDERS Discipline & Gen Admin. eg. Command or Group
Routine Orders & D.R.O.s
Newsporter [sic] DRO’s signed by Accountant Officer.

Both do same job except confid. ord. have restricted public & are interpretation of ambiguous orders. & rules of procedure.

Personell [sic] Occurrence Reports.
All births deaths marriages, promotions & releases.
Ensure on new unit fill in 840 so that may be POR & on strength of station.

A.P. are issued from AH to Commands only.

For demanding PUBL.
Demand on 2471 & 2471A Record of Publications Raised in duplicate, one set to you for sig [inserted] together with pub. [/inserted] then sent to unit from which demanding pub.

Change of Command or Publications Officer
Nece. [sic] to have all pubs. on station checked. Muster of all [underlined] pubs [/underlined] every three months March June Dec. indep. by off. i/c pubs together with 2 other off. and cert. prep. in trip & a signed cop[deleted] y [/deleted] [inserted] ies [/inserted] sent to command (under KR 2240)
If confid. pub last. spec. sig. to A.M. Court of inquiry prob. result. command.
Also checked if pub off. abs. from unit for more than 14 days.

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In event of conflict between AF. and civil law over any matter the CIVIL law is the law upheld.
If man found guilty and served sentence by court martial of AF law, he is liable again to civil law and tried by civil court for same offence. But the reverse is not [deleted] holding [deleted] effective.
Law set out in A.F. Law & AF Act.
AF Act gives [deleted] write [/deleted] right and liabilities governing [deleted] by [/deleted] members of AF. greater body of AF Law is contained in Manual of AF Law.
Manual of AF Law.
1 Introductory chap. [deleted] A. Spec. Founder [/deleted]
2. AF Act Belf [sic] – Statute law of land.
3. Displinary [sic] proceedure [sic]
May always quote manual at C.C.

Secs 4 – 44 Specify offences possible committed by airman and his punishment. Nece. for C.O. to bring these secs. to airmans notice every 3 mths.
39A. Flying discipline
41 Civil off. punish under AF Act.
42 Reddness [sic] of grievance by officer slightest off. poss. to “service to “ is the King
43 Reddness [sic] of grievance of airman only so to AOCin C at Command

Rules of Proceedure [sic] R.P. 2592
RP give guidance to admin. af. A.F. Act giving full proceedure. [sic] Guiding notes given maye quoted at C.C. etc. In case of confusion between AFA & RP. AFA prevails. Given spec. changes, forms, etc. set out in RP. Also oaths & declarations.

Kings Regs & A.C.I.
Copied almost word for word from K.R. & A (AWAY) C.I. hence lase [sic] amount of military phrases. Contains the rules govern. detailed admin. of A.F. Also amplified AFA. [underlined] K.R. over rule all other rules in AirForce. [/underlined]
Copy of K.R. amended to date [deleted] and [/deleted] in orderly room & available to any airman

Close or Open arrest possible.

Close arrest put into custody or locked within room
Open “ not limited by lawls. [sic]

Officer may arrest any inferior or may even arrest and senior if he is engaged in quarrel fray or disorder.

An N.C.O. or W.O. may arrest anybody of inferior [deleted] ity [/deleted] rank.

An aircraftman has absolutely no powers of arrest.

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The arrest of an Officer.
[underlined] Close [/underlined] So confines to his rank [deleted] work [/deleted] under escort of same or higher rank, then informed in writing of nature of arrest. Must be given a copy of the charge and A.M. and Group H.Q. immediately informed. As escort must be detailed and a roster drawn up, and instructions for escort drawn up all by adjutant.

[undelined] Open [/underlined] A.M. & group again informed immediately – if overseas send signal. Letter written stating nature of arrest & given copy of charge. May not go beyond station limits unless with spec. permission of C.O. Cannot enter mess, not attend any form of camp entertainment or place of assembly. Cannot appear outside his quarters except in uniform. Can be released in which case AM & Group notifies, so strictly A.O.C. should given final permission for release. [deleted] his also [/deleted] Cannot be released [deleted] form [/deleted] without permission of A.O.C.

If arrest altered from close to open vice versa, then AM & group notified & officer himself.

N.C.O. or W.O.
Close. Confined to [deleted] conpant [/deleted] [inserted] quarters [/inserted] with escort of same rank & again notified of nature of arrest (not necc.[sic] in writing.) All likely weapons removed. Al data of arrest entered in final report.

Open. Charged preferred & restricted to station limits. a W/O may not use sageants [sic] mess and a F/Sgt or Sgt may only use mess for meals, not use bar A corporal may not use corporals rooms or NAAFI liquer [sic] bar Aircraftmen never placed under close arrest unless serious charge.

An A/M should never be placed under close arrest unless insobad [sic] drunkedness, violence or to ensure safe custody or for the maintenance of discipline. Must always be informed of type of arrest, & person placing victim under arrest must avoid all contact with accused.

C.O. may keep accused under open or close arrest may change arrest to close or open or release him without predudice [sic] to re arrest, or release him completely, if on investigation finds no grounds for charge.

[underlined] KR IIII [/underlined]
Sets out details of arrest for officers, N.C.O. or airmen.

Degree of Drunkedness is the [deleted] desion [/delted] desicion [sic] of any for responsible man
M.O. may only be called in if accused be obviously ill, or if he asks to see M.O. on grounds of sickness, or if any doubt his condition maybe due to something other than alcoholic drink.

Charging a drunk & placing under arrest.
Place a guard room under close arrest, remove boots avoid personal contact, charge referred immed [sic] on 160

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[inserted] FPB [/inserted]

Only entitled to one blanket irrespective of weather alto in cold weather may retain boots

Must be inspected every two hours & by guard commander. Orderly off. must inspect every 2hrs.

Should not be brought before C.O. until 24hrs after arrest or until sober

Desertion or A.W.O.L.

Desertion implies intention to stay away & not return or to avoid some particular A.F. duty.

A.W.O.L. of officer.

As soon as officer AWOL must notify A.M., pay authorities & A.O.C. and to end of seven days if still absent descrip [sic] report to A.OC. & A.M. When returned all people advised of A.W.O.L. notify of return.

A.W.O.L. of airman

1. Absentee report daily – stan adj & Sub. command.
2. Inventory of kit made & kit stored in safe place
3. Struck of ration strength after 24 hrs.
4. P.O.R. absence end of 7 days
5. On eighth day descrip. Report sent AP of Area, RAF Police Burnham Bucks. Records Glos. & Unit Accountant Officer.
6. End of 21 clear days C.O.I ing [sic] set up

Time Limits of Custody.

When man handed in Guard. [deleted] report [/deleted] Charge must be referred. Guard Comm. Should [inserted] try [/inserted] see this is done. if no charge etc. referred in 24hrs. notify his superior off. If no charge within 48hrs. must be released. A C.O. must deal with every charge within 48hrs of it being brought to his notice. If delayed over 48hrs must send letter to A.O.L. explaining delay. If case not disposed of summarily or a court mart. not converred [sic] form 1 must be rendered to Group H.Q. This should be rendered every eight days

A guard commander cannot refuse to take a prisoner under arrest.


AP 837

A C.O. has full powers of punishment. disciplinary action over everybody under his command.

A Subordinate comm. is an officer comm. a unit but sub. to C.O. [deleted] or [/deleted] Stn. Commander for discip. Purposes.


Is to deal with charge without refer to a C.M.

A [underlined] summary [/underlined] punishment is any punishment affecting pay [deleted] [indecipherable word] [/deleted] N.B. When a mans pay is affected the accused may elect court martial.

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A minor punishment is one that gives no option of C.M.

[punishment chart breakdown]

Fines for drunkedness
First offence 5/-
2nd “ 10/-
3rd “ 15/-
4th “ £1 * may apply to A.O.C. to fine up to £2 for repeated offences.

Charges no longer W.O.A.S.

Field punishment

C.O. can give [deleted] [circled number 1] up to 28 days [circled number 2] penal forfiture [sic] of pay [/deleted]

[underlined] FIELD PUNISHMENT [/underlined]

C.O. can give up to 28 days penal forfiture [sic] of pay

[underlined] G.S.B. [/underlined]

It takes a Wg/Co or above to Sanction relinquishing of G.C.B.

[underlined] C.O.’s power to increase or vary punishment. [/underlined]

A C.O. cannot increase punishment but may semit [sic] or decrease it before punish. compl.

If an award is illegal the superior Officer may cancel award & delete entry in record. If award is made in excess of amount allowed C.O. may reduce it and amend records as required.

If award is too severe the C.O. may remit the whole of the punishment or in art – and amend the records

C.O. has no power under AF Act to pass punishment on officer or W/O. Merely takes summary of evidence & sends to Group AOC at GP can deal with F/L – W/O but not Acting S/L (Sect 47). Begin award summary reduction of pay for less & forfiture [sic] of senwity [sic] As summary punish accused may elect CM minor punish poss. service rep or rep & so cannot require C.M. For officers may award reproof. (C.O.)

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confidential doc. kept by M.O.

Kept by SHQ (Adjt.) Not confid. kept in dup. one on stat. one at group. record of comses etc.

Also record of clok coup. & travel warrents. also in dup. one at St. one at Group.

Inventory of A.P. held by owner of card.

Est. 1942 but rarely properly kept. General.

Envelope of full a/c training from ACSB

Airmen all ranks from W/O down.


Record of airmen, kin, address etc. all his movements from station to station & all promotion, also G.C.R. On back certain spec. times Character & trade eff. assessed at – [circled number] 1 [/circled number] 31st Dec [circled number] 2 [/circled number] On posting [circled number] 3 [/circled number] On being declared illegally absent [circled number] 4 [/circled number] On release exceeding one month [circled number] 5 [/circled number] On discharge [circled number] 6 [/circled number] On death. Signature should by C.O. but often delegated to S. Ad. O. or Sect Off. prov. Not below rank of S/L. KR 2140 for Character KR 2141 for trade Efficiency. Seen by airmen annually

Blue paper


B. means of leaving address at Guard room.

F678b Record of all leave 48 Hr & over together with railway warrant

F506 } As per officers also. F373
F1788 } As per officers also. F373
F5000 } As per officers also. F373

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AP837 Paras 321/369

All stores classed in A.B.C. category.
AB are on inventory
C are expendable [therefore sign] not held on inventory

F674 [underlined] Interval demand & issue voucher [/underlined]
(blue) Raised in trip. Send orig 7 dup. to St. & draw equip Stores part IV number & note quantity actually issued, & dup. ret. To inventory holder & sign in approp. place & pass onto St. acc. Entered in A in U ledger & so put on inventory

F673 [underlined] Internal exchange voucher [/underlined] as name suggests.

F675 (red) [underlined] Internal receipt & return voucher. [/underlined] trip. as 674 to ret. Equip to st. note on inv. in pencil equip. ret. When st. acc. rec. orig & dup. adjust ins.

F21 [underlined] conversion voucher [/underlined] trip. to trans. Equip from one ind. to another

F37 Loose leaf folder – Green – Several sheets. dep. on [underlined] Inventory [/underlined] inv. First page shows inv. holders & no of pages Held by off. holding inv after first signing as taking over.

F668 [underlined] Loan Card [underlined] transfer responsib. to own. of lc. ensure e/c surrent & on posting of holder. Equip ret. & struck off.

Loss of Damage of Equipment
AP 837 anus [sic] 321/869

Action possible

1 CHARGE against individual
2. DEALT with as a collective charge
3. Written off as a charge against the public by C.O. under KR
4. Referred to higher authority for decision.

1. Charge against individual.
Invearipute [sic] first if it appears loss due to negligence the loser put on charge & if found guilty made to pay. 664B. If amount over £1 must be signed by C.O. if below £1 signed by subord. comm. prov. not below S/L. Revised in trip. orig acc. off. dup stores. This can be written of invent. Poss . to charge an off. any Sum without limit as considered fit by A.C. In case of O.R. can be (KR 151) limited to equiv. of 14 days pay, except in case of arms. Etc. KR 1853

2. Collective charge.
Only poss. in case of barrack equip or barrack hut itself. Only poss upto 1/- per head but A.O.C. increase to 2/6 per head.

3. Writing off against p.f.
C.O. will ask acct. off. if requires invest. & poss to write off. max poss write off. C.O. £10. A.O.C. £50

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Four principle forms:-
1. [underlined] F252 Charge Form [underlined] gives 1. Details of Charge 2 Conveys [deleted] details [/deleted] [inserted] information [/inserted] of charge from one person to another

2. [underlined] F281 Unit Offence Report [/underlined] 1. Details of all unit offences 2. Form on which sub. comm. disposes of all charges.

3. [underlined] F160 Guard Report [/underlined] 1. Contains details of persons in close arrears awaiting trial 2. Form on which C.O. disposes of cases



Investigation by C.O. into applicants complaints and charges all done in orderly room. C.O.’s own office. Should be in S.S.O. times of orderly room. Sub. comm. to get his cases dealt with before C.O. in case he passes any onto the C.O. must have his orderly room earlier than C.O.

[underlined] (Sub. comm first) [/underlined]
Applications. – lising [sic] out. camp leave.
Complaints – unfair treatment
Charges – taken in turn. [underlined] all changes dealt with first by Sub. Com. [/underlined]

N.B. Any charges performed first by any of the military authorities or civil police, first dealt with by sub. comm before C.O.

A Sub. comm. cannot deal with a charge against a W.O. or a P.O. can only take evidence & pass on to C.O. Cannot dismiss charge.

Inside O.R.
Present C.O. (with adj to arrest him)
Sub. comm. with docs relating to case

Sequences of O.R.

1. [underlined] Witnesses & accused marched in [/underlined] (accused without cap) civilian witnesses and officers requested to enter.

2. [underlined] C.O. arrangnes [sic] the accused [/underlined] C.O. identifies accused and reads out charge

3. [underlined] All witnesses – (bar first) marched out [/underlined]

4. [underlined] Accused asked if he wishes evidence taken on oath. [/underlined] If not done proc. invalid.

5. [underlined] Witness for proseccution [sic] give evidence in turn [/underlined]

6. [underlined] Witnesses cross examined by accused [/underlined] (Witnesses always marched out after evid. & cross examination)

[page break]

7. [underlined] When evidence complete accused asked if he wishes to make a statement [/underlined]

8. [underlined] Accused may call his witnesses & the accused may question them [/underlined]

9. [underlined] C.O. makes up his mind & when decided he is guilty may call for documents. [/underlined]

10. [underlined] Having made award accused marched out & award to complete when he leaves the room. [/underlined]

[deleted] when the c.o. may do it [/deleted]

What sub. commander may do after hearing all evidence
1. May dismiss charge
2. May award punishment within his power giving the right to C.M. for a fine for drunk or case of A.W.O.L.
3. May remand for C.O. always does this if he has not suff. power to deal with case himself.
4. If accused elects C.M. must remand to C.O.

If C.O.
1. May dismiss case
2. Award punishment within his power giving right to appropriate
3. May adjourn to have summary of evidence taken.
4. An airman must always be informed by number of days pay forfeites [sic]


Can be held in custody for 4 days without bail or trial. The chief constable decides whether to may offence [deleted] pe [/deleted] dealt with by civil courts, or [deleted] do [/deleted] hands over to military.

C.O. has obligation to report to civil police any offence committed on his camp contrary to civil code.

In all cases that go before assizes an officer Should be in attendance, but in courts of summary juristriction [sic] (police courts) an offices _ should attend of C.O. decides or if officer is required as witness or if event requires him to attend.

Whenever airmen convicted neccessary [sic] to obtain certificate of conviction. If serious the entry is written on his docs. if not serious merely pined on. If N.C.O. convicted must sent cert. of conviction together with report to A.O.C.

[page break]


[table of RAF abbreviations]


[deleted] An assembly of [inserted] one or more [/inserted] officers [deleted] Fg [/deleted] warrant officers to investigate any matter that the C.O. considers is unusual and report on it. [/deleted]

An assembly of one or more officers [underlined] and [/underlined] /or one or more warrant officers directed to record evidence and if required make a report on any matter the C.O. feels it fit, or neccessary. [sic]

Formal investigation is an investigation by one officer or warrant officer.

Summary investigation [deleted] by [/deleted] report by officers investigating the case.

Assembling a court of enquiry [deleted] is [/deleted] has as assembling authority the Air Council is [inserted] C.O. of [/inserted] any unit of the RAF Comp of court.
1 President (usually T/L is above) he president should be of equal if not higher rank than any other person conserned
2 – If Flying Accident must have a G.D. president – if fatal wing co.

[page break]

Two occasions of which a W.O. cannot sit on court of enquiry
1. If officer concerned
2. Returned P.O.W.

A W.O. may investigate all enquiries concerning
1 Personal injuries must be below rank of W/O.
2. Accidental deaths “ “

Terms of reference.

1 Informs court what is required of it.
2. Issued by assembling authority
3. Must to deplueat [sic] & state whether evidence is to be taken on oath or not.

1 Date time & place must be set in.
2 Must be full details of member stating [2 indecipherable words]
3 Witnesses who’ll be required to [indecipherable word]
4. State whether or not evidence on oath
5 [2 indecipherable words] made to be investigated & reported in.

Rough Specimen.

The following details of officers is detailed shall assembly at - - - - & at 1730 hrs

To [indecipherable word] The report [indecipherable word] to assess loss & allocate responsibility
(Names of members) 998877 3/L PERCY PAUNCH RAF Hendon

The following witnesses shall attend.
All evidence is directed to be taken on oath.

[page break]

Service Witnesses are detailed to attend.
Civilian “ “ not compelled “ “

Taking of Evidence on Oath.
1 When assembling authority directs
2. Illegal absence
3. Case of recovered P.O.W.

In the case of a senior officer evidence cannot be taken on oath.

[deleted] Death of an [/deleted] All evidence is admissible if revelant [sic]

The proceedings are completed on a F2. If flying accident use form F412

[deleted] Edu [/deleted] Evidence is in narrative form, and must be signed by person giving evidence at bottom of each page.
Finding of court must be supported by evidence & finding cover scope of all points in terms of reference
If the character of a person is likely to be affected by evidence being given warn him why to attend. When he is present give him opportunity to X question witness, call witnesses & make statement.
After all the evidence is completed & court are of the opinion the person is to blame, but before they make any finding, they must inform him of their opinion.
The assembling authority must send a copy of the proceedings who has been blamed. Again he is invited to make a statement why he is not to blame

[page break]

KR various. AP 837 Sect 2

Officers detailed in appendix of SRO for duties. Falls into 3 categories
Station Duty Officer
Stands in for C.O. [inserted] A.W. Homs [sic] [/inserted] S/L and above acts when O.D. has not sufficient auth. A.O.C. permiss. necc. if use F/L.
Orderly Officer.
Acts for adjutant after working hours usually P/O or F/O With A.O.C. permission use W/O.
No duty must be charged without consent of adjutant.
“ O.O. may do this duty more than 3 times in succession.
“ “ “ “ “ “ as punishment.

Important duties
1. Report to adj. on signing on & ask if any spec. instruct.
2. Carries out all duties required by St. regulations & any sthus [sic] thought fit by C.O.
3. Inspects barrack huts with O.S.
4. “ Guard room, its occupants & signs form 160
5. “ institute premises at times laid down
6. “ rations on arrival at station
7. Superindents [sic] issue of rations from NAAFI
8. Checks airmens meals & notes complaints
9. Raises & lowers ensign.
Action on Complaint. Takes airmens name rank number & complains & hands over to revelant [sic] authority

10. Checks for fires & lights after L.O.
11. Sleeps in spec. room with phone
12. Supervises guards
13. Visits all fines & reports on.
14. Inspects all secret & confid. docs
15. Receives all ref. mail.

Summary of evidence
Endorse across top of foolscap
S of E. against [underlined] 1234567 [/underlined] AC1 Plank J.
Summary of evidence taken on oath at C.O. request. (or if applicable at wish of accused.)

Evidence of each witness is preferred by his full description.
“ “ witness taken in narrative form.
After evidence daw line.
State (if applicable) that witness desires to crossexamine.[sic]
Draw another line.
[deleted] Writte [/deleted] Write cross examination in question and answer form and tabulated.
When next witness X examined the number of the question will follow on.
Witness also numbered.
If [deleted] accused [/deleted] [inserted] witness [/inserted] on reading thru evidence wishes o alter statement, the text is question may not be altered but a fresh statement made pointing out correction.

[page break]


S of E. is to written record of evidence against an accused person and if he [inserted] the accused [/inserted] wishes a record of evidence in his favour
1 To assist the C.O. to determine whether the charge should be dealt with by C.M.
2. To enable accused [deleted] to be [/deleted] [inserted] if [/inserted] brought to trial to [deleted] enable [/deleted] know what is alleged against him. and by whom, a prepare his defence.

Should be commenced, if possible completed, the same day as the C.O. orderly room, and may be prepared by any officer detailed by the C.O.

Service witnesses are detailed by C.O.
Civilian “ “ subpoened. [sic] form 768A.

When taken on oath.
[circled number] 1 [/circled number] When C.O. directs [circled number] 2 [/circled number] the accused demands

When accused enters:-
1. Inform him summary of evidence is being taken & what he is being charge with.
2. If other offences are disclosed charges maybe altered, or new charges made out, or all charges dropped entirely.
3. If C.O. has not directed evidence taken on oath, must ask accused if he wishes evidence taken on oath.
4. Inform him he may cross examine witness.
5. He may make a statement after proper caution.
6. “ “ call witnesses in his defence.
7. Cannot claim to be represented by council or defending officer.
8. He cannot claim to be advised by you.

Rights of accused.
1. Present throughout proceedings [deleted] 2. 3 [/deleted]
2. Informed by changes
4 possible to drop changes
4 Entitled to evidence on oath
5 “ cross examine
6. “ to make a statement
7. “ “ call witnesses.

See previous page

Witness for proscetu [sic]
Statement by accused
Witness for defence.
Send proceedings to C.O. under confidential cover.

C.O. may when he gets proceedings & reading this 1./may dismiss change. 2./ dispose of it summarily 3./Send on with application that there be a court martial 4./ May not be satisfied with S/E & refer back for taking of [deleted] are [/deleted] an additional summary.

[page break]

Normal rules of evidence applicable to civil court

1 Must be no irrevalancy [sic] must have [underlined] direct [/underlined] bearing
2. [deleted] Now [/deleted] no opinion expressed.
3. No leading questions


AP837 See 3.

General rules for forming correspondence.
1. Separate communication for separate subjects
2. Leave one inch margin same both sides
3. Quote reference of app. file and date
4. All pages & paragraphs to be numbered consectively [sic]
5. Subject heading in capitals at head of communication
6. In hand written communications all names of places and persons to be in block capitals
7. Only authorised abbreviations to be used
8. When referring to (A) an officer, state rank initials surname personal number (B) an airman/airman number, rank, surname, initials, trade, and trade group.
9. Use 24 hour clock System of time indication.
10. For letters to civilians follow normal civilian practise
11. Signature to be in manuscript & legibly written
12. The officer Sipay [sic] a document is responsile for accuracy of contents.
13. Nr Stations & units correspondence on important matters to be signed by C.O. routine matters maybe signed for C.O.
14. Be brief, consise, [sic] clean, and [deleted] containers [/deleted] courtious [sic], correct

[page break]

Two types
1 Special [inserted] Official [/inserted] formal letter for correspondence to A.O.I. inter service and for all personal applications by individuality.
Written in first person with conventional beginning ending, and lay out.

Royal Air Force.
21 July 1954

[1” margins]

[deleted] Sir [/deleted]
AIR MARSHALL A HARRIS (45) [/underlined]


I have the honour to request to live out.
State [circled number] 1 [/circled number] reason.
[circled number] 2 [/circled number] address.
[circled number] 3 [/circled number] method of recall
[circled number] 4 [/circled number] travel organisation

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servant.

[underlined] Archibald Harris [/underlined]
Air Marshal

Officer Commanding
Royal Air Force.

All other types use informal letter normally letter written in third person. Often called memorandum. AP837 P.94

DATE 21 JULY 1966
REF 125/100/A22


1 In reply to your letter SEAC/105/2/AIR
dated 14 July 1945 -----------------
2 -------------------
3 ---------------------

Joe Soap
for S/LDR.

[page break]

D.O. LETTER (Demi Official)

21 July 1948


I thought your vodka drank in the officers mess last night for the Royal Toast particularly [indecipherable word], unless this improves I’ll get peeved.

YOURS (Sincerely)

Comments of person receiving letter. [authors doodle]


21 July 1945.

Dear Madam,

I cannot be held responsible for the condition of your daughter, and decline to take any steps to find her ex husband

Yours faithfully.

[underlined] CE Toad. [/underlined]


Written on special form FIG24
Blue green in colour
Used [deleted] to [/deleted] replace cables or telegrams.
Only priority treatment is that it is handled first at dispatching & receiving end, otherwise treated the same by GPO as normal mail.

[page break]

Minute Sheet (first page in each file)
1. Conducting business between Stations.
2. Telephone message.
3. Decisions.

Treatment of Correspondence.
AP 837 Sect 3.

Central Registry deals with open correspondence, all secret & confidential correspondence is dealt with by an officer usually assist. adj., if correspondence too large for one person – secret registry.

All correspondence filed under subject headings
Three main types
1 Buff – open file } N.B. Ex
2 Green – confidential file } N.B. Ex
3 Pink – secret file } N.B. Ex

Decision to open new file is with officer I/C the section in branch concerned.

Upto 200 enclosures per file, earliest at bottom. Al attachments to letter are lettered alphabetically revelant [sic] to enclosure relating to them – 1A 1B – enclosures relating to letter 1.

Branch number method.

[deleted] Aft [/deleted] After prefix put number obtained by consulting (Sec 3) previously prepared code e.g.

ACOS / 105 / AIR if written ACOS / C105 / AIR – confidential in which 105 represents training policy
Then if the subject is regarding a special branch of this training a further reference is obtained e.g.
ACOS / 105 / [underlined] 1 [/underlined]/ AIR if secret ACOS / S105 / [underlined] 1 [/underlined] AIR (secret)

Files not in use kept in central registry. When is enclosure & put in particular file, file cover is ammended [sic], to show date of new addition, as follows:-

[example of addition to a file]

The above shows the record of a letter received at central Reg. 24/7 Sent by clerk (initials A.B.C.) to CNI. noted contents decided they related to duties of F/L Parker so crossed this his line of entry & readdressed it to Parker. B/F System

Jo [sic] a series of index cards of which there are 31 – one for each day of month. If today 24, clerk in cent. Reg. takes out card 24 [deleted] th [/deleted] & notes if any files required [underlined] P/A. [/underlined]

Put on file meaning put away usually when reaches maximum of 200 enclosures,

[page break]

To address letter for dispatch put comm. in envelope marked –


and send to Central Registry who’ll put it in larger outer envelope and sent by registered of D.R.L.S. If confidential same proceedure [sic] except that it may be sent by normal GPO mail.

AP837 Sec49 & AMO’s

Leave in privilege is not an entitlement
Personnel on flying duties 61 days per annum & 4 passes of 48 hrs is maximum.
All other personnel 28 days & 4 passes of 48 hrs
Leave year commences 15th August each year
Leave should be taken every three or six months & may not be carried on from one period to the next.
Officers may be granted upto 14 days COMPASSIONATE leave by A.O.C. over 14 days by permission of A.M.
For airmen & airwomen permission up to 4 days by station commander, over 14 days by A.OC.
Embarkation up to 14 days by C.O. [underlined] all ranks [/underlined]
Dis-embarkation varies from 14 – 28 days according to service overseas.
Sick leave only on ucomm. [sic] of medical board.

Spec. leave for taking of exams up to 28 days in connection with civilian career – counts against priv. leave.
Confinement leave also counts against priv. upto 10 days.

Adj. responsible that journeys prop. auth. & warrants prop. execut. Duty war. (green 1 only to be used by person. trans. on duty (F413)
Free warrants (while off green O.P.) allowed form per eyar [inserted] + 1 for sick leave [/inserted] Cannot get free warrant for 3 days or under.
If destin. Over five miles from station free bus warrant maybe issued.

Petrol (duty)
If trav. on duty & desire to travel by road form 1651 issued signed by M.T. officer & C.O. Should be carried as authority Petrol comp. issued on back of form. Mileage noted so that claim may be made & claim must be made within 2 months at 1 1/2 D per mile.

Petrol. place of duty – pace of residence
C.O. issues necc. cert & then apply to local petrol. controll. [sic] who issues enough plt. one jour. each way each working day. Not more than 700 miles per month. Not for cars cap. under 20 miles per fill.

[page break]

Leave. Petrol.

If obt. cert. from C.O. no other method of leave. or loss of time. for all leave over 24 [deleted] da [deleted] hours. 400 for ops types 200 for other person.


Organisation. Cert. conti. A.M. at groups, stations, have catering off.
Universal messing –same rations for off. as men. Off & Serg – mess may cook food as they please Airmen may only have food as per diet sheet.

[circled number] 1 [/circled number] RIK. Rations in kind from RASC
[circled number] 2 [/circled number] Comm bought at NAAFI
Messing roughly 1s/7 per day. New A.M.O. every four months gives ration entitlement. Small groups have spec allow. to make up for cut. [deleted] as [/deleted] for only small numbers.
Off. entitiled to 1 1/2 D less a day than airman. Whereas is issued to full 1/7 value has to pay back via accounts off. the odd 3 1/4 D.
6% paid back by NAAFI on all purchases as form of rebate

S. Ad. O.
Is app. by C.O. to be respon. for rations & messing he is also P.S.M.C. Pres. Stat. messing Comm.
St. Adj
Respon. for supp. to cater. off acc. returns of st. of each mess.
Acc. Off.
Deals with St. messing account & settles same with NAAFI etc.
To only man who may condemm [sic]. any dubious food.
Ord. Off.
Insp. rat. when issued. Sup. cutt. [sic] of meat. Sup distrib to mess & ch. woght. [sic] Att. airm. cook. homs. for complaints, cleanliness, & fairness of disturb. Cat. Off.
Respon. [inserted] to S. Ad. O. [/inserted] for airmans & airwomans messes, may never be made messing off. or off. mess com.
St. Mess Comm.
[deleted] Heading [/deleted] Headed by P.M.C. usually chief Wing C. Off. rep. from all mess. on ST. meet each week keep minute book which is sent with diet sheet to C.O. for approv.

[page break]


Know the men under you, but at same time do not make yourself ‘cheap’. Listen to their troubles, but have hem approach you this N.C.O. as laid down.

Directorate of Air Force Welfare at A.M. respon. to Director of Air Personnel. Duties affect Waaf & RAF at home & overseas. Air Commands Groups and Stations welfare delegated to S. Ad. O. On station usually have welfare committes [sic] usually with S. Ad. O. as president. Should be fully representative. Publications on Welfare – RAF guide to service, Comrades in Arms etc. should be issued to all newly commissioned officers – also RAF Journal & Target each month. Funds :- RAF. B.F. to relieve distress for service personnel or their dependants. All applications for relieve investigation by Sold. Sailor & Airmen’s Family Assoc. Usually app. first invest by padre. C.O.’s Benevolent Fund is a fund which may be used for granting loans, kept & audites [sic] as per non public fund. War service WSG Grants – available to any man or officer this being called up into services. Highest amount £3 per week, or emal [sic] grant - £10.

Legal advos [sic] or on every station sim. to poor mans [indecipherable word] – available to all ranks up to rank of sergeant. Solidiers Sailors & Airmen’s Help Socy [sic] for serving airmen airwomen. & A.C.O., dealing with their families S.S.A. Families Assoc. which works closely with RAFBF.

Royal Air Force Assoc sim. to Rit. Legion.

[underlined] Service Institute [/underlined]

Event. orig [sic] Naafi 12 officers – 3 from each service & 3 business men. Non profit yet turnover £25 million All profit – after all esp and make good loses – handed back to services. During war time pay back 6% to station based on turn over of NAAFI on station & is paid into P.S.I. which is expended on collective benefit of all air/men women on station. Usually managed by S. Ad. O. Pres. Station Insp. who must not be below rank of F/L.

[page break]

Words of Command.

Sqdn W/O Markers – markers number – No 1 stand fast Nos 2 – 3 left turn, 13 paces interval quick march, markers stand at ease. 12 Squadron on parade. Squadron attention – Rt Dress – Eyes front Stand at Ease. N.C.O.’s I/C flights call the roll. Squadron attention N.C.O. I/C flights. Squadron stand at ease. N.C.O. about turn rejoin your flight quick march Squadron Attention hands over Squad Comm

Squad Com Squadron stand at ease, Sqn Attention. Fall in flight comm. Flight com salute fall in & take over.

Flight Com Stand at ease

Squadron Pell off by flights

Flight Com answer A.B.C.

Squadron Com A & C Stand at Ease B. Stu! [sic] at ease. Squadron attention – hands over

Flight Comm bang [sic] on N.C.O. Stands flight at ease turns round & stands at ease.

[page break]

RAF Stn.

Creden hill

[ink drawing of squadron badge]



Herbert O'Hara, “Notes for officers course,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024,

Item Relations

This Item dcterms:relation Item: 28 aircrew officers